smalls Collrhu ram ï¬ne list at mduateavand not use cnts iron 011ch115 at 105051 The top tint studentsot the your vera Kaye Sloan honor secretarial diploma on average In all sub jecLs Grace Folhes hnnnl clerltype diploma 90 average In all sub lects Daphne Hod honor cleri type diploma average In all subjects Bettie Garland honorcleritypa diploma 88 average in all sub let Erika Weberhonor cleritypo diploma 08 average Inall aub iects Carol Brown honor clerttype diploma 85 avenge In allsub iects Patricia Smith honor cleritype diplomn 05 average in allaub jttlls Margaret sturgeon honor cleri type diploma 55 average In all subjects Diploma Awarded Eighttuiicourse diplomas oi the Business Educ105 Associ atlon for students who made707o or better in each subject their courses were awarded to the ini lowing graduates Kaye Slantsshorthand 78 typewriling 85 bookkeeping 92otllcc procedure 80 inlai ncss English 83 rapid calcula lion 80 spoiling 02 writing 90 Grace rothes Typewrltlng 79 bookkeeping 03 office procedure 81 business English 852 rapid calcunitlon loo spell ing writing 93 Daphne Hodges Tvpewrltlng 71 bookkeeping 93 oitlee procedure 82 busines English 91 rapid cniculatlon 100 spelling Mwrltlng 38 Bottle Garland ryhemiunz 85 bookkeeping 55 alllee procedure 80 business English 37 rapid calculation 80 Spa ing 100 writing 35 Erika Weber Typflvrilihg 70 bookkeeping 08 oliioe procedure 80 business English Birnpid calculation 90 spell in 100 writing 83 Carol Brown Typewritlng 80 bookkeeping 91 office procedure87u business English 80 rapid calculationmlz speii ing 84 writing 85 Patricia Smith Typewriting 83 bookkeeping 86 Fill procedure 79 business English 85 rapid calculation 00 spéii ing 98 writing 66 Margaret SturgeonTypewrih ving 70 bookkeeping 95 ois tine procedure 10 business Eng lish 05 rapid calculation 100 spelling 90 writing 73 Calhiiielc rm Courses Partcourse certiï¬cates awarded as lollows William Barker0mm proced ure 82 husinessEngllsh 86 rapid calculation 70 speiiing 92 writing 87 Eileen Berard Typewritlng 65 bookkeeping M36 otlice procedure 85 business English 80 rapid calculation ownspell ing 98 writing 19 were 51 business English 91 spell ing 96 writing 85 Mrs Joan CarletonRapid enlr culaiion 70speliinz7o Mansfield CarletonOfï¬ce pro cedure 02 business 75 rapid calculation 100 spoiling 80 writing 335 Barbara Cavanuugh Office procedure 51 business English 73 writing 70 Carol HandQbusiness English 00 writing 80 Violet Johnston Sitnrthand as typewriting 05 otlleepr ccdure 82 business English 83 rapid calculation spelll 30 verilan 90 Enid rCallowOflice procedure English 73 gt Mary Lou Laugheed 011100 procedure 707 business Engli spelling m5 writing ura Jean Luck0m proced ure 16 business Enallsh Iii rapid calculation 80 spelling 100wrltlng 7s Sharon lankaitNpcwrlting 70 omcemrotedureflm blur ness Build 881 npid cult tion 100 spellinngo writv ing 78 iean MatchettBusineas Eng lish 51 writing 77 Edna McQuarrle Business English 75 rapid calculation 30 spelling 100 writing in Carol musomen procedure 11 business English 18 rapid calculation It spelling writ Ing 05 Bctty NesblttOltlce proced ure 70 business English 15 rapid calculation 70 spelling 98 writing 74 Anis Rupertshorthand 62 typewrltirlg 14 ottch procedllre 81 business English 01 rapid calculation 70 spelling BB writ ing Suiurine Simpmnaookkeeping 58 otflce procedure 82 busi ness English 10 rapid calculation 80 spelling 80 writing 77 ure 60 business English To writing 78 Laura WarrenBusiness Eng iish 70 writing 78 Sylvia Weatherbylypewriting 