Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1957, p. 3

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it finappolntntcntt as canon SL Jlmcs Cathedral at Trinity The citation accompanying Can on ltcnds appointment stated that It was in rccngniiion at his work to lurther the role at the rural ministry Canon Tucker lotmer prison chaplain was honored ior the social service emphasis in his ministry Tiile Races Ai Pinecresi Qn Safurdciy There will on big show at Pincerest Speedway this Saturday when the indSeason Champion ship gets under way The champ ionshllz will he 40 laps twice the usual distance Its unyones guess who will be The long rnees oiten turn up with the least expected the Victor winners Therc win he the regular stock Hard Luck drivers who have worked sohardand will also be ieatured These dri vers will run in zeiop race tor trophy essh and other prizes 0n the same thrilltpaclted show there will he jalopy iaees litany tans have asked that the popular ear races at well Championship for the Jolopies return It night he good idea to get to Pmecrest Speedway early to be sure at your favorite seat as therewili bc large crowd to take III the king size stockxcar show The first race gets under way at 880 pm HWasaga Beach Stock Car Races WASAQA BEACH capacity crowd witnessed thrilling Stock Car races Saturday night In the tolliott Toronto was iorred oil track in the our At the litli lap he took over lead irom one natterrml ieature Norm lap Barrie Fred Ponheire newcomer tram CNE Toronto Bcv Almos Owen Sound and Don Brown Toronto were also winners of the evening Vern Wood Toronto winner at last weeks ieature will return thlsSaturday with newmotor itn deiend his point standing for the Fielding Trophy irom CNE Stock Car races during July and August of Jun Jul Dangerfield is It Toronto which wcre announced this week by Rt Rcvnrcnd Wilkinson are at particular interest to Bar ric residents The two so hon orcd are Reverend Allan Read rector oi Trinin Itaatiean Church Barrie snd Reverend ntckerv ol St Marks Church West To mnlo The latter is nephew Mrs Shcrrirtg wileot Reverend Sherring MC VD retired who associated with ur Read Hcrh liogen driver oi No 22 the new starter for the Wasaga Beach Speedwaystcek car races Bolton Frost AlrCantp orithc suntnter uI swimming instructor lulu Ctroi Youngfiol qhntlord was swcekend gutst oi Mini Joan Ssriesnt at her home on BarrieTerrace They are class mates It Victoria College Flying otiicer and tits Hepplcoton and boys returned to North Bay liter spending to days In Barrie Mrs William Bell oi Battle melt Michigan has heen you in her sisters Mrs Mills 48 Blake street and Mrs 51 Lount Bear Point The Eureka Friendly club at Toronto held their annual picnic on the lovely lawn ol Mrs Rolling so Donald Street on Sut urday Mrs Rolllng is on non orsry Inemhcr Special guests were Key and Mrs Daniel at the AME Church also granddaugh tcr Phyllis Marshall attended iormer Barrie resident Mrs Howard Naphtaii and her chil dren hnvc ilown in irom Vancou vcr to spend the summer holidays at their clovelly covehomr on Lake Simcoc Canadian Op To Be Shown At Golf Club Through the cooperation at Bob Angelo and Bill Garner tilm oi golt shots at the 1956 Can ndian Open will be shown to morrow evening at the Barrie Country ciun Golt enthtlslasis in Barrie and district are invited to see the name pros in action showipgr the game should be played Ma or the some pros will he in news this week as they try their luck in the 1957 edition or the annual Canadian clnssic event Film llnte will he shortly aflcr nine oclock Ivy Pounds Everett 132 ivy exploded ior nine runs in the fourth inning and went on to trample Everett la2 in soiled ulcd South Simcne nosehan Leas gue game ployyd at lvy The hosts didntcvcn wait un til their visitors got their toe on the ground heiore indicating the trend oi thcgnme lvy scored two runs on two hits inthe hot tom halt oi the iirst trams They sent 12 men to theplaio in the ninerun iourlh which sura prisingly enough did not kill the enthusiasm oi the boys irom law erett tvy scoredeo more runs in the bottom oi the sixth while Everett got nuthe score sheet with single tally in the sixth and sew entii innings Ithies All Teenagers To Meetth All young pemnst between the ages oi and 17 boys or girls are invited to attend it special meeting at Barrie YM vwcn headquarters oweu streeton Thursday alternoon at two oclock to discuss