Playgrounds mg Role ennui mono ilJLY 111951 Burrlé liss cightpln In operation this summer eoeh stall and assistants mor vacationmnmmrtï¬r playgrounds As more and re housesnnd cameramm hum lng arens become em it nonhumanM mom spore to beansadl Wallis as We eelElias cdvanmgeqMpoM sum in that twosomeup whome stersoreuï¬ldï¬ than they am There locum tlon of the mm that this is mm children gt This is trueoo degreegbunmodornoh lllzhtlon hocbeen routed loco Mom Bunndnlmiuobl own inn gt In crowdmcommlmlty the best place for the toddlers and belowteen age kiddies to huvé run Is the playground The super visors are of one sheet type carefully selected for their nbillly whet along with children and to keep large groups oi chem floppy mile playground today has vital role In community life Ed itorial Notes What harm can be donewhat tragedy eon result because something has been letl undone At Kuntsyille log boom was swept away in storm and not replaced some days later beiorc shooting party were swept over the unguarded than with four being drowned At croighursc railway crossing flashers were authorized some time ago and the equipment was aimed in arched but not Installed noo bemrolthree man died on rolling to notice the old Wooden worming crisscrosssigns Each year some Ohhario community oh serves Its cemennlall Olllrviile has just com pleted its mdthblrthduy celebration Beards are tnrrlilim sight now in Bradford and Owen sounds with these communities gec ting ready for big parties over the civic hol iday weekend Prime Minister Dielénbaker sliys he will name five new cabinet ministers in the nextrtwo Weeks In connection with the portfolio otheolth and welfare two well qualified men have been mentioned One Is Dr Byuard Olillla surgeon who was elected in Simone East on June l0 and the other is native of BarrieDr Percy Vivian who was elecbed In Durham County and formerly heldthe healthportiolinin the Onmrlo government beforenceeptlng position with the faculty of medlqlne at McGill Unlvemity And what about Hon Eurl Rowe of DuflerinSlmcoe or minister of agriculture Opinions of Others Grocery Store Beer Sound SunTlrhcs Despite some quite deï¬nite oi as ncred pled ges by Premier Frostall othe members of his Governmentihaibeer wouldjnol he sold in Ontario grocery stores appenrs than Queens ParkV in ignore the act my ro ry stores are now selling lighL beer Mr Fructa government has idoptedthe dtude ihai as alcoholic Icontént the beer is help 4i per cent which the OnlacichinuorAct delineSos conclusively inloxiaatlng they are tharaiorunnt inleresicd The product is being sold as bee And there can be little doubt but not it introduc tion is but alhin edge of lhe sponsor nagllnib alien to achieve the purpose lis ekistence the bringing about of the sale oi full strength beer in grocery stores drink will be generally ucceptod by beer drinkers It will serve purposa ln introducing young people to this type oi drink Thumic annust hit by thafbeerl wiilbo the manullciurcrs of shit drinks inlrodufllonnl this importednear lieu with the great deal at publicin which has attended duction will no douhtrcut dow on salt drink alos time oer VPth minedMonday Wedlneséoy Friday mm It Alrlu Wilson Building Pastottch Squlre TilE EQHRIEEFAMINSE Even though it Is unllkpiy llllt such wear whoa iha Industrrhu lanolinr ml n0 worthwhile in so unenli In lic productl ml lodlcillon mud ml and hii cib dating louc who public ieellng In giving waan his more mp1 Ibcschouldv ml for Inst councils tlndinlnkflni ye Modulir1 and dun such can weikbejll can nWlhrmm In hrexnrnpibflilo We cleans gt improper mm in Bmign pom at no unsub haw amnion by an unnamnd informI mum mm the doom ho distinguished Can adilh lint mrunmminbe political Math it upolnl mu tame In the Alum mu ciace scrutiny oi pob Ice attain comes manna less on than lilo American Supreme courli in rurp tum ufi legal event the noun memo the FBI could pull proceed with the espionage charges urinal rugged cominunlsts unico thex ï¬rst turned over to de lencecounsobtileir secret ï¬les In pniercnce to doing this the FBI is quietly dropping number ob such oases Acluuuy mam mun lime in in on the good From tbovpolni