Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1957, p. 5

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eeeveeeeee PAch ItANalNu SPECIALTY FLOOR COVERING ectric MotOrs WOLFENDEN Dv Untll you have one CONSTRUCTION camrnmlal hellaehtlaI Remodelllna GUARANTEED REPAI R5 or do It yourreIIvIre have the ports tnlrectly haek at Beaver Lumoert 54133 19qu 8L Co LAwrTs to hate do Barru BUILDING EQUIPMENT quPLLrl PA 51851 lIIrrlNu Roam central Very mtvtcr htthsoNAhLP RATS Telephone PA 83347 tsTatI Aflnllnmll noor cavern BuhMr and Aaphatt TIIe IUnolellInl oPlaatlo Well Ill newtIa suppued aaa has unmet Taroan IL Phona PA ul Iutt ACCIDENT IS JUST WORD Put It you have one the word It SPEEDY Auto Body Cullkltm hehnlrhlnr complete PA 35724 hIMT LEIGII PfioNI PA 5204 BARhIE SEVERAL CONHHUCTTON 510R mum AND INTERIORS CABINET WDRK bTLM to Illmnkhl or WASHING MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS New eIeaner here as low hsfim SWANS APPLIANCE REPAIII SERVICE to Elkn StrvPTIlune PA um NEON and PLEXIGLAS Istoreelront nIapIaya Campteto Stan serytea eI ARGOSIGN COMPANY iflali stI 1n noyneldl Elmo PHONE PA harm dum ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE rur New aletor Noun will and 50 HAROLDBHAR 5th lteetne IMQII Phr PA 32qu IM WELLSDUG TILED wELLs RECONDITIDNED ttla lor wetla culvert aaa IIIoII ewera Weoplnl ttle framvr TANK IIst MAM ANDJNSTALLED In eorp esaor Ivlnrk IMPISALESJr SERVICE Whitney Concrete Prodncla haIlIIdlll PA any ultlLLIA um Hm Tcur and Irtmmed Album flunk arm Ind chIrnney alumni241i ea Applylaoloo DrlInHa at nude um gingham rant6 II II In aaaraaunrntabrnu nrgeplunbfl oy oralto 13 wtlIh one rhtId PA me Ion AND IDAIDI Wald crll Anna Itoon AND noATIhtor men or hunted eoople Phone PA Iufl la uhm atom wanted tor boy lad fkl la red It years old tor ataqa Intro Mam Arm noAltn tor an er vutIleltsh Brdroaintn un home Cenlmlr Phone PAuuu PAM DECORATING roams lutcheh hedattunr roam In and Tvt Phono PA bull IaTua MnnBllN IuIIy apanmenl aaelltlonal prlvtleaea rea ronahte rent azw Tenders wIII he recered by the am flefllned unul Thundlr tug to can In the eonrtntetlon or market camp vteer Hulls are on dlsplay at the or the undenlg Lear Bervk Lowest or my tender ant necesshrllv aerepted II atlastea tor held Lee 731 Burl v31 ln ml ROOM Uncut 12 Auaust nor to Barrta name LTut tun hum leaturn At the and who hooded your lawns and nursery emolu It your houlrurda elao rod mm Ann arentct alr and ay mt In or heIonrlura III by new at poMI Imlarolarenleheeot nut hard to heat tor ern and IMflydl in 929° MIDI IImK locK rullru ready to In run IIII to outlaw ah than home mph BARRED OCKS an on Dr CONTRACTORSI gmtmen Goof home Ahataloets hlad our clouddbcle on an drlyeway lnr ear Paooa PA rolt PhIcsler aroma ALTERATIONS ma am mm on BAYVXEW ENTERPRISES Pun Illlma =fi=====r rt CAaIN Cntlur hurla ao mumj AGE 1s WANTED IItIIlIet Iglk anszI eepIa It I¢Iod cg STAN BRYSOEIDN ssa o5 Igwgtgmm REFRlGERATI momma mosh we Inf column wndnlled ll nut null tlll In Holden II 5v 34 CHI IzIn DelM strand or huhInger hm Ittldaxay gt REAIHSI 10 ALI MAK uIMI OnL nmr 453 pncrutn lloat lop lohh curISIrENPerEmzmm 2I3$IILI°IreflIiafil¥ NOTICE