funny poems CInndlan Pres Sh erler The iirst hurricane oithc aea IonAudreydcllvered wash his blow to southeast unisiana last week preliminary count allowed near 300 Ileld in the Ina Mll aloe Carroll oi the Lake Charles air inrco but directing helicopter operation at Grand Clienlcre Lat said his copiers were bringing In about 50 bodies from the rand Cheuicre urea but added there are hundreds more bodies floating under the debris While the business of counting bodies went on corpseladen ebb Ildc swept back Into the Gilli olhlexico bearing to sea many victims of the ZOIoot tidal wave that swept the beaches and marshes Hundred more were Inlured when the raglng wall at water came out of the gull on the heels oi the hurricane Area Devasuted Aareportcr who iiew over the devastated corner pi Louisiana said you can hardly tell where lite beach leave roll and the land begins Thclted erns last Saturday was curing lor 40000 homeless In Texas and Louisiana President Eisenhower scnl Val Peterson lormer head oi US civil defence Into the areal Peterson pledged all the resources of the Amer ican government In this emerg they Fe lence threatened the wnt criogged ianii Tens at thousands at dead cattle and wild animal lay in the hot sun and oppressive humidity that followed the 105 mile winds at the hurricane Audrey moved inland north east and on through Mississippi intoTennessee dying in gush of rain over the Ohio Valley it was responsible tor high winds and heavy rains in the northern USr and Canada Commonwealth cnicia Leaders at to Commonwealth countries meeting in London heard call Irom Canadas new prime minister John Dielcnbak er tor canierenee on trade mat tcrs Prime Minister Diefcnhnker announced he hopes Common wealth finance ministers will vis it Canada late in smitcniner to decide when where and wheth er iullscale Commonwealth trade meeting can be held The linanee ministers are to meet in Washington Scpt 2427 in con nection with international lllon ctary Fund discussmris and the Canadian prime minister suggest ed they then go or to Ottawa Illeanwhile the commonwealth statesmenrepresenting nritain Canada Australia New aniand South Africa India Pakistan Ccylon the new independent state oi Ghana and the tedcra tjon oi Rhodesia and Nysaland made iorwardlooiring study oi Russian policies disarmament the spread of Communism in the Middle East the Baghdad pact and the Far Eastu israera old Premier David BenGurIo irraai lias ottered to negotiate peace terms with Aral countries NOTiCE T0 CREDITORS AII oeraonx havinc etatntr against inc natata oi Tilottuts nowm coupe into or the Township oi nrm in the county or simcncr no ltor who died on or about the int at Feb ruary I951 must torward thc aamc lo the undersigned on or betorc thc 21nd day or My insi alter which date the enacts will pc distributed lrnrinlst the parties entitled tharc nd the Executor rwilt not be llalhe any person whore clat Ihnll not then have notice ottreoatp rtot div or iunc It Clll57r mo north senanatvtln hows Owen strut Barrie Ontario indudinl tau pouihie aid sctulng Arab réfttcm Ho our thatthue rcluzcea bere aettlcd lollsq and Syria ear or the ma Aritflxraell vial now live In camp tinder Untied Nations auspices In the Gaza Strip and on the West bank at liver Jordan These areas are Egyptian and Jordanian tcrr but close to the Israel bordersC onntcréue Pilgrimage on pligrimlge last weekend to Dunkerque France where year ago hardprcsaad nrlti may staged Its historic evzcu tion The pligrimsrclatives gtum during the grim spring trains and heats Sunday unveiled memorial It service In the French port to commemorita British soldiers who all In the campaign and harm known graves Mean while convoy at little nblps lelt Engllab channel port to be In Dunkerque for the ceremonies They are the same type of tiny cralt that shuttled hack and forth from England In France In eight days in May and June 1940 Di the estimated 370 illile Ves sets in the evacuation 170 were slink by German planes and boats But more than 337000 of the stranded army including French Dutchand Belgian fight era and many oi them wounded were rescued by the motley flotilla that bolstered warships and merchant shipsr Mon Harbor Work new $300000 contract has been awarded by the icderel public work department to Montreal iirrnior unher dredg ing on the harbor at Port Aux Basques Nfldr with work to he completed by 1960 The Ottawa departmental spnmman said the new