COOKED RAW SALAD Mix ll delicious cooked raw salad by addlhg cooked asparagus car rols and lima beans to shredded cabbage diced celery and may onnaise flavored with onion juice or odd cooked corn or peas to potato macaroni or rice salad with chopped celery and green manna noisy mi 195111 in oils numbcr or Barrie guests attendedthe wedding or Miss Carol Yvonne Styles and Egbert Harris Davey in Grace United Church at St Thomas The bride is the daughter at Mr and Mrs Donald styles of St Thom and the gloom is the son or the late Mr and Mrs Charles Davey or Barrie Rev Johnston otrlciatcd at the doublering ceremony and wedding music was played hy Mrs Ralph Graham of Sheddln who also accompanied the Soloist Ron ald Medlyn Candelabra and bouquet of lowers tanned the setting or the marriage The bride was wearing gown oi petit point lace over nylon tulle made with tiered skirt tilled bodice and sweetheart nccit line trimmed with seed pearls and sequins The gown natured boutlant skirt eoronet oi seed pearl and sequins held her shoul derlength veil and sho canted cascadoo miniature pink delight roses and stephanoils Miss Kay Davey at st Thomas maid of honor and Mrs Ronald Whisken and Mrs Murray Wat son 01 St Thomas bridesmaids wore identical ballerinalength gowns 01 blue nylon not over tat Meclcling flntereat jotzed IOace 4loll3touw William Sandy McMillan son at lilr and Mrs Hugh McMillan at Stroud took as his bride Miss Jean Louise Horton daughter at Mr and Mrs Lloyd Horton of Lisc towel in dnublMing ceremony on Saturday June till twenty sccond 1957 on the lawn of the home at the brides parents Rev Martin pastor of Llstowcl United church heard the soup les vows Mrs Elmer Noble played triadic tionai Wedding music and Miss Donalda Jackson neg was her classmalos soloist Given in marriage by her ialh er the bride was wearing strap loss gown of not and white lace over satin Her short lacetrim med jacket natured tiny stand up collar and lilypolnlcdslccvbs and her fingertip veil was caught to Coronet of seed pearls She carried bouquet of pink and white roses in colonial arrange ment Mrs David nrodliagen at Palm erston was her sisters matron oi honor Her ballerinalength gown was of pale yellow taffeta with tilted bodice and she carried bouquet ol mauve and yellow Little Brenda Lee Erodhagcn at Palmerston niece oi the bride was flower girl She wore pail blue nylon rock and carried nosegay at tiny white ululna and pink rosehuds John McMillan at Campden was groomslnan ler his hrolhor The ushers were Walter Shpik ula ot Pelcrhorough and David Brodhagen or Palmerston Baskets oi pink and white pennies ormcd background for the reception and candlolll dill nor which followed Receiving the guests was the maintain tau my lawnmowerHamil was mandating whva Jack Acheson or aan and slur ray Watson at St Receiving in Graet United rs you Church auditoriuln the brides mother wore rose nylon laceover satin with whit Wiles and con8a oi pale pink niethurt mm and Ilsphanoua airs Prank cadet or pink carnation liss Ellen Louise Chapman lower girl wore pink iledted nylon dress and carried min iature bullet oi blue tinted and white shuts murnL Davey aunt or the gloom assisted She chose floral print silk with beige accessories and Corsage oi yellow mm and staphnous For weddingtrip to Ottawa Quebec and the United States thl bride donned pink cotton lace sheath wllh matching linen Jacket white accessories and mango or sweetheart roses and stcphanotls Mr and Mrs Davey will be making their home in St Thomas June It pretty wedding look plans in Mount Dennis Anglican Church on Saturday June 29 51 at threo oclock rip the afternoon when Hiu Sandra Dianne Os borne eldest daughter at Mr and Mrs Osborne was united in marriage to Glen Gllpln son of Mr and Mrs Horace Gli pin pt Siayncr Rev West oiticialed at lhe ceremony Mia Mary sainty waa solillsi The bride wore strapless gown oi white talteta topped with longilecvcd Jacket at French laceAn apron Ellen ovcrsltlrt nl lhc lace was caught in the hack wllh large satin bow lewellcd tap held her lingcrllp veil and she carried bouquet or white and pink cam stions Miss Brenda Osborne sir ter of the pride maid in honor was gowned In while nylon over pink brides mother who wore blue dress with white accessories and colsallc of white mums She Th bridesmaids Miss Gnu Giipin twin sister at the groom and Min Wendy Osborne sister oi the bride were in white nylon over mauve Their picture hats were in pink and mauve shades and they carried noscgays of earnlions Thomaswmio was proomsman and Kenneth Gilpin brother at the groom anti John Lyons were ushers rccoption was held in the Pioneer linom Cran Plan when the brides molher rccelv all the guests in lilac silk linen dress wearing Corsage oi yol low roses The grooms mother assisted in blueï¬gured sill dress wearing corsagc of while carnalions and While accessories After wedding trip to Miami Florida lllr and Mrs Gilpin will be making their home In Toronto was assisicd by the groomj moth er wearing blue dress with navy accessories and Corsage ul white lnums Later the