Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1957, p. 1

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Barrie hell of antimotions BARRIEAONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY JULY l957 The miracle of the unexpected List The allowing are the promo tion lists and awards based upon the termswork and examinations held during the years losesl indicated based upon lllc following sched Honor standing ales Flrst Class llonors 75100 Second Class Honors 6614 llonors 6065 Third Class Credit 5059 Where students are promoted conditionally the subject men tioned is lalluropbut the aver age or other subjects is reason will atudy this subject in tlie noxt grade but should do special work in it to bring it up to pass sland conditioned student may be dcmotcdduring the year it he fails to make salislactory etl ably good The student aid orl in the next grade Leading Students In General Proficiency Grade 1X Susan Taylor lXK 938 Gradc Carol Quinn xA 903 Grade Xl Jeanne McKenlie km 399 Grade Xll Arlette Lcsnge 940 XllA General Awards v1 HlSLOPs BARN was one at num ber on the lth Lino innistil which was de stroyed by the hurricane that sped across son 123 xckonstrntln ltoth 854 Earl Cochranc B5 xiiPat DAmbrnsiu 79a Dionne Coulson 722 xKJanet Westmnn 371 Rosita 11858 xnhonnle Mac Aulcy 849 Elgln Green 81 KIAJeanne McKenzie 899 cllen Leach out XlBCllarlcs Bonnycastle m4 Sandra Rankin 321 chhlarlene Dash 534 Pat Hurst 735 XlDalonn Her bert sol minne Bournc 793 XlEDolorcs Courtis 786 Ruth Livingston 775 XlFRuberl Dob son ads CarolynForbes 775 XllAArlette Lcsago 946 Douglas liorren 905 XllBJnhn Richardson 926 Rulu Jansons BB xucBllen Cottreii so nurn llorie Grecn 739 XIISpMary Ann Crooks 785 Elalne Webster 738 XllDMiehael llcCavera 8m Allan stuton mt is Outstanding Citizens These students bavc obtained the highest grading possible Plus from their teachers Nancyfinyncrjxh Mary Duns mort lXD Eleanor Jennctt lXD Rasmonda Johnston lXD Ardath Zimmer lXH Charles Knight lXH Ellnheth neatly IXK Su aan Taylor IXK Gloria Rattle lXM Marilyn Reid IXM Ian Crott IXM Donna Thatcher IXN Susan Tschirhart Kathleen Waite the county lrom Coilingwobd to Lake Simcoe and runner on Wednesday evening Girlrrances Wildman XlllC lx and XSusan Taylor lxx kelballJill Smith XlllB lei Bali in Leading Citizen of the school and winner of the Principals Cit izenship AwardFrances Wild man XlllC Harold White Cup tor Head Cockburn Cup tor Head Boylohn Riehardson XllE Andrew Hay Scholarship or $20 ior Middle School Mathematics John lllchordson xna Arlctte Lcsage XllA Soroptimist Club Prize til $25 ior proficiency in Senior Commer Campbell xma Anna Beagle perskl clnl YearEllen collrcllxllC xllln Isabelle Gilchrist xler XGDon Burton Joe Corton Busmess and Protessmnal Wum sheila McKcown xuia John Allen Drury Mike Newton Earl ens Club rrize $25Mary Ann crooks anp Canadian cluo Prize or $25 ior proficiency in Middle School Eng lishArlctte Lesage an Womens Auxiliary to the Ki wanis Club ol Barrie award at $25 tor proficiency in Latin and FrenchArlene Leslge an Moira Groat Trophy in Art in Grade lXRaomonda Johnston lxo Library Club Prize for the high est standing in English in Grades Evelina Rieci XA Bill Laking Memorial Trophy for outstanding boy athlete or 195857Alan Money XIIIA Johnston Carruthers Trophy for most valuable player inBas Morrison Trophy Best Ciris Platoon Platoonjadet inspection saily Jones Rodgers Trophy Best Boys Platoon Platoon Cadet inspection xJuhn Richardson Class Leaders in General Proficiency lXAWliired Rawn 593 PeB gy Lee 573lXBJim Bruce VIDJ Nancy Rayner 741 lXC Clara Alderdice 391 Arlene Gregg lXDEieanor Jennett 906 Mary Dunsmorc 883 IKERich ard Bowman 886 JanetAyerat 842 lXFMargaret Drary 301 nelaa Marren 781 IXGMarion Meredifllafid Janice Morley 80 gttxHArdath Zlmmet 915 Bar bara Richardson 842 lXKasuran Taylor 938Robert nicci 857 iXL Elspeth Cameron B83 Christa Klynes 536 iXMGloria Rattle 919 Hilda Duilter 33 lXNDonna Thatcher 395Da leCorrlc Van Dalo 855 Susanvlachirhart 358 aral Quinncol Nancy Waliin as XBCarolyn Cameo on 859 NoraJensen 