rendered in order to on JUNE iieultural and Town Improve Society neutered theJrint lrla Show in hartii exceeded all Expectaqu aarprlaed all who plannedvl and will no doubt he an annual auair EMAY JUNE 18 the r0 1er sponsored Decoration DI at St Mary ceotelery Pine co operation was shown by the pub lic the Rev Deanclalro and the itslighten Columbus and very impressive aervice closed worth while eflort SUNDAY JUNE 23 was De eontlon Day at Barrie Union Cemetery Judging by the en quiries received the line at tendance at the service and air whlungs report oi work done by plot owners on June 22 this was another Very successful lnd worthwhile event ONCE STARTED there is lllr tie doubt Decoration Day at the cemeteries will continue annually in Barrie uENTtoN these things to let the readers at this column see the Horticultural Society is working steadily tor the community SINCE THERE ARE not too many signs where the society does Its planting will bring you up to date on lllls matter THE NEW WINDOW BOXES recently placed on either side at the Town ltrlt enlrance were do nated hy the society So also were all the plants and shrubs and they were planted by society labor ALI THEVPLANTING it the Federal Building is the work ol the Horticultural Society THE FLOWER an at Alma Leos tearoom is another project The window boxes at the publir library are donated by the Horti cultural Society The plants around the grounds are paid or by the library board but planted Horticultural Society mm on THE NEW FLOWER boxes at the Chamber ni Commerce in tarmntion booth are another do nation as are the shrubs and plants there HE COMMUNITY HOUSE has had some rpm and more work will there this tall shrub planted THE OWEN STREET gore and the old post oilice lower garden remain the societys projects THE SITE be THE old pup works building will be anolhgr board in works have the sidewalk corner to beautity when in and have it tilled THE LARGE BED at the hos pital ambulance so also has Eide it THE EDCi ROCKERY contin iiorlleulturai So The BBC boird makea grant to the society net to bottle eietys responsibility torhelp deiray the cost at lhl lllrse garden and the public who Pcticvilotoslts amended in permit deduct from their income within certain limits premiums paid or retirelitteni savings plans in 1957 and labelyears The savingaportton of either néwor an existing life insurancepolicy may be quali ï¬edop retirement savings planExiating lilo insurancepolides therelore need not be sur take advantage of this tax The poambleadvantngeaï¬oi the dedugtion should in each easeho considered tion to tho rest etibns required in or he ineluded in saving planto make it eligible for tho deride be done entrance has been planted by the society with flowers paid for trout its funds the perennial bed be fo Alt tire INSURANCE Retirement Savings Plons lgt id for lNCOME TAX DEDUCTIONS The Income Canada woo ieoently enjoy thiaheaa rpbt are really indebted the ED boardtor without grant the Horticultural society could not maintain an Illrte lush EWBES THESE itiu oometho tours On June 19 Mr and Mrs Norton ol laalvlew lilvtt Toronto have opened their garden with be tween 00 and too role bushes to out mernhers Mrs Norton la al so arranging or members to Visit the garden or some or her irlenda Both the Norton are directora oi the Canadian Role Society 0n the lame trip mem bers will visit Hamilton Rookery spring garden and tour beautiful estates at Oakvllle This is way most educallona trip as well uhelng pleaIInL JULY tour ll planned to Elora peony gardens and Kiteh ener horticultural gardens and then to see Hamlet and the new theatre at Sirattord TOURS ARE PLANNED for several reasons They do aiiord pleasant recreation and more important they are wonderful education Seeing is believing Also they make for splendid pubs llc relations and they help heer our community inr clliuns who see what can be done elsewhere come home and demand as good for Barrie FROM THIS BRIEF summary of activities hope the