Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1957, p. 22

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sv Wm snruinav inn is rly sho pets It the market bought up the horde military pic at 65 cents rich YumYum cake at 70 SI ills And Chickens Indciipans at 50 cents ere In picnlliul supply 554 born 48 to 52 an via Poultry was ov gt Mr in oiling owis ictch loge $130 to $150 each Roasting Ch ken sold at 45 cents per pound cents er IllsblcP with Variary Stall ope vendor oiicrcd wldo range or articles or sale irom cactus pints tu satin bedspreads of lit $750 The ssrnu sisii olfcred selec tion oi honwmnde pics at so cents each and it was their strawberry cred at to pen par hunch while run length asparagus sold at cents per bundle Spinach could be bought at 40 cents per basket rhuru was good demand or curly lettuce in cents perbuncll Spring unions could bu bought iar two bunches or cents While new potatoes are scarce in the market guod potatoes could be had lur 40 cents per hit For The Gardener There was agoud supply or ding her planting bbage plants were oifercd at Sweet Pepper 25 for 75 cents plants fetched cents per in it few days the motorist sce practically every spot in province oi Prince Edward Island only 140 mild lnng from tip to up and varies in since it width lronl to 40 miles Get rilan milk Keep your natti me ill biting flies Duat ith with ink COWFLY 0WDERuse it just twice month COWFLY POW DER is better than my ray varuinn protee our smile ions as than cent gt Iday For Fly Free Born use FLORBAITS TRLURE Action they iend and die Dust it over goon to keep 11 were prked at 25 to 50 cc each The bedspreads were plants or the gardener who had still to catch up with his or Cui sodnsrrsshw bl Thoinvu isitcd friend in to on alaqda Mnfl r1csibpun spent lip urdny in Toronlo ul harminsanwaasrdiy with irisnds in lawn Mrs luthqin psdjpisn visited iricnds in Barrie day Miss Coleol Port Fortune visited with her aunt Mrs Cole on Thursday water lienj Mr and Mr Wood lei Rothery Cnnsion and Dr Prom Bnillwd Bmilnrd lowrl on Thursday Guests at Alums The members at seetqn Wo mens institute were guests Alliston Wl iii their regulat mael ibo pin and YumYum cake that sold we an Ftldny Iflerwnnv Jane 14 so any splendid meeting and vary enjoyable time is reporied by Slimmer Vegaioblos mo Berton ladies Mrs Room or Water Aspsragus ii were being air down is spending wwank with her parents Mr and Mrs Stewart Wl MW Tile regular meeting ind pres entation oi tile memberships was held on Thursdny June is on mount oi the llcw qhureh Deanery being lie in nrpdlord on Tuesday Julia 11 number vi baskets ond arrangements at Sununer flowers were phced in the library room making it very luver for this special meeting The president Mrs Kearns presided and 21 insin bers were present The meeting opened with the Ude Creed llnd the Lnrdr Prlyer Roll cell and ihe secretarys report were given by Mrs Aerghlt The hub urers report prepared by Mrs Dobbs was rend by Mrs Wright During the business session donation of iriuney was arranged to be given to the swimming club short course Was de clded on Applicrtion to be sent in before June 23 Arrangements were mild for the members to at tend the WI meeting It Alliston on Friday June 14 Reports of the WI annual at lvy were given by Mrs Cole and Mrs Ritchie pupbrwas given Mrs Camplin Convener of agricub ture and Canadian Industry This paper was oh bees and was quite interesting Current events by Much the The presentation of four lilo memberships were made to Mrs lichnnnld Mrs Rey nolds Mrs Kettle and Mrs Culgin The presentation of certificates to these members was snide by Mrs Little Mrs Rum Ritchie nd Mrs The badges were pre sented by the president Mrs Keams Theso ladies replies oi chants tion tor the honor them The past president Mrs Rae was asked to come to the plutiorm and Mrs Kearns on behalt the members of the institute spoke words at thanks to Mrs Rae iar her term as presi dent presentation gilt 01 money to Mrs Rae was mode by the secretary Mrs Wright Mrs Rio in her reply thanked the members and congratulated the memberikwho hid received life memberships andwished the sllll hus bedr box can the each inade nice and apprecia bestowed on every success The meeting closed with the notional anthe Lunch was served by the June committee Mrs Hooper Mrs Ru ledge Mrs Culgin and Mr Kearns wus Meeting Mrs Thornton washoy toss