EDITORS tht or ronslarreo Inn pa and AND OTHERS Napler St PA om oTua In =7s===aa= CAMPING ROOMS FOR ltENT 56 Im5anu loosinan or tIeoert rrana well aw For Rent CATIrBe nrlrhtlleaaltttna moon or on Imam Tum mm Phone PA area tlr Welr mg 195 my la state an Porta le tea Bo ar IhllleartlculaIrI otIIlIIIeIIrIeIaImL two at separate entranro oIl he Butrte TenIALAwnIng Co ed tla 50pm st WuL PhaTte t¢éfiafi¥rfi nayneld Phone PA Mu lA Mus tsIul My ma my ruhhlsllsu Noam lvnllnbleo Central when PvANs acauon wtth or wlthaut hoard Phone uw oty turnlsned Adults Phone l5 rIIlmlstIBD lllhl houaeheeptn tunIIahed rwa Adult only Phone PA oTNI TENDERS TENDERS FOR SUB TRADES lair tor all ruo trade or quIretl harden ontorlo Iar hla Ie Lear see rehlleet llowam Chlrmnn lee Ia rl the mm or Maple In Clamp harden or at the nIrchIIQCI etllce Robert Ironside and AasociatesLImlted 129 Cartwrlght Ave Toronto 10 DOGS AND STOCK DOG TRAINING CLAss rurnefenl Interest Ia ahown an OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLASS wlll he conducted hy THE HURONIA DOG CLUB an InIorrhatIao PHONE PA 83532 3579 nohnmt COLLIEJUPS Phone Ivy are uAcltAtIuNllPuppte remale and one hlaolt 13179 ItAelltrts or site Hellml ma ta yuuna and adult star Ewaroomfleld uh llne Angus ItIh house past cm te xneTTIII FARM EQUIPMENT smug Itale ElavltIar Lelruy INTERNATIONAL Tractor 1010 oh runner road but maehIno we been sum Ehlnly Ely vPhlInl 0m 40 IDflelO HT DUMP ruttu arty new also road souaare haled IIay or rate could oellver Phone huarell le Inneatnl 11 EAflNy At Lot rennett Irrlst 397 dnmalad by wlnd to he moved 22 Cone It but Apply havld Illnrnto Phone Ivy alt79 BALE ELEVATORS Gum Aurora Power Lawn Mowery wc Allta Chllln era Tractor Ap Iy wnaona Garue phone to MlneaTol stem ALus Ch mera Comhtdo PIo drtven Mn and er yInkIIm atraw Ipnldv er and hltlrl aeroena Imeurnz an dltto Murray Wamlea IIarrte lm saloon VB 2140 S7 Enuol per coal true Inn yea and Fun HIIIIMI PIIDEPI Gllfllla nndll 4d huLKnm Mumnm Part and Service It all matter oI atlutpra New sum eddmtlken tr Proarm II eonIrtmat utter 33 Ink ot the Townrhlp or IhnlaAl tn the county or slmroe who dled on the mu day oI July Ilse are mo NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALI Treasurers 19 INTHE Phaao 1th Sn Plvsufllnuurlmfln Em HI nhAnPonn oaurto sollrltara var the AdalIaIrtrato IN rm MAIrut at the lame or main Mlmhn snatch late or the Ian ot name county or hlareae retlrea per nl the lllll aalnat the estate or the Inn menloned who ateo error than Ihe Isth day or necrmhrn to are requested to tend lull slfllculln In pm thereor to the an enlah on or more the 5th day 01 Anna mT alter whlrh date the Aarolnutrator heretn wlll proceed to dlatrthute the assets haylng reaard on to those elalma uhlrh he men have had home Am at xtnraton antarlo th day or June lm aLAclI BLACK 225 mm meet IhIa ltlngrloa natarlo solleltora tor the AomIaIsIItr tor BY VIRTUE OF WARRANT Im der the hand the Mayor and Seal at the Scalarum otme Town at Borne hea ha date the nth day oI Iunt Art m1 romaaandlng rueto he lands mehtlonea In the In rampllaneo settle the Aalesr nrent Aet proceed to an by puhltr thereoI may he necessary or the taaea