Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1957, p. 4

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lake and allll win ball games rumn PAT raves PATH it lust gocr to charrthtt you cant always judge mans ability hy his alu shape age or spot on the bench when Pat Poland the cull Ontario Provincial Police scrgcant wa called upon to bail out Lesinna starting pitcher In recent soft ba game It was nullbocaule Put was considered most likely to do good loh but because he wla the only man available history new that Purim Pat tired three nohlt nontn innings and Legion went on to defeat DeVllblsa 58 Through circumstanch ltcyond their control the several other ici lnws who usually make up the Legion pitching corps did nut appear Thia was point of much concern to catch Al Thurlow all through the gamc And when it seemed apparent that young Eldon Smith had had enough he had no alternative but to ask Fat to take over There was no great point pmvenby Polands PCTfUtmIncE it just may have given all of the coaches at the game or who read about it brlefing to the effect that maybe that any sitting on the bench shnulll be given it chance After the game was completed Pat again reverted to his own Iov lal self and shook hands with each inember of the DeVilblss Devissa biss as lat calls cm club Well bet our last Ihree pennies on one thing though Pat wont let us forget his feat He probably wont see action or some time again blit hell always be on the bench or in the first base coachs box wixecracking and keeping his mates in good spirits Before he got Into the come we asked Pat about lormer years saying we heard and this was leading to gem of crack we know that he was quite hitter In his heyday Oh yes he grinned hit triple once lt went right down the third base line See where those goalposis are Ila If you people didnt already know it Ibis guys terrliic HOW ARE YOU FIXED FOB BLADES Dont let the suhhcati tool you despite the loot that this is Friday and light night The hiadcs return to here are the kind on the sole of boot such as employed ny hockey players while staring at the cal entian in rout of us dawned on us that thc hockey sensor is not too far away in less than three months count em vuiy August Scot ember major league hockey teams will he in lhcir training camps Even before that some eiuhs wiii probath hold minor league tryouts such as the August camp held in the Montreal Canadlens last summer It few days after the death of September and few lays into Oct oher the local Junior cluh will swing into its training grind lit the Barrie Arena Conch Hap Emms of the Flyers had little to say about the comingscason except that he was aware of the times The Flyers didnt have too fruitful season last winter The fans did as usual come up with their own answers to that But they couldnt over look the fact that few of the veterans let the club down with plop Gailch Emms being out due to ill health didnt help the cause much cit er Sooo it the rcmalninc hoys it any play up to Ihelr poten tint and Hap is in good health tens shouldnt have much to worry about except maybe losing their voices from cheering so loudly incidentally story eisewherc on thcse pages will probably spoil the holiday weekend for good many local hockey tans ii is about Frank litahovlich the star erward with the St Michaels College hiaiors the pasl few seasons who is now contracted to play with the Toronto Maple Leafs or whmvonothzyssend awn rr HAPPY HOLIDAY And while on the subject of holidays we would like to wish all of you the best of luck whether It be at fishing swimming any other actlvity or Just sunning yourself Please be extra careful on the high ways and with your automobiles cause you might hit subscriber or worse still Me walk The Readers Write view DO you not think that this is either Juvenile or just plain jealousy on the part at the Bar rie teams that the smaller autoi tnwn teams are beating them and they cant take it As you will notice in this weeks Examiner the standingsMinesing Brad tord Legion and Devilbiss but proves nothing but poor ball dia monds It ls getting to he standing joke You pick up The Barrie Examiner read any sports item pertaining to the Barrie and Dis trict Sottball League you see where Legion or DeVilbiss have lost on outroftown ball diamonds and right underneath the diaa mond was in poor condition If this is just an excuse wish they would soon find another Considering the population of Minesing think they should be proud of the talent andsporlsa mailship they show when playing bal Steve ioncscu Sporls Editor Barrie Examiner Sir In your recent spurts col umn in The Barrie Examiner there seems to be lotot com plaining from the Barrie softball teams about the oiiloftown soft ball diamonds Every time Barrie team tuses on halldia mond out at town there is always complaint written in The Bar rie Examiner stating that the ball diamond was in poor condi tion or sight tui sore eyes In one edition it was Mincsing ball diamond it got no less than four paragraphs in your column It sure made the headlines In the next edition Legion went down to 1910 defeat at Brad ford With score like that you would think it would have to be more than hall diamond to fault but oh no the ball dia mend was in poor condition again in your last edition you were talking about unadults point of Yours truly MINESING FAN Everybody else can incite this We man