nun who hu over at detailed plans of at eraia ornur onilia You are thus home or the aged such as thlgslryinl to provide the ultimate in iabound to realiu most vividly what minor miracle then ltfllc tures oi stone and mortar actually are They taiie much time money no eitnrt to bring into hears lam sure you are all just lm pressed as Im with this thought xAIlolhlI thought which must rtia through the minds oi many Simcoe County residents today lséwhat big county indeed we hve here Sllncoe Caullly in 934493 new in site being flltb area oi all the counties ot0n latto and historically speaking one of the oldest having celebra ted ltd centenary in 1949 Sloicoe County through its County Coun cil has also one of the largest and most adequately represented county membership in Ontario and in all Canada lur that matter hlving st rnernhero iOne reason wily you will he thlrlking of Simcoe County as big county is hecause you alreain have Home iur the Aged at Breton which until recent times was adequate lor your needs Be cause oi the size and incrcaslnz population of your county It has been iountl necessary to make provision for lullth accommoda tion This is good thing be cause at the urgency ot the need It is good thing also because rvulny who will iind shelter in the 54 resident beds vidcd will be able to remain In familiar surroundings This is partly poss lale because oi the cooperation oi the Penetangiiospitai hoard tvho provided the site arid the nld hospital which has hccn so suitably renovated You have shown ioresight and excecflln good judgment in thus decentral it your taciiitles tor the aged simcoe County By so doing your home residents will be lnthc midst oI neighbors who wlll be in position to help and visit them understand that your authorities are taking good hard look at the possibility oi cstalr HAS OPENED nan llamas AND cows eloruluc ALTERATIONS nuniop so rs 31048 Doors west oI the Bank of Nova Scotia saprowdynrorduttoarhisrt marquislent errcvrd in swamps and angler Not sticky or greasy gt Plotettion tor to hours No vnpledtdalodcr wont horrn akin watch rirdpt oyaoiouet or strain clothing solid ma tvrnv titan Liquid or Stick 69¢ Spray $119 svaaerird Retoiihlru giving me to those elderly pco pie who require specialized attcn tlon This to not sectional at proach but one which recognizes the new and wishes of all citi acn of the county co and the attitude of the people im can County You have been able to do all this at cost Jolt under $5000 per bed which is in 800d pro portion to the eortr or other such institutions and rnuch cheaper than similar holpilal accommoda tion OI the present total estim ated cost at the bomHmoflZd the province through the Ontario Department of Public Welfare has already contributed some 371000 571731 or onehalf of its 50 per cent ahare of the capi tal Costa and will contribute the reminder as soon as the usual tonnalltles are concluded it Is always well remember because institutions like this do not run on good yviaher alone that the province will continue to pay so percent at the maintenance costs year in and year out now that this home is completed If may would like to make one iurther observation to Show how seriously the province is tak ing its responsibility In caring tor its senior citizens when the prol Vince has completed paying its 50 per cent share or the capital costs of this home it will not then have nor will it require any mortgage deed Dr entitlement to Ihls home Neither has it to any other such home which it has helped to ï¬nance throughout 0n tarlo We are satisï¬ed to leave the percentage of plder persoar In our midst is Increuirt There ia an even more marked increase in the percentage oi hue people who need bed can Tbli IL fact oi the future Accommoda tlon herehas accordingly been designed to meet these needs with hall of the resident beds be In for normal care and ball Ior bed care gt le mis hcunux do parler quciques paroles en FrancIs ammo revels parie quarto fetalicn reactant dem iero loin Jesuis persuade oull aura rm Caoadlerra rrsaeaia out moat contentI do deincurur lcl dam can qulfllcn lull Mteront Iain do cello unison IIIIB veritable nelson aclcs into being community enterprise not now attempt to day should after your behuli Its broadmlnded vision in plan have seen also to the genera workmen Involved BuLmast privilege of residing here At this time should say tho mentioned earlier the sreat time and ellorts that are required to bring one of these moticrn mlrv itiany people are of necessity involved in such shall enumerate them all but trust that their la hors have found satisfaction to however on congratulations to the Simcoc County Council for nine surha home here to Craig and Zeldler the architects for designing home unique and different Irom any at the many contractors Gr How Ltd to me the subcontractors and all the all want to congratulate the men and women who will have the Mui am correction Minibar Inur am at love and aynr Inl meat trand and into tor the many it rnl trtouted idemen and anllg We wish Io extend uncen reel iron in the may aindnesm in sugar or tore nnd ualt dmtandlnl and auntqu nori on ertnir irorn our ma nnrl neighbors rtcdnt iiinrra hurnnd and la lion oi arr inanlta and Victoria hrnrral liorn understanding clair oi oi Manley no siunr St latent tor their Im Jonpateu Ralph tuxerr Ibo rllltlvfl rtan and Harlan Kb drill beloved oita amid teen uana tor II can autumna one called IuIL and union3411 so mu areteam Jaymehnrllnv on the an In Toronto Benin and morgue aulcmuaoNur