an tlvities tor the holiday monthl tinder the sponsorship oithc Anenn nodda secretary directorot the Barrie points out that membernhlp is not necessary and the invit is in the Barrie district The onset is to try and provide in st or those who are not catered orby the park pro lilo tivo hitntoiiuualdreitosuém neon utlon eoversnli young persons tinned cry Mr Rally It Huronh llriveiheintutT mody eve Allstcd cur lnnisiil Note columnist Ilt GSlldPSOll LADYJIEADEIL Good New On overt nightatop st Aleshart any NY we were holed upyin the resort loung watching TV lmmvlbc clot cat Lion Kingston couple lroln Syneusc were in adjoining chlin when theCBC new nub picture of John Dlefbnblker holding or the Commonwealth Conterepu Making eonverutlon without United Stptu noishoort ventured this comment You knew we new Prime Minister In Canada Replied thenfly from south of the good border Oi icouneJhata himi Mr MchHIIn ntcmlllunal Director William Girner oi Barri sends the pub lisher at this iournla postcard train the ions Convc tion at San Francisco Dcar Ken itiling here In Sunny Cailiornil Lions 10th annual huge success Hsvlng wont dcrtui time With you were Item Picture shows the kdcral peniten tinry Alcatraz island letter irom Blind River Hcllo Ken can you still catch fly blllIt it commences Sec nmehody red members hcsidcs Wih Harris the second haremn who continues to iclcr to ml as Hello centre llcld er However Alexander Buster Clark well known to most of the notsoold middle age middleclass of this community and tor miles around north south cast and west for baseball and hockey prowes among other nus continues with thisicomme Bet you cant catch how two at least not as well as when you used to drive that old Bnhy Grand Gosh that must he no it cant be 1921 Busterholdlwy you are getting old because you are just 10 years out in your year and dont mean lsll However you have provided some news which will he persons at interest tomany of the Burris natives Lets continue the letter trom Blind River Just thought Id tell you thnt Archie Burton who lives at Howey Crescent in Sudbury was 70 years at age June 23 1957 Archie ls prospecting and can still pitch pretty good curve but like me his legs dont seem to have that old giniger anymore My mo ther is 82 this July lives in Tor onto and looks pretty good Yours truly had birthday June 12 and it was his 51st can guess that you are just about halt century it would seem that Buster can still guess prctty well even it his legs dont have thesame giniger thats sport parlance meaning flexibility and solidity In conclusion the exBnrrle ath lete asks Whats the matter with you guys down there now about an old timers baseball game Tell Muck Kenneth Hayward McKen zie Dobby John Frunels Dob so and Cotty Allan Victor Trib hlc and all the rest that Im rnrin to go ls Murry Stransman still in Barrie yes Buster and how is Peter Sinclair thought hed be running or Parliament before now this wasnt the year Tell Bud Kashner miss his Toot Toot hcs CNR engineer seeksince moved out of Callandel PS by sticking the wife out in right field we got pretty good bail team rightin our own back yard Well its long time since have received letter which gave me so much pleasure Since Buster has seven children and one at the likely is good catcher and with him pitching and the wile in right lield they probably coul beat hunch of old crooks like It all people Bur Cloris sends teams in Soltbsll unguc Mondny night train was Saturdly It WI that team irom onni wanted to play iivcgamo series with tum tr trict loop The local tecmhcldsagrced to this and will pick club to play Heretier Drillllns will be thc pick at the fans Ballots each game wiihDrlliil and the top volesg be on the squad for ihatpzrtic ular gnrnc hurt and oineiti allstar team will at the sesson Hos lioAps EVE warren litithle has been tendent of Pius Township to fill the positl recent resignation ot Lorne Gra ham The the appro partmcnt LhMIEE and pcrha in the near future Middleton Council or 24 consecutive years and in that time has gained first hand knowledgeof the problems of the road network Three Iniurecl Napier Sireei Car Three persons were injured last night when nelr ran into the side at at the junction of Cook and Napr ier streets Barrie injured a7 01 Cundlcs driver 01 the truth who suffered head injuries Doug Frazer las knocked irenzle as ut0rl passenger in truck Driver Grcnz 21 unhurt Police driving north on