George Kennedy year dcicatcd Cliit Brown In the first round this year GOES lion lt HOLIDAY BRONI IInalist last ally lire club champion Arthur Pow The tairways and Intern at 1d Barrie Country Club are not get ting much rest these days as most ipot thc male gelling members are 3mm mm WI MW in Wilmer Rowell Sylvealer and their diet round completed in no cd less than three dlilcrent compe 3mm med tillers betnre the deadline date The previous derdllne oi June terriï¬c downpour all has been extended to include July to accommodate the play The mm mm on who have had to postpone malches because at wet weather Club Chanpionrhlp Olut ol the to golitilrs who oualtled tor the club amplnn mp playdowm mm hm hm pen there Normally Jack Nixon eliminated and there are our maltth to be played by and been out ot action rnr ten days my Sylvester against Howard Slmpsonand Bill pymcnl against evenan but by previous agree menl were stopped midway by the be good contest II both players are currently stroking the course in close to par ï¬gures Sylvester and Burbidge were only one hole ditterent when they Itopped on Wednesday so anything can hap would be sale bot but he has Dyment and Rowell have their mulch scheduled for Saturdl morning Jack Craig Consolation Flight was the first qualiï¬er to advance The as wouldbc qualiï¬ers who to the second round by deteating missed the championship round semianoint at last year Poul huve ehanec to win consola Po mer others to advance were tion championship in the partlcu sulllllto in brilliant Hnllilrmlrtldlnilreyh nulrurnnrmrnr Damuavsnoar limes urn marinas BUILDERS Baylield st Whart ea aaaai illicitlist George Dangerï¬eld with vib iar light they are entered The tory over club captain Gordon ï¬rst round in these flights must Needham CPA and in contest be completed this weekend too maturing two directors Leighton 50 hem mm Clark deleated Charles Kearscy dcmmd Meg lormcr pro iledgers detealed loe Saso nay Livingston heat Jack Corby Cy Wilcox beat Mac MacDonald and Ross Simpson defeated Gordon Miller In the second light Glen Scan drclt eliminated Terry Harris Fred McConltey beat Frank Ta Ior Dori Russell beat Jack Lov eli and Elwood Webb dcleated Ross Peacock Results so tar in the third night are Ross Itlckling over Stan Shlcl Garnet llicks over Alex Beamish Ross llolls over Hurry Young and Jack Mcrrelt over Joe Kaake Battle Cup Results Most 01 the matches have been played in the Battle Cup comps tillon which is nhandleap altair with the allowing results Char les Seagram over Ken Treadwetl Jock Lovell beat Glen Seandrctt Jim simpson beat Frank Taylor Ross Hickling beat Roy Smith ilay Livingston heat Alex Beam lsh Jack Webb bcat Jack Hamil ton Ab Jansen heat Joe 5350 Card McLeod heat Al Stevens Ernie Rotman beat Jack Merrett Stan Shier beat Terry Harrls George iteid beat oruee iteynoidr Ed Sylvester beat Gord Miller ilnss Simpson beat Harry Young Mac MacDonald beat Elwood Webb Ross Stephens beat Matthews Ross Peacock beat Jim Handy Ross aoils beat pill Dy menl Garnet Hicks beat Gord Roach Howard Burbidge beat Roll wholesale Stewart Gard Needham bell Amby Rivett Maur ice Stransman beat Jack lilanol hlId Due Haslelthcat John Mur Ferguson Trophy Perhaps the most Interesting competitiontor the men at Bar rie Country Club is tor the For guron Trophy where low and high handicap player are paired in match against similar learn in twolhali match ona handicap basis Here are the results of the matches played so tar George dctuted Jack Currieand lluxb Gibson Doc Haslett and Frank Boyce deieatcll Ab Jansen and Cord Roach Cecil loikinghorno and Andy Stevenson dcluled Bob Angelou and Ross Simpson 35th hole Rodgers and John Rodgers lather and son detent ed Fred Norm and Don Russell lettlcl Art Powell and Ron Peacock delehled Gord Needltam and Hal Robinson Ray Livingston and George Livingston brothers lost to Hollis Robinson and Jack Lovell in match played on Thursday with the team at Wil mer Rowell and Ed Green versus Charles Kearney and Jim Morley the result was lie so they will have to do it over again SCIG on auly in Barrie Club will he host to tho Simcoe County Invitation Tournament on Wednesday July 10 Club captain Gord Neodham and his committee willbe In charge or arrangements Barrio members are to register as early as possible wilh Eddie Renick it they wish to compete in this tour nament as the number at Barrie entries may haveto be limited