Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1957, p. 18

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bertson Muriel Johnson Sandra and 730 aimChurch service oymnna motion Iailiot Lute vbmberparenti Comm Sir are now realdinx0ver2tatiend Mrs Argyle Entett Coidwatoi fndfl rourle Icaeher continues to im No Sunday School prove hrr own training and this sundry School sessions have weth received word that ah hld been suspended for lhi aummer mumltmy passed music ox monthsllnllhe United Anglican amloaiion held by lheRoyalContand Presbyterian churnhea in servatory at Music in Toronto in Goldwater Two of the Goldwater Grade Them History and churches will holdkervices at an Form eariylnornlng hour u1n JuncE2l the following pop rresbytrrian nev Charlosn Fm Pm Carter Minister colowrter st Linda Russell Beth Russell Andrew church 930 EfobleMOakley Glenwhlle Tayior church 5mm uirBonnn see hora Orr Ann nolllnson Mlldred Aflfiiggr ggidgzrgi Gcflfi Cumming Brenda Lye Wanda mun Church an nustoil Phyllis Taylor Judy Salvi Dilemma 365 HW Cmb oi Trinity College Toronto Greenwood Wilma walker no queum More My snow £nkheddlbSLlohns Church liealner nobson Gnli Dunlap omrEvcploa Prawn Sharon Howell Beth Russell Karlt Christian Fellowship new on aioreau Joan Taylor Bernice lohn Epp pastor Hampshire Wulker Ruth Lye Deanna Cuih lo MILSunday School ll am Servlces ior Juno 30 or Tlni OPENING Grille new Klngsborough BothWalkcr Jean Lethbrldge iluih Walker KMh MU dw Puhil hoot los reter cumming Pelcr Millard grwmnc If tan char weeks was at great interest to lonabie accessories and worth Donnie neatly liovld cath Mm wiihprimryn Rm Leg isiziniiiid°itiiii traditionalmoms yduNGfcANyb ENémEERs K3 BRIGHT FUTU Jimmy Dunlon Tedllb first William Pheasant returning Fm 1th Gmm to their parts One teacher Mrs mm 6mm Jame Glendon or North niyar resigned Among those attending the TippingYacoblno wedding at col weekend Juan Martin oi ByFDRBES RllUDE nlly mner tiliudes expressed edunia on June 22 were Mr and Col 1er wither at chamnn Canadian iress Business Editor he said Mrs neg Tipping Mr and Mrs school leaves for Eumltllcr lranlt Buchanan Mrs Edith oov Nurse Teachers Collette on rimming mm of me mm er lash ripping and hey onto Churcher all or coldwatcr Ma Mrs William Wylie or Coldwnt my Pm in and Mrs Les Santordror Moonstone decided to give up onio Mr and Mrs Ray Spcerln teaching on regular basis jxfujflrgggjngfig gm Grimm heceniiy the swlnostand teem theEnglneering lnatlluto nl Clin RBI tottars which were located on the lilrs neg Tipping ls visiting 91d puhnc school playground lilr and Mrs Keith Mlnshcll at Wm muster me new was chem mm and omm Point Clair and will itccom an school with the help oi members 1091mm Some or me quesunns upwrlumwg my in hive to so throulzll ih Hm emplamem dl experience and establishing thent thm on vacation at Ocean Beach mm mm chm Maine Mr andMrs Thomas Seymour have returned from ten daya ind answers wént like this Coldmgyllslli¥lgiliinrlcclasurtz 51 Wm visit with Mr and Mrs Shop day School picnic will be held thgvghaxch°l°e 0dh99d pnrd Biscotasing June 18 Goldwater ApulicanSum afigrxumineo ndourlret ergr Mrsr Ada Leaper and sonEdgor gay fem aicnlifl was moped no Tom Lea 0f un nvora wen rom ii as itimidsiiiiiiii5322 EEMT Mrs Frank Bum sognfilrlegnmgs flagrfimgg gouging employment conditions gt Rev Churcher andJack and son Jack visiied Mrr and Mrs Tipping presented an illustrated Dick Whittlnglun Shirley Lane T53$3£é3aihiafiw Llavli2eadilei Signtel 83 Moving menbta otlerylzhat one studentrdee mm HM Ha Mr and Mrs Archie Galbraith Hi Is Kartienikdm have yum underlan mm or portunitles and that earnpnnics liilss Ceone Peterson was guest myrenewtrimtheapiesent Ire seeking them buHheygovc MP WW mm residence opposite the aplett dam no indication of beln spoiled ff aims Elizabeth Hall previous to their new home nearing mm by these circumstance they Just Wm Week nletlon immediately north at the hoped they would continue George Biggs residence on Main Tbey particularly appreciated street the chance at ruhbing shoulders Bank To Medonte with the large number at older John Waterson who has held engineers at the institute meeting CPR operator at MncTier mun asked it theyielt thi pull at wmlarmost at Meflonte Sfl iobs in the united States they itun July where he was are said this was chiefly in selected Vlously stationed industriessuch as nirorott and Owing to the demands on the perhaps electronic research owners ot other business inten though allware not agreed about osts JayHare LodgeI Goldwater the letter convalescent home has been close The growih oi lthe Canadian ed temporarily chemical industry was suilieienl to dhoirtli most chemical graduates an same was tzue of pulp TRY AN nxn Non WANT on andpiper in charge at the group as chmr innn was Harris consulting engineer at Toronto who10 years ago was himsoll studentdelo gate to the first student gathering brought together by the institute STOP rEerluNG cosrnvy FLIES rlght now by letting us spray your barn nun no FLY BAII ls sale economical 55 shop on Barrles main screet in recent Ah wm he feminine population Famous iineaor Insh sportswear are Tony Taylor Carl LyE Bob Wond 