Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1957, p. 1

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was WW Aw KENMiicKAYassisranirgerterolcmanager9oi Barriefolice Edward the Ontario SafetyLeague onMondoy night orilcially presented to Mayor Willard Kinzie the special saiety citation awmded to Barrie tor fatality tree record An 1958 The award was made at the Canadian High way Satety Conference held in Quebec City on April 23 or this year With them is Chief Tsehirhart rt Lower pictureMr MacKay alsopresent ed tothe chairman oi the newly formed Barrie Safety Council Gladstone Currie SChOOl Movecl certificate orineorporatlon with the Ontario Safety League LettBlll Henry and centre Alderman Paddison members or the Barrie Safety Council namedclout An inlured man crawled mllelo farm house alter an accident two and bait miter west oi Thornton to eat police He first checked to see ii there was anything he could ear concerned Twovehlcles met headron on County Road No 10 west oi Thornton shortly attermldnlrht Driver at one vehlcle was Ronald Cook20 RR Thornton who suliered concussion and lacera tions and eontuslons to both knees lle called the police Driver at the second vehicle was John McKnight 51 of RR Angus who ruiicred broken ri broken heel concussion and shock Both were taken to Alliston Hospital for medical attention First DiVislon Court Held Ai Barrie The sltling of the First Division Court was held in the Court Housc Barrie on July His iionor Judge Harvie presid ed There were six disputed actions for amounts over 5100 ich at which were claims or damages arlslng from motor accidents one claim on promissory note There were our disputed ac lions for amounts under 5100 slstlng oi cinlms tor work do and materials One other action was for tall ure to make return by it gnrnr isheer The court tor the examin ng oi judgment debtors will he held House Barrie it 10 am Camp Bordén lloyal Clnadlan ocntal corps fiarrie Town Council are consid ing an ambitious road improve nt program for the 37 miles of st etswithin the atown limitS wh will cost million dollars program will trike1 live years to omplete and will be laid for by dc entures over 20 yearsf Town 75 my filmbilltllls VStliemjeILGolisidered ForlownaRoad drained and this will be paid ior on flat rate at $5 per out front Curt Beiore Horse Alderman Paddison tell School has beul moved lrom 541 Sussex Street ottowa to new headquarters at Camp Borden nookn Kearney is com manding officer with major Garth Evans as chiei instructor assisted by Capt Fletcher asad jutant wot liarry Litilam sen iar dental technician woz Lorne Proudioot snperintenfllng clerk RCDC School is an educational institution designed primarily for that conducting postgraduate courses rgc tor propcrty owners paid over once more council wasputtlng the tar dental omcers already in the 20 year period it is estimated cart bclorc the horse Wouldni service as well as instruction it be better to have Proiect Plan administrationand military trai hclore lng tor alldental personn that the dminage program alone will eost two million dollars Town Council went into com mitteens whole to discuss the roads will he elassilied its arterial program with Deputy Reeve Lest er Cooke int chair hale pointe ners report on drainage heputy Reeve Cooke chairman oi the public works committee COLDWATER DROP pointed out glatvhis committee BAngleoNleRloCANADAWEDNESDAY minusu I1 PI 0100 poomint mun night do or the driver of the other on Tuesday July 15 in the Court Charles McMariin JLlLYlo 1957 MAI In CsWJAIMAyflI nunv inhalatan Barric Town Cduncil are to enter into oriveyear con tract wlth Greer Transportation Company Ltd tor town bull service commencing September The action was wel Ménager canted by Deputy Reeve Lester Cooke ILE something little better than what we have It was condemned by Alderman Biaandon Mannoba Paddlson on theigrounds that the bus contractor was The directors at Brandon rocks tender was received ers Ltd have announced the up pointmcnt oi chancs iiciiiartin gThc special transnarlitevn cm as manager at arandon Packers Hum wwmmended five year Limited contract with Greer Transport liir ltchartln who has been Climate We carrying asde Wm 00pm Fond guarantee at 42 cents per mile products name to me pm tram the town The company re will he relinquishing his tained all earnings between 42 present pump on pm and ill cents and ever this lignre July 12 Pue will be flying the town and company would Brandon ilaniteba on July mm 5M 50550 basis Under the lake up his new appointment contract which becomes operative Mrs lliehinrlln and the two WWW Lu WWW Wm mm 10 Mm We put inlo operation at least one by an new has North West Service The committee also recommend ed aaeday trial scrvice tor thc north and west part at the town Commencing on July 15 tive days week The buses will run at 1245 pm pm and pm and the town guarantees the operator is ccnlsper mile pins 52 per day tor operation Jllney Srrvlre third recommendation also agrtcd to by council was ior in experimental lltney service along alake strchopcrotcd by tle company live days week tor trial period or all days There will be two services per day at and 430 in and the cars will carry Blake street Jitncy Scr signs The tare will be salieks tEFhuscii Matter or Computation IIARLES tlcltlinrlN