Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1957, p. 4

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Baseball jaeague game played at hind target the the II nu lune ball elubl Ieit thelr cprlpg training this or their mnimcr homes guessperttarron the nation put the team in were to limbWall the bulk oi the mun is yet to come but Ilru some pndictlotu are looking not too good 01 tonne that could change with time but rlght now there are tow the order at which th mriles iltfllhers in meat everyonoa 1950 In CL the Pblls behind Phllley Cflltllfl teel thin years club is strong than the 50 aggres tlon him better pillth mainly because at the good supply oi loit Ies This seasonsawilt start ls attributed to twitter delence than last Bowman la mllflslll2d oi lust seasons right iielder allm Grecngrass Rip Repulski is better delcnslvcly than Del Ennla and Chico lcrnundu lata oi the Brooklyn Dodgers covets more ground than Granny llamller did at shortstop nappy notc lorthe Phlllcy management In that this seasons team has coal him much ieaa than the with bonus plnycrs andattendanco is ahead oi last years ilgnrcs Hy season Newcomer Bah nbout oooo But the Phil are not Bobby Shuntl The tiny hurler has the best throwing Ivcrngc in thcr league und hus complctcd eight out at 1051am Manager Cusey Stengel recently slngled out rellcier In the Nlilonll Milne the Pbllldclphll Phllflfir second dlvlalon are making like the Whiz Kda oi stout pitcher at Robin Roberts Curt Simmons Bob Miller Jack Sanford levcy Hidlit and Seth More head are ahead of the 1950 clubs pace ln wblch they won la and lost nine as of May 18 won 24 and lost is of June won 21 and lost it as at June l5 Ind were 3726 II at lubfl lending the lelgue yet Other clubs could take over thl top spot with Just the drop oi hit The SLLouis Car dinals Milwaukee Braves Clnclnnatl ltcdlegs and Brooklyn Dodgers are also scrambling or lllllc oi hc lop rung And while they have never been considered it must he noted that the New York Gllnta are only lew glmcs trample top too over lnthe Junior Circuit the Yankees and Chicago White Sox are making splrltcd bids tor the lag Cleveland lndians Dctrolt Tigers and Boston lied Sox are atlil considered solid contenders The Yankee lortunes continua to ride on the successor mud leity control or bédy torde filamentWt Want the club which was hclvlly laden way oi the Kansas cltyAtnlotlm Boh Grimas big man the Bombers iortuncs Aside tram Shantz Ill of the Yankee hurlcra have needed lot oi help and Grim his bgen almost untouchable over short period JUST NOTES neno Bertoll the young Detroit Tiger star out of Windsor Ontario is giving Gil Mchugald oi the Yankees und George Kcll of Baltimore real run torythe thch bust position on the allstar team Ding strikes twice in the same spot One at the least publlclzcd heavywelght chlmps Floyd Patterson is supposedly considering the duienre at his this against an mpic champ This would retire amutcurs that pro light Sounds too oney to be true Please Dont Inyone bnlsh against Bruce Reynolds tor the next days nl Icasl Bruce took part in the goll tournament at Coiling wiiiid Sunday and picked up heautiiul sunburn lie was wearing shorts at the time saw him at the hallgama Monday he said llelio dont touch mcQtl whats happened to over 350 nouandla will play BDSL glme at Coilingwood tomorrow The contest warorlglnnlly aehedulcdlor Saturday lstonlbulnpsr ¢ooksiovvn 76 Simcyoje coll itillston defeated Cookstown 76 in atlirililng south Slmcoe Cookstorwn Alter jumping to 30 loadln the very first frame the wlnoers eventuallyhad toeome trom be eelsien Cookstéwnsco live times in after tallying once in mount to indicate to the winners that irwasnt going 7m be an easy evening ln tn dbmalfiolthc rcceath lnulng with thh scbre 86 nerror leillers vlong oilt pushed winning aux started on the hilt liners but was relieved else in the second Between 11 or lhemby Nelson Coutts went the distance tor Cockatown giving up six hits and striking out seven In the world oi boxingthcre is much talk about llghlhuavyweight title match between champion Archie Moore and Canadian challenger Yvon Durclle Reports have it that both Toronto and Montreal ore try log or the match The bout would seem natural or Mnntrcal as Durclle is FrenchCanadian Then again Moore had good payday out oi Toronto against Parker and he may wilnt to see Ii light greeting lluhl The game between Devllbiss Ind Brzdiord scheduled for last Thursday will be played tomorrow night at BOND HEAD Note the