shares1 to Tnl minus EXAMiiiIznwconesoitrwtr3 1951 ed It was green peas at $1 sixquart basket Gordon Produce The Vegetables looked tastier than ever before Onions were 10¢a hunch as wasrhubarb Turnips were Brill each vlettuce 10¢ ma radishes the same Rain can discouragea lot at heels 15c spuds 30¢ sixquhrt people from doing lat oi things basket and beautiful strawberries One at the things it cannot stop 40 qunri howmr is mans lust lor Lgood Therc was no asparagus at the load Accordingly business was market Apparently its screen is as brisk as usual ill the Farmers over Market Saturday morning Inside the market hutlningCoke and Pastry dampened spirits were tilted by the heautitui array of tresh now era 01 innumerable colors o395ï¬ newcomer to the market said pnsltian and butter tarts 5oc almostas last as the doorsropenv dozenyum yum cakes 70c choes FOBComï¬hNSNi EYECARE curtainr 0915516 ï¬Ã©nSWiJROJ orro illsr smrnnm Ns aawuhirrins odorr Minmare FOR APPOINTME JUN esmm ivlloNh Pa 34201 BARRIE ONTARIO mm mixsmmmm instructor Lynn Head Already there are 14 pupils learning to fly and number at others who already hold lying licences are taking revision al instruction to get back theirilylng legs carolDoon20 oi Stayner leit With three and ahali hours instructional ilying behind her is now ment assists with the cost or the course Â¥I capable at taking all and ianding plane hbovedarol is seen in the cockpit oi the plane on which she is learning Right Jim Gardner and Bill Carnegie are two young ilyers who assist with the instruction at the potential ilyers Mr Headsstresses the fact that you do not have to be young to learn to fly and Iipto the age at 45 the Canadian Govern olate cakes 30c Johnniecake brownies We and bread 20c Died Everyone has to have his his con and cggs in the morning so as usual the Birmingham torio No Mrs Alberta Cautts of was Wing Lake Road Birmingham nc 10 1957 at Lifelong In Dal short illness in Wilmmstm Miss Annie Jone Neve she came to Birmingham ilve Dial There Junes years ago from Detroit She is graduate nurse from Womens College Hospital in To ronto Mrs Coutts was an artist her pictures showniln the Detroit 16 years Miss che had made Institute of University at Michiganzand manyother places Mrs Luella Nevc and her entire She studied at Cranhraok and agrt She was 54W horn on Dec 151532 in Dal al the Pallets and Email Ciub Detroit Denialsoclety Womens s° Hghway he set the Extra rge sol large 45c medium Z40can crux died Monday her residence pmth Ontario Frying chickens wcle pound tend runners 40c Also our sale werolar aweet pickles maple syrtip chili sauce prune plum jam hotliog relish and corn relish canary and cage were on sale tor $2 Tea biscuits and bran mutiins Small Slants weret cactus can zipper 5c xiii rm 0v tnor5toomaitlpsorvlrar aivlokos on Alaska eruina lucrouCunudu coniln Hotels and Airliner iarviaucpnarta in Information and reservations trom Your lineal ricitct Agent or Write RM Gartley hIInIIulIsr on Kirk in the Hills Presbyterian Church $urvivors are her husband Dr allaré colitis dentist in De iolt one son Ross Ma student at Michigan State Euneral services were Wedneslt day from Kirk In the Hills Pres byterian Church with Dr Harold DcWindt oiiieiating Burial was in Acae rk Cemetery start The passing of Annie Jana Nevc on June 1957 in Dalston marked the end at lengthy ill ness During that time and for her home with herslsterintlaw like was spent in that community daughter of the late William and he Millicent Neve and was of the United Church The iuncral on June was from Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home Barrie with service conducted jointly by hey lilr Dingwall oi Hillsdalc and Rev Mr Goheén oi Barrie Present were neigh hors and friends who had known Miss Neve and also those at the iamin and connection including nephew GordonHogchoom oI Willnwdale Miss Neve was pre deceased by live brothers and two sisters iy remembrance ot the members of Dalston Womenls