ste Institute grllltrtes deceived honors in the list ot examination results Just released by the Uni1 varsity ul Toronto ilclthcr Currie receivedrecond class honors In her lint yelr abe iri ind phllpsophlnt studie nd liicilnci Lrwis had second class honor standing In his list ycar mathematics and physictthancy Ferguson Patricia Boyea nnd Suzanne Wells 19¢th average in their Int year genen lli drtt ï¬litiye lro mending Vigiarin College gt Carolyn Payne rinity Col Iago also hud Ivcrlge In ï¬rst your general is and Bob McKnighI it Si Michaels Col lege had sinnding In the nine courso First year themiehigtengineer lng itudcnt Jim Edwards Ind Roy Sinkcvieius in ï¬rst yelr civil engineering pntscd their exam inatiuits Three Victoria College stud cuts Joan Snrjclint Beverley Vesiman and BellyMarie Gilles pic passed Ihciraccond year arts examinations Jolin llltl l1 standing inhar general course and BctcrIEy had Second class honor standing In modern langul ages and literature BettyMarie is in general Iris George itcnton posted hlssep 0nd ryaaipreiÂ¥tetli with average and Dave Armstrong passed hissccond year electrical engineering Both Ralph laugheedandKen OConnorWere tucccssiul in their third year chemical engineering examinations and John Warnicn passed his third year medicinal County Swimming Facilities Improve gcontinued tram page one anti staff Ollline swimming In structors Julie McKenzie Milry Illurren Lorecn Coipitts wits Margaret Tremblny Ken Beaver and llén Chantler of Barrle Mrs Phyllis Moody ot Pulnsvvicit Clr oiyn Reynolds of Beeton and iirs ltelen Bates at Toronto Val liruékrr who has been the tumor Cross School near Bee ton during the past ar will dir cut amidy cantor LBmuiter is interestedtln Ill kinds of rainy ing and was iormeriyia counsellor at campiu Germany Miss wilma Evans of Barrie will directthe arts and cram program while Miss June Owen und William Baker of Barrie will instruct in swimming and other camp activities ERROE iN itEmrionsuiP It was wrongly stated inlhe Barrie Examineroi Wednesday June 26 that Robln Weerght grodunteni the Univprsityhrlo ronlu was thelsnn ul Mr and Mrs Fred Wright oi Stroud HE is the son of the late Mr and George Wrightrof ancuu and the nephewvoi Mr rs FredWlIght Siroud The error is regretted with pensionulhls county home Zlth 1957 It MIdhurstUnitcd Inycnn could feel theirolder it Iunl were getting the very but Willem Indlhhtthey re living in behp at luxury to Ir wine intending ore concerned niepludtpow Ida todbyhthe countythjtipenolu hhml tn thermononlust mtgn Iii islets to titejrountyivnll p691 ldr the col fro the estate my costs oi nceom modltlon which Io not provided or by old age peminiu or other can lriblilla Miding course that tho inmate has my Islets vlhere ilriottoa much space thegrounds ground the home Thnt is on grad and has canted ionic concern the committee or the he vy no or tbeTtutt etc days hove uicd wine olv thevdurilce walerwhirb rum dawn the hill to iccumuieto in the lower courts outside or the new plrtand wtsil may wlhe it the newly placed sodding and retaining grades It willbe necessary to makesamu changes in the grading so thot this shrine water can he carried lo the street sewers Ono need natfelraldgtlge even if we have notpvnvided Inurseil Is trlllyi pincewhere old age could he spenthinting congenial surroundings and where care in case oI illycfl It Just one floor up Experienced that New owner 0f Céddr Rail Holiday weekend saw the re opening oi the Cedar Ball on Highway 27ust north of Cundlcr under new ownership and entirely remodelled The ownerot this small restaur Intrand gas station is Lucien Rtr berttrom Montreal Mr Robert is chat with considerable exper lcncehavlng worked it themu Carleton Montreal ChlteauLake Lnuise Albert Manoir Riche lieu Murray my Quebec The CedarRall is spedaiirlng do good load with eitcellontstdlha and tried steaks herding tho 1ang list or cheie dishes Bus inessovcr the holidly weehend was beyond expectation ENGAGEMENIS Mr Texus Watson wishes to announce the engagement at his sister vEsther Grace daughter ol the late Mrualld Mrs Font Watr son with Douglas George Long eldest son at lilrs Long and the late Mr Cliflnid Lengths marriage to take place on July 20 at pm at Dalston United Church 73 Mr and