Hull 43 wms NOTEiTHE exrnA What splendld opportunlty to rcdecorate your home or sum LARGE SIZE 45 x72 the cottage Mndows Included In thls clearance on Burl plothleand Screen Prlan ln Abstract and Floral deslgns shop The extra large size ls real early torthe best selectlun leaturcol tllcse colorful Low elsl Buy several lor the beach und shower room use JASYVCAVRJE SUMMER FHSHIQHS SIZES 10 TOIBVi gajmnpm For hot weather comfort choosconc or two at these lovely cottons mlnlmum care neededto keep them fresh many are wash hang and wear fabrlcs requlrlng llttle or gt WQNDEFEUL WASHABLE no lronlngl Fabrlcs lnclude Prlntcd Ever gt NYLON AND RAYON glaze glama crepe woven glnghams and wrlnkle reslst prlnted strllies These are all regular fabrics Iromour stockreduced OWLE ED SIZE for dulck clearance Notlce the ualprlces and buy Very linlll In weight but wurnl and cozy tar chllly today and save at the low sole price For dresses my 5m bound in sklrts and blousesr Enlarge your sonlmer wardrobe cnlors 01 pink yellow blue and flame ultra ractlorl at the us BASEMENT uaasn AstDAISY gt MISSES Fonyouusnwluu eouvzuieucese no Your PATTERN FROM OUR Lunar 51ch 0F led II It sizes 10 fro The labrics are SInlor izcd for ensywushiug om novelty and floral pul turns are smart wlth blues greens grey rusel predominnung 100 nowN Lnyawayyour Kcnwauq BI ers captlvatlng eollectlnn of sylmsults by the tlme you need ll lhls commg today your blanket ln our stock until you wl 8r FEATURINGTHISWEEK llllcuC Famous 72 all OTHERS AT 498 595 BAD BASEMENT VICEIWY 127134 011 AT in 1093 CHILDRENS IZES TO 6X Regular 298 values are on sale today or 19a gt EAéY CARE 503211 perky styles Shop early Klor thls SIZE 81 gt Snowy vi te ung wearlné sheets at mg savlng 10 Thursday Frlday and Saturday The closely woven sheets should glve years or year Shop nowand ve BASPMENT srzasaz Togo yetfslyumwmgm grow19M ANPSUMWRFOTTAGE murmuueuyuum at gt onogLrss NONALLERGIC SOFTGCOMFORTABL gré unnqlmruuqullusulluléum lim dnyal wml caslly Dry p0 every gym naming hop gt Plump dud solt for extra eelan plea large assortment of plasticsand lall nylons sure Flue cotton coverlng width end up qulcklyl Prose easy less lmn populllr and he all loll ln plalrl whltf per rumre for easy aunderlng erisemble gt