couple left on wad ding trip to Northern Ontario For travelling lhe bride chose pull blue iigurcd cotton with while accessories On their re turn Mr and Mrs McMillan will bl making their home It 542 Ayi mci Street Pctcrhorough Guests were present from List owci Guelph Campdcll Tomato Barrie Newmarkct inngham Pcterborough and Atwood in at tendance was the hridpr great aunl Mrs lox oi Victoria British Columbia The bride is graduate oi Guelph General Hospital School at Nursing and the groom is graduate 01 Rycrson institute of Technology COOL DELIGHTS T0 BllEEZE YOU RIGHT THROUGH SUMMER Pretty SliiEVeleSS Blouses Where aria tho sleeves Gone for the aummnr and vary happily too bncouso here are iusl four from whole collection at little coolers whose hollering new neckline and added dailies of pretty detail were iust mode for your favoured sums pier skirts and play clolhes tool Imagine all this enchunimenl and so tomplelely carefree they wash easily soma dripdry need little or no ironing Choosn youn soon at EVongallnoa motl modn prlcol SIZES l2l 32985893 miims Miss Patricia Leona Marion daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Marion or Barrie was married on Saturday June the twentysecond 1957 at ten oclock in the morning in St Marys Roman Catholic Church to John Desmond Flynn son popper or Mrs Flynn and the late John Flynn or Burrord nt Rcmsnies ill Clair olilcist guests wearing sheath dress ol ed at the ceremony and sold the champagne lane with matching Slmaglxelluig nuptial mass coat and jade green accessories Sign any nth bcl Mfl Currie incn playpd he Her enrsagc was of bronze munis my The grooms mothcr who assisted °K we ng run Cool summer colours inwltitc the soloist Mrs Marie rhcresa was wearing twoplcce ensemble black mm mm nradiey sister at the groom in dusty me with mulching ac GM in marriage by Mr cessories izla rather the hridc was wearing Lcsvms un honeymoon tour 3an ol white tulle and net over the United Slam the bride up satin She carried prayer hook was wearE while dress Willi heautiiuiiydctaiicd with ny eovcred with red tca roses and Evyafldwilile dolled amssoriosi how trim and Brows orvcrti while ribbon streamers their return Mr and Mrs cal imntplcating washable Her attendants were Miss Eiiz ï¬lmg hum viscose rayon linen in whno ipahetli Anne Marion name in Torontu beige pink yellow or mini maid or honor and Mrs Lorraine °W Em the WId 35 Skull18 33 9a Mumy of mugs and ding were lronl Sudhury Glace sheila Canlion at Toronto brides Bay Hilllax Owen Sound TMW ii maids Their cocktaillength 1° Wyebridse Burimd and Dak gowns of pink capri were made min SImuss Inna with hedices nt pink eyelet and Null with sclr 1i they were wearing matching ae string howdtiTAh real gt cessories care ree is in Keith Bradley or suriord FUR COATS dripdrywltonbroad was groomsman and the ushers cicihwoshabicnocds were Martin Marion or Barrie ilitllealirlyllogrgï¬t David McDowell at Toronto and Ilc ac Robert Macrherson or Toronto ll Mlllllllll ii Son mml or bclgc At the reception that followed vouw meal roaniaa Sim l2ia $293 It the home of the brides par DUNN PilIlliil ems on gtEugcnia Street the it mother at the bride received the JEllliVAils gi mile Hill Greatnéss ilsNever Achieyod Suddenly Since the ï¬rst Cadillac cs made in him has this fact been more deeply appearance more than ï¬llyï¬ve years ago ctchcd in the public conscimnncss than it list always bccn crcaicd toa single it is during the prcacnt automotivc year Fm it mm The motor car that not represent Cadillac on the highways or the world has And wsheutquauemthc in on and advanced the Cadillac tradition to an the accomplahmcnt have bean onc snd utraordulary degree the same Mm some arcnggemn 1231 Tn°22321i naoapparcntovcr tengt yspan that the Cadillac name hand today as an ï¬lm my my mm iyou have yet to discover cilialici for highways exist yooncil you lllntlld haahatc no longer to The pretenders have coinsand dicy of an animation have gone For time is an exacting that °°l 943 9215 Waiting on you lush showroom is Here most ccnoinly la the very genesis masterand only the principle that have oftlic unique position which Cadillac clan trenth the great Cadillac car and only proof beyond doubt that Cadillaci iairi randy mpies in the hearts and mindi the devotion that haa givcn it being luv incl ai rcpiitauonhthc Standanl of thaworlda motorism beenequalto thc challenge the Woridi Slmalm Stoop lluhi dips to most cool at backDaniecotlon washable requires little or no ironing Summers prettiest white aqua mint or yellow Sims 1243 $298 ill Izmi Ithaslong been true in the aï¬ai ornisn that onlythnc can conï¬rm the gill or grcatness Artist statesman writer craftsman each must await thc yuan for thc maturity olhis talent and tor the verdictoihiajudgu In every human eilort time is or the utnnce Noningle as on brief moment in the sun has ever ovcrshadowcd the lilca won his master And it is in the aï¬airs of nicn so it is in illé world orconamrcc Nothing great was cvcr created mddmiyrwhedla the product be that of an individual or Jilly7 mil ouoou camaaliua manor