Mrs Eldon Courtney ol Phelpston announce theen gagemcnt or their daughter Con stance Jane Anne Io Josep Oliv ver Ayotte eldest son at Mr and Mrs William Ayotte of Highland Grove the running to take place at thehhme ol the hrldeon Sat urdny July 20 at three oclock 73 Mr andnrr Donid Thompson wish to announce the engagement at their daughter Mary Louise to Donald Lowry son of Mr and Mrs Russell Lowry oi Strnutt the marriageto lake pluge on July Church and Mrs Damian Downey of Minesing Wish to announce the ngagement at their daughter 120er lrobel to Donald Leonard iege en son ol Mr and Mrs Fiegehen oi Elmvale the Image to take place on Satur July Zothitthree oclock in inesing United Church 18 MARRIED ubwmmcmnnnnn On Friday 16nov in Colunhstrï¬t motored lolilolltreal rnd Boston or sevcrnl days last week Mr and Mrsrll Christie Sikh the holiday weekend iii Btirlald turned in Barrie ntter weelta holiday with Mlllv Agnes Edition stone and Revand Mn Aidn 731c docking in Quebec City on lie Visited relativeain and round Beirut his former huine He new both almond Mr It v2rrlhilld Add iilrs Isabelle hadron int re McCunlg in Hamilton Mr Ind Mrs Rosser tended the annual meeting Modern Salts uitlonhllles rcit Council last maritime islands Country Club Alexnn in Bay N51 Mrs lrlerix etuullng tomorrow lo ilcr hoiiigr in St Thomas following itevernl weeks visit with her daughter Mrisw Walls andlamliy arrle Mr and Mrs Lorne Jackson have returndd lrdln1 xtensive tour or Great Britain nd the continent They were Ibroid month anda haittotuiting he trip over on the Empress oi Scotian and the returnitiurney Empress Engiltn Wilkins Don rid Aime hlverelliinéd ll ter holidaying iii Northern ariaand throughthei Itllt on Michigan country They hid delightful trip acrorsthe Upper Peninsula in Mieiiigin ion the icrryboat 1he 5Holidlyer ce turning to Canada Port Huron Mr anti Mrs Nettleton returned Monday morning from six week European holiday during which they extensiver toured Great liritrln London and Edinburgh The him made side trip torrid They made th ourneyrahroad and home Algal on the Homer Sunday Mr and Mrtiamerson Creed and their two children Marilyn and SuunLofLoncion are holi daylng this week with his par ents Mr landM Wilton Creed Drury Lane Mr Crierd who linanclal édltoroi TheiLondon Free Press harnbeenrenew gelling acqunin essitheii rie Count Gilli where he formerly one or ell pfpilyérii Robert Dir or turned Sunday in trip to Northernflreiaiid uy be IICAr return hours Iterdue tosrt storni wil grounded vthc nircrat at real it was his Iratvtrip it since pinning to can do 3479i andvhe enldye Vixitlngltiie new Ccuyllin ltoad Presbyterian Church rebuiit since vvlir dei troyrd tilthe puttduring world Former choir clIluchl li playe organ selections dd wtrr eon mnmyfltitoyil Vie rt Kim imili nml vtotnri llotpurl It to norm At TAYWM itoy IlngAr nayi virto inn Normhn mm romanAt it visiting la m7 to cmldon HR nrvld Scott luhlrl noyi Victorl lltupitnl Bun my ml to Mr rho Mu rt ouy lilnuuloo St West Mn ml to Mr nd to litter la Virtnri norpitl mi luri to Mr and Seltartn so to rue David dad DTAtlllad Crou unionl mlionluiy luv to uni an Larry uupheed Inn nayl Victoria limpltrl unri on June 10 lm in Mr lei plr howlhl Berril luvJuly mi to Pte and Inn ti slotrd iin somme nlvd commanded Inter tienneito mum on July Iyl Mrt in emetilt chin aomn daughter Horpltul in mi unto unduly m1 alnnrmflry ouch iclnfll Hospital Barrie on lune an M1 to we and Mn Ailred rtlrner Lit ion tstrvrn GMeld emstrphennnuï¬zuphemm Mrs Bert Sum GII male on or held WzdnBdIyIltemaon Jlawclock interment vnwyerr Cemetery Blncllvlr dd en It ills resid coh Plot Townlhiilr oniiooduy July mi itobrrt Johnaton he wed lhu band Nancy ionnrton oer lthdr oi noherl Lea ltevhi Bllrle Ind mother Alvin inbil out on heating at the home oi hi1 rotner Con as at riot rownrplp lnr iun so ice on Thundly any rt in termtnt nunvilo Cemetery Arrurn menu nuhop Lynn Funeral Horne undid RayI Victtiril ï¬osiIni vnhni on rumv July zulim wtulm Ermine beloved hurhrnc or Mildred out in nu nth IIeotlhxli itndgteoltley iviunolIi some so oniey so Bah He or rerviceon Thursday tuly II Ln Ti nlement to union Come fishtinrltHudtuan on an mnr rr bl brothel1o dMrivénl reï¬nesdhy hither ilomr iomiilry mm