to th members of the We mans Missionary Society of Irin lty United Church on Thursday afternoon June with 14 mem bers and three visitors present nod to ba red reparately P511870 20 and 22 Laying nations are in be led with scratch Mpihnh complete laying ration which requires no scratch gt grains and crumbled premixrto insure more dawns or eggs per bag at feed with minimum loss oiieed it Mdrsw and Harold Wtb it Mr and un rrwilien ai vlstted relatives in new president and executive gt and Mrs Ted Dslr and Zommy sprnt Wednesday at the intern cottage It Bull oer Sale Mayrfw no oakviile she Montague Aniston and bought by Riverside Hospital Charlottetown At leit is Bus Jones Charlottetown and at the hotter in will it qwiifirox NEImB mule rBbrought $16m top price at the Nationsi Holstein was sold by Oiennlton Farms The National is the oldest continuouslycipernwd livestock sale in Can hoving been commenced in 1919 This 40 head sold tor an nvemgeot $946 ill lllflllllion oi be niece Jliu GianaMayan It linspllsl on may kitties you sir st Mrs Kindrrsley Split ut iqmllles Ills Writ sadlliry nil indelullet til Toronto Mm Fowlerrib Anton Mr and Mis Thom written Cale Mrs stone Ind ln lineman nir Brad rd were who ices doo Sui among the oimu den attended nniyersory here FuelvelGiltl largecrolf alierdcd restitution irathotlrl frank wereesctl Sublets conisiillng received il flashlight this community Ind tbe wishes at their them to their newihome lubel Noble BtNnnlmio and families Mrs habits presided Tile worship service was wnducted The secretarys report and roll call by Mrs Ritchie rreas urers report by Mrs Mu SOIL The speaker lor thi meeting was Mrs rpyiar Vluuehusband ls itev Taylor nihilster ui sn Andrews Presbyterian Church Mrs Taylor gave must impres sive message lier topic was housecleaning or text was The blood 01 Jesus Christ cleanseih us Imin all sin Mrs Taylor said It thu time when we are all bouseciuntng we should stop to housocleln our minds Wipe the cobweb iii in away it ng rnsl challenge to us tn look or higher things Reports at the WMS Presby terial were read by Mrs Ritchie and Mrs Wiggins Mrs Ritcihe onbehalt oi the Auxiliary thanked Mrs Taylor for the splendid message The meeting closed with the Mini benediction social huur followed The hostess Mrs Thornton assisted by Mrs Little served dainty lunch Miss Carolyn Reynolds snd Miss Wilma Watson Walter Reynolds and John Watson spent avsunday recently with Miss Dar only ileud it Braniiord rroin ilnnrhion Mr and His been and soils or Hamilton visited Mrs Deans purenis Mr and Mrs Rey nolds on Fathers Sunday Attend Funeral large number of people lrorn town and vicinity attended the funeral at the lute Mrs Carl Sherman Capreal The runerui service was held in Bond Hand United Church on Wediiesdly at ternoon Farewell Party number from town attended the social evening and farewell pnrty ior Mr and Mrs Frank Foran and iamin on Friday evA Englg in Bend Head community Sunday quests Mr and Bill Armstrong and Gary at Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Jack Gray on Sunday Mr and Mrs Thomas Rutledge Mrs Churchill and Mr aners Cecil Perrier spent Sunday at Springwatcr Park Hamilton Weekend Mr and Mrs Roy Armstrong by Mrs Willrash and Mrs Mason DALSIQN antioxidant Pediingium is home item the Shiiuldiér Hospital Thornhlli where he lird on operation Attended Golden Weddlnl Mrs HlndySr and Mrs Wellwin oi Barr sttaaded the golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday June ii at Dr Ind airs Hurry mdiay nt Cooks town Mrs Hindy Srvopent it few dsys with her bulkier Mrs Cameronl st Cantu Vespn WI Neutysix members and visi tors attended the Womens insti tute meeting It Mrs iiinssoys This was this lost meetinguntli September it wasdeclded thpl we go to Midino Pnrkum July 27 with the communiiy picnlc with rclnllvas in HirnillonI Lodge ot Service ileinbers oi Spry Lodge AF and AM attended service on Sunday morning June to in Si Pauls Anglican Church The ruler Rev Matthuws preached an appropriate and in spiring Sermon Visiting Friends Reeve and Mrs Little are visiting friends at Seven Islands in the Knob Lake district Brownie Trip Member or the Brownie rack enjoyed trip on Saturdaytn Christian Island The leaders Mrs Bill Hammiil and Mrs Frunk Liak were in charge Miss Leta Stewart of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrsil esmpli Mr ntl Mrs