settled hilly green theweeds 0n Holidly oLMeKcespall Penn on holiday during It Angus Campbell ritcctivc rnns 21 in Huntsville to Grmeliliulst LI Monday utily ro Penetiinfl To Call oxiozo pan viit Orr Lake 245 punt Sat Sun 245 pm Sill Daylight Time Bus Terminal LINES TittzitEism lithium nusss lEILVE Bonnie ro North titty To Toronto 1055 mm 100 110 pm 315 am 320 pm 1035 tun 1105 pm 115 pm 745 pm 240 run 21010 om 01a on 215 urn 000 pm 510 am sir run to Oriilia To Owen Sound 1050 tun 750 lull via Wus Iienlh 1050 1111 Hit l0 Sundays or lltilltlays Direct tn HAMILTON nlrnct to BUFFALO Mopir lintl simcon Sts rhono PA 85571 GRAY COACH IIQQDI quite lun at Thomnir Manti There 11 great growth of everything including Mr ind MmMnrWalrsth oi have been last week wtmtl EthiNEhiiiiiiii Wait until it pm and your ctirrier has not arrived then call lVALLEYTA AND oitivrYouttsstrcnsnitn TituQKs PA 85243 Artdii Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Hollie NO CHARGE FOiI THIS shillVICE v11 The mothers or the hiiciruoue invited hi attend fainttier Sunrises Duringthe rentinder at July Ind August the services rrin ciocit During pm at this vvccir and nextweek Rev Barn ard will best Mytery tCIrpp or Young People in the egmclty oi leadership tnlninz gt rrrsnrlt ro xutyluhr ehildrtn with their parents Intl others at the community met It the school or farewell zentr eiher before leaving hlvinngrntwo years as teacher It hit plrtlcullr school There was an interesting pm gram and apresenutiort of Kills followed by In enjoyable supper whuse much WeundLrs and this young lniin wits not ml efficient and well liked but was splendid youth leader in so many ways leaving is regretted to Trinity Vninans Association There WiIS it much more than average attendance Inst Wednes day at tlrs Gilry Wilsons with iirs Brelhnt presiding Axrayer by the president was Inlltt ed by the nitric readingby Miss Greene Mrs Francis Crane gave quite an impressive talk on Fullh Mrs Wilson who along with other indies of Ibis particular group attended the opening oi Iiillcrest Lodge ill Orilliu ZIVe an interesting account of their visit there which included the rules rind rcuulntluns al this Sim coo rcsbytery Home for Women Mrs hlcCutcheon hiid charge oi the minute book in the absence til the secretary Adonnlion to the Church Bnnrd was granted and pilins were discussed or the stile of baking utthe lake ml July 31 Much lime was spent in the discussing and plrnnlag oi parr soliage work to be done during this innnth and August talent tattle proved quite remunerative Uni oi the itLIns lol the pro gramme was 11 contest on Bihle nuestions prepared by Mrs Barn ard und in her absence cnrrled uut by Mrs Speers other little eontests of an amusing type were quite interesting and enjoyed There was the usual social hour is gt as Would 5400soou sloooor more helpy over it ï¬nnncial hurdle Then mllNingIn where friendly lonnsiir mode Many thon liinds of people Niagara Loan it YOU GET $40000 es to get extra cash wh they need itLoans are mldeuplo 160006 Tsametimes more Arid Niagara Loon can lie insured as an added pcaceofmindfeaturu Rememberyour niwayswelcame or Ninglrt jut uijzwvf Niagurnrjimn In coast to cosstnre tiring this weehbelinnurgnt ocloéit ity will be held each Sundry morning herinnlng at Q30 0n the evening at run 21 the tel Rolneyr In honor or the young teacher itowor cordon right in yourr hornet This pretty plottier is de signed to holrlisrtitiolni blooms or grocotui lcnvcs Sniderweb stitch is my and so eliectivel Pattern 7034 Crochet dirrctions tor pinntcr 12 17 inches in iian iltiy cotton Starch stltily SendrTlliRTYFIVE CENTS in coins or this pattern stomps can not he accepted to The Barrie Examiner Household Arts Dept 00 Front St West Toronto Ont Print pininly NAME ADDRESS iAiTERN NUMBER Ajoonur for our renders two runs patterns printed in our new Alice Bmuits Needlecrnit Book tor 10511 Plus wonderful vsn iety oi dflslgns to ordervcrochnt knitting embroidery huek weitvr ing toys dollsnthets Send 25 ccnts or your copy ot this excit ing NEW needle hooknow with reireshmentr served by Mrs Wilson Mrs Lawson and Miss wicklim Sympiithy Oi Community The people at this community take this uppurtunity oi extend ing their sinccrc sympathy to Mrs Wlliiiun Sherpa and her three daughters in the passing