Ionic Nterr Fa July sin Illcit Barrie Irv adieu mud It to an whcr he stopped over tor few hours on his way to Ind iroui Belfast Mruflrr resided In Grave Enurtntrnt lreir ruiiiéighlrptce our prettent rctrlge little on the old notched llde is your present relrigérator ll lSi THEN GET CDlr it AND CONVENIENCE NYQUR KllCllEN TRADE The oiiicialllddcd that if there not lot Mnrkuule awen Barrie nan roundy July to torre Interment vaccine May Halt Menace gt Of A5lctilc Flu OHAWA CPTlle federal health department is exploring wilh the provinces lite possibility at providing vaccinc In oilset any development ql nulatic flu in Canada department of told re porter recently that it has sent All information available on the new type otinfluenzn to provin ciiil heullh ministers or con slderation as to whether the threat seems formidable enough to take preventive action But the oliicial indicated that the lislatic flu was in no way threat Silnilai in the lnflucnia epidomtc that swept Canada tikv ing manylives at the end at the First World War Thc Hubbert Reuninnwill he held Saturday July 13 at Xnnlsill Park The family will gather about oclock for supper at pm 76 Strawberry Festival Edgar Uni ted Church Wednesday July 10 Supper train rod program Tito alcddiesome Maid by the Edgar Young People Admission adults slam children soc is CARD or he rhown so durtn my lovlnr hum trltnuu and deathLaho the run or nay Victoria liorpltrl Eva Wluonï¬lnd intily would ulte to it molLrlncerely li thou no ro ltlndly uni curd llid iruil to me during my flny lit hornitllandoirnty mornhominid medl think you to ihenumllor Allirton liorpnrl Ind nr Mornings Indiumalert IN MEMORIAM VAlRln lovinl tnrntory or denr rniher Louis Vulr who Pulled away July 11 rd rpecIi any To hrlnr you our mind For the we do not think of you Are very to lind it all lhlt orld were dun to lu give it ondmore or nrduy or Coma smiling through the duo tores up RLovinllv remembered by dlulhler Ioud it includes one Elector one twist and one now let sum TRAY thut gives you handy lull size euhcs MEAT KEEPER teakspchnps rollsts you on stock uv toB lbs of truth meats in this roomy drawer Transparent design for cosy iewing oi meats on hand ndiiiosinairy foods store nllthese and MORE rnrdrmd by the Anglican Churl in the miraculous south slmcornenn erywiillnclude Inusie rutmu gt where you nrc thoroughiy choir ind llmtnnat trainedin all branches of nenwm we 533 cullire ï¬hnmgelaergeekwimlalfllk For particular writ 9r moi nailing Delrosllng caresrure gone tor good iiicCiilry Push Button Auto mniie Defrost keeps your Freezer Chest lrostlrce with never worry about lrozcn lulds thawing it you choose this modelvvith IMCCLARY QUICK DEFROST you simply push button rndirost vanishe minutes appears general feeling that some preventive action shpuidhr token icdcralipmvinciniyr sharing in the cost of producing ltn anti flu vaccine might hepmposéd it would he produced by Con naught Laboratories in Toronto and the Institute of Microbiology lit the University of Montreal GLIDETOYOUSHELVES Two shelves slide out smoothly on newlieslgri plastic runners and one standard All rigidly nstructcdt with smart gold in GIANI cnlsrtzn nnnwan Vegetables and fruits stay ga dun fresh in this giant in guart drawer Easy to keep clean glides smoothly on plaplie ru nets Glamorous porcelain ailiel to 43 lbsial frozen About that increaae in Mr SNOOK any rout tr themy thote cilia al tena the Religlolu open uur tervlce in4hrllurvdla Erinin Theatre on ilunrl my ll iso will re with while Enroll ow in Gover merit Registered School gt Everyone invited no toilet tlou turn will ml student to romplrt hlr nliuo trulniu ior In lninmry aourii siivico namanr nev innvvx uulnenn One hitd of uiithn ram stored in older typi refrigerators now goes Into the dnor at this McClnry model and right at your ï¬ngertips in silvlnctuï¬uy cnrirnun eiihurst Ill coming to Barrie ldvyears go The BARRIE EXAMI NEE SPECIAL SPACE FOR EGGS Two lullwidth Fihelvgs Vguard eggs againsrtracitingond breaking keeps Ayailr familys supply iarmIresil tor days BUIIEII KEEPER Convenient eluded compartment stor esnlorethaii lb of butter with handy plastic crying my ctlnizsnilinnnizn Cheese stays moist and dairytresh ont sprendtu to foods Also ic serving tray