Allislon Draws With Ivy 44 Roll inns in lvy were In or real treat the oiher day when the home town boys held the tough Allislon crew to 44 dead look In South Silncue Baseball League encounter iloth elnhs got their total in two innings Allision took to lend in the top hall or the first irame and had It erased belore the complete inning was scored Then as complete surprise to the Visitors lvy went three runs up with that many tallies In the lourth Two walks and three hits amounted to the total in the very next lrame how ever it was Allistons turn to score trio ot markers on lust one walk and three hits Allistnn outhit the hometown crs 75 Cameron wentlhe dis tance on the hill or Alllslon Browning did likewise tor ivy CGEDefeatgcls By Mansfield 85 Minnings and ï¬scal Hickling hooked up in apltchers duel as Canadian General Electric land Mansï¬eld Rubber met in Barrie industrial Soilhall League contest The contest at Cundics saw the Rubberman come out on the long end at an as sebre lilinnings gave up only three hlta over the route llis opponent scat tered sevon hut dropped the de cision Mansï¬eld scored all or its run in the third and north iranres reorrng three and live times re speetively CGE scored in the third tourlh and ttilh innings Keep an moo the doings ol big Frank monitor with To ronto Maple Leah when the Na tional Hockey League raving in lo action thta tall The Icon tizure In time hell beuprln the chat or Rocker Richard and Gordie rim The scouts arent intallible or on law blnt tint And ita why But the talent xcckerx tlgurc Leila in the closing stages at their schedule Heres how some ot lhrnr havo Wh him rigured liling Itp hockey prospects wont know until all and Fan whether Baldy Cotton head scout tor tabbed right or whether he turns the Boston Bruins We like oil out to be another redhut Junior hockey players This guy LI hi who tinles Speed better than normal ska cracker when he gets out among inggood Shot terriï¬c and this the pros boy has the knack at putting the puck Into the neL Temperament it theres An Aid To Soccer Fans Bdl Note Thin la the eighth In reflex of articles designed to aid soccer Ian 11 porter was started due to the recent tcrcst tn the glmc question mark this is it Hes had terrltic publicity and the big hulldup utten hurts kid sometimes get the impres sion he isnt working hard enough but you cant provelt on the score sheet You may have heard hes brittle but Rocket Richard broke both ankle belore he got started Id like to have player who brittle like Richard belong to our club the same age He has tremendqu rcacb aventyal undue Hts range in manipulating the improper conduct by llnesmanr shall dispense with arrange Fires IsHltler the outsider but tor Barrie Hill crest girls sottbali team its great that pitcher Anncl€earsey should feature every game And Tuesdly was no exception Miss Kearney shone brighter than ever helore as theloeal gals oi the East SIlneoe League shutout Penclong too Over the route Aline allowed only one hitwhlle striking out to Barrie backed up Annes line chucking with 14bit har ragc Ulle Lentsiug had three blnglca and Jean Hicks Ann Worralr Carol Handtsead and Carol Ag new had two each Germaine pitched tor Pener tang Shirley rinney hid the lone bit Brenda liteide played well It sccond la wI possible to suckchgclt him thinkibl two ll lets inJured lot and hasnt played lull reasonjlnee coming downdronl bl home in Schumach in Northern Ontario years back He doesn held to the Black Hawks Jack Humphreys New Yor hangers course lhatl why Howe Ia shoot playing for the Detroit Red Doelnt that answer most or the Winn when the Newvock that questions He scents to have the desire amt centre Elmer hell went to be blrrleaguer ills temper hi1 dlvl wllh WWII CIn antral may be question mark Idlenr when the Maple lute Hy min had ilrst chance It hit tcrvlcca no nut And tor alighlly biased opin Km WHEN 190 ion herea that oi tormer Leatli pound totward who turned in terrlric pertormance with ronto he 1313 Day St Michaels College tuition Iut mud comp Ms 59mg one season and played three Incon do Hymns elusive games with the Maple mun hack plum to me Those are the opinions or the their living 1I7Illlta in auckhandle but may get lhe Toronto club Looks like next winter theyve got Mahovlich damp tire Iurge of in Law oLlncsmen two lines BNW Detroit Red men shall be appointed WEN NOW ln NW that duty subject to the decision at isnt