headdress and Miss Sharon anb or mu MR Alli MRS JAMEe sauce nArtlus 3Aorton elmvolt stilling flarriéegacz Waffles5 Trinity United Church Thornton was the setting tor the marriage or Miss Marian Elizabeth Black only daughter or Mr and Mrs Torrance Black or Thornton to James Bruce Harris on Saturday June 15 1957 at 330 oclock in the alter noon Pink and white peonies ground Rev Barn1rd olllelated at the doublering ceremony The wedding music was played by Mrs Arthur niack aunt oi the bride who also accompanied the soloi Miss Norma Bayliss ui Barrie in the singing oi Wedding rrayer dur lag the signing oi the register oiven in marriage by her lather the bride was wearing gown oi lace and net over satin trimmed with opalesrent sequins crown oi seed pearls and opalcscent se ouins held her ï¬ngertip veil Site mailed bouquet of red roses lily oitllevaley ivy and iern The maid oi honor Miss Mary Caldwell oi Barrio was wearing gown oi yellow laiieta with net overskirt and headdress and was carrying bouquet oi talisv miin roses cream carnations and steplianotis The lrridosmitlds Miss Zcila Hur rls of Milton slst or the groom tz oi Thornton wore gowns si 3rd marriddfloukyig Roman Catholic Church was decor peonies tor the marriage or Miss Mary Ellen Fraleigh daughter or Mr and Mrs Harry Fraleigh son or Mr and Mrs Harley Howey or Mldhurst on Saturday June the twentysecond 1951 at The altar of St Marys nted wound and white oi Barrie to Richard Hovfey eleven oclock in the morning Rev Thomas Manley olllciated at the doubler ceremony Wedding music was played by the churchorganist Mrs Currie Powell who also accompanle the soloist Mrs Edward Corenran in the singing oi On This Day at the signing at the register Given in marriage by her lather the bride waswealing goWn White nylon little and net headdress oi nylon not and sequins held her ï¬ngertip veilg andi sill was carrying abouqnet elred and white roses in our code arrangement The matron oi honor Mrs Doug laSgFraleigh at Barrie was wear ing gown or pale green nylon lice and net with is headdréss nl white leathers Her elbowlength gloves were white and she wore shoes to match her gown The bridesmaids were Miss Sandra McNutt oi Barrie wearing gownor pillb yellow nylon lacs andnet with matching shoes howlength gloves and feathered oi Sarnia wearing gown ltl mauve clrillon made with pulled sleeves tier shoes and gloves were white and she was wearing tenthercd headdress The attendants tan bouquet otlfwcet peabandmums of honor In shldes otorchld and lime green Thcy carried nounucu or yellow roses white carnation and steplunotis New Lowell United anarchyi lnts selling tor the marriag oi Min Len Schciidlu tor at Mr and Mrs George Sch Brcni wood to misltnrrlson son at Mr and Mrs Joseph Harrison oi Toronto on Sclurdly June the twentyoccond 1N three ciock in the air oon inn ceremony and wedding innate was playedby Mrs Clark who iso accompanied the mini Miu hyllis Geary oi Toronto in the singing Because Givcn in mnrrlrge hy ther other the bride was wearing gown fol chlntiily luoand hit over satin made with sweet heart ncckilnu trimmed with motheroipcari sequins and bend and ions pointed sleeves heartshlped helddrcs mother otpccrlsaquins held her linger lip veil and she carried bouquet or white carnations siephanplls and tiny red roscbuds Tite matron or honor Mrs Jack Allen at Kingston sister til brtde was in peacock blue crystll ettq and the bridesmaids Miss Marjorie Derhrdinc and Mid Doris Hoiilnger oi nmtnto were iiev Clarke oitlslaled at gowned lnpink muieito Unto men rryntciettc Tho attcodlutl vgo large pic ture hltlilnd glovu lonutch their gownsand carried bououcu ot plnir uranium in varying burr Wllter Coinuu of Toronto was lid the other were Toronto bro thcror the bride and Mervin Murphyoi Toronto thercccption It New Lowell till the mother otlhohride re ceived tilc lice over urtct with white no cgsorlcsuid run ol red rosesufihe me parents who are vacationing In England and lreiuid were unlhlc to attend the Iltd July BrideEIeCi is EnierlainedAi Office Shower miscellaneous shower was elect llllss Esther Watson by Ihe Eirls oi the office stall at the Barrie Works at the Canadian