60bookkeeping so ofï¬ce pro cedure aslnisiness English 01 rapid calculation iii spelling writing 05 Progress Carda Frogress cards awarded during the year were as ioilows Book Short Typé keeping hand writing William Barker Eileen Belard Carol Brown Enid Csiiow Mansï¬eld Carleton Mranhn leion ciiice Poihes Bettie Garland Daphne Hodges Violet Johnston lom King Dnuglas Liking Mrs Jean Luck Sharon Marshall Carol Mills Betty Neslmt AnlsRupért Suzanne Simpson Kaye Sloan 13 remain Snlith Margaret Sturgeon ogto Douglas viair Sylvia Weatherby Erika Weber Ste Anne de Beaupre in the province of Quebecis perhaps Canadas most famous shrine and Is visited annually by hundreds of organised pllgrimages lrom all parts of the North American eon tinent 55 Ilats regularly 5695 to $20 gnaw on saie your ch01 5m run sons 82 rapid calculation our Douglas Vian0mce proced ngtgt$qdmogtwo umnugtbegt Dsnealto Rained at Churchill lull Eriday Juneau Lunch uryed Sponsored by Le trpy Hockey iub humma This Blue Hail nun St June 29 Doors open at 030 am Under sus plfeso Salvation any stitceorxes Churen Strawberry leatlvsl and enter ainment Adultsfl are avun er auspices at Crystal Chap ter bio 50 to pm led mixthe ly ltwinthhcflikfu an en na illiiantreï¬wllwwas formersud entat BDCI lie Increase On stagnanttomes rllusuyner sun tax increase of two mills on residential property and seven mills on business property was se at speela meeting at Stay ner town counei on Friday even ing 11 residential rate will set at 51 mills and the business rate at 00 mills Last year the tax rate was flat mills The two rates were necessary due to restrictions placed on the provincial government grant this year This grant if to be ap plied only to residential proper ties The budget shows anincrease inthe general municipal levy 01 over $3100 This is in addition to increases in the county levy and the collegiate and public school levies The county levy when an increase of about miiiand the public school levy about two mills This yearnm is starting the $1200 debenture payment on the tire departmentand about $2500 as the towns share the bridge on Louis35mm TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD T9 The min Tracy Mldhunt July acquaintances pitlso accept thii intimation liarrie Thaabovo canada AI inea Viscountfjnlde anlnlpeetlon tour at Melton Airport recsntlyA1lamnsenaenu were rnvzl Service Limited authorised Airlinesli12 Dunlop two Phnï¬jA 31172 ry ï¬mily when tsdrv no oilï¬epther 7315 nine he Ian at so Iiala Jmcsnrglnur and Annlt neonla as nmv or In John Venom lusrnver 73 and Archie nl at th Utopia rt Funeral scales on ms as at on interment Wednesday July Wm children We 74 Tea In Itiilndsie on Wednesday July nc ur runmt Home rt service on had lull Interment Cemetery COSTLY PMNKS ceqummw ac CIDThe 7475 school board has requested par ems ollwo boys who sinshed Horticultural Society schnoiwlnllows to pay $300 the Estates hose replacements 727 will Spriniwater Park friends and held tor to 10 on at nouy Public School studentnhown beside run are lt assume nuannaox NIAIINU ouanr aox MMIKTIMI nun rIMaI NOW ARRIVINGV FRESH DAILYI no euetmasnr onuueuv HIV TIME Asuol FIsMrlrrena ALIAN aeo onions sun resistors ssnvs AjlilAp svsnv mill Hole stone nouns THURS June 27 8306 to 600 pm trim JuNE 23 8307s 45900 pm SAT JUNEZ 830 min its600 pm closeoMoNpAY JULY llntllld than yammuny nut and why pus flavors refreshment foronly nollsuo airman enlar amuca MILD oasau onions H0 RS REST WhEKW enaexro witAr Llcin gt OK UflSLICID woaLLou CIAITPN iianatiian lionla Journal IO