Mined Service And Serving and Sabbath School in theStmud Presbyterian Church will be combined at no on Sun danqu 11 owlnl to Federa tion Agriculture service at Angus tbat day than my Robert Bayes bad the misinrb tune to tail and fracture his right hlpiand la patient llrItho Honours Cut Fool ï¬nul Murphy had the mlstort uno to cut his hot requiring some stltehes and is convalescing at his home Recently Married Gongratulatlons and beat wish es go out to Mr anthrL It Bowman on their recent mar rlsge Severe Damage SYRIth goes out to those sutlerlng damage In the storms or Wednesday and Thursdly July and around Knock the 8th and sevenlh concession oi Innis iii and down through Belle Ew artwhen trees were uprooted or twisted DI and barns either severely damaged or blown down We have heard there Is move menl to help those suffering Iroln damage The people In the Strand area eel very thankful that not much more than Inconvenience or lack ot hydro and some telephones out was the most damage In the immediate area Storm SiopsMn¢tlox The Presbyterian WMS had to be postponed on Wednesday July when at seven pm the host and hostess Mr and Mrs Frank Iowan were unlortunateiy In the path oi the storm having par Ilon oi the mat of their barn blown oil and several trees blo or twisted down cutting nll hy dro watersupply and blocking driveway Back Home Mrand Mrs Norman McCraw and boys hlve returned tothelr home at Niagara Falls alter spending week with their par ents Mr and Mrs Reid Evelyn Ayers at Toronto is spending her holidays at her home here Recent Visitors Visitors Include Sandra Cross of Toronto with her uncleland aunt Mr and Mrs Mel Martin Judy Johnson Toronto with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Johnson Miss Jean MacMaster with Mr and Mrs Fraser Suth erland gtMrs Elsie Brownscombe 1nd daughter Toronto with Mr and llirs William Sutherland at Dun robin Farm Jame Hand Miss Mabel Hand Mr and Mrs Ross Hand at Allistnn Mr and Mrs North Camp Holden at ll Hands Rev and Mrs Andrew oI Hanover with their lather it Sutherland and other relativv es Mr and Mrs Ruth ven Allistorl Mr and Mrs Sey mor Kell Churchill at Mr and Mrs Dwight Nelsons Mrs Herbert menu is In Tor mill with her lather who Is quite in Holldly Ruth Black is on holiday at her grandfathers Mr Brown at Bradlord Back Home Tom Cook has returned home alter spending two weeks atthe home oI his niece Mrs John Mulch in Mnxvilie At Little Lake Mr and Mrs ElmrrJratt Dav id and Keith areenjoyiilg hull day at Little Lake Recent Visitors Recent Visitors included Mr and Mrs William Walsh 01 Hag ersvllle at ank Grahams Bill Mulhnlinnd oi Grlmsby at Fred Mulhollands Mrs Elmer Gibbins and John oi Fenwiekpaand her parents Mr undMrs Terllaar of Holland spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs Glbbins here on the way home from the Beam ishaltiily reunion on Saturday at Orono Beach Uniied Church Service There was good attendance at the United Church service on Sunday evening condueted by Kenneth Gray Mr Gray chose for the theme at his splendid ser mony Eternal Lite Next Sun day the church service It 730 his Whe school will he alarm votlonsl period with aprayer Marilyn oi Barrie gt Unlted Event WA The members of the Eveninl WA tnet atthe homo ot Mrs Keith Constable on June 26 with no presan The devotional per iod was begunyith hymn alter which Mrs Wlnlesl read the scripture Mrslhrold Robertson read an Interesting article on Where no oxen are the crib la clean listy Wanlesa continued the wonhlp with solo Wu that somebody you ltrs Harry Horton then concluded the do by Mr Colwlll Mn Mervin Booth read sever chapter oi the story Mama Doctor The roll call was answer ed by woman ot the Bible and ataot about her which brought many Interesting answers It was decided to give don tlon oi $10 to the Presbytery Camp and also 310 towards the Vseatlon Bible School All the members are asked to rentember the bake suit and in nor to be held at lnniliil Park on Friday July to Anyone wish In transporlltiolt for themselves or their work may contact any at theatollowlng members who will be taking ears Mrs Harold Rob ortsonhntrs Clarence Ferguson Mrs Oscar nowman Mrs Itoss Huhbert and Mrs Jack Hughes The members decided that the policy with regard to afternoon this would continue as yllver collection The meeting closed with the theme hymn and pray er by MrsWanlcss Everyone enjoyed delicious lunch served by Mrs Ross Hui hert Mrs Mervin Booth Mrs Marshall Campbell and Miss Mile Ferguson assisted hy the hostess Mrs Constable The next meeting wlll be held on Sept 25 at Mrs Wanlcss CLOWES Mr and Mrs William Llntoot Toronto is spending holiday with Mrs Henley and Ross liIr and Mrs McLean visited with Mrs Nellie Hurst at Oakville also Mr Appelbe who Is not as well as we would like to see him The On Field Day was held Wednesday June 28 which was well attended by both pupils and parents at the Oro Falr grounds the children competing in diner ent Sports