com and eharraa at the Colm rll Chanthan Town II Comer street BI the In day oLOflAber at the hour at aeloca noon It neceaaary sole wtll he held ant pl one weelr later on oetoher mu m1 whereatrrhe Carpalr that or merown oI Bllfle wtll pun chase any and all pareela or load It the prtre oIrerea ls less than the Ir reats and costs olnre lune oth 51 rued Barrle entarlo HAIMW COUNTY or sIMctlE TN MAmlt oIrth Bl unit Elmln amen In cIorporattoa or the Town or la AND nl IIIE Inmlt I077 aoalteatton tor the approval or layLew Narahar em or the cor ponuoa ol the Tam or game Nnncrn lama Ta herehy Iiela that the Cornell or The carporauon or The In or parrte propose to pan than Iuahway or atreeu Towuor satrte mmedelnd deserlbed In the um and aeeand columns roll calaaaa nae Pm 0Inee square Cblllnl no street aaa 1hrIu Prod aromamore column oae crata Street at Welltnatoa IIIIIlhwny ton colalna nrea WelIlaatenI street wutI Cotaaaa oar WelIInlIolI Street west colltnnbnr Praar Ana Huhray to Ana street Catalan Th sdaohlllImva THE than or thatcaanty cou The county or tha tore n1I Notlea and olnteo the fit 10 ot se II II oslnelrl 4h If It only Iin Ida alroud comr LII weecotan IN APPRECI If dollettar Ier the Adralalrtratrla MW method the and Iaada or to much TieAurel yAanIur channna thrnamer or In the awlaa to the reapectlye ytlmu appear 7o tar IllInerth eoluato lollowlnlt Pram Dunlap street Pan to SIInuo Qlllllnll Pram Donald street to westerthlalt treetvIVeet east or at starred has agprerad tarnher orenoon IKme htthe court IIrhlae Ill olBlrrIo th dcflnl the 88 armatureAt sI aarpha IIaeplter nan ae Ir hue zIIIIlupIIITr II 137 lyh Darla urooeell In anon son arld uttrlé muwowm loyal meters of harrte on Julhl luv to glad In ohert gnow tun VAN DI lmalIAI noyat Vtetorta Hupflll Barrie On Jul 51a In Mr ltd In Be VIII Mk mhlfl and In rel death wallsAI layl vletorta II tat IIarrte on July Mr and Ira Elwood VWQDB Pa rwIeIr dIulIhlerGm an ATION The rd at nlreetara or the her rte unloa Cemetery talr thls oppon tunIty to extend aInee thank to Mr Parens cahle ol harrte Ilortteultural Town Improvement shelety Ihelr ronamlttro the crane erlIelo and Itre Betrd tor thelr wora In arranrln the mulebeconunn pay at tau catheter BMII thaon are also gendered to her no hrenn Central muted chants and to anr mute and the measure ol the sat vatlon Army hand tor thetr eontrthn rd mlklnl thle day In IN MEMORIANI ArmIn Iavlnr memory or adear um and mother mylhe Irene who passed away July to Ian Praeelult aIeepIna rerun at weary lnaublu and rl are part In atlenre the auuered In pallehre she hare Ttll sod called her home to roller no more sadly mtased and eye mzmher ea hy hulhlntl lllll an dhuxhtrr Klrul la llAlmIn lovlnl memory oI thunder and slater ulth In thee Bowen who passed away July to 1951 Thus may heal the hrokenhearted 1110an the rmlle may hIde the Ieara Memortea keep the wound atIIl open neaotte the errata omne years Lovllllly remembered Mother DI lhd llmll 7i MARLINuTII loyln memory or my dear mother ulna htay Monlna who passed away July7 late tray her aoltl rest lrrpeaee rgeéml tlrht Illllw Im her vlnrly remembered h£ dough ter Plorenee and senlnlaw NOTICETO ChEnIlroxs