members reel their dollar is being well spent WAVERLEY hlr andnm Lacey at To ronto visited the iorlncrl sister Mrs Ames on Friday Share Leave Wallace Wood spent couple ol days at his home here willie his boat was unloading coal in Midland Douglas French spent the renal French at Smiths Beach Midland Mathew nurse was home lront Toronto with his parents Mr and Mrs Burse on Sunday Recent Visitors Mrs Saunders and Mrs Lacey visited Mrs Arnes Mrsl Lacey has come to spend the summer with her daughter Mrs Amos Alan French was home for the weekend William Adams visited with his wife while hisbflat was duck ed at Port Coihorne Mrs Ed Latanville visited at Violoril Harbor with Mr and Mrs William Grlgg Visitors over the weekend with the Darbys were Mr and Mrs Alvin Wilson and Iamily of Dun dns and Mrs Cal Montgomery nl Deseronto Gail Adams at Toronto visited with her aunt Mrs Wiillaln Adams From Toronto Mrs William Coriett Sr ot Toronto is spending iew weeks withrher son and calling on lrtends Mrs William Archer or Te rnntu is visiting with Mr and Mrs Harry aurtelr individual taxpayers to rein to the 1301le many aettv weekend with Mr and Mrs Law eau had its own Hora and to 17 toellanlnale It lth In othlr kind of or VII llhlt temottne to ear Ion throat with buniul ater All at thla ha been outmoded by thewalnut ehmirta who have developed lamula which will proï¬t larden plan trout all inleetl noddiaenea without harming till plants or the llrh dener There is no need to it until wattle striker More ape ptytne preventive You cantiv Ilmle weekly treatment to Your en wblch leave ali the B133 Twmdmliwhnnmnum an dlleale so no new lnuctleldol and muster were developed arter World 11 that amateurs It lint had illican keePlfli trick them Now reenmnlendatlonl to home gardeners have centered upon three eaeh with special likely toaillck your plants They are malathlon which no elallaer in destroying juice drink aphi methmehiorwhlchkllil in re and caplan an all around runneitte especially good on bird lpot or rolu ioxether they are the but materials llna Ieur gardeners have ever had tar all around larden protection They are ma and entrient no vegetables flower trult trees and roses There are other one chemirall available it you want to enlarge your pesticide supply Solrte are used in addition to the three named in all purpose mixtures in insecta includlnl mites and wlu deroay all lnaeeta and magi Dost or lpny your plantl na tora lnaeeia darnn them advocates of bothvmethodl The handiest method dustin ad in efleetivenosl is approved by the plant doctor duster can be kept loaded with your allvourpole chemicals and used within anle utea whenever need arises Recent Visitors Harold Jenkins of Barrie visit ed with Mrs Margaret Jenkins on Sunday Mr and Mrs Robert Wilkinson of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Fred Birch and baby at Aurora spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cecil Wilkinson Arthur Anderson of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrlnd yrs Russell Anderson Mr and Mrs ororhle nl Stayrler Spent Sunday with Mrs Lena Reldand Blanche Smer Visitors Mr and Mrs xirld of Stayner visited with friends in Everett on Sunday Sunday Gnests Mr and Mrs Henderson and Mr and Mrs George Hender son visited with Mr and Mrs CROWN llitt ducted services in and Dalston on Sunday inations on his years work Mrs George tained the WI Tuesday She also gave anac War one in Scotland by and daughl Leslie From Toronto Patterson Make Date July 12 at Everett William McGill on Sunday Mr and Mrs Keenan Willough PHONE PA Sail Mr Caldwell Barrie eon Crown llill Billy Kenny passed his exam Salisbury enter members and friends at an alternoon tea on count of her work during World ot Angus spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs William Titand Mrs wtlllam Carroll and lrrnlly ol Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Alex Make it data now to spenddu TRY ANExanm ER WANT AD eerd received Mainland Ian 70 Small this