ll II or 01in dorie guest shineIron 15 MIAJade Eldrldle me Knsun wedding nunnu Barnum hula School leuhlnl sun Talmud Torah on Sunday June Tomomplms an spendan mosl 13 her umxncr vmllonwilh her Eldridge mom vlsI Mu Jcrry noon our Hula Robert Eldrldg ilnr Willi hi brother Lloyd Eid ridge inTaronluT Plrnle Guuu Dr ang Mn may Ludhy Mrs CMonkmlll Mrs Don old Monknun and chlldnn Ind Mr Ind Mrs Kidd flabby Imi Brian McLean were guests sLlhe Kidd rennlan Breton nn Sllv urdny July leueung vulan Rev IndMrs AJl Lewis Penelnnzulnhene Aware Nikita few dny will lhnlr sonlnlsw and daughter Mr and Mrs George whyle TorNew York Mr Mrs Rod Gullukhs lerinlsw Mr and um Mord hey will spend several months visiting From lnronln Mrs Wam ToronlnIs vlslllnfl her slsur Mrs George Hayes and Mrl Mayes meBIrIIO Mrs Pal Tralnor Billy and clyn ol Harrie are spendlng Lew dnys Wilh Ml Ind barl rahnnr Slim Saulwind Imus le inn $600 Iiilisp rm ernoN nmmmu Phone PA 34640 Gallouzhor to New Yurkwhln Mr and In Pol anrttlghr mm Brlls Anderson of Allister wum hoo ored tum Ii shower len It ihtflimmo of III and In Flldey in mum num pl mnelghnou ulled Ind sumrlud Huh hsrmngh lnom the vtellï¬wflui lawn ml son mu pméoged Marlo with tub lamp hunch Ind lubls linen Mull unread ed rolrunmenu uoiul mm The yacnlgnsl $chéol sumo Mandi nunhm 01 3min her lhsnh And Mrs Ffldaym accompznled lholr son IntoHz day sandy manta Mr and alum mu Sonorobsrg war snarl vuan st Lhu Russell Nursing 110mm WA or alumnae chumn hold Lhelr murmur medlnpmd picnicat the louly mum homo Di Mr and Mrs Paul Slain an Woman 30 bers Mrs mamurgan pmhienl npéned rneollnl sndcondueb edn short usnsspgrio¢li Mrs GeorgeFads end iniaruflnl afllcls mijlhll tum Followlnz the business games Mrs Jnrncs ï¬eld and llrnlly no sunsonmu warmrnjoysdfwllh Vprlzes Elven unda lovely luoch WI served by the hostess Mu Mum and her conrmlllee around nbles on in lnwn FicldDly gt A1001 crowd ollendod the IiEid sy immoral the Milan eld sNheurleullnre munds on Maudy July Durlngrihe ur érnoon childrens rness were held Bauhull guneswerq en joyed vvllh six mm onlerlnx the Inuruymbrn Cumplorden Elm vnle Bmle ndlard 4i and Cookan hurorn bslnl vlelt lnrlousElmvale second and limb fordlhlrdl flhe lucky dnwwenl la an eleculcvlroner Aurora 2nd lamp nlhlcen Biker 3rd all r9 RowelLServiceSla lams and sun HARQUEITA ELTON Brynn old blondc buuly nu been cho unquun at the 1951 many shmpede whlcn runs from July 811 she wnchosenover olher condldn 1mm curq LEFROY Toronto vlmm Mr IndMrs Smith mu wee douihleq Debora of Toronlo have been visiting wllh Mrs Su snn Paul Birth Dlnxllllr Cnngralulullan to Mix Ind Mrs Locke Jack on IE blrlh dlughler ln um Norlh Weslern llbspllol Toronto Sulurrlay July Summer at Elsie Luke Arlhur Jack is sending the sum mer al Emu Luke Holllnirlon New York llolldsy away on vncnllon vislllng wllh the farmers sister In New York Toronto Visitors Miss Madge Ardlil Taronln has been vlslling with Mr and Mrs Harry Sleworl Summer at Counge Mrsl Wllllnm Sheldon Ind rhll dren sre spending the summer oi Ihelr collage at Clear Lake Week It Home Miss Shelln Ruive nI Toronto 15 spending weeks vneallon at her home hure Few Week In Toronto Mrsl William Noblels spendan few weeks ln Toronlo fruit and ice cream were glven luv 12 children at 112 end All llle day good thinga llere onthis page are sevenof those good things just to atart with You can actually ï¬nd them by the scoreall the big features of the bestselling 57 Chevrolet And every one of them is another clear convincing reason whyChevroIel is llh mm mu so far ahead or all other cars mvalue Mum mm minnows zu 11 llonulllahwlrlnl Chmols mm hiuhmmpnnlnnwï¬ HnVlfs In any cum curkjey Sf swan 07 smmflnpouuam In qu sums qlonu can my Mp vowmum mum cum um mamv mmcu nlm Mummy pron cl pub um Wk rflWW ne humle usurious flaw ud inllriqu would mom rANEl dquumnna Pun pl kuuw lonrumnu hm 4me my Mu uu mamaMm wuvhrhail mung you ma nun away man man alnml llh pawl mungr wmluuuué rump rmqnmmrrm ourwmmmcu on orgasms WE HE vs we ARE IN AN EPA or suonr crier MID mar MONEV