AND OTHERS to the EslaIIa or laANNA ELIZA nlzrlt hallIINsoN deceased Alt pimnl hauler elalrna aaaInaI the Eiute oI lolltlll llraoeth Robin aoa late or the Townshlp oI Innlahl Countr elsIrneoe wtdowl deceased who dled on the lam uoy oI May 1957 are herehy normed to lurnlrh pm thereor to the undentrneo he ore Aulml nth rm aner theh date the Admtnlatratrlx wIIl dIlrblt ate the estate InvlllK re ard only to clallna oI whlch aha aha then have Dunno JOHN Legalrm st Comer name out NoITlcaTo CREDITORS All persons havtas rIaIrar alas the Isolate means WIN cauPs late otthe Townshtp or on In the County or SIlmhe Rnnllnn who dleo on or ahouL the let day or Icbr ruary law must loruard the lamp to the understrnad on or more the and day 91 July 1957 otter whteh date the aaseu wIll he alstrlhutea amount the partles entttled thereto and the treeutor wltl not he name to any person or whose claim he rhall not then have notlee DATED at Barrle onlarlo thls with day or lone 1m team BOYS BEAGRAM ll haw Owen street name natarto Teuw AUCTION SALES otaat Aaelloa sale Thourands or dollars worth or new merchandlre at Llhasoy Armourter July It and LIndaa chcedsJor tloapltal Ex Spohgored by the KIwunlsr suunhy July Auetlan rate household lumflurre harrIe Palr llama salt at pm sharp No re Ive Terms raah Ierry caugh Iln Auetloneor 114w Prlaay evenlntr July 19 Aueuon sale or new plumhnrs suppller Inetudlna oath tutor tollet sets httrhen rlnhr haml hulmdcck Iaucels hhtthp haatn hot water um and ele enta eleetrle healers pressure system laundry luos eleeIrlo fixtures new ltnoleunr new httehen rupooaraa aewlng rnachlnes rreorn separators ateves hear lee hoxes ehotxune tables and ehalrr 2000 the sealer and many ether ortlcles too numerous to llst Iar MacDonald at the narrte Potr harm on Prtday atarune at us Dom sharp Terms rash No reserve Terry Cournltn Auetloneer phone PA eggs AUCTIOIIN SALIEI HousIloId Furl tute Fairjqrns Ar SHARP To SELL THE PoLuhquGI PURNWURE Mntnt taurner Electrle ltanr Leonora Elev hellte erator eahl road repIr Gen eral Electric Tea Kettle Automatlo meetete Deep Pryer lnod new Westtnrhauae Mlxmarter Ipooo ne waule run and as new Bloc Itch cloeh IIItehep set wtth tahI Ind alx etaIra Lleetrle PereoIater Electric Wuhan IthIa brand new sleetrte Itlnnlnluc Tuneur New Steel Irolllnl hoard Mantel ElecITIc haal Cahlnet Eleetrlettarltoeptere Seetla leInl hoant ntrnttare Llrlhg Rnnln Time LIvInl Roam Lamps tandem nompertypo Chester Aeto lelna VRoom Ilttl hy ta hound mnInxRnnm tame wIth extr to nut Bedroom sulte In Bed wtth $91 van ooh nlaher stl HPota andPa Glauwpre Plltrm Toys Marble sInx ntaolron Iooletardon Hnu Lawn Mower no many other nnaller ortlctea ohnltely no re ham MURPHYArm House or to extend my haartrelt thanlta and apprectatton mesarea empathy and he at IIaral oIrertnxr durtnr my recent he reayement ye my my the um huahand eapeca vllfltln thank But mm the nu hey all Ferguson or hls eomrort Par the loved one one herons Ina word rho ltoyal vtetorta Whu shall say the met Ia lessenedv MPHl mm In Mr llndv nesr to my haahano dartu hIe Illness hlm to DrDodu and Strchley whetI ruelt thanka nd am or llndntll menuea er rap thy and beautiful