teams in the local rad district solthall and baseball lea guas when scorecards are returned to thlsoiiicc it would be much easier or this reporter ii the names at the teams were also mentioned Because oi the omission oi teamnaniea some scores have not been printed Thank you This does not apply to all loops Seems when Larry Dohy oi the Chicago White Sex kotl Art Dlt mare of the New York Yankees he set record it was the first time that negro player belted whlteman on maior league baseball dipmond Jackie Robinson had to carry his quarrels in his pocket as he was the crusader and couldnt aiiord to submit to such action ellaetrapped us on the street ycsterday and asked Wonder Ted Williams Answer Nothing has still batting luau TRIAL The early part at this week was dotted by several games in the prosperous Barrie lndustrial salt hail magma At Cundlcs Park Monday Ont nrlo llydro slashed through Sww arts Lunch hy scoreof 159 Pub lic Utilities Commission and Lake View hairy playedto 44 dra Mansfield Rubber won postpons ed game from Harrie Tanning Despite tourrun llrst inning by Stewarts Llscomhe Went all the wayon the rubber tor Ontario Hydror Stewarts made another spirited drive in the Seventh irnme but slick fielding on the partoi gilt oHydro quelled the uprls trig bristle itcde the distance the losers Four turns in the first inning started Mansfield oil on the right to the victory over horrid lng The winners scored again in Lhe second third fifth and sixth innings Barrie Tannin scor ed in the inflow tremor on was the losing pitcher and he wln went to lil Mlnnlnga Jlmqulnlan tarLukévlow and slim Armstrong tor PUC were tha hurlers in the game Both clubslscored their total in just one lnnlng PUC grahb provlnc Willow do playoils in all claulil wrestler subjected to mud orwhat John cc craniallo tloo laJthe or that conductI pro and tutu in ladies ball tlona throughduttha province to provlncltllplaydowna Ihe com rltqaprattlee baa been to use the population bull ror deciding what classification the team must compete in The lut year or two it became mnrcand morerpar ant that can mottled la not the com way to have team or rim Ilar ability meet and be evenly mltchcd At the mount mccllng ol thu vainclll Womens Solthall Un ion it was decided to name thc committee to design new set of playoii structlons so that each team re rdleas oi population have chencn to meet team of similar ablllty There are eight lrophlcs available torncolnpotitlun being As allows Senior Ind Senior AA Intermediate and lnternledhtc AA inter mediate lntermedl Junior and Juvenile Each team can aitlllate through the follow ing rates Scnlors $10 Intermed iate $5 Juniorduvcnile $2 and smlll charge or contracts am atcur cards managers and coach es cards To get the teams in the Flrst Ellmlnatlon Series 40000 and up are chased Seniors in termcdlatc 15000 to 40000 nd under 000 are Intermediate and it you do not deem your tcam quallilcd to play in the tol crater these in yldowhrlt LI not necessary to he medlberol league credit league It lt la general ich today tint many teunl Ire forced to play bibl tlon ball or in unbclmeed leuuca to get any competition Coma qucnlly it class team had to win their league in league with intermediate team they would hava no opportunity to get in the playoils and have even competition in matching the teama in the first round cart will betaken to try and not have them made to play team that they new been playing with all season The ployoil procedure will be lol lowl two teams that are clusl led as intermediate vlill meet in the heattwo out of three series The winner will be tlnally nlasscdpthtn lntermcdlatc and will continue or the balance otthc pinyvdownl as intermediate while the laser in the Int llmlnatlon round will be cllsled lntcrmcdllto AA Ind will continue in the balance at the playdowns as intermediate This mclns thlt no telm can be eliminated in the playdowns less than twb rounds or our games excepting iJunlor and Juvenile Thisehrnge in piayort arrange merits is designed to give teams that enter air chance and so they cant be eliminated In two straight games Last date rior ar iillatlon Is June sol=layers must be signed by July 15 Aiiiliatc now there are eight categories arid no shortage oi opportunity to meet in air competitionarld tra vel to other localitiu it is hoped that alter nights wrestling card at the Bar rle Arcna the viiihlns hightalictli it out 01 town in the same car Because they could cry on each othcrs shoulders You seelast nlgbltvas