342 XC Doris Thuriow 775HsienGiynll 742 XDCorbett Adams 722 aoger pence 706 mnnold 00 Nancy Wallin XA Nora Jen sen XE Carolyn Cameron XB John Langman XE Konstantin Roth XG Sandra King XIA Mar lene Dash XIC Joan Herbert XlD Sally Ahern XIF Arlette LcsageXllA Gale Kelso Xilh John Richardson Holloway XllB Sally Jones XIIB Ruta Jansons XllB Ellen Coltrell XllC Mary AnnCrooks XllSp Joseph Madigan XlllA Dawn enls have compldcd Grade Xi and X11 subjects and will obtain secondary dllomas at commencement 1951 rane John Ferris Jack Graham Kay Livingston Bob McFadden Paul Martin Paul Priest Lewis Robertson gcss William Thiifault Beverley IXBRbhert Campbell Donna XllB Diane une Aycrat XllSp Frances Stcw rt XlllA Alexander Roth XlllA Examination Results The following Grade XIII stud school graduation Wendy Bezzant Eleanor Coch SharronLynn Stur Waterxun Pcrtect Attendance 195657 The allowing students will be eligible for Perfect Attendance Certificates presented by the Bar rie District Collegiate institute Perlect Attendance is based upon the years record in regularity and punctuality leBarl nawn Donna Mc Fadden Lionel Coiear Fred Mink Gordon Palmer William Sparrow Chard Ran Cunnington Charles llartoil Maureen Klnton Jlni Knnle Clarence Money Hazel Shaw GCCalvin Beamish Douglas Black David Metoail Mavis Gril bn Arlene Gregg Eileen Fitz aimmins Richard Agnew IXDJlm Marshall Leighton Campbell Larry Caner Ron Columbus Kay Hart Dru ryEleaaor Jennett Raemonda Johnston Ann Kearney XERichard Bowman Paul Desourdicnbiane Appleton Pal5y Goodcrliamlaact Ayerst Nancy Order Gordon Cowsn Gail Gr XELeonard Coupland Robert Howird rlndlay Anna Dickey Lorry cro ricir Robert Fisher array in fenlllargaret hrury Cb lotto McKeown leLarry Garna Greeaaide Allan Jenna Moore Brian QGurnblll DonnaMarlo Manon Clark Oglctrec Beverley Furyk Eric Adams Marilyn Davidson Nora Jensen XCLonore Excll Doris Thur low Carol Watson Shirley Gond win Bonnie Martin Dianne MBA son Cnrniyh Boyd Ann Spanner Terry Clements Janice Handy Arthur Martin ThomasSuttnn XEDalc Fraser Roy Hastings XFFaye Jackman Diane Mac hiner Bill Harris Virginia Kas tram Myrna Webster non Tbaclter lTobl avom Igiate ndféilvards IKECharles Knight Donald Martin Joyce Pratt Myron Spou agie lXKRosemary Raikes Shelia Forster Carole Barnardllobcrt liiccl Robert Renlon Gerald Smith lxtsAllce Cole Gilbert Hart lcy Richard Hartley Mike Nyk oruk Carolyn ades hlnroiyn Oadcs Norma Campbell leilDorrainc Constable Carol Ferguson Wayne Lilly Marilyn Reid Keith Shulc Linda Simplt son Robert Preston JOAiin Fad den lXNWarren Masters Gary Palmer John Psutka Robert Scrutdn Joan Thatcher Donna Thatcher Danny Ball Neil Gra ham Brian Robinson Earl Shan non Beth Sweet lXPRuth Gill Dnvld Sul tan Susan Tschlrhart Corrie VanDalch Barbara Judy Young Wayne Thurlow Ford John Goodfellow pard Clark Catherine Coutla Butler David Gray Frances Ogletrce Mabe John Ferguson XDKenncth Carson XHGlorio Leach William Be Charles Milhnrn XKMargo Keleey Jean Ma LennanGalc NElson Rosita Pitt Helen Rainey Mary Sinclair Jof anne Sheppard Paul Swain Anita Smtin Joan irlbble Jim Wilgar Ted Williams XMElgln Green William Wi terburn William Money Winston Sharon Lavender Beverley Anne Sutton Margaret Walt Garry Anderson Wayne West Winston Wright KIAPete Robinson Martin Carol Orser Jim Page Gar Pow 11 Smith Sharon Ayers Leanox Nolinnc llaigbt KIDEdward Sutton Jean Bris tcw Marlene Dash nonnn Web steraob nowden Roll Urry Marilyn Campbell Cathy Jones oieue McQuhy KIDTony Burger nichnrd Stephens Brian Ward Vernon Ayrea Leonard Duckworth Gary Duff Garnet Peacock Jim onlo lan Ronald Simpkin Kenneth WaltrDorolhy Gibbons Ella Kel coy Phylils Sprouie Eleanor Stunden XlEMaralyne Appleton Win atoa clogs Babllenderson Joan Lindsay Dorothy McFadden Vlr giaia Muir Charles Spenoe XlFBcverley Ayerst Ron Carter Myrtle Emins Margaret Robinson crGeorge Masters John Mel raci Bob Rowell VanDIlen Coulis John Bartram uldle Rodney mikes Wattcrson XACarol Ballantyne Jacque lyn Denney Valerie Elliott Maria Ronald Harris Barbara Holloway enrol Quinn Nancy Rowell Paul Shep xnCnry anllontyne