5m my the win ho strikingly displayed in theisbores bright in We linking has actlnite nbilgalion to seek as varied experience as possible in his mummcr work necordtngly to look Ilhan among the i7 stu and Mrs Stan Tlpplng Elmvalo er who has been teaching at by the time he graduates he is not demo from 14 Clllldiufl universl green hm ls many knuwledgnbh about what is going on in the but inusa world lainieson oi Meolllumvan EV reply We mm slty told the tht while todays Jpart at their owneosts Evan Tine terlor and large the towns Ohmrio centr RE Tho engineering undergraiuale Later in another chat Dean graduates areiovored by initial longpuli at gaining aeivear Aixulhnugh starting all ariea seem ltnemus increasea come much more slowly thanthc starting place milht indicate The institute paid about 58000 this year to bring theratudenu ttr zether However on the advice or the universities the students pay Unusirai Charge motor sisln ttjr seldomheard chargéwas dismiss ed in italtr court here by Meg istrate oildlng Harry Howkiw was charged vvith erty boundary without making every effort to slop it The charge was laid by neighbor under the provincial Prairio in Forest Fire Act grass tired had been started in Howkiws property by pass ing truck Howkiw threw three pails of water on it decided there was nothing else he could do by himsnli and went iilto town The wile oia neighboring farmer saw the fire approaching and With an other man and his tractor put it RVICE MONTREAL CHChic Char les Walker the Montreal Wes Police department has retired convenient In use yet it truly kills ilics like magic Barrie Farm Supply 17 Mutenstersi rn 29oz up Asked to comment on the gener mu gt when kidney at on oi odor and mum matrixJo tho ayatoni1iorhrt donated rul Irlhalhredouiaorl vyiiudadleeiing nu That llnlian loth Dodda Kidney Pillar Dodtia stimulate tho ruml action Then you ieel befitsalterbelurvnrk beaten Gellloddrltidaqrillraaii QUALITY Guaranteed based on yearsor co twlde ose Hui ConsistentCFair ash Erices gt Delivery Regular rernrsarnole Supplier QUESTIONS and answang uoltty island as best domestietwlnef ara there to ex prleed There is variety in prices between makers and dealer by causeuniiorm price setting isnotJegol butthere are his somelower priced and lowear quality 1w tattered manu iactured irons Mexican no ea it in ii Shield or denial Ion our gcood Corbel tstrlot hrs on theJorce gridj th thh ftwaen tr ad and 18th in the chain or ANNE 51 littour PA mastheadsat allowing tire to cross his pron display windows which are an notwetive addition in the Dunlap Street shopping section The store is the shgps locatedln larger 26 115 rounm or marina whatnot afres mqundent SYDNEY iCP embark on major roseoreh program designed iounlock one the great secrels of nature lite mlkinl 0i rain Details have Just been released olvplansio sic up the nlnlnak lng work which the Cornino wéllih Scienliiic 8nd industri orr tor the last 10 years The cost willbe abnui $200000 year in the initial stages Australia claims to loidall oth er nailonsj In this field The pres 0n object not merely to make rain rider auitlabit conditions the iuslniiln rainmakers did this tirst to years agobut to all er the weniher overa year in pig snowed The duiereoce to you in extra Iactory prdtltsr Tho nuraln sow ahould have iNG 50W RATION Rescamnflrganlaailon hits carried Atuie snortGIth Demonstration harm or to plus per litter were weaned whey din The dliferente lrotteo the ultimate between best or lee the best or Insurance for blsb averagemeeanI rountry audio examine coat or galntt result line curiosity lnthh new Austi ian eiiort Aultrllio is the driest pi oUeontinentIoo dry tbai only 11 pchcllfl oi its land am or 300000 square miles suitable or auricuiiureu In norm timer romiderahly more han alithe continent Iota less thanplo inches of rain on Now alter good reasons the country is lotqu the threat oi mayor drought Althoughthe nininakera are any protrItihl iralnlail filly be lncreued by artificial means cautious in their lomoau it is known that aolhoaemaritablo re Those suflegt Ihotrgh they do Comet teedingand in dog meat priclioes we not to do with litters Then its mrahty important to you Inweln big plans pigs avenod ii in the bertot are and the but oi teeowhlle farowing her litter The Spend few Inlpuicl wlth ii and let ouillna then snulmaia 55TH Pnocnam Weve copy or the anon at BLIICV youv slam dealer Wummmooninumnw mnwm Ifeyer ere was hearty With alixhars new in Buick for 57 new theres no doubt Soxoke advnth of all prihg under actualiramv once between Gyorsper litter and to roper and inadequate tiedinx oi llap tanning row dinerencebotwoen nopnllt and highly calla suits have already been achieved arrival on consistently lam ondweao em sentiment in inn la SHURGAIN 18 NURS rlior FEEDING db olt tar you too IV pldteéilat road makes an ear fool good butthata nonest enough or Buicks marchless ride gives oth performance on even the aroughesi roadssnils serenely over tho bumps Thats why you and Buick decidenaw and see your nearby Buick Joan the outstanding vni bericrBnick buy in held SFEGAL Bahtruinz swan or Roan ymtr big huff Bliicl

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