raré one at the cool arena it was one of those glorious evenlngs when the peoples choice came out on top most oi the lime and that ill cludcs decisions by the relcrcc it all started It 845 with Gold en Boy Dlnly Parks lighting former world iitlcholder Johnny Demchuck Tony Falcttl was re ercc Forgets Science Dentchuek you see is reputed to he an outstanding sclentiiic in his own opinion Unfortuna ely once he steps into the squared circle he seems to go out his mind and according ly science islorgotten In its place Dcmeltuck employs what he calls lust rough house tactics Hmph If mud ls dirt then whats bigger pile at For 17 minutes or so Dlntywe termed rough llousc At this polnt an amazing thing happened he eree Tony Faletti surely no Finn kic Hart screamed at the time firmer to ring the hell That was The Folks were bit confused at first but later conceded that Tony was an alright guy ln bout number two the root almostiell in oil the people It the bounding Scot from Aberdeen Rnllnle MncKny itonnie had the hehrihletask cheering Reggie Slki But when the bout was over and the bells began toning it was Sikl who thought he was in nightmare But whatever Sikl thought was exactly opposite to th tccllllgs Russ Johnso fastballers outi oi Hamtlton made iloodllght bull park an auspicious one last Saturday as theygave the locals scuba less while coasting inning in that tour in the tlrlit and Lakevl same number in the iourth Lakovlew was outhltting the Pucga Mwhe th gain ter glim was wlthessed by 100 ans Its pretty Flyershome grounds will be the beat atte ear in the district Saturdtyagam ospitep otln lack of ballYlmo drew Vbieesstccrowda The ofinclal ppeningwaa Mon day even Wit was due to their own cheering oi of ge ing into the same ring with will be featured by seventeam Mills the openingoi the llyers new 142 Win in seven raters that the ot jot the season sportaJanerom far and near turnedneocchariotdln the dir tlonofvtheFlyerslend of camp bod nrband for print time the area in operlttlon the station ommandufGroup CuptalnWest get his glove on lL An error to shortstop and two ot thc 800 or so iarls They iclL in love with MIcKay his acrobatics Ind blsworknllin like ettorts it was his acrobatics hand stands and cartwheels trenster red lnto llying héadscissors that enabled the chunky Scot to go the distance with Siki and earn draw At times be had the co red vvlllaln so bciilod that Siki just crawled in corner and 100k lns ventory oi the situation On one occasion Juggle tried to light fire with He landed smack onhis taco much to the pleasure at the crowd At the 3mlnute beliMchay figured he may as well really on dear himself to the tans so he took few extra minutes to rough up Slkl just little more ot Dcthronclll Last nights abbreviated main event suw the North American Junior Heavyweight Champion ialibut not irom his throne Through some trick 01 his own Tony Morelli decided alter losing Big DaveSlmms that his title was within the line after all This raiseda mighty chorus especially irom Slmms who won the match two straight tails Returning to the local mat next week is Frankie Thompson the tricky legwrestler from Hamilton it July lat celtabrations at Angus Snithaii Tournament Flay starts at 12 noon and will continue un til winner is decided First place iinlshervln the tour ney will receive s25 sec d$tl and third $10 Teams jccmpetlng Angus Midhurst Grentel Mines ngEd envale Cralghurst and Amen Here is the first round of the tcurnamenc spansoredhy the An gus ad plslrlet Bnys Softball League Angus vs Mldhurst Gren lal va Minesing Crnlghurat vs Edenvalc and AldenMills bye immediately niterthe tourna mentncouple oi hundred dollars tier his list active role the tile rndams slnglc this that ol two Mm Satchel Paige Queens Park Crowd Tintiled The sparse crowd due to til threatening Ill were thrilled no end by tho Myeawldl hell be 55 before the NW illll pcrlormrnce Only two batters ruched base VlI walks Ind he wbllled two In hla threeinning stint Teenago Eldon Smith started on the rubber for the winners andicit the game with the scan Kt in his favor thus picking up the win when the DeVllblu crow got run and pair or bluoii him in the filth coach Al Thur low iclt the pluckytyounuterlllad gone lar Enough hailed Pct season gtAnothcr Veteran Harry Cause started on the rubber tor DeVli blss and aitcr creditable per farmlncc wls relieved in the sev enth by Jack Treldwell During his stay the cigoy Cousc gave up our runs and three hits HeWII charged with the loss llc whiiicd