of view of national securily we do not believe ihat police acilnn in Canada Ihrulilhr lllo special brunch at the RCMP or III IlIEShiBS through tho Hill has none too for We say lhis in full knowledge that while surveillance is going on all ilIctlflllno insLInces have been aired of caseln which dloect lllEYIEflllcE with private citizens hasoocurzed due i0lllell political builds Wc will not the RCMP the privilege oi watching and stu yl Lbnlnoi of direct interior encel when Professor bower 910510 the Non man use hlnmcsille RCMPfnr releasing rum on HE might helllr lay ï¬leblaml on the desk of tile responsible mlnlsler whose department sunn iionedlhe release not the criticisms themselves oi police Imus both in Canada and the Slates are not bad thing This would he npoordemocracy indeed II we couldnt critlaize or inspch ibsinuerwolkings Illevery branch of government liment Trade Relations Oshawa Timeecmtle sentiment has no place It wouidlappenr in Com monweulih trade relhtinns Thai is Ihe conclusion or NewZeaiIndtrade mission which has lust re lurhed emptyrhsndcd irom London England It Included number of pmmincnt furmars who soughtin expand exports of New Zesland farm pro ductslo the British market They found ihe Brl tisll am his cold and onrecepijve They also iound that the supposed preferential market in Bruhinfor lbe producis of Commonwealth coun tries very largely fiction This is of great interest ioCanadil and pnucu Iariylo tile farmersoi Ihis counlry who are no dsvilied hy surpluses for which there are no large markets ill lie first public statement alter he dulled Britain 10 nltend ihe Commonwealth Prime liiinislers conference Mr Dieienbuker stressed the great necessity Ind iile value oi claim and grcsbertrade dealings between the commonwealth counhles He indicated that this mailer ol vital importance to Canada It is doubtleslI ninjas osfgreotlmportsnce to other countries notably New Zeaiarld iii proposalY than Commonwealth trade Inferencehe held and his invitation that heldJu allows is tfloreinre likon to receive considerable support fro otherpllm of the Com monwealth There nnada growing Keeling and Dieicnba has expressed it that there is with the commoniveullh great field for great cctzada for the utualrbonelih oi all us component countrie The concern over the growing enorm ous unfavorable balance nICsnadls lrado with ihquniledStctes constitutes majurvhody of pillillc suppori Dr Dioicnbskers ideas flint Commonwealth trade shoului be expanded liihe commonwealth tirade coplarence lsheid it should be anlmstcd hy spirit of makinm the Commodivgifll work no air economic unit ior tho beneiii of all its members There can he no hope olblas lllg our wy himBritish morketswhlch waciheqanadlnn lino mlnisters slogan at one prevlous conferul hilt thorn is room for large measure agree on tileDisinnbnkelr propos uls for enlargement ct Commonwealth trade rein tons Néwsm Ontario Clllldi Inalurll tesulrplumnelnmoo long in you Minions July $961 To The Ediinr ibc Barrie Examiner Sir We weuvual much alarm over rid Wain Ml ilorill entitled The Disappear Ina Farmer carried In your Juno Z8 edition ll VIII Indeed suc priling to Hamlinde dining In thinking of this kind an ill Iron page at paper designed In curve the but internals of both urban and rural ploph Editorials of thisinniure show complete lock on knowledge oil the arm problem and lite pocket depression into which agriculture has fallen Moreover edlioriais of this kind do untold harm to tho good public reintinnn wILh urban folk that army orgalumina Midi hundreds of dollars to achieve each year From personal experience and study may we say lint the innu ers problems are not imaginary lhey are not just plain grouslng and they are not intended for the cars of politicians They are real sll ion real and they are lnlIndod for the ears olsulesnen and all illose wonderful citizens who are Interested in nvfllr doll for Ill For moment let us look at iew oi these problems The farm er linds himseil Ii member of All Industry which lost 400 000 workers during the past ll year period 19461956 and has thousands at other workers deriv ing large percentage of their income