and ram thdny uareandod and law inda thank the hind rtehda owners burn or their natty or depression ll old floral Buicmbnnru It the tiara thrir merit oemvrarcnt or mflue ale Laum and or ital and the haunt ior Intlr kind halo and and to uary Church Moatlg nor rather nrt waiter Muir nhd in MP for development Simone bring the greetings of the Prim Minister at Ontario the Honorebl Leslie Frost who at Ill tithes given my Department the support it needed to help such as this My colleagues in this area George Johnston Centre and Lloyd Letheiby MP for Simcoo East would am rure also like to convey an thall behalf their host wishes for the future of this home and theywill aaalot wherever they can in its future now have the greatest of pleasure in declaring Georgian Manor oitielally opcn TWEGHTr roam irecNAMELuD TUBULAR FRAME GREEN oltltim CANVAS COVERlNGS Ht lith UTDOOR FURNITURE Licurwcldtir EASY TO CAitttY OR sronr low it Yellow lnstltutloni all this to the care of you good citizens of Simcoe County through your County Council Home Board Auxiliaries and other interested groups who will am sure guard and preserve it both for the pre sent and the tuture Your council and the depart ment recognize that Homes for the Aged are built to give special type or care People who are generally accepted or mainten ance comprise iour types In the Homes for the Aged Act mesa four types are classiï¬ed as foil ows Persons who are over the age of 60 years and incapable at supporting them selves or unable to care properly for themselves 12 Mentally incompetent and ineligible for committal to an in slitutlon under The Mental Hus pltals Act and who require care supervision and control for their protection and Over the age oi 60 years confined to bed but not requiring care in public hospital or hos pital inr lncurables or Under 80 years of age but hccausa or special circumstances cannot be accommodated else where We all readily agree that with the vast majority of elderly per sons the best type at care is ac commodation for them within the community Fortunately only small percentage oi persons seeks or needs the type or aceornnrada tinn these line homes make avail able to them We have taken positive step however in making large sums of money available to municipalities and private organ iu as giving assurance that those requiring these particular services will be accommodated tnrlo program cits involved the sum at 27 milliu of dollars with in the last seven or eight years with the province sharing onehall the co tradietron that Ontario has given Vince or state on this continenL assets of Simone County would add that it might sur prise you to know that this One can say without can the rnost generous leadership in this ï¬eld oi any jurisdiction pro Whllev it takes time to plan andbulld such home to per suade people that it is needed and to arrange for its ï¬nancing torlunately when once it is built it is good for generations to come Thus you should be proud to list this home as one of the priirie It will bejust as urgently needed in the future as it is new perhaps more so because as you are aware iiliiciiir 34 Buylield Si Cooling tooth wr hing Among the outstanding advantages of Canvas Awnings is the fact that they are useful and beautifuiat one and the some time Over windows or doorways porchcslor tier rates you enjoy cooling armor and protectioa with neighborly pride In the new bright colorful Right now is the time to install Canvas Awnings telephone call brings you acts and estimates without obligation Barrie Tent 8t Arming Co Phone Ill 66437 5T lilLV THE ruai sAvio Molt TiiAN PAYS FOR THE CLEANING C051 lionm Ivar his so it in armnu and other madmanr line won oooi ï¬ling road olreclr contract moitend in any APTHORIZVEDVKDIBTRJBUIOE if Thomas Electrical Supplies Ltd Vietorla St atAnne Telephone enssass unison tiuaicouiokl PER litlllllll null Alli oliiiit AlliliOlllilllOIiElt Folds cdslly winter stordge log 195 VALUE Wondertul iur home or at the cottage The smart Ivyw lzllt canvas covers are waterproof firmly attached to the irame Will Ive years at service rodein special MOMENT gives you new interior design tool Green and Glacier Green highlight ed with anodized gold aluml trim many outstanding featuresr with your Clats it Waraahie Sealed nit Tradeln COVERS here is urnlreailning iolding chair ideal lofllltflt home yet so handy to carry with you to the beach or cottage raids compactly for carrying or stor Strongly made highly polishEd tubular alumin uni trume Designed with kidney strap tor extra back support real buy at this Very low price AI alienation or cu It JUST THINK ABOUT IT FOR retrlgeiator that lull 10 cubic eel oi storage capacity yet is actually priced no higher than most com parable and cubic not models newly designed to require no more tlnor space than former and cublc lant models Brand The Full Width Freezer with over 40 lbs capacity the 16 lb capacity Glasx Covered Meal Cheat and Ra pid Chiller are lust two the HI This durable lightweight 125 lbs vacuum has litetimeeunstructed ail steel body mounted on easyroiling swivel casters Has VlnyI Plastic ur niture protector and all the at Iachments you need tor cleaning The base mounted In hp ACDC MOTOR is the same motor found on vacuum cleaners that sell forStDtMlD and more ING tow illicit poring nanlo ro con wrru you Evenkuanei IVORY TUIIQUOISE tterco eoafAfltiLE itAoio low priced portable with hdndle tconeaaicd when you set he radio dawn makesit so take this portable with and AND éomncr at incues Loud