Jeiirayoi Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Llsk during the week end Sundaywith Relatives Mr and Mrs Garnet Pegg spent Sunday with relative in Dowrisview Miss Eva McAdam of Toronto ls spending few days with her parents Mr and Mrs Mc Adam Recent Visitor Mr and Mrs irwin Reynolds Mr and Mrs way of Toronto spent Sunday and Audrey spent the weekend SOON AS PO$SIBLEI or yours igger and stronger sure EARLY LAY BIG PAYI Thats the SHURflAlN WAY ets taticoverhsthow load MASH can be or the good or SHURGAIN 20 SUPER GROWING MASH will grow his rug ged pullets that gqiuioproduuion two wee 12 to 15 less reed Conic obviate the sol first chance and SHVMAIN SUPER GROWING with Mr and MrsW String way By the time youve brought your 1957 flock lathe laying stage yauvwill have invested considerable time pl nning and mono Ind you want the best possible return tor You want your investment yielding BIG URNS too just AS eiiort uid expense No LAY N0 PAY but there is WAY to grow those puilets and Easter tbhlyer to en elriter aud on ur egg business Mr and Mrs Morgan at Corn wnllspent the past week with their daughter and suninlaw Ewart Strong Anniversary Services Committees were named to look niter Ihe wedding reception in July with morning vim Rev Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Percy Drury oi Willowdnie visited tit llsn dya on Wédnesdny evening MrsrT nrury is visiting irlends at Killnloe Mrs Buie Sr at Stayner is visiting her son George and lam ily here Mr and Mrs Don Williams at Cookstown were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Maxwell Frank Perkins Mitchell Square spentthe weekend with Mr and Mrs Maxwell Sunday visitors at Browns were Mr and Mrs Hip Lowe and Cathy of Barrie Miss MBrowti and girl irierid from Toronto Mr and Mrs Partridge o1 Barrie were Sundnygueals with Mr and Mrs Handy Jr Please remember to bring your donations or the bake sale for Saturday at 10 mm Mrs William Coward Sr visi tan with her daughter at Cundies on Monday letting economical truly kilisf iiius like flaw iiuiiie Fain Supply ll Mule tlrSt ruv AN nxammau WANT Al matchedlea iilt No paasbook quicker service Dfipositsljpl reinyaurchetjuetiookélo banlung at hqumrtetly isigmeni is mailed to your oma Your chaqiioe aré held for yqu at the bank mid Flbwerl oi isltlng Mrs Green Indlhclirethel the her on ridly night Inholrdr at Mr and first Frank Fania and family During 01 evening Aiieit ind uéiited with sum of money JoSepll ahd Dick were glven tonnlain pens Ind Jimmy The Forail lsmlly will bl grellly missed in best lriends go with Mrs James llalipran larrncrly BC is visiting herbrqtber and sisler Anniversary servires Were held in the United Church on Sunday and evening ser at Maple convenient to use yet it mergersth Ie choirxwv iirsa crud iiiodd in mics The WMS Vaulted to bad our on Snturduysltzrnoon or the happy Bowien club To ronto WMS Nfli The meeting will WMS was held in Ihe ciiurch oolhundix eveningJune 13 II 20 mem berg present Roi word icicle stamina en disused with hymn Toiiowed by pl by Mrs Mn la thin lilns answered by the ed to give nun which he did in Ills up ciliclunt ways it told about nilssiolun work in tho Iesl idrZSiEorsindlhe hard ships whichthey endured cspeci ialiy in til Illicit tin Ilia told ill norm or the brighter thinlyor Mn Green moved voteor tiunks to Mr Burton or his splendld tall Mrdr Alvin Smith Save prayer and hymn was sung Minutes nitll last meeting were rent and business discuss cottage will be on July 10 with the Mission anon guests Bus will leave Orrr store at 10 No large bales oi clothing were packed and sent to the Fred Victor Missinnin Toronto Arrangements were made or tile ed The bus trip to McLeans retiyntalu anyoliulunaugfsnd Meeting closed with prayer by It Burton and dllnly lunch was Irrved by Dr indies in charge ArjunaGraduation 31 Alvin Smith Ittqidgd the nurses graduation at Toronto Elsi ngenl Hospital pix Saturr on efnoon Her niece Mary rioiloei or Weston was one or ibelrldultes humid Smith at Toronto spent tbs weekend with islefidsbm Luv Slims START gt Automobiles were first re tnredlnCsmds in NM erl Ontario issued licenses In in loos our were only sets in Tale good loot ll yurr on policy nd you probably wont innit nut urn yun die coit or ijuiicbng and lumipbin ii as 1nd about doubted Humpr fin intourn Irepr or Remember the tiny to Martina PHONE Mandi era3150

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