away from me form An Industry which buyson markets highly protected by he liis yet compeles with world prices when sellinggoods An industry whose sun pluses are largely caused by dumping or other countries and loss at world markets An industry trying to meet revolution within Itself without suiiicicnt credit available to meet Any Barrleglrls with dreams of starring on Broadway would be interested in the Rehearsal Cluhnn Wesl 58rd Street request for subscription was in my mail morning Says llle request The Rehearsal Club of New York founded in 19l3 as nonprom organization provides home for courageous women who come to New York inlent on stage career Some oi them will see their dreams come true among the bright llghis of Broad way but many must face ullirn ate disappointment Before the final verdict most at Ihem to live through long days of rus trzlion heartache and in some cases even actual want For Imum charge these young women live oi the Rehehrs ul Club where each day two well balanced meals are plunned for them hyra trained dietitian Since gocd appearance is essential for auditions 43nd irygtolli5 ille club maintains wardrobe clntllés donated by friends from which the girls can buy what they need at very low cost But the must lmporlanbsorviee of all Is not Material one it is the friendship and understanding that are always available to any girl within our brownstone house The record shows that this moiii Dist elivo Service Economy Al Our services sre designed Land pricod to Insetevery need no innnc ituation hut highest sin nrds are ai 1me more or the reeling shun nun billion home must soil will country to lllliiL NAn Industry which dump it produce ll tile processors door Ind taller who they Wish lo give him for it BlAn anduslry which sells uholne steers at 18 cents per pound while retailers qunlo steaks or one An industry whose not in come dropped as muchus 48 over live your polled while Lhe lulue of LheCnnadisn dollar de Ncinied and the prices of scr vices homust buy soared Realizing that his industry is loopnrdited and that the pm Bu blems new agriculture Iro mak lnl lhenuolvol fell In urban cenA ices the banner ls lryiol lo make his voice heard asking for doles nor seeking sym pulhy for his past mistakes liinrc over and conirnry In your cdiior lai he is nnl ungrateful for nor unmimliui oi the many blessings which farm liie affords willing to work hard long hours or these things if in is also given ialr return for lhelprnduce he He knows that the achievement oi In cultlent econ omic family farm unit with good morkeling boards and III prices involve action by govern farmers farm organiza iinns and businessjll general Incloslng may we ask that your paper will Lry Io underslhnd and supgnri our problems and tkai will encourage Prime Minisier Diefcrlhakcrarld the leaders of our stitule and have the courage to carry out measures whichwiilbring justice not only in the agricultural industry but to all segments of our population menlS Yours Iruly iiiE DIRECTORS or SIMCOE COUNTv onANcII ONTARIO WFARMERS UNION suppurl muyvsmooill the rough rpud to success and also oilen helps lo lessen the bitterness of those disappointment fall So quotes or ihe the building is completed quite onvcnlinnal as He is ndi He is who Rehearsal Club and ii sounds and is und erstand apreily wonderiul idea The Canadian building on Filth Avenue next lo 51 Thomas cp lsmpzllsnhhumh isvstiii only steel skeleton Offices are already being rented however ondwiii be no doubt all taken well heiore TheHouse ofSeng on verticaiglrders on the outside Want Old Post Office in Good Use Shanly July ml To Tho Editor The Barrie Exlmlner Sirin regard in puns or ill old posl oiliee the Crown Hill branch oi he Womens inititulc would like In see part ol ll coll vcrlcd In rest room or Die convenience oi lhe town and country people Also part of lhe money Vc Ilecled from parking meters in used for the upkeep of it Yours truly nus ACONLEY Branch wl gt 0n lilelr inner Ilunges curlnln hr hronzc sheeting provides IhK uulcr wall Worlhy of nail while we are all he subiccl ui buildings al though II is hill of Canadian Is sociatlun is lile Levcrbulldlng This