Wanda Gayle Andcrlon Carolyn Cameraman Margaret Flying Cdnlrdl Cdmp Borden it was announced today by Air Force Headquarters that the Roy ll Canadian Air Force School of Flying Control now situated at Grand Bend near Centraiia0nt arlo going to relocate nt RCAF Station Camp Borden next month The School ls responsible ior providing basic and advanced training in Aircralt Control Tech niques Io ollieers ot the Flying Control Branch and airmen oi the Aimrait Control Operator Trade The School will also pro vide acrodrume control service at Camp Borden The School oi Flying Control was armed originally It Patricia Bay in British Columbia in Aug ust 1942 and was disbanded in September 1945 In April 1946 it was rctormed ht RCAF Station Trenton and disbanded there the allowing year Early in lmfld course in Flying Control was be gun or Aircrew oriiccrs in com junction with lhc instrument Fly ing School at RCAF Station Cent raila in 751 the Flying Control Branch ior nanflying list officers was established and the CenlrnIln Flying Control Course was mov ed to Grandhond iew miles irom Station Centralia Since its establishment at Cen lralla in 1951 approximately 175 Flying Control otllccrs and 375 airmen including low airwo men have been graduated from the course in addition fourteen flying control personnel lrom oth thc school Squadron Leader SIN Beauehamp DFC CD Oificer Commanding the School School To Come er servicesvilaveAbecn trained any thirty seven years old at Winnipeg is Fishermen Hunt The storm that went as quickly as lt came on Wednesday night left scene at dcvaslation and lot of irighlcaod people in the resort areas of Lciroy and Belle Ewart In its 20 minutes dura tion the hurricane ripped up hundreds of trees smashed gar age and boathouses flipped over boats and hell debris strewn around At Lclrby the wind picked up telephone booth and tossed it through the general store win dow cottage was overturned and there were many reports ol trees felled across cottages and houses all along the western shore of Lake Slmcoe Most altected was the area around Cooks Bay tree oil on the Wilsons eot use and pinned bctwecn the branches their two cars There wasa report that cabin at the top of the 7th line hill had been moved across the 101 complete with the occupant No one was hurt Trees lilting driveways to farm houses were in many cases lop pied like toy soldlers along the drive Telephone service to the cot Union Services $91mchut9hes Summer Months Collier and Central are United XiBGary Fraser George Hay Cynthi Lloyd Joan Mitchell Joyce Trelt try Dun Gibbons Joe Koole Paul Murray Hill nonpld Kaigbin Peter Lewis xllABruca Dangerfield Jim Diamond John Drake Mark Fish ellnouglm Moreen Bob Wllson Judy Craig Mary Berthelotte Raiile Snakes By Moon River Cpl Charles Wilcox RCAF Camp burden and Col Donald Carsweli ol RCAF Winnipeg bagged twn rattlers while on fishing trip together earlier this Week They were walking back train the banks of the Moon Etvar 30 miles northwest of Bala when Wilcox almost stopped on rats tier in the grass The snake was clubbed to death and the rattle bank of the river it too was killed and the rattle retained as trophy llt anluacs wnso olficc yesterday as president of Barrio Rotary Club Deal or the club during the past year became vicepresident tor the en suing year Mr Wilson joined Rotary in April 1951 He came to Barrie tram Torontopia November 1949 having graduated in law from the University oi Toronto in 1941 He served three and half yell with the RCNVRr during World War Two Electrical Lieutenant Mr Wilson iama ried and has two children John dand Hamish wholl tour weolu ol in Barrie be ecume spart gcllirnt of Machine aid ow Asltlierry 73 arm XE lobn Andrey Money Joan Mooney Gcor Hutchinson Della Bmma Alice llnowl Turn to page three pl congrflgitions together in Collier Untied Church or both months one aervice at 11 am The new Central Church lis presently being constructed at Ross and Toronto streets and the PEANUT DAY connection with Barrie Ki Sbeard who served as president worshipping and clapperton streets with scrva ices