Commenting on the contract Alderman Paddison said It Charles llicllinrtln was born we 01 um we are going my and educated in Burriennd utter subsidy tor the next tiva years graduating from Barrie Collesi and the our company is going in ate Institute attended the Uni Show gums profit 15 we pom varsity of Toronto where he at pule the cost an yearly basis 2mm degree chemical ons there is good chancc oi the meaning bus service paying its way Prior lo returning to Barrie Alderman WHIth snm workcd as chemlcal engineer that the bus company had made in the paper industry tor several it um um um mm years Back in Barrieghe joined Copaco Food Products us than be 31°er on mummy gm lst became plant superintendent mm PM trying to take advantage or the council because no other that there WIS also Doday clause whereby the contract could be terminated by either party We have paid nearly $9000 in subsidy and over so per cent at the taxpayers who have eentrllr uted to Ihat 59000 are without bus service said Alderman Pad dison think the whole thing is ridiculous This northwest ser vice is just Way 01 stalling oil the ralepaycrs In the west end at aorrle AldermanJ Williams Id milled that the scheme was not Ihc best but the committee has at least come up with something in the west end we tool that ii we have 20 passengers per run then it wlll pay us it is what the people have asked tar and this we Keel Is in the best inter 2515 ol the people at the west end Open to Question Alderman Paddlson said must question thestalcmcnl that the north west routes will pay He Alderman Williams knows know and you Mayor Kinzlci know that it will not pay agrectiic chairman is trying tu do something what he is trying to do isto sidetrnck the people the north and west end fuss Eilurer Moyer wiilard Kinzie lnlornied council that the loss on the has service this yearhad been so tar sooo compared with some last year Alderman Pratt was oi the opinion that tiie proposaiiwas about as good as could be obtain ed at the present time Deputy liecve Cooke said Every member of council realizes this is not pcrlection but this is step or progress it little hclter than what we have it is the host we can get recorded vote was taken on and Ilnally general superintend ent itr tlclliartin has been closely associated with the Air Cadet movement serving as chairman or the clv an committeeoi the Barrie Alr Cndlrts ror three years and recently as area chairman on the provincial committee He is member at the Presbyterian Church Provinelal Police are searching Jlor vehicle whicheaused the yfieath ot hit ker on Highway around 11 oclock on llionday Deceased is Jack Makcpcooe at Ferndale fihe first intimation police had the accident wuswhcn James Sykes 24 ul Vietorin Harbour 9°Gi¢3é¢kl¢hi°ile miles norlh at Barrie had seen Makcpence walking along the highwayearlier and had warned him to keep of the Lrnvellcd portion over Mokepeaces bodyon the highway betnre he could stop The body was lying onthe road in the southbound lane north oi the CPR crossing about eight OPP Corporal Arthur Kellog the adoption or the recommenda lion ot the contract and the ex Iendcd bus service 0tlle our teen members present our Jl oermen voted against the ldop lion They Were Aldermen Mar cellus Paddlson Harnny and Hersey Less Discussion The recommendation or an ex pcrlmentnl jltney service along Blake Street was passed with less discussion Alderman HEP icy guarding the interests at Wlid hoped that the special committee would not shut the door it the service iailcd to pay on tiveday basis am no live it will pay onc day lweek Mayor Klnzie suggested that it might be necessary lo consider this light lye ot service tor the north and westend Alderman Williams point ed out that in View oi the incl that radio elibs would he used when one can was filled second could be called up to take over the route As tar as the town is concern ed we haveto guarantee one way iarc said Alderman Prattr The amount or money being gambled here is peanuts ElderlyWoman BreaksLeg Crawls Home Miss Susancnrerley who will be is tomorrow tell lrom tree at0rilll atrying Ip rescue her kitten on Mondaynlght Recov crlng consciousness she crawled 250 yards to her home sutiering compound fracture of her leg through twlrfootvdeep creek and up steep hill Reaching her bed she lay all night without help Doctors at Soldiers Memorial Hospital to which she was taken slate she is suitering ironl seri ous Internal injuries and that her leg may hovel to be ampntnled Miss Calvcrlcy said shewanled to go home to her pioneer terms house tram which she has been absent overnight on only few occasions In her lifetime this Calverley live alone on the woaere arm and until few years ago she kept several head of cattle The kitten is one oi many pets on the farm Her sister wholives nearby toundvher on her bed on Tuiisday morning alth MixsCalverley had tailed to answer the phone Her condition is sold to be serioul DOG SPILILS MOTORCYCLIST Golds Barrie Alderman had to have hospital attention when dog ran in front at the motorcycle he was riding on Clap pcrton Street last week He was unable to avoid the dog and the collision spilled him on the road ntormed them that he had run WELFARE INISTER Will OPEN way The dog had to be destroyed oMEF

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