General Electric Co Ltd on Thursday evening II the home at girs Douglas Conlon 106 Nelson The hostess was Issisted by Mrs loss Taylor The brldclohe wls sealed in chair bcncalh white umbrella decorated with streamers Her gills were presented in pink and white basket Winners at several shoWer games played during the evening were Miss June Writ Miss Jenn ne Morrison and Mrs Donald Mauro button and turn tormed the back luneh was served held in honor at July bride The groomsman was Edwin Hur Assistlng thc hostesses was Miss rls ot Milton brother at the groom and the ushers were Wallace Black brother of the bride Peters were received It the home of the brides parents by the brides mov ther wearing navy shecr Ind lace with black and White necessaries and corsage of pink roses The grooms mother who also received was wearing pink crystalette with white necessaries and corsngo o1white gnrdcnias turquoise figuredv dress with black and white accessories and eormge ni pink eornstions At ter wedding trip to Eastern and Northern Ontario Mr and Mrs Harris will reside at RR Barrio lo tl maid irom Milton Rentrcw Ind Toronto thcr who assisted was in blue Bertie Mulholland Miss Watsons morrlige to nouglas Lung will tlke place on Saiuroay July 20 Mdjsieursiéorh New Wuys 3A Bdrlle Clinic For travelling the bride chose and my Alter tho ccrcmnny the guests Outflmown guests were mega socicted Museum at Ontario scientific Swedish mlesoge by El inbth Munser human of Lon Hosp rcmcdiol correction exercises par sivc and active Other demonstra on therapy Torontfl in Se trlrber POPULAR FAIRS oi the bride received the guests wearing dusty rose lace with white accessories and corsage oi white roses The grooms mo ground The greiter the crow lace and was wearin Pink 9°C the greater the air sories and cursage or red roses Guests were present tram Sar nia London Branttord Preston Scotland Oakland Burlington Orlilla Ind Mldhuriit PHONE PA 81 Over loo registered masscurs Irnm Ill parts 01 Ontario attend ed the clinic at Dalnes Clinic lit Massage Barrie on sunday The meeting was sponsored by the As Outstunding among the dem onstrations given was that on don Hughcs registered masseur with Beileville Gencriil gave demonstratlon or included postpolio truiu comedynkctches lng traction massage and hydro rlae next clinic will he held at the Central YMCA College Street in the ï¬nal analysis it is attend once which makes fair success Iui Aside from the tact that it il attendancewhich provides the rev enue with which to ï¬nance it crowds remain the actor providing atmosphere forming the hack Estevao Mercury Tor An airenliven WANT All Celebrgting 50th Wedding AnnVerysary Mr and Mn George Bowser oi Mlncsinghwiil be their ndg on Saturday July 13 on the occasion of their gold cn wedding Inniverslry gnoccptlon hours are lrem one to three oclock in the afternoon and trout seven to lo oclock in It home to Utopia Community Hall Was it one place in that crca which di uotsutivr iroln powcr allure on the occasion oi the hurricane Wednesday night last weeir the timeot the storm some 500 peoplevwere enjoying the tradi tinnai nuuulr strawberry testival Following the merAliuiduB Schoolvot Dancing Indiocnl tel ent providedtn entertaining pro gram The nnder the dir ection at ind Mrs Arthur Robson staged varied program ot doncesinstrumepta musicnud Utopl unrepresented by tit Muir sisters who songs trio and Frank Higginson who was ably assisted by vthe audience with on ineomc tax problem Adoilnr he could not account tar was aucv tioneddfl and purchased by Dnhlt aid NitMaster or 5175 Rov nevan mm was master of ceremonies The program started oft with IEiVeIWIY per iod when theerowd were auowed to tulle ironic any chevitnggurn theyiound under the chairs The Traumarad inighway whichstretches from the bound cry of Manltnbl to thelbonndliry Alberto offers an excellent guests wearing navy was served by the WA Mr Field was presented with purse on bes hclt at the congregation and the junior choir presented him with two records And Winnipeg Mrs Frank Little Winnipeg is spending the summer with her mother Mrs Jack Forricr Mrand Mrs McLean Toron and Mrs ingram to have been