Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1957, p. 16

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lino FMS AND 75 AND Honmpu Pas Grade to llhomu Adam on Grad to deie Richard aon ii Larry Richardson Grade to 5le Putting Diane Dunlap ll de to oByron Alldred Douglas Dunlap Grade to Husln Richardson Robert Pulling Grade ltu zuenhn Slrnkus Al is Simkus FLEMING Teacher SS 17 VEEPRA TilGrade DIlealher Me Lean Andrew McNahbd To Grade Gwendolyn Flbey Larry Newton Cather ine Walt To Grade 7Donna McLean Donelda Nash To Grade dSylvla cam 11 Grade bShella Fahey Lisette Talon Dennis Wall To Grade lBrllce Ba dwick Sandra Macuan hire an Walt To Grade 3Plerretle Talon Wayne Newton Tofirada zRohert Sutton Dianne Tuck FREDA PEACOCKTeacher VIGOSS FMS To Grade 5Dlane nianget Ronald Patlersnn Sharon Draper To Grade 4Bcverley lineman aid Nelson Sage T6 Grade Howard Sage Bruce Brnnzet To Grade David Driver Raymund aruuget MRSlRENE PARTRIGE Teacher IVY SCHOOL JUNIOR ROOM Grade to Grade 5John Arch er Carol Cherrington Judy Leetch Terry Martin Keith Munsy David Phillips Jne Wil son Grade to Grade Bobby Cochrane Nancy Davis ll Patsy Hayward iinnald Hoagarth Grade to Grade STerry Ar nold Jimmy lCarrulhers Bobby Davis Allan Ellis irene Gay Larry Smith Lawrence Speers Grade to Grade Bobby Bain ll Heather Cunningham Donald Gilpln April Lee Jack Martin Malcolm Wil son Mike Wilson MISS MILLER Teacher SENIOR ROOM Grade to Grade 9Pegy Gib suu ii Aeua Gaunzemis It olive Jennt Mary MeDerv mutt Louglas Speers Grade to Grade Brian Banting Jacqueline Banting El eanor Carruthcrs George Davis Victor Hayward Marie Hoggarth Mara Jaunzenlis Linda Lyons Mary Smith Grade to Grade 1Mary Lynn Applugute Brenda Banting Keith Ellis erdza Jannzelnls floss Limp Yvonne Wilson Grudn Grade 6Toln Al nold Eleanor Banting Mary Ellen Gibson llBill Gilpin El eanor Jennett Marie Lange James McDermott Eddie ShaveLnureen Smith Slan ley Wilson MiSS DUNNILL Teacher STROUDSS 10 INNISFIL To Grade Clayton Ayres Wayne AyrelLSusan Black Ross Campbell Carolyn Carscadden Naney Conllell Lorne Cooper Glenn Harris nob Jackson Doug las Lwry Mary Rix Jennett Sprnule Shirley Wilinughhy Wes ley Willoughhy Grade BvCaryll Cumming Gary Fraliek Bill Kidd Harry lit Frank IradieJ Mu Mantels hGMe 1WCunpholl Sunnne gherry Karen Cooper Kathleen For Dennis Greeley neth Lowry Bonnie llalpollarid Donald Murphy Roger pix Vicki Sabin Linda Small Elizabeth Wanton John Weenlnlt To Grid Marry Ayresy Rom ald Beleshey Gary Blnim Dale Ann Babette neuuia Durkee Lynn Hilderlzy Llnda iihrreli John Hayes David Prati Donna Jean Watson Carolyn Weatherill Jacolyn Wealhcrlll To GradedLynda CampbelL Kimmy Coleman Bobby Cumming Wayne Ferguson Mary Fox Don na Frailelt Gary Greeley Nancy hlldle Billie ltiulhulland Paul Murphy Earl New Robert Nickn son Shirleleix Jahn Sutherland Rita Van Leuscn Margaret Wan lem Kathy Young To Grade 4Gordon Ayres Shirley Ayrna Evelyn BlilDavld slain Guy Brookes waype Dur hee Billy rrallelq Clair Harris eobbyspiall Alan Wright Judy Ebony Sheila Guheell Jutl ith ilurrell Gerdle Keuuen Bruce Martin Carol Mulhotland Jay Ilulhy Keith Pratt Alan Robert son Gordon Sutherland Jerry Van Leulen Linda Watson San dra Weatherlll Diane Webb Air lan Weber To Grade 2IJ0ln Ayersl Lindl Ball Richard Bobelle lan Cooper Lynn Ferguson Larry iiiorne wsudy Lee Kenneth llarau Jackle sultan Leah Young To iACllarlos Curran Fieke Keurlen hobby Madle Grade iEnnlce Peters hlllS JEAN ROSS MRS BET 1Y BEELBY MR5 DORA MARV TIN Teachers KNOCK School Plcnle The school picnic which had to be postponed on June 27 came all Tue uy evening last in beaut iful sunshine Nine children parents and friends atdnwn to supper Alter everyone was well satisfied Bruce che called nn James Slurgess who read an address and Ronald Cowun Dre seated Mrs Johnston with steam iron on her leaving as teacher hire Johnslnn who was aurpris ed atthla part at the program thanked one and all for their kindness There were races Mr the chil dren anda ball game followed be tween fathers and sons but we wont mention the winning team to save embarrassment to the older members The ladies of the community clhb had no trouble in selling their display at chocolate bars ice cream pop and gum on the night oi the séhuo lovely time together Wblpped into Fence JudyHarrla Barry Leearmi To Grade 3Wllrna Breadmore its sur prising