eight batters Trcadwell was tagged or one hit line drlvflhomcr torlght centreln thcelghth by Ron Stew art Al Spence inirlght ilcld iol Devllblss made great oiiort to grab the Shot Ind did manage to Most or the way however it looked like Dchlblss wls going to come up with win number two Thcy tallied twlcc in the first lrlme and held Legion oil the scorcshcct until the lourtb successive hits by Bill Raycrait and Course Storey his ilrrt oi the season plated two runs ln the fourth Legion tookthe hack SIDS by Stewart and Red hur low an intleld error and George chappels smash through the mid The eventual winner WIS scor ctl lnlhe allowing irumc Greg Tnmllnson reached ilrst base on an firm and advancedlon still lnut er He Mean MacDonalds ipltlers choice The game was played in last time with the ohlyhalts being when lip umpireseonlcrred row times In landlord the youthful hosts helped Legion by tripping the league leading Mlncsln squad behind the slxahlt tw rllng at steady Bah Armstrdng Armstrong was the only one oi last nights startinghurlcrs to go gthc route HI nlsn came up with runscorlng single in the seventh inning Early Dead Bradiord lumped to In early lead with three runs in thelr bot tom halt oithe lultlal Iratile single by pow hit balsrnan and homer by Frank Laney account ed for the early runs They dlmlnlshcd in the mm inning howeverualenealng put ltogethcr three hits Idr as malty truns to tie up the contest Glenn an out and double and aslngle by Bill and Hurry Adams lollowlt ed byan error moved three run ner all the WW around thediam on Bill in the bottom hill of the same gt came single ileldera choice andsacrlllce fly byl pi er Armstrong accounted armad iords inurthand liith runs which eventually proved enough loathe win The winners slashe lne hlla ottthe servings of KenGlenn Lhc Mlnesing starter WenHDoviney lshed uP Edney Loney and Gregory each had pair of hits tor Bradford Cricn Adams was the only Min esing batter to hitsuiely on more than one occasion Tonight Devillaiss hosts Brad iord lnan Important contest It queens Park League Standing Mlneilng Legion Bradlo DeVilblss DEVILstss Popp 2b Campeau sa luycratt 8b llartlacrei cv llreworksdsplny will be put an Angus Branch of the Can do Legion of th holiday action will munlty ParkAdmisslonsarc 352 for adults andlbefor kiddiesfvnll proceeds gotowards the young isllowsjequlpmen Asldei lrpm th will beipaaaed with resultinmid way vltlesln thepaika itiilé 15pin canon raea or meIM aullln the rwllcli lihlt brighten partnerIle has on talrepiace at the Ahgus cont hill the day Spence Brill lb Couro lreadwell Total LEGION Wunnamaker MacDonald itewart 11b Tburlow 3b Legion mnarrleand District senor sortow League is iuat us proud of its ngelgaschucker Pet Moods Mqnday night Pumn Pat hurled three nohlt norunlnnings lnrellet andLegion went on to hang 53 defeat on DeVllblss at peVllolsr moolooo4 coo all outii rredwell and lllrdt Smithlalind t7 and Cbcppel Winnan pitcher Smith Lorine pitcher Coule Umpires Bill Ecru phtc Itti Steve Hlnca ham MlNESlNG Grant Glenn Wen Downey McCartney 3h Win Dewitty Adams Ii Falkner ci ca mumciao Adlmt lb liAdlmI 2b McDonald 2b Luck rt Miles rt Total cuneiform Honey new at Ceilings cl Armstrong ll Lotto lb Fllllattiib Gregory Mlncslug 965665 langclo bases antocéeoDi aradldrd cm 020 torti Glenn Well Downeyt7 and Armstrong and Varga Losing pitcher Glenn Umpires Earl Marshall plate swml KING riots Check our line sitowing oi Summer Vacationilems Set our selection or sporting goods plcnle supplles beach and swtm ntlng equipment and summer gardening land household rc qulrcmcnts Shopiwhcreyou will save our prices are right nghfeiasi Evcrythlhg or the Fisherman Yes rlts llncnlittn Timerightnow and the best illicit in town tor your Lucas also PLUGS TltoLLlno BAITS swllll KIN MASKS AND GOGGLES For clear sale un der water vision protcctthe nose at eyeawlth these tilnést quallty Idluatlble Dellgnetl tor ppcclL com ll 35103 Wm NG KIDDl FLIPPERS Finest red green rubbcr lots or inn sud ELS $169 Nose Clips lidr $l 95 as ANDEEFINS 39 del Age iv tickets rnustlor he kiddies llyourc hosting ALL to yoursold$325 MEDIUM 4to7 years old$ titlth roll years old$4 15 plua ice Detachahlecovcr acts as tiIch PORTABLE Ramses OR Eih gloss Insulated keep bever gc ondi of fresh ondcold NslllLATEl JuGsV 750 cnsTlNe Ann SPINNING coulrucNT can FAILS lions NETS liccla TACKLE that folds lust llke sultoasc snowman Antlite burners eonk all roads ncrleetly

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