visiting with Mr Mrs Frank Ross and Karen ot Pctcrbornugh are spending low Baseball League Gilt The Angus Baseball League prcsented Mr Field with desk set on Monday when baseball tournament was holdln Angus wedding OutoIvtown guests were from Nur Falls NewYark King if iton Torontoitltnilton Barrie Stuyder Thornton Ind Angus Lelvlngan wedding trip to Mmkoh the bride was wearing white dreu trimmed with blue white accessories and comge or pink roses on their return Mr Ind Mrs nrrrlson will be makl Ins ibolr home in Toronto atlaz MR AND MRS RICHARDï¬OWEY pictured with their The bride is he mm daug tor or Onir Purl Avenue attendants were muffled in 5t MDYYSChlr¢h L91 Mr and Mrs Harry Fraieigh or Eurrloyand the groom is right are Eric Eowles or Barrie Jack Howey or Midhurst the son or Mr and Mrs Harley Howey or Mtdhurst Alter Lynn Howey of Hindu the bride and groom MISSLynn wedding trip to the United states the couple will he mnk rrnleigh flower girl Mrs Douglas Frnlelghyor Barrie Miss mg their heme Emmy Shnrbn Lamb oi sornln and Miss Sondra McNutt or Barrie gggp TheEnmlne have moverl lrom Kingainn to Weekend visitors with Mr and growldons mrflgunmilryfox Angus United Church parsonage Mrs ilclliiu Carmichael vcre Mr pm mm mm where iicv chilt will be the burns Holcn Anne Freelhy5am 51957 mg mp pm IieccnllyMrrlerl L0 ml minister Burgess Marley rayne Eon Free blrtbdlyil her barn in Contralnlaiwnsin Jeicue Fer ilev and Mrs Paul Flcid Mr and Mrs itnscoc Moorman ihycnd Bill Finlay allni Tor liradlord direct horridM and Donal mim and dllBhlLr leit anTucsdy lot Pctcrborough spent the weekend onlo bienn any fly mg were merrlchn ihc chapel oi lhe their new home in Dixlu when with Dr and Mrs West pm ith Haiy Trinity Church In Toronto he will be them ulster in Dixie Ihio to re mm mm 25 Wm Church um grumpy air and Mrs Lewis Cock Mr ceive members of her ramlly Thump Manny mg ta and Mrs naymond Cook nebble Ind number or trienlis who From Calgary Farewell Sermon fly and Elwood minor maple and Caro Mr and Mrs Walter mum will Mrs Norman Sproulc and dill Mtcr Mr Fields larewoli aer lelt by lgotofl tor orand Dam Cook Barry and Gordon attend slid Melvilleth dren oi Calgaryare spending mop in Sunday night inc cop NB ler visitwith Mrs Mal ed the Tracey reunion Mde number or weeks with her mother grogstlon adjournedlo their Mks parents Mr and Mrs Lin hullle li nel mo ocla oi in lc an air or mo er rs up Trenton visit Edna Taylor and Fred lalinsion Miss Margaret Latlmcr is spend ing the wcokodd with WC and Mrs Harvey and FltLt and Mrs Polenaudc Trenton back iron airmany Miss Valerie Dexter rcturncd homc Sunday by plane from Germany where she has been teaching school Also Lpi Stew of St Catharines have been spend basement Tuesday evening Iluiy days with Mrs WalterCorner Sr Toronto Visitor cummllfliirinrir Mrs Frascr at Toronto is vis C611 GI iting with Mrs Waiter Allan The CGIT Group presented Mrs Mrs Emil Chcliak and children Paul Field with alovely brooch and earring set gt in Glit The Angus United Church Young People presented itcv raul Field with lovely copper tray ing short holiday with her mo thcr Mrs Noble Wi Meeting ThcWl will meet in the church Welcome to Community Angus welcomes Rov andMrs Frod Hewitt and family who It oclock sharp The motto is Grumhling spoils more homes than poor cooking and the roll call fSnmcthing new on my pantry shelf Mrs Paul the cone vener will have her son James Paul show colored slides All ladies are welcome forward tovvthe picnic following the ï¬nal citarninations Congratulations are extended to the successiui pupils SInldly Service The sacrament oi the Lords Supper was observed in the church here last Sunday Sun day School will continue through out luly nullale visit William Coulloroi autian and sister Miss aBcrtle Coultcr Ridg way calledon relatives in the village Sunday MeetCopsinr Miss Edith Watson and Mrs Stephens werccnteriained at the home of their cousins Mr snd Mrs Sherman Todd Sunday cvcn lngand thcremet their other co Mrslred Robertson or narri and her daughter olive Reg Later in the evening nthcr cousins called in to meet Mr Robertson who has been in Church Supper The Unitcd Church