how stomachs wl taught picnic Everyone wenthome aiter having hate to think about my thirtieth birthday Why what happened then GRENFEL luduetloh Service induction0 use ilawii will toll placé In Angus united Church Thursday July at 880 Ronnie linrfls is spending weeknlzuleu ohi Canlpatl1env erton Farewell Sermon Rev iuul Field preached his tartvweli sermon in Create UniL ed church on Sunday JuneSD After the service an address was read to Rev and lllrs Field by Richard Clnughlcy anti Iigiit nt money was presented tnMr Field by Maurice Crump Mrs Everard Harris presented lllrs Field with gilt irom the WA Mr Field replied thanking all ldr llle gilts We wish lhem success in their new charge at Dixie ltev Hewitt will is coming to this charge will be taking the scrviqss tor July beginning Surl da and llrs Morley Allen and David ulCcnIralln und Grant Alien Mn and like Harry c1arkand baby spent the weekend with Mrs Clarks parents and remlly Mr and MrsPete Wiudalt anti tamin ol Barrie and Mr and lilrs Lovelace and tumily of Orillla were Sunday visitors with the Kele ceys Belly Windatt spent law days with Ella Kelcey Allan Wice spent nday or two visiting friends in the district In Hospital Mrs irnla Webb is patient in Toronto General Hospital having undergone an operation We wish her speedy recovery Schnnlis out anal all rtimrt eurds gave satistaetiau We hope the ynung lry will have an enjoy able and salt holiday until the hell rings in September At the height at thet€rrllle storm Wednesdayevenlng last Dick ngby had the mistorlune to go to close barn doorattba Cochrane farm whenhe was whip ped up by the wind and blown right through barbed wire fence receiving some nasty culswhlch needed medical attention right away Dick is still olt work but we hope he will soon be back to health again utter such up erpsp lElch The windmill at Cdchranes was blown down in the storm and few barns through the eummuu ity were shaken or had parts at the root taken ott Holiday Visitor Holiday weekend visitors at Mr and Mrs Bowman Allens were Mrs Dunning Mr and Mrs Bart oily and David Miss Edna Allen er9 PESTERING coser right no by letting us spray your barn alumna rlv BAII is sate economical nvenient to use yet it truly kills flies like rnaei Barrie Palm Supply llMdlcasbar Pt 82982 and virielLd all of Toronto Ml gt gement nracllcea have lot totin litters Then taanlghty mporttint tovyou towean big strong healthyflitterar and wind every pig larr wedl the SHURrGAIN Demonstration Fann hla Eprllllynnder actual larln conditions an average nllfl piiza per litter Were weaned What dlllerenee between or ll perilltter Ind teni irouou 1le 77533 th the arrivalol consistently large The diiterenee is often the dllferenee betweenproper arid inadequate feeding of It nursing to its nnnidhaow abliiddltava the heat oturd and the heat at leed while growing irpr te pig weaned iii the ditterennhetween no profit and highly satia gt The hllh hunk of weanlinga is SllURGAINWE NURS ist listen but find stow rupamiiis am pm tran Inenb tor Veapr ehudrennt pr fldlilCMfl uviere hrseut Hrs Scott chaired the meeting diam in Gré ei Mineslnz vlflnulng wlll be held Mondayand Thurs days helinlllnl July H4 Cundlu clam will beheidflueas day and slrldays beginnlnlluiy 23 Mimirue startaharp at pm Pupils should Irrlve 145 pm In order to have time to change more clan This will continue ldr seven lesion at Coles Swimming Pool nghway99 There will be two instructors or eachatternoon Sellout Cloud Sehotfl closed on Frlda June 28 for the term and the lldren are enjoyan holidays Grenlel andPlne Gruveenjoyed aaame Di baseball at Pine Grove an Tuesday afternoon with Pine Gruvewinning The children enjoyed Ireat of ice cream train the teathers Belum closing at school the pupils at Grentel School presenb Miss Hand with farewell tilt prior to leaving for her home at Gananoque The pupils at pine Grove School presented Miss Barnes with farewell gilt botore Shh lelt or her hometin Toronto Sympathy oi Continually Slncere sympathy is extended to lamcs Travers and all bereaved in the sudden passing of his brolhcr Frank Travers tormcr resident here Former Resident tiles Another orlner resident here Walter lilulr passed away on Thursday July and was burial at Grenlel Cemetery on Saturday lttaraoon Sympathy gaeslnllt lo the bereaved tamliy Trip to West Ross Sullnnand Robert Snllman Mgunl St