Association Womens Institute and Friends of the Free Methodist Church iiy are sister Mrs attain Hogehoom and sï¬l Gordon in Willowdalc Mrs Virginia che and son yictor in Pasadena Cal iinrnia and Mrs Luella nave aurial was in Dalston United hearers were Clarence Brown Charles Luck Victor Banney Bar old Moore Keith Wood and Delbert Emms rev ANEXAMINEdwimlj AD his summer provide ea co Omcemritaing intro unï¬llelico tern rnotorcycl lull1 ar Lovely tlawprs expressch kind Surviving membersat the ram Church Cemetery and acting pail Itis perhaps the contrast pleasant and charming corrihlnr lion of the new and the old pla1 Intakes Quebec the tourists Saskatchewans rivers lakes and slrcams provide some ot the finest Ilshing In Western Can ada among which are lake trout Nilllhern pike and plékerel Begins to July ANGUSinstallation at dial telephuncs in homes pttices and stores it be served hy iIIIS com muniiys new dial exchange will ACCOUNTANTS LEGAL set lundsmay during the ï¬rst week in July Itiacoun gnflngnï¬gyw 30 Telephone PA Mm samurai nannIaoN In addition to installing dial men will explain to subscribers the correct dialing technique JESSIE BRYSON RJHJ accordinglo schedule said Mr Mod thud Macounaid aid Bell rclcphano manoicrliï¬r ï¬Ã©ï¬gaséï¬pï¬w this region said this war changeover is scheduled tor Scp temper unï¬nisyucbzï¬onmu or Log All cslimaled 300 subscribers In Co ltd ocoun an Angus and the surrounding rural vegans area will receive dial sets he wuannaalirilnc Poatfllliaa soufr lure the end otnugust we PM Ilr MacDonaid stressed the WHWI tact that the dial telephones will WIRE WE not operate until the actual time swung ACCOUNTM at the conversion In the mum at anlep at not Burt time subscribers should continue New to use their magneto telephones ROSE mason in the usual manner Following MRmm couppm the cutover aii magneto icie almosta nose car Phones Wm he WIDVHL noolliurstrce Phone ri than telephones Bell Telephone cratts All other proiects connected $333 gaggimgmï¬ggg with the eutover are proceeding Inatlonr or the Royal conservatory rorunta all grades lncludiiu Stud 57 android at nitric um ANGUS Ross BJI ensured Music Teacher ER man inFrenchLfln other school PA 115 VETXAMIN Inimietlon In piano and theory also BUYS SEAMAM Elton male satiation Maurie rams conveynun etc MONEY lam miles on Burll arancn more xixnva nurse Iowa QB IAQIAI COWAN COWAN oairtrrcr solicitor Notr7 Consulllng IIaurs to am to run Monday to Friday non cown MUNEY room is mutual name oat DHN OKION BA Ken solicitan Noun at Bunion at scenario sum at MeLEAN Stimulan Io nunun MfCIlIIJ KC Illber Emmi 00 ArthurMow Barman Solicitors ell as ounlap sins radian ea In LIVINGSTON MYERB tea with £33915 csisa illtiuua Mossoge Hydrotherapy DAINES RM LICENSED GRADUATE MItssaun Appointment only ricottars um earrniu at perm VETERINARY DR 13 FLEMING vrmuuanutn ani sunonon lophlo SLAB fllilcPllfllB PA rictoru by rum er lullplaotogrlnher that er In his newaoaper available In glouy prints rnnMPr sniwlnn IL IIOBIER 3A onournuar human at attire our roan aoaenr SMITH onoMermsl mm NOEL easements OPTOMETRIST lied number cinenet even telview OrtonavBa can nuniap at last rauas rarnua DB SPEARIN nd SURGEON LIFE INSURANCE ALFREDJL HARRIS erea lure umiervniler ltd Elm Pllnl PNIIW Personl min and Ernie Annbfll mm cor oraunli crau Key uan rartiie enrian an it sat Propriawrlhp insurance FRIENDLY HIBCUESION gt vouu LIFS INSURANCE unn touniep st It pain rhana ra i420 ncprursmlnc Landauwa Insurance Ca Phone FA l4 or $210 ilabi ambitious young me 16 years of ewith Grade VIII orh er education through the CanV an Army Appr tieetllao re lvtn owiauderidl opportunity to gt on youre paid fbdb gt Alert dung insulate ypaiacit wlll heyotirineoda shaping Edi inIercsling streets with you overwlth your school riri palh or argon ply not uibledon de torpplicatienarre processed rcelptAp ly totyour irerear ClnldillliAflny Re ling once or use coupon below mi we will image outwith canons ruous rs can