Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1957, p. 14

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ms THE saooNi NNUAL DAYSEEVIBBatIvy on Sunday Julie 80 was held in hiustering weather meelergy had to bottle stilt wind as they left the chnrch iorthe last part oithe service in the cemetery congregation numbering inntheservice were PDnnn Rev REE Adnms of Cook own Eev Dow Mimico to rlgh and THE IVY METERYi rehponsib new Week Miss Gladys rie spent the we Clrnoilcri nlr cnliirs Dean oi To onto were Satur guests at Mrs Lccsun Ottnwa Holiday Mr and Mrs GlangAilEn are unholldsy in Ottawa Mr and Mrs finiand Helmer and in ily of Barrlespent the wcchcnd st Walter Andrew Wscisno attottnz ilrrrand Mrs Lloyd cohoro Paul anvaeier and mowed spent Sunday is coon at St endoucots not Hamilton or re weekend suests Mn Dalton Jaek stneL Wednesd nlter nodn the home oiVMr onion Eréedanflilh Mrs Gordon Hill be the phair Ahymn was sung OlinWEd by the Lords Prayer Minutes or the last Inset read and hminéss nt headlngand prayer by fire Halbert min was ED Who we or the arrangements lor the servicewere Front row left to right Bunting presidén Henry Davis secretary treasurer Cliftord Davis MelMoney preached on the spedlalservlce at whldh Vera Donn MA 81 former rector the text These nil died in rlaithundconlessed they were strangers land pilgrims on earth tension made on tnrlu or on the grounds wt garage is said to have been erect iioodwhy hauliéllwill look War in site mapy Point wind hi or years past been rented by Mr Stewart land or summer hardenW roadway shovlr oil the plan Vin MW law or mill or the public to the wig jinn the holduthurim bliva chances the modem Hi cgcs hult on Iile have plenty or access to mewJar The MD cll none at whom vuo in when the orl to rent this al ip liar oi the opinion that they look over lhesle intone any Mr Stewart askedthat advised oidne lime they there so he an dlgcuu the tb them no on port at the Im in our don the Forest us part at the éeremohy in the cemetery rl ervers Rich repraled in unison ing talk on Burma hymn was sung and Mizpnh Benediction re peated The usiilil social hour fol lowed organ ln Maniorlam ML and Mrs Earl Rowe had lovely Lowry electric organ in stalled in the nhurcii last week emoiy itheirpnrenis momma Heimion The Robinson reunionwas held Lorne Wnstl The nditioii Di yo gmmtundemki rr Wiiired Davis and Wn IHarrySmlth MrsJackson parts an interest limndled by P9 JBollohiwart Pork Councillor Torrens rsporiso ihat utter hovan lenders rotu as $500 tor use cleaning up ihc strip at land whatso park at pciic ewrrt he hrd been successlul in getting lhe work done through themaria depart ment for less than 5100 Ind that good jobIhad been made This strip purchased is part pl park plan which may be de inoped as demand intruded Ironls on road lepdlng to the water and gives many who hnyo novotner way to get to the water it fines to use Po ice Commission Theiownship Police Commls sion illlg been appointed amrd ing to letter received ram the Attorney General and when they have been coniirmed In accept worded to the council Their iirst dutlrs will pe Io nooiirm the hir niso to consider the whole police sntup in the township and detide onihe personnel andthe manner othnndllng police aflaira in gen cral in lnnlsfil The renve otahe township is member 01 the Commission by virtue of alike council Authorize rid agefyftev Eevonffluiiding Permit Monlts rector Rev Fl Lleut Cur riewhu eonduc ght5 James McDer mutt Claude Bunting BevanMonks nomwas asked mum ma lens K9 Smm and authority to authorige devlas tion to thejbilaw and the answer by the board chairman was that atMr and Mrs Thomas llnhin sons on Snlurdayf Attended ncceotion Mr and Mrs Wilfred Bellral tended the reception following Nichols were present to enquire the wedding of Mr andera Keu about the repairs needed on roads Mr Baird an owner of property the service and Arnold in the Longwood Area on the lath Bantingllay re er concession near 20 sidemad had purchased property in that are last winter anchesired to get huilding permit There has been the ownership of the rightolway and the Iownshlpsollcitnr had recommended to the building his specior that the permit be delay ed as the bylaw required that any building must from on rightfliway and it was felt that tinK should he eslahlished first However council authorized that permit beyanted arrno tion of Councillors Torrens and Cnclirane At the hearing the bylaw he tore the Municipalliplld ques tlioy did not Rdte oyers Ask Wor 0n Roads Harry Thompson and Vern neth Aspdcn nt wsnonon Sat which rent theirproperties urday Sunday oucsts MrIhombson was concerned Mr and Mrs Word Senior and ii and MrNithnls ohout wrist ML and Mrs Don Ward and he plaims ls Cnl hohrne Ave ai children or Huntsville were son though there are signs that call day guests with Mr and Mrs it Coxmill Road did end hi this Houghton estaie should as your personal 09 gamut hegllifgshnhe Administration ism not something unfamiliar marlagenien 1r Trusts we have They will advise and encsd Lgf your onusntiilmytlmeou is beyond the turn and leads to The BARRIE EXAMI owns the adioloiog tr fa thalrjiie Wqu opuscot an last year hy the townxhip for it they would assume once their names wlu be lap ing of three new constable and litigation in progress to ascertain about the lath west of Highway neqtlgnvithrtha extenalnri or the proposed servicsroad which is now part the plinoin rtaxe and has been worked min the