partweek might be at interest to thetaleads o1 tar and llra Roland Munroe Quote Here amidst lohn Newloundiand setting up mflib loery or the AllisChaim 00 of Toronto it tookegiht hours in fly down here and will be re turning home around the int oi July Signed Roland Meetlnl Twentyemit Young People met at Burn aobooi Friday evening st seven oclock in group waadlv lded into Juniorand Senior and each group enjoyed game oi ballTheJuniora also played some other games darknesa fell the children gathered around camp in end toasted welners Freshle was served by the lead2h Wedding Annivemry Mr and MrsJob Small ltlznd ed lilo 35th wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs John Hargrave Wareham Friday evening Mr Hargrave la brother of Mrs Small on Holiday Mary Peel of Toronto is on hol lday with her cousin Catharine Wllilllnl Weekend Guests Mr and Mrs Enteo Glenn Mrs Ed Devlin and daughter Janet all at Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Lorne Buyers lnhn Donna and Beverley Dawn Butchers nurselntrain MAME The BARRIE EXAMINER iacl¢nolll tv SelinennmaI but at For Care taken at truism 1957 to cltocSe your Swimsuit at so rdllle mt aI Intwatthafluan Geairal Rab ï¬lial and friend liar mutton were weekend gunk with the lormera parents Mr and In Butchtrl John Malachi ot Baxterva iledthil weekend with his eoualn PaulKerr salurday callers with Ilr and In in 5h mum Muffler Srwllaer and family and Mrs Don Kee Tor onto ind ltr and Mrs Wes Kee andlun Entie atrialion At minimum to From Barrie Mr and Mrl Chuck Ashwell Toronto and Mr and Mn Emeb son Swain Barrie vlrltod on Sun day with air and Mrs Swen Ion Larry Sharon and Deborah Mr and Mrs Dennis Cooper Diane and Gary oi Cookrtown lormerly oi this district eailed on Mr and MrsM Butcher Sunday evening The Ontario government can veniently locates tourists recep tion centres throughout the pro vince to assist travellers with their selection at accommodation andattnetions that will be in terert to them STOPPID IN in nmtptlon wtltltriy retina rrd liraranted by Nrrma rennet main lullllanlrmnrwthu ttrn Uliuhlrl ornate atainlna not bout mull tiny or money is lamr nan Mk druum lu noapauenmntt in Half Skirt at stock anddtrt George Jallray and mu George Billanti Brian and Idr and In James entitle Kathlllne Dwain and Bobble attended the Jaifrayvreunlos at innlatil Park Sunday allotnoon Clarence andMariorle Switxnr oi Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Ernest Switxu tale anointtr tooling Iiuuldv tamlly iltended thalirahamdonaa wedding on Saturday Byanoathy or Community Sympathy or the oolnmunlty4 goes to Mr and Mn Andy Marl chlldon and family of claws We were Ibockedvto hear of Ernest Harehiidona death at Penelanx General Hospital Cemetery Manual meeting or parlahlonera and all concernedmithstqqnla Gear elery nu heldin mhlullï¬ln Sunday afternoon with Father was lormedconaiatin¢ oi Butl Drury Prank OConnor Riel Me Donald Maurice Fitzgerald and Michael Frawiey Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Harry Duddy ot Creighton Villtttl at Sid Clarkes Mr and Mn Maullee Fiugeri aid spent Saturda with Mr and Mrs Cllln obil Tomato Donnie claltlo la driving truck or construction company working on the St Lawrence Sch way Jack Casserly at Vancouver BC visited with Frawleyl Wedding Guest ur rnd Mn oiu Miller and TRYMExAmant warnan Are you tired or nilhtiy ups Let us lift your spirits with cold wave styling tint or lhlmpoo and net in our modern surroundings Call us now THE JOAN GAItlllCK SCHOOL Sperlal lnclttdlng cutting your own atyi So many styles such exciting materials and colors that help you to look your best for sand and surf Wear gt See Walkerslcaplivaiing collection of famotts namé beachwear Choose yoursleorlylcind be ready to ioin the beach crowd on the first hot day Just five of many Styles ore sketch ed for you to See here Met glw we m4 eollan Gom rail MIMnhW Pollen salts lined bro lullv lined ml no trout slmle map mutual win rmltflhfvhlp fungie will mum and