one and than it the games gone The above to the gist of comment made hy In official of the Barrie DeVllbtaa team few minutes prior to Wednesday nights softball game between DeVIlblsa and Bradford at Queens Park About two hours later theres no doubt that this fellow was AllStar After couple of week ot weeding the coaches of the clubs in the Police Association Soccer Lceguci have finally come up with Ihc two alltstar squadsrthat will play inflorcnto July The teams Junior Intl Senior will oppose teams from SL Mich aels at pm next Wednesday at Earlscourt Finding the field is easy Cut off the 400 at Duff crln Street Turn right off Duff erin on to St Clair About block and half hence is Earl court The final weeding out process was made this week at practice at Queens Park other Teams incidentally ihcs teams are ihc allstar squads for this particular outing only The coaches are aware that alongthc line cap able player has been missed Other cxhibition outsettown games are hoped to bc arranged and most of the bays In the league will get chance to play Here is the senior team from Prince oi Valcs Emms soc Ate Choéén Teams From Toronto happily retracting hla earlier atalemcat and more than happy about the flawless play at his club shutout Vlctory lnr at approximately Ll min utea before nine oclock Devil blss had wrapped up neat 30 abutout ovcr Bradford for the hometown clubs second win of the BDSSL season And the win came not on load of base hits by DcVilbltl oer Teams To pose Perrier Galiaway Arnottt Ferguson and Thompson from Hillcrest Wilson Ray olvoni ncmpatcr much Kuiper Barron Lapsley and Turner from St Marys French Junior team from Prince or whics siliro Ncllson Sheppard from St itinrys Scandrctt Kyle Yelland Latour liaioncy shooke Saso train Hillcrest Smith Ruhl ii nykstra Lapsley Amos from Otkiey Park it sits vcnson The boys Will be travelling by cars and so tar at the coaches expe At present they arr selling rafer lickcts with hopes of make ing enough moncy to cover the cost or travel You stand chance at winning tidy little sum So why not take chance and help the youngsters It would also he big help to the kiddies If parents friends and other soccer fans went along Everyone is most welcome Frankie sj Tuesdays wrestling card atthe Barrio Arena will feature one of the heuvicst twoltman main ev ents of the season The hammering hulks tiiiing the ring will be revamped Dave Simms and Karl Krusher Kowalski Since this is in junior heavyweight ter ritory there is shocking suspic inn around that both fighters are might heavier than the ring In nounccr proclaims However that is not his fault in fact its pleasure to have fel lows this size around Kowalskl hy his own admission packs close to 240 pounds on his big frame Slmms isnt much below that count These fellows will be throwing their weight at encnother lor an hour or the hesttwooutotthrec falls It will be interesting to see whether the an egulatc Kowalski tu stinkeroo rating again in the tirst at two fine prelim inaries Bill Curry the rising mat star from North Bay will Wrestle Irish Mike Murphy Could this Murphy he the same guy who tubs imsclf Irish Mike McGee Seems weve seen him fight under both homes within the last few seasons The secondSprellm will have special effect on the fans It brings Buddy Freeman Thompson is man tohc ad mlrcd As child he was stricken together Frankie Thompson and once Hellenistic Thomson is ti uiiwresilerf with polio and was told by his doctors that he would never walk again Pcrseverence Plya While he really didnt believe what he was saying Thompson told them they were way out of line in the following years however he proved it Through painful per severence Frankie got himself back on his test As he grew older his legs while slightly smaller than the average mans became much stronger Because of the amazing strength In his onceuseless legs Franho tried the grunt groan game His successes have been unlimited His feat has been an lnsplratlon to handicapped persons all across this continent Frankie is Canadian hay nod encourages young Canadiona to follow his example of persever ence Skiing and golfing are years round sports in BritishColumbia in its cauable climate and moose and mountain goats salmon and speckled trout make it sportst man paradise but on afew aux pas oy the Vil iton turnabout air play but aever before to warmly received During tbe course of the con tent Roy IfulIls of Bradford lint fled the hash to juat tour bits aevnalu spaced ed to score the fourth scored third In the eighth the bin over three Innings in which they fail Deviihlu won the contest in inning whcn they were ruled pair of runs Thcy Bay Brill started off the fourth frame by getting error another error No bases on balls and an mr accounted for the inning tally Both Went Route life via an passed blll two outs and three walla later the hosts had picked up enough runa to win the hall game eighth Jack headwcll went the route Remaining Games Iniindusttrial Softball Loop industrial Softball league June 248 Thomas Eleclrie vs Ba rle TanningQuecns Stewarts Lunch vs July it is the schedule of the last tour wecks or play in the Barrie Mansfield Rubber Shear Provincial Tlreva Barrie Tanning Candles Latteview Dairy vs Thomas Electric dies Torgis Auto vs ruc Queens CGE vs Thomas Elc tric Shear Provincial Tire vs To gisAuto Cundles Lakevlew Dairy vs HEPC Cundles Emub l0 it gt hing