goodextent iht he mm the reierce shallbe tolndicatc when the ball is oilt at play and Bob wllxon Chicago Black which side Hawks For my money this lets carrier kick goal kick or throw Iow has shown more than Can my adicns Jean Belivelu showed at large to control entitled to the They shall also assist the the game in accordance with the laws In the iniertercncc or thcl rclaree Anne Keq hlsb tletntka Elam Th sus ueto eappontc matter shall he reported by the referee to the governing body The linesman shotlld be equipped with tiagr by the club on whose It may seem monotonous or ground the match is played Next Wednesday Law dur The day Alter tour day at coupe titlon It Orlllil Barrie Calling wood and Midlandltbc winnerv lowest allzroa scores totalled mo Barrie was second with mil rbo tilver etarelic box to tbo goiter with the lowut gross over the tour dayt went to Tibby Brooks ot Orillil with uorc at 376 natty Robinson actually had the better score but the bad al ready won cup in yesterdaya play low gross more was turned to by Jean Wall ace of Midland 58 Second lowest was by Vlcklo Martin Oriltla in Low net score or 16 was turn ed in by Chris Kennedy nt Orti lla Second low at Wu by Mrs Jack Currie ol Barrie Low gross ter the ï¬rst nine holes was shot by llldelcine Eng lish nl Midland 45 Over the second nine the low gross was turned In by Mrs ltoy Smith ot Barrie 48 Low not over the iirst nine holes was by Ruth Shaubei ot Midland 35 Low not over the all ll nadiua udi Gait un visiting MA oreeo Ion Cup was wonrby Orillia yeater Kr and Mrst Frank Ba Niagara Falls when at Newmarket visited KnBradley an Saturda Birth or lInladater Congratulations to Ir Ind will be celebrating their £91k Stewart Reynoldson the birth at Wedding anniversary on July It daughter In York County lloapital on Sunday Mfrrid Mrs Fran Farah J06 Dick and Jimmy lett on locsdsy tor their new home in Nanalroo Morgan had the this lortnne to tail on Monday aus talnlng badly inlured ankle and Tell ladies of the Womens ln slitiitc enjoyed an outing last Tuesday to Barrie where they vil lted the Slmcoo County Museum dinner at the Alma Lee Tea Room and later look in ahow Welcome To Cenaiaunlty welcome in extended to Mr and Mrs Wodell and tamlly who opgnlmuma gunman have purchased the hotel troln and Mrs Bray cccnt visitors with Mrs James Smith and Miss lda Smith were Mr and Mn Solder or Mrs second nine was turned in by ric 30 earrie had held the champion ship since 1950 Mrs Jock Corby or llarrle September tor Senior Ladies tm Oro Schools Field Day Big SucCess The oro Township Iltblic Schools annual iicld day was held Wednesday hitcrnonn Hundreds children took part In the many events which includ ed high jumping hroad lumping pole vaulting and many races of varied distances John Grout ot Shanty Bay School won the senior boya cham lop senior girl Joel Anderson at Shanty Bay was the top Intermediate boy Linda Hodgson oi Hawkestone was Ihetop intermediate girl Don Sanderson was the No jun ior boy Wenda Grieves and Jana et Campbell shared the girls honor Bobby Dunn and Janet Jermey atlon or theglme hlra George Dangerï¬eld at an ported that she was planning to orange ninehole tournament in and over plonship Alice MacKay was the awll iit on were the top primary athletes gt lilllltllltll Clown Whine institute will meet II the home at Mn Hard or Lee enJuly mm evening and William Program will be quilting wedding Anniversary Beat wishes and good health gotn Mr and Mrs Lees who their home Til CONCESSION OPPOSITE HURONIA anlilton junrite Kennedy and Gard iliiler doieateti John ough and Harry Young when you order your apply at McCormick Tome Wriilan Gllurtln in uteri load variety at callus on at the war Account FREE in national ilrlrvtllryCampimy rt an in in And Quality Sileut Traction Tube Type Gold Seal Tubeless Goid Sent Nylon Tubeless Sllcnt Traction Tubeless flivhite sidewalls available in theseoualltie ply rat2ng in this quality makes 70 ditlerent qualities this size of tire it you are doubtlul about your present tirea Tam oohpans YOU save roan Tings MAY no none THAN yo Arrow zit MAPLE Avn aoa Yo Price nu Tires Are Marie in Several quarries and voices choose your oeaurv here this List oi TION Gold Seal Nylon Tubeless emotions Taaoeinaeuiwauce wtuia halter oN mun reasonr Tilt bristling Equipment tlllllitliilliliiiollllls NEW AND USED GREAT SAVINGS INSTALLED WITH AERIAL Razzan 0UTSJDB IITII iillli SCREENS