Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1957, p. 17

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Tho Examiner Promi signer Printed Patterns Zyou canvscw the most glamnrons fashions the most elegant dos glnatcd by the grentest in tashion Here is dress pattern Aisha bytamous Nat kaolin re nowned New York house with worldiwide fashion reputation Because the designerr own linesarid Instructions are print ed umeaeh pattern part this giIclnus gown is as easyas can be to out sew andiit From our pattern you ca create dress germ proiessionui look an exclusive tustommade with that won original The form lilting doublebreast ed bodiéc has Ibcautituilow neckline with portrait collar our pattern includes pettieout Factorys library Popular Home ST CATHARINES CHWhen employees oi the Yale and rlovtne manufacturing plant here get to their homes the children are ready to shout Read to met Theyve been doing it tor men so since the iaetory workers almost cleaned out book Reading Aloud shell two days alter it was started Now some take two or three books homr ery week Gilbert Chapman president of the company and member or the NationalBook Committee in the United Sixties slarled the plan two years ago at the lack and key compaoys plants in Ten nessee ihe idea at leavingthe hooks ont tor workers to borrow treaty is that parents and children will dnd reading books togethesz tun There is no eharge tor the service Workers just drop card to toe cord ihehook thats taken out There is no timl limitbut em ployees are urgedto return the books quickly so others may nan them Some at these books are alrned at the preschool child with more pictures than story whileauie hare designed or chlldriln in lowrr school grades At first it was thought that only art three sleeveless short sleeve versions or threehunricr is outer signer patte Make Ihis Nat Kaplan original in novelty colton linen shuts Earl lullaeynr rm ayou inl unknwn=eoinpor¢r sky sted titsudd amend or aily ovaryniz haduwrilt piece which almost as soon llll pubiishédqwept the con try and started new tad music rm This piece has been Filled rung whistled erooned hummed and shouted by someone aom whensl ever aince The plrte Ragtime Band and the you mans name was irvlnz Ber He had come to the United Sla trolo Russi at the age oi five No doubt ri his ragtime com position was published he was Ls Instantaneous suo cuts as everyone else what he dldntknow and couldnt ave known was that he was introduc ing whole nay era in the history surprised It at music highly controversial blinking with surprise corded the strong boat many examplos at its is Negrb is generally speaking Lion In Negro Folk Music led was starting to have aLholu the public He didnt have the vaguest idea hlt he had just opened the door to something new strange and Syncopatiun in the nrst decade at the 20m century was not new to music Some oi the greui com posers such as Bach and num crous others used it in their We pattern mm works and certainly ihcre were Fm very musical individual highly perceptive to the Various rhythmi cal forms This use ol syncopa ragtime and syneopation music measure torm The Job Age eame beating its hlucs harmonics were qultti music but in the recordiniu way through that door and young dintrent irom those in comm irvlng north lust stood there use in popular music and the Arid the truest expression or mclodios made much use of Ragtime took its name iroln third and seventh notes or the Irregular rhythms which some scalis sometime major people describe as ragged yn sometimes minor when sung their heads Oddly enouhh the copaiion is lealuré oi rngllmc lhcsmnoits were usually sung und in syncopauon weak heat in measure is usually given the and minor and were known emphasis or accent ordinarily one blue rinl This cannot be exactly rep live it Al wilI use musk mm me first ama ern cg one who hasheard concerto at Blues had long beena medium player at intervals to have the just the precisemoment when of expression Tor the Negro spotlight with bruit whose authentic typenf folk music The reputation oi such popue on nsnaiiy expreascli lament irustration resulting train iamlner Pattern Department 60 iviuaee are hull built in 1913 has tune printed sit or rayon Yours will he an exciting rashmn ad venture both ingthe sewing and the wearing of ihl5 dress order our Printed Pattern A685 today it eumcs in sizes 10 12 to and is Size on dress required yards spineh iahr nettl eoai 73 yards gt Just send our nonunion Printed Pattern A635to The Exs Front St West Toronto out Please print plainly voun NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUM BER and Sle cxpéricnce as shown that men havc takentp reading with their families just as readily yammars gt iNVERMAY askr CPIThe been sold and moyad ps the tire depa tmenivgcts up to datewith nevi uipinent and building The twowheeieri fire ear used since LOYDS LUMBER v71 ctiAtzeE KEEN pales THATlS Ala riiaueu does ashore on James MALL iii BRETQW Wot PLUltlBlllGHEATlHG one an r¢ eenulliop sl 551 dhnn PA 377 wmrvm mmr WE ft LL The BAR onus silo town so WEEKLYV LL Ragtime was followed by intr and his molt interestlnzcontrlbw ther variation oi the Negro Folk tlorl come when he desert the type This was called the Blues printed part and embarks on usually melancholy tune in 12 ililhts oi musical Imagination instead oi lhe conventional It us the beat examples or Jan in pitch hallway between maiur their counterpart in serious mu dueed onvthe piano but you can the written them propped some or the cilect oi the lilch the kcyl lue notes by playing piece Another trademark at Jazz is the key pi Major and endin inn Handy made the pines which pianist or violinist us Queen Emma 01 England knew iamous His first song in the soloist with orchestral neepmpan out syncopatiun as we know it Blues manner to be pubii in jazz had its embryonic beginlt was The Memphis Blueswrittenpoint in tho music the orchestra nings in Negro Folk Mnsjc The to help elect Mayor inMcm stops and the soloist plays or ohisrennessee Then he wrote sings an elaborate and brilliant one tilt landmarks Ampri solo pnrl which is called end can music The St Louis Blucs om when jazz musician which like some other master takes break or puk in some to pieces was turned down by the ho is really ng ragtime Ind lrving Berlin Iprov publishers and Handy himself on himself to be not only an out standing musician but also very Previous to Randys comp arp business man by producing tlnns achieving popularity length sleeves The cenlour belt Alexludepg Ragtime Band Prominent De lth in finance its publication uity to make it as scintillating os mayrut to semi demoon the brilliance Mtheir break 10 the Brlxiui momma wmeliiilll elsehock who established veal traditions néy fin or the ore was nix Baldr bum in mm Willowz said to haveleit at my school rather than tone down uni mourn pilth him of mgeythrgfl many ir am or Dlxle RESTRICTED arms Vmfimm EM mm 135 235 ohggllhghmil xshlsitoiiooloi VQu or nunqsatnnsoro mfilmfifibfi53fi sweotjanperiods or the 1920s fifif°mfi 335122 Mm 10 ll 09 me UP inl rutions to noun mutt inthe militiaslimit fins MP in Mormon city it wui be in other untila murmmé My an And now llley tell me our muter urban development plan ti exéerpla can he played eemsmlle simply wild about has been npproved an lorrorl imagine musical atrocity jazzed rm oi Brahma Lullaby wguid for instance Jazz la unique in music because in primarily process oi im in an orchzst ndor chop the musicians llow the notes on printed ills rho in orchestra player also he printed parts but he does not renew them inthiniiy mus are not iounli in published on periormanees oi jars he inn II in the lam session where he musicians dispense with notes lid and play whatever comcs into at Jan experts in improvisation have as sic in tho dignified Church org uniiis who olten play upon their sedate instruments variations on the break and here we have li anidea which has very good parallel in serious music Any ed uncut will recall that at some tor he uses his naen possible The rest at the dance the orchestra allows one or another or lar musicians as Benny Goodman TliiEE 20 Down 525 Weekly DUMINIUH FiilYAL isle EXAlilllNEinx

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