ts AND MRSIFEED McF cd their golden wedding dinner held in their honor in Stayner Community Cen the evening wasattendcd by 65 guests Manrlane and his bride oi 50 years ago the former el Wynes were married at nlston Methodist circuit iey have three children es Olive oi Toronto and Jack at Montreal and nine ldnhlldren 1e WA at Centennial Uo tlle dinncrï¬ nhn Mk Couhons Hill was the setting or themarrlageoiulu Katha urine Ernestine Kirkupdluhier lur rid an Robert Dough Kirkup oi Gilldrd to Robertstan ley Blah con oiMn Blah and the late James Blah at Toronto Inev Cluclarnoo Tim nto oiiiclated at the ceremony and wedding music was played by Miss Margaret Knle oi Toronto who also accompanied the soloist Mn McLarnolL Given ln marrllgc by month or the bride was wearlm prin ecsse style gown oi while pundc solcnnd Alencon lace crown oi lace held her ï¬ngertip veil Favnm ARLANE RR stayner cele annlvcrsary on Saturday July Edgar by the Rev Franck Howard oi Stinyner Mrs Eric lied Church Staynei entered Jed£9 eVlarfid gecomed PL Pauls Anglican Church on Saturday July sixth eilloon for the wedding of ghter or Mr and Mrs Edward Leslie Harris at Mount Forest to Bruce Yeomans son at Mr Owen Sound Rev Sut ring ceremony Pennies and orange hlossoma decorated the altar and church and nosegays marked the guest pews During the service Mrs lion Coxali oiBarrie sang Wed ding Prayer and Wedding Hymn accompanied by Mrs Smith tlonal white gown chantllly lace over nylon tulle and satin The fitted bodice was styled with tap sleeves and scalloped neck line and lace peplum eiicct over the snitly gathered skirt flowed into chapel train An Edward ian cup held her shoulder veil She wore lace mittens and carried cascade oistephanotls and pink sweetheart roses The matron of honor lilrs Bud Fisher of Kcswick sister oi the bride and the bridesmaids Miss Betty MeDougali of Mount Forest and Miss Connie Aiken of Allen ford were gowned alike in hour iant dresses of aquamarine nylon sheer over net and tafleta ashs loned with bodices of white eye let and pleated sashes tailing into iloatlng hack streamers to the hemline They Wore malching feather head bandeaux and car ried baskets or white and hide Shasta mums MissRuth Ann Epoch niece of the groom Was flower girl She was dressed in pink taffeta and net and carried miniature has ket oi stepbanotis and fern grooms brother James contains at Prescott groom race gamutid at Mount Forest was the set 1951 at three oclock in the Miss Lesley Evelyn Harris dau and Mrs Charles Yeomans or herst officiated at the double man and the shers worn Edgar Wood 01 na llton and rraok Epoch oi Keniiworut reception iollowcd in the iOOF Hall where the brides at the organ Given in marriage by her rather the bride wore tradi mbther received in pink etchEd chlilon dress complemented with white accessories and corsage oi pink and white Carnations The grooms mother who assisted wore caramel linen dress with matching coat while accessories and eorsugc of pink Carnations non Coxall or Barrie proposed the toast to the hride For her wedding trip the pride chose twtrpiece ensemble coffee colored corded silk with while accessories and colsage of yellow baby murns Outobitnvn guests were irom and the was carrying cascade bouquet oi white roses The maid oi honor mu Jean Knecshaw was In turquoise hluo silk orgnu over toilet and the bridesmaids Miss Ruth DfYSdflc cousin oi thchrlde and Miss Carolyn Klrkup and Miss Shirley ltlrkup sisters oi the bride were ow silk or eta Their niudenxth gown tyied 1nd they were lirg nulehinr pictureth and carried initiator is yellow ehrysaothemulnx Gordon Rolla at Toronto des oi moutho and the ushers mere Ysclr VKlrlup bride William Blob 01 Toronto brother or the groom Ind George Jackton of Toronto brother the Receiving the guests at the re ccptton It Rlvcrvlcw Ion tho nio lller oi the bride was wearing powderblue lace dress with damage oi red roses The grooms mother assisting was in blue printed silk and was wearing cnmge oi pink roses Ailnr wedding trip to New York City Mr and Blnkt will be making their home In To rnnto The bride la graduate oi Tor onto Western Hospital School at Nursing and the aroom who at lendcd the Ontario College oi Art is with coo television Grade Eight students numbers ing as possibly the largest class ever to graduste ironl an element ary school in Barrie were the principals in coloriui gradua tlon ceremony at Hillcmt School oi the end oi the school term Rev John Hunter oi Trinity United Church Collingwuodlo the main nddren oi the evening made an impressive Ippenl to tho students to keep always in their minds the broader Implications oi lhelr actions Everything we do whether we wish it or not exerts an over broadening eltcct and influence in the lives at those who melln the most to us They nhllc all our experiences the speaker explained His nddress was re plcie with apt illustrations Ind visibly impressed his audience MooLatcn vicechairman oi the public school board opened thcprogram with greetings and congratulations to the graduates This was inllowcd with the pre sedialion oi graduation tortil icaies by the Grade Eight Canto ers Miss Nora Deltuft Ross Caldwell and Mrs Muriel Lamb Generoi proï¬ciency awards shield and individual medaliinni the gilt of thc Hillcrest Home and School