to and in Mary Matron2w were tely Quite lot 01 business was Station and Amen Itlllayelanau Centre Venn Ilitnturat and llra Cooper ol ottavn arIew weeks with hersisterphlrs Dewitt hit and Mas Lawlnr Mrs Forrest Dixie Mr and MK Ed Sullivan and fiends spent the weekend at their homes here Home tor nouday Eugene and Roilyhelaneer were bottle 1mm Blinditiver Dnnnle Clarke troln Gannnoque lQlD notta and Jacqueline King at Phil Kings aim at Sop Congratulations to Mr and lrs Rog Horrison on arrival oi by boy at Pcuetanz Gelleni ltospitai Mrlnd Mrs Thomas Frawley and Brian at Torontovlsiled at Frawleyx ltllry Helen and Reta Berthalolte of Barrie at Millers Summer Course Clara Amos is taking the sum mer course at Teachers College Toronto Weekend Visitors llnmu and visiting in this com munity on the chem were Mr ind airs Gabriel llcaucheslle mll lamily Toronto at That Kings Mr and Mrs ltully lielanger and family at peterbpreuyh at Ell gone Belangers lllrs McCarthy and lamily and llrs hlprvyn To route at itither llarvyu Mr lglt Fridayior alirip to the west erp provinces hiking in the Cal gary Stampede on their why iiaying Delayed The heavy rains haverdclnyed haying considerably The wind anti rainstorm at Wednesday év ening blew duwu larec number of trees and the implement shells at Van Leeuwens in the lath ennccssltln An implement shed was also destroyed by the wind at De Kiuynes cheralJclE phone poles were bluwu down along Highway 90 disrllplinn hydro and telephone service tor lime William and Doug Troughton and urnPaul lieuy nul tangy reroute rlftouahwn liéltbws On lunday evening the teadler and children at our achoolenlera island the parents and nelgtxbors to la onslstlnz oplcnc 41nd Idmllyfalso Mrs Amher Seninr mm Pickeringzllqusnd Hrs Donald Whileside and llqn supper all name and races tiltn nLlmmToronio issesvclenna halli hour at muiical entertain and Maureen Wh eside Lll Ham men by the pupils with Mrs Sell Fbs in area Tm Tot Mn miler pruentodhcr grade Maggigzcmmhirlgd PM gmgrlfidyu9gdflitnconfilsgzgmfi LAJl enjoyed the lee creamslreat nary Rode King Bernard Bel Recentvtsitorli1 Mr and Mrs George Archer Kr and ManleySmith and lltan all stilr and MrsHarry Whitesides hornrouSunday ltStaptlsr nannie Ills James Cook attended the Stanttnvtalniiy renuionat WIP fried on Saturday Sunday visitor llr and hire eavvden spent Sundaywith lir and um Allen Bawdcn spa Kevin at Shan ly Bar anger David ratings LIilyAl1 derson andPeter King presentationl was made to Mrs Sell our music mew by the pupils Then lltslllller halt summschpol awards to present as Jean Troultlttou withda7 hm nanlBelanger 83 Pertectrat tentlance Kenny Klnx1 Punctwl Jean noughton Suzanne cuuliume men Mill thNlSH paler ruthe 25a Ffl ioitllJNn PER an ndrllsll Binder Twine and rain rounu pen anae fclllllllllllli very at which growth and warm Grqur it you are selling your whale Replurdr Phone or call in today and enql nulllzleer FEED MILL ANNE Sl VliltimlE PHONE Pita 84264 or 84504 Your dairy call can become unasset in your dairy lien and di serves the host sinrl yuu can Alive it Colostrum rum the mother for the lirst three or tour days ls tiun rhuuue to the new Coop Mlik Replacdr ltillctllly loilnlllatod tu uive your cult maximum mim lilk ilepluter is very economical to use is call requires one 25 pound ling before changing over to Coup Call Starter NL it will pay you ta lent ymu calves on the new Cnop Milk ilk lur an avenue 0i $225 per lire about the new Coop Milk ah Pli 66531 259 INNISFII Sl Like to drive the sweetest buy that ever saved you pretty penliy Then just sample the show ylleres the beauty thats getting all the BIG raves in the lowprice field rVllli real and its tagged with £113 ce thats high iced look plus the in V4 ill its class teamed withthe ii at torrid DodgeyTorqueFllte drivel tutti will low price you hay is rt at the surprises youll discover Invnndfiel For nowhere else will youtind lawpriced car With such opper of the showroomsiDODGlEl pocketbookpltmserl only the ayeopening ost ppwerlul standard ghtnlngquiekuellexes Dodge TorsionAim Ride puts bumps and ehuckholes on the level too lets you corner without lean atop without hintoi brake nosedive aving dguresnn our Dad price tag Youll seerwhy Dodgets the dedljnr pail stepnheidln clrlflIIlln Fontrd Mill So take look at the mpua

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