completed their recent anniversary with the annual cold plate supper which was most sueccssiula Lovely plates of food were served those attending the supper and the abundanccol appetlzing viands on the table with dwarl bouquets added pleasing inspiration to the guests The program in theaudlto Lllri or local talent was much appree iatcd with Mrs Waniess andlour young girls from Stroud assisting and Sherman Todd of Churchill delighted the audience with their uttering oi talent The evening closed with The Queen School Picnic cancelled The public school children had the sympathy or the community In the cancelled Innislil school pic nie which was to take place at the park on June 21 Most pt the children were at the park hen the downpour of rain with con tinued driuie necessitated the school boards toeall oii all pro lntcr callers were Elmer hothwcil and slsters Misses Libbic or To rento an Reba or ï¬lter WA Meeting pavedroad ior Amotorlsts travel im in Sashmhoviun ceed The children were deep med met at the home or Mrs Fee ricr on Wednesdayvevcning with For travelling the bride chose sheath res in salmon brown accessories and can sage of white roses Attera we ding trip to the United States Mr nndiilrs Howeywiil be no ingtheirholne in Barrie at 126 aracuord street Sun ayope tors in theoldma ual circling started linking pe Tons placing calls to hung up and try again rfew nil rites into ul operators starred in church jlpMuipny and jld wasWaltte meiqu or Toronto The lid 14 members present Keliough road the Scripture and Miss Kay Ailnn the lesson The reasurer Miss tee on expenditure stated two dozpn stackestyleehairs had been bnughtror the Sunday School roomv Alibtold her report was most encoura rig Thevsociety will cater toia wadding in the lite lily and tn August meetings cold plate was also given The September moetingwiil be held as usual sister art Dcxtur returned home trom oi Toronto called on Mr and Mrs Art Taylor on Sunday Weekend Visitors Mrand Mrs Fred Mason or London spent the weekend with aristow and lamiiy Mr and Mrslim Marshall and Putsy Mr and Mrs Ted Barkley and family spznt thcwcekcnd with Mr and Mrs Lush and IMrs Duekworfli iii healihior some time past The The WAolthe united church Mrs Ted splendidrnportor the previous the iourth Wednesday wo last week ot the so denapualng her cousin Mrs Wailtlr Hami new Westlime ry Hastings Germany on Saturday tor hot lday Ronald Dexter Toronto spent the wcekcnd with his parents Mr and Mrs GooroDcxter and lin bert nowald Cornwall is visiting tinend Mrs George Dexter and Miss Valerie Dexter my in Toronto Mr and Mrs Keith Weber Marilyn and loyce spent Thurs day in Toronto New York liollriay Miss Dianne Van Vrisschla at Barrie Ieitby plane on Wednesz day night for holidays with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Van Vrisschie New York Hctgrand parents lid Mrs Peter Gyliel and Diannes mnther accompanied her to Maltonlo see her on on theTCA Mrs Graham Barrie spcnding her holidays Withhei son iaw and daughter Mr and on Sunday all attended the Fish er reunion Sunday Visit lllrs linger rlekcring andher mother Mrs gtSpicker oi Totteni huln vislicd Mrs Jack Calder on Sunday Mrs Maddock oi Moose Jaw Sisk is spending couple of weeks with her sister and bros lhcrinlaw Mr and Mrs Fred McFarlane Mrarld Mrs Elwood Atkinson at Toronto were visitors atyw Atkinsons on Sunday Visit Danlhter On Wednesday Mr antlMrs Culham visited theirdaugh ter and sodlnlaw Mrand Mn North Soon dale Mr and Mrs HarveyrAtklnson and MI and Mrs Nelson Ray mer were in Owen Sound on Sun day owing to the death ot lorm er pastors wile Mrs it Good Sunday Visitors Sunday visitors at Rellao Care micll oils were Mr and Mrs Fred Cookp earrie Mlalrd Mrs Gee and twins ot Tomato birth or Son Congratulations to Mr Ind Mrs ltod Menonald June Cul ham Heatheote on the birth of their son Bradley Alexander on June 27 1957 at Coilingwoud and hospital For rlanc Travel and 19 inch sizes of light weight sturdy Vinyl Two strap inslde pnckct zippered outside pocket lieliable lock and key complete namclag0nly An excellent spare doubiebedt st nightand oiiue mlortable couch duality durable home or cottage mitts