notat oIIerInu memory or Compton mm nelntbora re durlng our recent aad bereavement In the Ioes ul our de glad lather and arandlathoh Itra 1a hearttelt thahlta and apprectatlonJor the arts or hlndnm sympathy and planeudr tn the Frank Tnvanr ULY 13 Pray ll téan mun Homerltuya In Thurt July II or Penman Mur flmudmv hoaaa her alater Thurada tutydt to tmvataPrerhytertan LhII nanrat aervteo at pan raeal muada Italreveaee Jame at Toronto wullala Imam nou laa oI ha In hlr Ilh heat or In Iennett IIarne Elmer nmrnl arryIu neada Iuly In at pp Interment untoa camelIv Toronto an all July heuada ataay cootan taohw Irtr rlflth 11 mother oImi or netrutx Ly maIII and Dnunttel DI Blfflh MCINI llzllnd line Toblll Mil In Cd Clldll It Thompflhl all In Ken Itd Elhll MlI Wo my Ill Ill nmnln Wfllnd or Sp Ile loo nl AIWW Fnlll ol Strutd Jlm III II Blunt III manned by 28 lnndctlldnn lhd flve awnrum ehuaren heaunr at no Steraley runeral name to Woraley Sl urrrta mum on Thursday to eryl Chum or Mulem mu II an lnterraaot at laary ceor ery Cards oT TIIanII Menutn my deep aorrow out IIIVE IIIIIIMIIES HIE StlFET IIIEII FANBYPEAS Ml SEtCIIIF CHOICE WHO klndnul lIiVl tIuI tor et Iaa al lovllll SPECIM DEODO llteleru ananarearret leldretlI Meltee ltollatmWo erh appreclauo EIIAL PAltzv iIlIlnnIl Whale lIrtteII Beans norm maps hoban lved tth and land lenr hub hooson and totally mAlehsWo wtaIr to extend our cor Famv menIII or 41 hmuy mu SUNNIIrsInI HALIFAX CF 0n the day that HhIIIaxs uIlIcInI maxlmum temperature was 84 degreesI registered In the tugshmudui downtown areaIt reached 75 orange aoaeo degrees In the sunnylwyst elld GIQSSGO eachlam PECTIN at the city jolt coL lérnammo mt ltlts AHDRYED IVTESTEIIN ixmbnxh Shake First rcmrded crossing at Ver mllionPzts on the BGAIhEIta FLAVOURS or out sALMeN FLESHFULL cF FLAVOUIII ARGi ILIIIMPIN MrAItAhLe navwh gt Ilglolllquse Tomaioes mil Ah oNActIILnnENIovII Th Ml eedl9s Grapes NTA sA asw2IET AND Jutcvu Plunibs NduNcuq CHANG or ADDRESS nanNG IULTII For austten soleo omt other businesscnnlncl Mr Cough Iin dIlIillg Iuly oy mail ad dressed rtu PIIELPsmN ONTARIO hubrphnlle at IELMVALE Itorzz collect cuAMPtoN DDIG lurdfs or ears log Basculls tiuld Petersen PM Former Used and Can olled 99 June 21o KanyEL 11in dill fihtlcttlIlIe fluke Mix lulce emu ml oz FKGL FIIUITs AND VEGETABLES Ioutm HEAPIlto nuAltT aux HEAPIua PmT pox TIN I501 AKGS 02 on men CAKES ry Soup on 15 aa rt 1le lo tt mate 2ri casIIIIfhEIUIIsoAP $35 Icutah AvhllpHel IOILAIITS III BHTHWEUE llallng man many more beautiful glfh you In obtain wlIlI loblhws Manny Saver Preinlltln cw titleal with Math 25 mar tltundh punhu you Manly Suvir Premium CDT IIIlrdIe Pridealnrahitt EoIIee 939 213 LDILAWI Fl sun GROUND Twin met 45 56 if 650 I412 It die 39 rlca JAN boundhry was by the geologist Jame Hector throes Cuniulgupes hum 25 LIXII 415 All HAVENIELLowaFLESM FIEESYONI II ttlAlt AucrlotglaIgIl Peulles nuAvtTaox lrl tIoz 25c 39c 25c 2FL LGE to 41 1202 Tm 43 last or Tm now 29v Brllnge Ill lelnun HUI 47° so IIuwgl chAclthp EAT xPicIflL thLIAws iIéIfLITéI Ten we 619 Contaws slum mm or Pita or to grout vlytg toI Weatent and It

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