cookstownelnverieal loathe Iiilh ilnrgirorn the him In the rigour the idler no IEUI were told ihatlhc with were hesitant to spend any money on yisserond ends until ihe mntcr ni pnnfixniloii Mfldedfiahxiy claimed is pa on their lan or searrand had had suitin lént spent on the ds in make the Pimple in 111016 supervisor Cowan was 9° and suggested that he blew give small our aunt ol usialanee although the iiidaft Ital alrudy sel Flairn oiaa Unhepvoble aporéiudentr otiiiconn pooch MVWW that their and rut was distortion by my plants Sundays dill by cooinctor whosc lor theirs They It aLeam kluscd or very ohisctionahlc oi the motor running or sultan from ruling The unwise bylaw witsrefer no to and the imer was to bo mow the police utter ihc chill in coaatutcd hwoy 4500 Closings Dllo farmers whose property will he liiected by the closing DI iilE MEGS to iilgliway 40 her mum and ulsu an origin garIron the design Department of Hi Vwaya Fowncr to dis cuss iervlce roads to bniadt ailow Moose who will be shut on in jet oui Mr Fawn otter ed the towhshlp suggestion that lhc iull rupoarihihty ot the work in run llne would be prepared la rue nrnrnend in the deputy minister that the highwcyiocpnrtmcntpry the lull rust of the work die loldwlhecouncii lhllcthe db parlmenl had shiiicicot worlr in are ihcm to take the next two drmore years and lhll they would he favorable to the municlpilitles taking over any portion road extensions anddevaiupment mad Ihal they could handle Ind Eli Ihollhc whole matter could he handled more expedienuy by lhe Inwnship This wouid billailihc purchase oi the land for the road between the Hill and theeighth line and the conlracting orvihe com uc lion including eenllneerinl oi aame The ratepayers all lhnl the scrviteroadlii made would add to tho value or the property as there were ma onquirim Ior Il landlioldcrs wanting to hr near tho highway llie scrvicc roads which were passed on last yearranii included pieces ironrlht Bill lu the Blh lint and from the in lo the lit an already pcsi the highway op provul and Mr iuwnor Suidflhul the work on Ihcso would be com llliflCLd his year Tho Council were not asked in make thcirricctslon at once hul give dhe mailer consideration ailor more oi the ratepayers had been consulted and than to write iln department wliun report on tho whoic mailer wouitlJie plac Lil hororo iin titpoly iliinislcr Thowholc Council had previous iv paid visit to mo oiilcc oi that nilicial jmd as rusiillMr Fowncr was asked to get rcnori on me mailer lils report will he hosedonthc decision oi council who seemed Iii be guncrully in liver or his proposal suggestion lo divcrt rthe tie is letting arongm well Idler the computations she and alter ll Jdr and lira Gillan on Wednesday evenlng and despite the very heavy rain tha house was filledrrtoaeapacity to honor Mr and Mn Alvinlfhompaon nee Marlon Fenie Alter cw round at cards Roy Hick pg calledthe Vhrppy upla to the irontraod liter ew words at happiness orthc future Glmna rutcrson and ponon lllcitiing Carried in well laden basket ibatwls returned and refilled Alvin thanked on behall oi Marlon ind himself when the gills hld been duly Idmited the hing was brought in close it ooontuul lunch Conmiulatlons lo Pupils Congratulations to all pupils both public and highwho secured their puss marks and special con gratulations go to Joan Wnllwin who has completed tivcyccrs er itclJttendarme ring also rocz ved second class hono School nmewnrk is over Joan in Kind to say Elli not or school hours as she is now private amrmrydo ll leilI secretary at the BMI acstloi luclr in yournew carnci Joan ev wt ohurch Clturup Plans are now underway to clean and redeoornta Chrlst Church The chimney has been repaired Beller Allin We are plcnscd lhat pine Men route I9 slxlh line under the highway and use the ilvc aide mhd on he east side as service road Was in lhc opinion of mma in be Impracllcable as Iraiiic der string to use ihnt routn could now do so but the road on the Eusl side would give new access to property which would heshut oil entirely unless service road was made the remoéailoftonsli and aden aids Also glad to see llltie lln lteKinz daughter of Rev and am Kingpin aweekln No Setion bani We hcrjs can he cry mortui at the in wind nd storms of our last week never did an orev damazt than blow down at limbs The piclnréson only few milesaway Ihpwed what terrincmoss the zusta did in such short time llpwetcr the heavy rainsdl much damage to in roadsan alter much grading we were rely pleased sot nnwgravel halos am aid mern Dcspliu the very wet day Jlinl 27 mothers Di preschool children guthorcd at the aehuol i0 bidInmwell to hair leather ills Margaret Johnston Alter few games and s1ngipg rntsy Harris read thcirtcuchcr an address wishing he the hilt in the years to come and Glenna Fallersonpruontndlhurgwiul dresser set gtMlss Johnsltin ihcnkco her pupils and thc hitcrnoon closed wllh it lunch Miss Johnston la teachingl in Cullingwaod nell term link Home Mr and Mrs James Handy and Mr and Mrs Ross Wallwln and Joan Waliwin rcturned home at ler spending low days with Mr and Mrs Cliifnrd Poole Lung ani Sunday Vlsltonr gtlir and Mrs John Wallwln and Jotm spent sundry with Mrs Keith llaii antichildren in their summer coltage ai Thnrnhury Sorry Kallil is confined hi home Ill Timinhill Willi mumps In an Exaltimsn wimp rlur PHONE PA IZjll NEWR Some oi the reasons flymorekbnlariuns belong nan cihsrhospiioi pit

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