work will have nothing to do with when the Nova ScotlavNewiound iond lerryWiiliarn Carson begins to run into Port Aux Basques He said the terry which now open ates between North Sydney and Argenlia Niid may well be gin to run into Port Aux Basques before the dredging work is fin hedti Aibrc yard Point to the harbor channel to prevent wave action In the har her was completed lasl year at cost of $138000r But CNR and transport department authorities still considered the harbor not entirely suitable for ducking the Carson Then last April $1146 coo contract was let to Haitiax firm for harbor Improvements Including whurves and jettiea at Port Aux nasqucs the work to be completed in 1958 Pride or Navy Canadas new aircrart carrier fogbianketed welcome oriJler ar rival for the first time at her home port Halifax The 20000 ton Bonnie was delayed aiialf hour by the Iog while entering harbor But shlps wliisties tootcd bands played and thousanda cheered as the nuvys pride ended the eigheday maiden voyage from Belfast where she was built Am ting those welcoming the flattop which succeeds the carrier er Fraser oi Nova Scot and Rear Admiral Bidweli the Atlantic Feast flag oilieer rihe valley of the St Maurice River north of Troisfliviercs is one of the good fishing nndhtlnt Ihg areas or the province of Qlte authorized person More than moo Britons set oil 1940 made the trip by special Queen Mother Eiiaahctti on Bonaventure received warm it Magniï¬centwere LtAhv Alist further notige close in 1000000 Arab retell men who died In France and Bel re TE wrownoav tow LainIvaIin Imty 017m baker poses withaovernohue ernl Massey alter being sworn in Front row Ictt to right Labor Transport Minister flees Finnngc Minister Fleming Prime Minister Dietenbnkor Mr Mnsse Veterans Mtnirs Minister Brooke SolicitorGencrnl Balcer CKVRTV ciiit us rarvn inertial norm on WOI club Mn no2 can an v= to at ant am mm Yricllu at our at 52 tï¬oéiiti has ear to no mm has not has commitl 799 run in ol 1134 ma sham its me than Ii 11 Today In Inm IMm gammy amoav nit his Put ammrflu Cs um ml 360 rlamdy In Today in rutI cm snap in sea mm on us Childrinl Nutml IllIt is at us 1n Tnuunav utv atom at am oi us wmavn Thetn us ram maint Ilarh asm an 3332 our with Ac Th saiety der the chairmanship 0L ClIIl Duchorthi millJr yttrium an active utetnpromm in the Lake Slmcoe 313ch At the lait mectlnIbcld at Severn Fall headquarter early In June the committee carried out thorough inspection or headquarten tacilltlol Ind equipment reporting that no hazard were evident Headquarv ters Inspections are rt 1015 eolnmiiieoa lenenl moonaihiiiv lie and durinz the current year Meetings will be held at several the larger provincial park Among items dlacuued dur ng tho Iiine meeting the com recommended Improved piety practices In the use at De rtrrient vehicles and continua on or the pcrto clinic tests tor drivers Stately practicesIn ï¬re lighting operationsp proper use and handling or tools etc were also stressed Within short diltzncc from any Ontario border polne ruorla abound where mlyinsrin the sun is always the order of the day Santa Claul liked Ontario no he set it Villlle permanenin men er Minister Harkness Revenue Miniaterflowlnn state Sci retary Fnlrclough rear row PostmasterGeneral Homlh ton Fisheries Minister MneLen uattce Minister Eolton Minister Without Portfolio Brow Minister without Port Mlnlster Starr WorksMlnister Green Why do then monomer men get the prettiest girls on the beach Why you conceited thing itnadiacli mom Gladiolus in Man or arm cam my WNW lot on aunt ma cumw tollo Mocdonnpllf DeleneeMtnlster Penrkes near or bridge In Mulknlra 3a or Inn up Hallilay stench Loo lulliu ulm 115 urns and sport titre ran BB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 munnnitv us am ottitctna Inn 700 Neva Hosanna IIIBKV ion us slap on um um flawlnll can mmltn tor in nu ma Town and count 545 urn in em mu snort mmt his ttmiut ctoea uo nulltin and i120 erkct ncport 10o parm uarxat ncportt iron Nm IlzdIinI New and sports 73 Hllhm 15 IUD Mle 7io No It Brentat Tell 100 rim Heldllnu Tapasm Kmi rm mo Farm ncoortcr 90 mm an phtto Vanta itd nuri naunduo no itsscant tan paid Venture on Must rcr Mod and nutrient an hm pm uh walla aao Tenncalee train as os llltrglrldc it gotten film in swamma In an iott Homemaker cilnia In 5W than nIdtnr Pint um um app sport he an mom 33 aiz an an iii INIIRIDIV Adi 333 gums Borden spam no mum 52 also on op new