at Mr Shorpe last Wednesday even ing July EDENVALE Conducts Service Knott representative oi lhe Ontario Temperance Federa tion conducted the service here on Sundnydnnrningt Next Sunday Sunday School will be held its usual Cllurcil services will be withdrawn Lin the chnrge Angus Park service Everyone is invited to attend the servlechcing held lit Angus Park at 245 pm by the Simone County Federation of Agricult ure Atkinson neunlon The Maw iamilics attended the Alklnsan reunion nt Midhurst un Snturdlly Trip To West Mr untl Mrs Aubrey Gttrcn are enjoying trip it wcstcrn Canada and plan to attend the Colgnry stampede this week Mr and Mrs Harold Gilchrist and Mrs Peter Gilchrist Stayner gt are staying with the Giiien ehild fizll ooldrn wedding Mr and Mrs GeorgeBowser will be At home to their iricnus on the nccrsionoi their golden wedding anniversary on Satori day July 13i0m tti 0clock in the alternoon and from to 10 oclock in the evening gt WA cotcring The members oi the wit cater ed in ï¬the Atkinson reunion on Saturday sympathy or Community We extendsympnthy to Mrs traTarlridge whose sister Mrs Hector McKinnen passed away latLockwood Sask last week end the WA and llelili horseman stair rhero intern sonic dclny one to ironcsporoorirtlon nnd dellnlio mnnoction with tho cunslrucllon oi the highway lmm Creenioro to connect wtth No90 highway at Angus However tenders tor the newsrory new bridges and rul vern have been postedwith alga tire the middle July County Engineer Jones says overythlngilsreody for the big pushnï¬d present plans lire or worktoutartst the drcenioro HOLLY Sympathytil Lomnlunlty Sympathy or the district is on tended to iii and Mrs Camp hell in the passing of the luIIErs Iirnthcr Robson oi Barrie Iteeent Visitors Vealherup nnd italbarn 0i Shepard Alberto were recent vis itors with his mother Mrs Weaitl Drup and Mr and Mrs Ilemiott Disposed nl Hump liir nnd liirs lngram have disposed oi their Mint in the dis trict and movcd recently to Lnilr dnrl Toronto Visit lilr iind lilrs Kcnwcil Billie Ind Johnnie visited in Toronto on Suturday Welcome to District welcomc to the district is ex tellded tn the ltiocitunzlu iamily picnic rostponcd Owing to inclement weather the school picnic was postponed urlil fall Recent Visitors gt Robert Caron and Grace rcrgu son and Mr and Mrs Doug Rim dall 0E Colllngwuod were recon visllims with Mr and Mrs Ken tve Visiting licirilves Mr and Mrs Dyeriimic and Mitre or Los Angeits Cali iornln are visiting relatives in thc district rind in Barrie Schuul closed or the summer holidays on Friday on Holiday Miss Dorothyflédgers Is an lml ldny Viih heraunt Mrs hie Nah Mr and Mrs Brown and Con nie spent sevurnldays wilii her parents at St Lambert Qiioliee Sunday Visit Mr and Mrs Downing and iamily visited Mr and Mrs Poole at Ncwltin itohinson on Sunday WeddingJiutsto Thc Eulmers oflehiietl the vvcd ding oi Mrs nuimors niece at Ai lision on Saturday Strawberry Social More than 125 enjoyed the strawberry social nnsnrcil by the church onscment on Wednesday evening Alter the lovely supper an en joyableiprogruin wus held up stairs WA Meeting Holly WA will meet All the hnmsoi Mrs Price on wou nesday at pm it will he mis sionary meeting Roll enllls gift for the basement shower and scrlï¬ture containing the word gilt Lackie lirid Mrs Louglieed Members nrenskcd to note the changcin time From Toronto Mrs Scott ot Toronto spent the weekendwith her parents Mr and Mrs Weale This week another daughter Mrs Harrison is holidaying with them fl sundry Services Services at Holly Church were conducted by new John Mills from near Torohlo nn Sunduy while MrMuir 1onk anniversary services in his rge liiunitonas nlimy lakes and streams parks and forest areas make this province grant nutur til playground While visitors to Chumhlli may explore the ruins of Canadas most northernfort Kroiitvitsoit AL YSASK mn Lunch assistants are Mrs ROWNO anywuin ï¬ll Imlwï¬lï¬ Inf47s riggflowxms nroprieggr n15me 1130 ALL NOT FAcflealAm mi gialiiit woy gs iiinANENyE cwtm waits NAVNG anthems mmowwueo mevosrorric New mofartrsm Misti GO ITGOHI ii 20 Oilflllfl 105 t5 21 rtsAsEsErreR Dam SrART mrtsme nu GETMY WINPDW5 WtDECISIDNSm THAT UMPIRE cour wssarstarasl outwtxyou HAD THE SAM UMPiRE LAST was AND RANGE HON H15 EYESIGHI caJLD FML MUcH on EEKJ By Waliy Bishop