Cundles 12 Mnnsiicld nubher PUC Queens Provincial Tire vs Man field Rubber Shear lo CGE vs rue Bundles t7Stewarts Lunch vs Thomas Electric dies l5 18 ID ningt Cundles Queen Top Teams Play Tonight Ai Minesmg Only one game is scheduled for the Barrie and District Softball game tonight That in at Minelug with Barrie chlon as guests gt The clubs continue to run onctwo In the league stand lugs and theyrlvalry ic something temtlc No other contests are scheduled for the Holiday weekend Next Wednesday Mlneslng comes to Queen Pnrlt to play Devilhlas Incidentally tonights game vs Cunt Lakeview Dairy vs Tans Cunv CGE vs llEiC Cundlea Stewarts Lunch vs Tan BEN vs lotgis mum at Mineslng could cause tle In the league leadership Legion win would put them on even terms with the cur rent leaden Minestng fans will he watch lng etpeclally clore the play for the win giving up five hits two to ceilings and whltflng ll lllutlirgavc up one less bit lwcto Larry Campeau and threw ihirdrtrtkes past only live bats men With batters going for the tint pitch more often than not the game was completed in very last me Bradford concy lr Dow 2b Colllnga cf Loaey lb Fallls St Gregory ri Verge Fawcelt 35 Hill Totals DeVllblsl Popp 2h Campcau ss Raycrait 3b Brill lb tlardacre Hore cf Hill rt Perry rt Spence if Trcadweii Totals aradrord not 000 0000 Devuhiss 000 zoo Obi3 iiiuiiis and Varga Trcadwcii and nnrdrerc Umpires Slmonc plate aill Hare bases Goalie Baird Gets Nomination Local hockey fans may be little interested in the results at the Hockey Player ol the Scasttn award made at KitchenerWater no recently The winner was Ken Lautman player with the senior Dutchmen Also in the running was Pal Baird ii goalie with the Water ioo Junior Siskins This is the same who worked out with Barrie Flycrs last rail uoawcoueoafi cacoooaecow oacaoooouMv Oceanuser Escortscouscous flotsammuons HIGHWAY dammit at ts of George Chappcl who left th tomb in in with has Th BARRIE EXAMIN ildleli fiffunderi Showroom twn lope metallic green and cream flnlsh matching tights new cor condition throughout little beauty only I955 BUICK ROADMASTER Gorgeous Sierra tan flnlrh with matching rod and beige genuine leather interior and black top power windows Mata and top automatic transmission tool controlled radio brand new set of whitewall tires Original cost over 36000 Now Only ONLY s3595 l56 DODGE REGENT DELUXE SEDAN Dover powder blue finish V8 motor outatandlng condition throughout Hurry Or this one Only I956 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER V8 COACH Gleaming ebony black finish lnlcrlnr like brand new dccp tread tires This car in perfect mechanical condition Flawless hody sensational value only l955 CHEVROLET SEDAN two tone interior air conditioning direction lights seat covers 16000 guaranlccd actual miles positivelylrltc now Only 1595 I955 FORD COACH Flawless metallic blue finish with rpotlcssintcriur air condition ins low mllcggf delchp trclid tires lltlatltttttl lltlle automobile in new car can on rang out he ucc to only 51450 I954 CHEVROLET COACH Gleaming chonyhlnck iinisi with interior clean as new air conditioning oircction lights deep tread tires This little auto mobile is in new car condition Ihrnughout Unly I953 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SPORT COUPE Flawless eriglhll powder blue flnlrh air conditioning direction lights dccp tread tires local one owner automobile in new car condition Only wEEKLY SPECIAL 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN DELUXE Gorgeous new Catalina grcy iinish very clean interior custom radio air conditioning direction lights seat cove chrome wheel discs This car Is in outstanding condition throughout Truly beautiful automobile Only 750 I953 PONTIAC DELUXECOACH Showroom original metallic green finish withimatching two tone green interior custom radio air conditioning dlxccuon s1095 l95l BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN Beautiful two tone blue metallic finish aulomatlc transmission custom radio direction lights etc New tires The ideal family car Reduced to only I953 HUDSON WASP Passenger Coupe Deluxe aeautiiui original two tone grccr linlah custom redio air conditlunln direction lights new motor This one is beauty or 5995 I951 HUDSON SMALL SEDAN condition Nice two tone blue finish excellent mechanical throughout This one la steal only declare all tart police eara we guarantee our ears in accordance with General Man are Goodwill Guarantee We make available the name and address or the pre violla owner Our service department It out or the heat in the district and we service everything we aelL lire cars new 1948 osoiiLE sonN Nice maroonmllinigh vfiy clfan interior gondtlrcs good run ning automu pee on $1 TRUCKS 1955 CHEVROLET TON PICKUP Newly refinished in commercial red heater and defroster directionlights outstanding condition throughout outr standing vtluc Only sraciiu 1949 CHEVROLET PANEL V2 TON Nice hiuc ilnith heater and dctrostcr good tires good mechanical condition throughout Hurry for this one Only 5195 FOR YOU CANT BEAT llAlanG DEAL MANY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Halwlgc Goodwill UsedCarl BAN BE HNANCEDJTN LOW RATES Wltll PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOURBUDGET TRADE TERMS OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10 FttIDAY EVENINGB Tlu 1000

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