Eeldllnll up mt iii 3533 him than ami um Town and country dso Marital clock input on over i2to pooru ntrert 13w rarm sitmt Iker um um mo uarrct Report tun outlcttn Board 100 New itcndttnat the mo ruin Reporter Hlxnlllhla ito rhttc Vanc smi ia in teen an ion Trlfllnl Fell 105 Operation aulcty 1204011 varlair oio napssea rrnia noon Lawrcncc Went moo Nun cycle LIB Homemaker Cllnln IJD Plnilly Tiaarr JB tannin Far mdels on an linen mam 1233 in Réddeningv On Maple eaves Anumher til inquiries have been received from different parts of the district on thelldentiï¬ea tion oi the red growth appearing on the upper surtaee sugar maple Ioliage This growth has been identiï¬ed by Stewart of tile Laboratory oi Forest Path ology Dominion Department of Agriculture Maple who describes the occurrence as follows The red growth on the upper surlaee of the foliage of sugar maple is caused by the crimson erlneum mite Eiiophyes regultis Hodgkiss The erineum is com posed of mass at glossy minute eapitate galls which occur onthc upper surface oi the teat or some times less abundantly on the urn erside The adult mites are very small less than 1100 otan nehIn length The mites over winter as adults in hark fhe nrim propertyltu wtthtn thc ehlllp boundary and la bounded iotiowor Totna NORTH In sunnid Touorontlo Townahlp una nnd1hc Suauidalctcuu Townahlprune and to tha citsr by the Fourth nine or this Townahlp at has and lthr sourn ownrh WEST ahipn he dance are etc on by danger alurtaï¬n all and Indication tblfl in PM arul livan by the mm at rad HIII It lnlrlllcel to rapier Ind Ilia ldnl point llld WilliI No Illr rty cup marital rand rope an prohibited The crown ot cot muon aibttity tornany claim which may artu outat damlonr lnltiry in cludinr death Io pcraon er omparty Insulinz tmn diagram thu riot oi Toparound and to the the rourth Linn or the routio The by the iinuenth side riad at tho oi the trunirand branches They gt become aetive in the spring and gt migrate to the developing leaves and deposit their e315 singly on the leaf suriaco Thereare usu ally several generatinps year Usually the heaviest infestation occurs on the lower leaves The miles muy be controlled by spraying in the spring about the time tile leaf buds areunloldlng with either one at the following mixtures Aramite 157 wettable powder pounds to El gallons viath in Ovotran 56 wettabia powder pounds to no gallons at water LONGEST RIVER The Mackenzie River longest in Canada flows 2635 miles from Slave Lake to the Arctic Oieanr lnNorthern Manitoba the Are tic grayling pne oi the games fish in North America attracts the more adventurous anglerivgt NOTICE T0CREDITQR rlvrnulttitrruu or tiie oi ROBERT MICHAEL STRONG II thl Town or Built County all limeo retired ALL person hlvtnE elalml nlln the utntu oi the above mentioned whodled on or about tilc15tll day of December turn are mquutcd to lend Iuli purtlcularo In pron inercol tolho undenlened on eruption flat 5th day at August 1951 alter which pate thoAdrnInlltrntor hcrclnwin proceed to dlatrlnute thorium navlu relrd only totthosu claims or which her All ll then have nonfnolleo DATE It KInIatnn Otlrin nth day or June i351 BLACK 225 Eliot Street Klnliton tor the Annual slain reuturfaï¬iiamuieye mun éhatuproivl me vpo ovecoo on ritvh nï¬mggï¬nhrrumn nus93 Illtlelrgubgy 115295 atcmafltr Invch aw chanted olltempo tum iiï¬uiiaiiiï¬ir to we 15 acid imprcnrtlsinbaue¢i cookinr to ï¬rm lplx tats oi the Township nlnl own it between and mirth dl th County at slmroli who led on lo my mflm 11 deep plant Faint today at allnod iutl particular of their claim Aner at dalA thaAdminhtrator will out hutu the Elfta Ird elalma oil at lvlllovcrl run wide otntt enlmf union eiicpiau sitrows nndnt ntu ma own at my willy 1557 Compitet enough to iit neatly into small kitchen cotta or recreation room The irozcn fond cum partmenrjwlll hold approx ihs oi frozen toedsl rrcezer compartment contains quickreiease in cube ice truy easilyaccesslbie dropdown door two tullvwidth shelves for storage convenience Egg shcii eonvcnlent door shutter battles Easy ioread simple to rot 9point thermostatic Automatic interior light Porcelain enamel acidreslstlng Interior and top that may to used for working surtneoi relrigeratur where features ire valued and space is iactori hp print as high 22v wide and 22 deep autumm 13 anrons riudget rian Terms 000 no Montbly Pigments or 1012 roost Provide do and vanJlthtatxnatv shtt nun wnt reelIra