at ll am and pm This coming Sunday the special preach er is Dean bristol ol Crozer Powell xma Barbara Webb Coehrane Andrew Cowan Kon XllIC Frances Wildman XlllC flanifloth Dianne allsmere Shir uiphinsziafifizinm was gonna 32f°g° smmm Chem fif2ewigo bsrtfi titenrtirice or ones an hour later on the opposite In Allandnle the Base Road oclock The instructions end Presbyterian and Burton Avenue United congregations are meeting for July in the Essa Read kirk The minister in charge is Rev Cr Muir ol Essa Road with the kirks choir and Frank Dutch er organist Church school is at 945 am with church service 21 so nursery and kindergarten at 11 am KIWANIS HOLD To HELP KlDS Ihc Peanut Float wlll be ln Barrie all day tomorrow Saturday July 6Tbls la in wants Clubs annual sale at peannts and peanut butter Privileged Childrens Last year the club undertook to construct and paint large cottage at Blue Mountain Camp for crippled children Considerable at the cost ol theKiwaniana are continuing to peddle peanuts to get the Job done Chairman ed basilica cection to pro new drive not proceed ior theunder this remains to he paid but Writer Stcckiey nhnounced Tuesdays din her meeting at the Legion Hall thlt receipts from the house to house canvass in Barrie and Camp Borden Iml diluted to $257878 which ll somewhat leavthan Inticlpat omorrnw they Kiwanlam will have when six stands ereéttd ia the middle ot the ages in many instances was cut oil and Where connection was still mointotned queues oi wtvcs lormed at booths anxious lo let thelr husbands in Toroplo know they were rate At Johnstons house on 7th cine lnnistll the wind twisted limbs oil the trees dropped them on the ear standing outside lore open the tront door and blasted out windows Accidentally Shot By Her Brother teacher at St Marys Separate School Brndlnrd was accidentally shot by her brother at her home two miles north oi Bradlord on Wednesday She was token to St Michaels Hospital Toronto sullerlng irom bend wound and her condition is said to be serious Police state that her brother David 15 was shooting sparrows at the rear oi the house while his sister was hanging clothes As Miss Harrison straightened up irom her clothes basket she was hit in the toreheod with bullet trom the 22 revolver The brother called the police ond Miss Harrison was taken to York County Hospital Newman kct and later Toronto Catholic Children Summer Religious Schools Opened Summer religious schools for the benefit oi Catholic children who have been attending public school and thereby do not receive the instruction in their religion church of St John Viaaney par 1511 Volunteer drivers pick up the children each morning on 21 dit each day at one oclock witll Benediction of the Blessed Sac mment in the church and then the children are driven home again Arrangements for the Summer school have been completed by Rev Thomas Manley and Rev Rosettis at Belle Ewart The classes are instrxcted by the Si tors of St Josey The highlight of the summer school will be Friday morning July 12 when about 40 children will receive their First Commun ion at special mass The Con fraternity of Christian Mothers will be hosts to the communion class for breakfast in St Josephs Auditorium aridthen the school will be dismissed for another sum to their usual holiday activities Masseurs Clinic in Barre This Sunday registered maaseura ed by the Associated Masseurs The meeting is being held Daines Clinic of Massage and live topltline masseurawill demonstrate their methods of montage Among them will be Elizabeth Mercer Jonsen who trained inniasaageln Copenhagen Denmhrlr and is now registered masseuse in London Ontario Another masseuse who will be giving demonstration is George stockweil president Bradford Teacher Township Between Highway 11 and the CNR track down this my Ws hm concession other count on hurricane which swept across the county nn Wednesday evening lrom colllngwood to Lake slmcoe spilling trees and barns in its path was that no one was hurt in this area Ronald Baker 13 son ol Mr and Mrs llarry Baker oi Toronto was killed at Lotte Seugog when