Cook Street and failed to The truck Wu proceeding cast along Napier Street oi the impact pushed the truck and trailer to the northeast corner of the junction Al dutch gettoxethsr oi the coaches and maulch ot the and bruises tn the leg the Barrie and District picked to play It OrilIia evening noted at the meeting om the Barrie and Di the team playing the will he counted hciore otters atthiil time will helped out at the picnic in spite or the rain tth Barrie St Pauls Company Girl Guides held their closing pitrty with their guests at Pains wick School Mr Stark played records for dancing and everyone enjoyed the square dancing and few contexts and then Jew more brought the cvcnlng to close tBtnln March Old Comritd hlr Attention to llltlhflse at tho Painxwlck Schoolipicnic Int Fer day pleteflot ttlverouro wu lost belonging to dinnerjcl anyone took lhis piece by misthe would they please get in touch with Mrs Bcbhaw Patnswick we say thank you to All who ctoaiag rnrty The girls served nice lunch dance The monitor tor lhcflmcssed band concert lnOrilliI on Sunday aitrrnoon was haunted by neg Kildc Band in charge of court arrangemcnu The Kittie Band Blnlc Cith Build conducted by Joe McNeilli and Collingwood Band conduct by ether with the three handmute tangy turns conducting the lsrgn mnnnninvnitdsnnnn wnonésmtr mm in 1951 Newhy Kyoto selected Mr ale Nolliiec Overture Princss at in dis Mr tibe Mr Newbi hlsrch ltnperls Echo Duct My Buddy llr Brii lure The Student Prince lic Ncillic Brain conductor ot the Orilli Newby verluntttd Following was the program eanadorondueted oy ilr Newby film trout Kin Me Kate Hr on Hymn selected Waltz Blue Dn liir McNeillie Novelty number Parade at wooden Soldiers Mr Newhy Overture Calit ol Bagdad Regimental Marches Mr Bra Hymn Abide With hie Mr Brain God Save The Queen Mr Neilli Cornet vor lurch Thcllid sir be known by the end appointed road superin on leit vocnnt hy the appointment awaits val oi the Ontario De oi Highways and the ill make nomination ps an election necessary EliWarden has servcd on Fins Truck Crash small truck and trailer we William Frnur who was 14 sonh Blois Mc unconsciou suticring head injuries at the car was lvo of Winnipcg1 who was state that Grenz was stop at the Stop sign The ioree Total damage existian twigs cloth Tundra FULL wn REGULARLY Parcel A1 95 54 so YARD sully nnnnanv Rail Canadian prints WIIE SELECTION OF COLORS BEAJUTY ron voun awinoovvst tv sop Anus FAMOUS llllllt SilllllSlill or cannula Pints Screen printed on beautiful rayon ktured pebble such famous patterns as Sundrlge once and many other typical me and Muck and Debby and Cut tY wznnasnsv usvxo us Ghritliln setnun 5m swlna Yul CIKMI nu up comin MM in Walnut 1h tn us rant storm rtmrt us sports it must att no stinttr Tnuhsoliv sum it us salvation ttmr smu an Inn no Lone comm nt in Wutlrnflhutri mm It us Instr mmrta H911 lioa tun Evin kiln1v anj no Wulhav to both vehicles is estimated at 5400 no Fulllo nder no sum artmoat moor loll mint neatt rntonv JULV amino mut vus Wnurn rhotr nmt Illom toean one or on 1ilflTnulro st to and country nlsstt Headline ram harm your sound titDo L3 mm etuh ocannov notchstar rhoatvo country wan intro nth nttt ms aim roman snow um one it To In use mmunlw Now 30 uls Movi illnndo trot snuttnliv JVLV uto Wslalllnl DIAL 12301 can turn on and em rth lnr shuns anontin nca tinteat ethos moo rum Mhrkll noperv Iitb itstva and Sport ma nm at taroum not no mm naundori um ane Boom ttootton notti2oo It Iud roles Bho mo titanno IIIIAV lam Tnn InuCvuntr iéii Wti iiimrt po tsoeitotlsttn aorta insdune rain rant monitor blloVanan as nun SSss=$$S resisrs undreds of yards or drapery ends suitable for cushion covers hrowsund short drapes atone lowpriee JULY nnArEitv snLE ALEAnE 45 INCH AND Thosc arelongths iront our stock drapery pd sell up to sails per yard Out they lucid winrns rwb snADEs lvony Ann NAiuitAL naoULAn VALUE slou vAnn ooo Yards 45 pro on until wrnrus REGULAR VALUES To 595 YARD Bring your window measure ments we will cut and match your drapes tree at charge ROLLER do certain Painrs FLORALS SCENICS ABSTRACTS NOVEnTIES WIDE RANGE OF COLORS REG 198 To 595 YARD ONtI rnioE DURING IllS sou doinlnli soothes APPROX 24 24 SQUARE Sainplc ends of our regular smelt drapory patterns Clearing during our July ornpery sale at only iitiiliit uni nan llllilt ithrollers end stops brackets is it 1957

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