Association were pre sented by the president Herman Tomlinson to this years head boy Brian Cook and head girl Ulle Lentsius who responded with briei valedlctorles The program concluded with two choral selectionshy the en tire group oi graduates Ode to day by Beethoven and Speed on Our Country by Keller chairman tor the proceedings Following reception in which the graduates presented their guests to the patrons Mr and Mrs MscLaren and Mr and Mrs romiinsnn and to their teachers the students of both Grade and Grade shared in an hour oi dancing followed by retreshments The relreshments along with heautiiul ilorllideeoratlons 0n the platiorm and corssges and bou all provided by eolnmlttee tit Kcnllworth Keswick Owen Sound Stratiard PrescnltpToron to Welland and Windsor Arthur Barrie Fergus nsmiitdn oomjorncw oekcomillljslln ome nnd auveatthiamut wall per said Many designs and colours to chooso iroln iordvery in early ion peak relietloni RV Principai William Bell was tonnicres tor the graduates wcre The bride and sworn will be making theirltomc at Elliot Lake Hillcresls 85 Graduates Largest Elementary School Class in Barries History Grade mothers The committee was comprised at Mrs Sic phensun conventr Mrs Cameron cocnnvcner liin Steele Mrs Crown Mrs MncKenzle Mrs Smith and Mrs Gable The list at graduates follows Girls Vaida AhollnS Eve Ban nctt Patrlcla Ber Sharron Black loyco Bowles Beatrice Chlpilcl Marlene Chlrette Dor een Coulis Wendy Craig Denim Dickey Rosie DulkcrBetty Fur row Eileen Gocrk Jacqueline Gore Dianne Hagan Joyce Hicks Frances Humphrey Katie Jones Carol Kinsella Edna Lament Barbara Llwt Ulle Lent WEDDING OF WDE INTERETWOKplEee in Llswwei when Miss Jean Louise Horton ddughter at Mr and Mrs Lloyd Horton oi Listowel was marriedto William Sandy Me Millan son at Mr and Mrs Hugh McMillanIot stroudAtter their home in Peterhorough wedding trip to Northern Ontario the couple will be making ma Luck Dionne MacDonald hiarlc hilllar Sondra Murphy aonnlc hchce Joyce Nottlcton carnl Newton carol Ncy lmyle Norrls Evclyn Gorey Anne Pat lersnn Elaine Pearce Pamela Ruhery Patrletl Scott Victoria Smith Sandra Spring Diane Trop lnan Barbara Varcoe Sondra West Brenda Wetticott Barbara Williams Elenure Woods Boys Marshall Aikcns Laurie Barron DavidBell Arthur Canto bell Robert Cumphell Wayne Clark David Clover Brian Cook Kenneth Dempstcr Willlam Dempster Edward Lloyd Givens Jamcs Goerk Thomas Hamilton John Hughes David Jeffery Leslie Jollifle William Kennedy Benjamin Kup Lapsley Larry Lcnnnx Victor Lindsay Alfred Lloyd David NEW SHAPESL leSWlMMINGI Come on lri the waters line Vesl Evan elina has whole raft of swimsui by Catalina make ou the rnost beautl uljorrn in any waters and the II do such beautllult ings tor glowmg vacation tans tool Why Its Catalinas new approach to line and colour in bright cottons lastex tallies nylon knits all wonderful new looks by one of the masters In the field at figure magic You can easily splash together whole new different collection of your own at these all means see them tomorrow SIZES 3238 399551795 most modest prices By lo one piece formfit shealh in sanitized lasiex laille with pearl trim bodice Splashed in jet black or Copen hagcnhiue Sizes aux $1195 one pisoeronnht sheath in sounded lasiex faillc with printbow and inserted band at empire line Coloured in jet black or luggage tan5izes 34716 $995 elasticized princess cotton knit sheath Sanitiud Shaded stripes oi brown The BA melon bluc onsmy $14 95 Elllouon ers William Lainson Alexander the enemies LockeJohn Meyer Gary Mclt LEIinlng James Mcllllrtln Mlch acl Ogden David Pcngeily John Pengelly hrlan Famirct Peter Rouimnberg Bruce Smith Dougr ins Thorog Ronald Turner Wayne Ward Kenneth Whitman Dcnnls Willer Rodger Wilso ltiohard Yates NEVYYSTEM auanltav ca This mu lcipality at condominiums Vin couver in adopted the munieip airmanager iorrn oi government musicll FAMILY gt leNISFAlL ALTA or Remember thcdray tag that used to hang rain It harness oithe trusty horsednwlng the druy Bob McNeig ultlvatlng gara den her turncdvup one datcd ma Allies1 anneal evAuestjiueNowl You seen THEM one run this Colilcld hepgitr you salutes tint arr ound on only higher priced marhines TIIEANP vnecssseo seamen zone rhc sediment zone is located woll below the gyraior caplurns heavy soil as It slides down the bowl shaped tub keeps it ram being moved brick Into the wash water Coliieltis exclusive do sign gyrator wiiholisct wings coupled with the Bowl Bottom Tub moves clothes In top to bottom to centre lo Ihe side and up to the top motion THERE is NO OTHER WASHING ACTION LIKE ll an action that cannot be duplicated with list hoitom tuh SEE THIS WASHING ACTION IJEMONSTRATED ANYTIME IN OUR STORE AUIQMAIIC pump unproven empties tub in in seconds Thc gleaming white HiBake eriornelr finish is highlightedwiih gleaming chrome and smart col or trim designed to bring you pride of bwnership llatlo oi cast steel tor rigid strength tii mlssionheoausc the speed irom themotor is reduced by means at pulleys and belts zill gears run slower wear longer gt Mm Jim juntami our tuh hitsiii GUARANTEE against iye manship or material ntro postoi new tom eliminates water leaks caslerstor ca ier moving lwuuv Factory Rebuilding Guam antes itthc coin lete nia Fullvllt ltp ruhhcr manna