an elm crashed on the lamin summer cottage Paul Bluetl 11 son oi llr and Mrs William albeit at Grand Bond was killed when the bicycle he was riding in the blinding rain storm was in collision with car driven by Manse llnson in so oi Grand bend Wlth hurricane velocity the storm rneed across lrprn Georgian Bay to Lindsay The winds mav ed inland at collingwocd and ior rents ot rain tell at Crcomore Campaorden and Barrie streets ilowed like rivers and basements were hooded The major damage was ccntrcd around 7th Concession oi lnnislii Thursday morning snowed thit six barns had been wrecked by the wind Trees Across Highway Huge trees were toppled across Highway 11 between Stroud and Churchill dislocating hydro and telephone services and blocking traiiic ior several hours on his way to Bradford along Highway 11 when tree tell across the road in tront or the car In which he was travelling No one was hurt and no damage Forecast Cooler Léés Humid Weather Coming There is some hope that there will be break in the Student pastor of the Lutheran Church Barrie Milan Babel was arm clans was drawn nodalmt loinv walnutlions was doneto the tor and the lourney had to be completed we Highway 400 Ileavy L055 Damage estimated at $60000 was done to poultry farm on High way ll Here the wind wrecked new building ripped oil the root of large poultry house and turned over smaller lield houses housing chickens over 100 chick ens were killed llydro cohncv lion in thc hatchery was dislocat ed and heavy loss is anticipated ihorc Near the buildings oi the poul try arm stack at root sheathing Weighted down by six by two tim llcls was l00d around like pack of cards Bales of hay wcre liited min lield into the highway lnnislil Township Police and hyllrn and tclcpnone rcpair crews worked through the night helping to restore services The traffic problem created by blocked road was aggravated by anxious Terms to husbands mot ing down to assure themselves the safety nl their inmates occupying the cottagcs along the lake shore lwfiDamages Four Collages By RGS At 11 oclock last night twister hit the area at the south end oi Nontyr Park which is about our miles north of Belle Ewart in lnnislil Township on the lake shore Four collages were hndly dame aged The Huntley and Llclhail cottages were occupied by the families and the interiors were shambles window blew in on the bed ol twd the children and scattered glass about the room Thexpariitions partly tell on the hedas well The McPhall kitchen is wrecked with the floor heaved and the walls twisted ihe Thompson cottage was de stroyed The whole building and contents were strewn across ma July but and humid weather accompanied by thunder stormr experienced during the past two days in this area Today promises to be sunny with cloudy intervals cooler and less humid lllgh Low old building has been Sold Dur that is provided by the separate June 23 56 ing July the Collier Street mln schools opened last Tuesday June 29 53 istcr Rev Ernest Lewis is in morning in Barrie and Belle EW Jun 30 so charge with the Central choir art Approximately 150 children 51 and Churchill as organist are attending the Classes in Bar July 46 St Andrews Presbyterian and rie which are being held in St July 50 First Baptist are meeting ior July Marys School The attendance is July 62 in First Baptist Church Worsiey about 50 at Belle Ewart amission mad orLa 1011110 feet away Two other cottages are so badly twist all they will have to be rebuilt Nopersonwas injured nor did the storm do any damage at any other part oi the beaches Seven miles from Quebec the iiiontmorcncy River tumbles 274 feet into the St Lawrence to form the spectacular Montmorcncy Fails highest in Canada and 105 leet higher thanNiagara Mar and the children willretusll it is expected that over 100 and map seuscs will be attending the aeo and Clinic ol Mmgef spam or Ontario at Barrie on Sunday ltily Margaret Shepherd of Hamilton of La XAMIN ER and lamna Allenpreaident Museum 01 JanaHI no duress the Ontario Board of Governors of the tattoo

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