For the lirst time Clowea School SS No 15 won iro hy for baseball winning over Le hs Corner 24 to School closing gt Mrs Fraser and pupils held schoolrplosing on Thursday alter noon at the school The pupils entertained low of their mothers to pop wicnerslnarsh mallows and ice cream Very enjoyable time was held by oil Congratulations to all the chil dren of this community who suc cessiully completed their year In passing Moved to Guthrie large number oi friends and nelghbors on Friday evening at tended the party at Edgar Hall In honor of Mr and Mrs Fraser Dale Helen and Phyllis who lava moved to Guthrie They present ed them with corner table and coiiee table Best wishes go with them to their new home wt Meeting Clowes Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs Lees even lng at July The meeting ape ed In usuallmanner The utes oi the last meeting and cor respondence was read Arrange ments were made to have several quilts and rugs go to the Quilt and ltug Fair at Colllngwood community pienie was ar vaby hurls or at photomphorthnt nun ln mtgnewspaper avillnhlo In liony prlnla rennin sznviea 10 rllotlsrn s24 Borrow wiléfe moneyselvioo improved oge ou borrow plenty you want eervlee cited by years oiexperlenut Thats Inost people turn injure pravidinga money mvlpo booked by umrfwyerï¬vlbl AtHmiyouroeglvemmptlttendonflriendly but buriemiike antimonyour money in one day nndvlymourjboiuot re yrn The Bilha sxnmin or is shown as some oi the Ilsh were Barrio District Insurance Agent went ilshlnlt or their June meet Inlr They went out on Kempen telt Bay In the reguhr llshlng boats available tor hire and with ï¬ve to six men In boat the 35 who made the trip were spread on Iiorll the water as Ir are Beach oil Lake Simcoe Ind Il though all did not catch ï¬sh many did as can be seen from bove picture Not all the catch ranged to be held at St Vincent Parlt In Barrio on July 30 the diitcrent committees to look after arrangements The ladies presented Mr and Mrs Lees with plaque and card it being their 49th wedding on niversary on July motlonwas passed to keen on with our Mystery Sisters The roll call Reveal our Mystery Sis ters tor the past year which was answered by 12 members There also were four visitors Result was many surprises Mrs Lavender gave her report on the district annual Mrs Parla ridge gave the motto woman Is like pin her head stops her from going too hr The evening was spent In quilting The meeting closed by singing The Queen Luneh was served by hostess Isted by Mrs lraser and Mr Bldweil so gt HARRY HOLM Ash DOCl JOB Shell Oil Coqvbaaan Collinwa tSthItdl awarded contract or allaction ntza unsuited lurker andthenewahlplstoboready tor servlcelato next year The new dieulpropeiled vessel capacity oi 13000 bar he CHIROPRACI than ng oft ottieejor puerlse Announc GIIIIIIAI will have Ihe new tankerwill be ztn eel loos deslxned to carry more varied urgo than oil and gasoline Itwlll Include package goods as well Tho ship will serve remote areas along the rugged British Columbia coast logging companies 16 that 1957 9t ouNLorsr EAST oAlutlE mm minus rn smi yrs are fish Kempcntelt Bay Following the day on the VIII er the hungry party came bad to Ray Lems restaurant wlle most pnrtnolr at special Chlncso dinner The swimming beside the boats which last year gave some at the participants much pleuz ure nnd others some worry did not lake place this year water was too cold Lake Simeoo and brought to shore sn that by the time the picture was taken the ilsh were ready tor the pan The sueecsstul ï¬shermen oi the pirty were Torn Dunn lluss Saun Tam Tattenall John Sle phcm Jim Kelly Bob Sarlennt The photograph was taken hyErniu Bell who was un lortunatl enough to draw the same boat as ourselves rid the old iisherrnans luck which has dogged us lnr lllo hung on Wr havo never caught real good ille nnr has anyone who over us when we were Del Cole went along with ï¬shing However the ï¬sh caught may have been expensive but they did represent in good days sport tor the agents and prove that Knoll mvlnr hy lnrxprrlznreo propn without the proprr linohaw nntl equipment can be ml No need to do it the turn why when you nu east It to WileApproved van llnu Campbell lellze hunt or North Itmerlun um hllving Ind starn l1 llurlun Inc Phone PA Hus in experlener an 10deop annulus root42 slam by 09 Ttlellll llilllioll llrnrrlenn iNFIATAILI WADINGPOOLSlxeaptlonlily low priced hools out youll wont to mull your buchydld slim pl ground so that you It know the thnyr auto mouth tlosiblrwlnv and tentntistnnt Intlnte blowinl up hallooll Novrllnt an eyn on the Supehlnuh vinyl lntlnl Like mother£51 dz taste run In the Carla flavorsCa da prLglve olouro is at looydl Level Wind Castlng Itgel Cantllevu Tray Tactile Box Fishermrns 25lb Seale Fish Scalar Pork Rind BraihstLing camhlnaho PlusHooks Leidefljinke notgood Whether its the other iaumus liter nd will Dry dry zesty Singers or one youextm reiresitntent for Next time shillitll iii