snap empire at Lord Lever hulms is ii Brilish Common weailh company anyway The building is just lillie miller up on Park Avenue on illu oppos ilc side lo the Scogram building The chcr building was complel cd In Inez and always reminds me of house it grccn gloss cards ll looks as Ir good wind would blow down us it seems In be built on plum like welcome In inok around and It Is well wnrill look from ill uulsldc ill lcasl Ii is always surprising to me how many New Yorkers meet who when lnlll Unit um from announce that llley know me iown wcll It isl SHDPDSC not psriicuiariy rcmarksble when one realizes Illllt drive up lo the Muskoko lakes mllsl be rclA aliver commonpines hunt for sllmmhr vucnllan from New York Even so Ills mosl pleasant to ind lllul ones own small anII has perhaps wider rcpulnllnn lllall may be realized incidentally there nremany stores thnLaccepi Canadian dol lars in New Yorkundglve llle correct discounl loo One to be speciï¬c is Sterns on 52nd Slrccl some much like psons it may be worth knowing it you are haughlxheruwuh hit your Us dollars spenl and ctvslill have Canadian tnnney lmpullunt point unit should be known pcrllll and hat is lhnl neither Canadian lament nor quarters will get ynlrthc dial tone in New York pay Phone 2PC SET sizes in ii Cnilanlvllu Pedal Pushers in choice oi red turquoise or navy wilh print culls Handy litlic pockets Value right SBL 198 ZELLEES LilliITIcD so Dunlap sue PA $2439 swampiond dwelling Visitors are here is one Tomato nn Iceland visitors will Iir mom um Beard liens In lux Beard inn recent viilinn with In and In innnico Iiiddlelbn ol Skoud wailmuslin villaMr Ina Mn Orville Anointing wan Ir help the community and Mn Georg Plectand Ill cantonnlaL Andrew hourIi and haul 5qu as mm and illnine nicarArmstmog nl Coidwnur ouuuussr Ilia Sharon malts clinicu on holiday with can Did Snead Boeing Friend Ills Harry itiller of Caynhogn and Inth Pdrhr oi in neighborhood ATWQOD CP Mundu loom Di Aiwooda oldest not dent Ind momI SmithL on on It yauolut were on hand in cicbrale its Sccyircn Crown lliil FIRST cumin UNION SERVICES SUNDAY JULY 14 1957 in FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clappemu AI Wonley SI Sunday School 950 Inn Worship Services At inn and lun Guest Preacher DEAN BRISTOL MA 30 STM nlh Crour Theological Seminary Minlsier Cilutcr on ViSilORS WELCOME gt 51 GILES MISSIoN Anglican 95 Cock 51 930 IInMnrnlnl Prayer Sermon THE REVJOHN RIDDEL 22 IIIE 1193 TEMPLE ll Collier BL Barrio nALL AREWF COME TRINITY CHURCH Angiiuo 2i Collier Si CANON new Rector Choirmlstress Organlsi lililS cousins Oriiiia TRINITY Iv 800 lamHoly Communion 930 ohmMorning Prayer and Sermon ILou rumMorning Prayer ilnil Sermon Rev Geo Sherrlng YOU AND YOURSELF lllIJ pmEvensong Sennon Conducted by the Young People Sermon Mil PDPPLEION WHYICIIURCIIT Control ilnlied dhuran Collier St United Church collie SI Ilulieil nsv LEWIS IIA 30 in charge nemesis slumy seacol SUNDAY JULY 14 1957 OF AMERICA 11 lm NED HERV KERK CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MINISTER um liev Fnlkenburg at ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cnrner Elisa Rd St BurtiniAve MR CHURCHILL Organist Ceillinl UnIIed Choir SUNDAY JULY 11 195 MORNING SERVICE 11 am Broadcast CKBI MINI Grocers Annilun Clinton Aliaodalo MW Rev Newlonflnlllh IA Omnnlll MRS SHAW ATOM choirleadcr Mrs Emelile MILHOLY COMMUNION ll rumMORNING PRAYER EVERYONE WELCOME CHRISTIE SCENE KEFORMEDCHURCH Every Sunday 230 pm or You are invited to come and as sing these words THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL lid Goliler Slreet Major and Mrs Crown SUNDAY JULY 14 mi allsiactlon roc ibirsty soul pmTheeverprescnt God will sing the wondrous story or Illa Chrlst who died or me How He in His home in Glalyi For the Cross on Calvary vices nu suï¬ilnl IeANTico lro etANI 15A Imus ocular PA 24Iu wags assured Aiilllutln with1n mtlon nLOrgaaliallnnsennbleus to serve promptly at nearby or dinlnntipiuoo 1545 nlrl 1mm clrom MII rchm Symphonic ADEQuATr PARKING FACIUTIES All Ill has CORNER Bench aimcriminal cannot inns sINnINn Miss Elizabeth Mmband Mr Me 1945195 mhr ll mmpBlILIGION chime19mm oil Chrintinninx