Knlllentt Tillsllzglflllllll grill me whom were torn Minoan mm mm Uttbridgd HuttLtvilie Goldwater afloatEfï¬ï¬sflfrénï¬slï¬ï¬ Kingston Camphelllord Tomato ed Sunniy on Mr and Mrs Iormcr neighbors at Angus were 63 Id London 0n gt William Levi Sriglay ruesdu June 1951 at an attack of pneumnnll Mrs Calder was burn on April iiy and connection are the henav ll 1001 in Barrie daughter oi the edhurhand lvan We 155 late Margaret and William Guru flitggtmt Hanna gunï¬re she grew up and want to sc 00 rson ry ne ch ml in An us then moved to HIntil Barrie and her mother Mn 14 Bum 93 5m ur and Mrs Frank Johnston Calder and from thence to Toronto Barrio ton alter her marrllgc to Clarence Sitaieaves bereaved hel hus band and one wit Donnie in Too ï¬ned Chm the tuner went to Tomato Wednesday last onto two brothers Eric in Angus WM Mom MW tor the graduation ol their grand Indrltaymottd in inrgnto also two gwlmlslgyav ï¬lfld Mi $13 9333 going at Collier Street Uniietl Wk Wm urc Kills REV Paul Field of Anna Unit ed Church conducted the tuneral present and also number trom Holstein Ind Toronto Lovely lowers expressed their regret and sympathy also at tho Ind from ilnlslcln School In Bruce Born On Homestead At Hdlly Also Died There it was on Tuesday June 1957 lll°lY In that one oi Hollys elder citizens Wtiltam lrvtng Reid F355 Died Suddenly At Home William Levi Srlgiey quietly litlo eternal rcat Born on December 17 1873 the youngest son of the late Lemuel William lrving Reid Srigicy and tile lumicr Mary Jane Miller he had spent his entirélllc on the homestead Lot Canoes slim 12 of lnnislil Township On December 19 1906 he was inch hetero and withiilueitloir lowing Mn Study gt Crow died on Fridayrluhe 61 at the Royal Victoria Wendie his men circa erl timer Baal au vc trco ahcth Jun Canon occurred ï¬n shortly three years and the elm will or Town Mll at her lite almost 50 ab dale Avenue Toronto iolewing rpcntln parrte er Grail nurse train the Mother 523mg zlgghzrflxlzï¬gfm Cult Training School CIarLdolL In We HUM cclnlllmll lltl were ewe ln It on Mrs Edward Jock on ridge Lcirimon Goldenbeld ally of Leiroy and Mr Nollltllh and noggin representing the Customs cum and Start Toronto Cmdlm Lem which hm Iuhcl in Clsry Al message at sympathy trout thIt ems two brothers Min and Han branch 14 Canadian Legion BID Vey ï¬eld of Slskatcitcwan and two rie and also liOfllNfl 24 Works sisters Company GE at Camp Borden Im bout raven Ir aroma ln Toitanhln monuvtut llrsx Thoma Barnett Seniar spent Igmpis ot daya int week th lrlends in Toronto Mrs PrankGhanaian and Miss ea KjBaatty capital She was bomtlntoidwalar iting with their brother and tis teenlav Mr and Mrs it Wal lace Sunday In Balm heath Mrs Margaret Claridge ae compluled by Mr and MR John Clarldgc and Vernon oi Toronto Surviving members oi her fain Attended Graduation The late Mrs crown was ot the Mr Ind Mn George wlce Emmet daughter Miss Margaret Rose Creighton wico Penctang Friend nd 3th Werepm Miss Wiccgraduaicd as Math Falhcr Kennedy at Toronto call McGocy Burial followed in Blarrlc Un whnn pallbearers as fluid oi Lclmy and two daught aud there are also nine grandchildren hand was member He was predeceased by his parlt Lover flowers brought their Mrs Thomas Donnelly Jennie oi Churchill and Mrs Baxter Flora oi Sudhury Surviving at the family are thret brothers Irving Reid of Vic toria liq Milton Reid oi Lelroy and Houshton oi Baysvlllc Ontah Lutenn Sunday evening May 25 Hohcrt Ecatiy lsobel ot Gorin of betray le Mrs Frank Dale Zcila in passed suddenly away lolluwing an Kllehener lilrs Artie Johnson illness of but tow weeks with Toronto and Mrs heart condition He was in his 62nd Gladys in New York year The funeral took place from his Eldest son at the late James Held late residence and thence to the Stanton weekend ll hia parenta Mr and lo There an also iour sisters Mrs Sttdhar saturdgypJuna tor the mania alternation Dr BULK loam Inï¬llg Danna two was neat past weekendwltthc tornters parents Mr and Ira nutcLDer nth Vllfl ir mu II log totne lungs at his r9lherl weekend with Parents Charles Waibenrpenttthe Ping Mrs Merlunt Walnut Usteva Stadium manta speed tew days recently with Mr and Mrs heel Kant lakeside Ptutk hlr and Mn Gilbert HamMr llnd Mrs lion Hall Bolton Mr Mr Ind Mn Kant and law ily enjoyed pi nlc at Little Lake on Sunday last From st Catharine Mr and Mrs Peter Rainyn at St Catharina spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jack Culgin Windsor Villt Lorna visited rmntly with triends in Windsor Miss Helen Hamilton at Ma Donald College Guelph is home or the holidays with her parents Mr andilidnl John Hamilton Miss Laura Coon is spending Rae Sloan or Calgtn Mr and Mrs Sloan at Tor onto called recently on Mr and Mrs James Dmmmond The WMS of Fraser Presbytar tun Church mat Mrs John Hamil on with good attendance Mrs llamilton rave report at menled tn the ram Amine and the former Jancirviitglhc was Unlmd church on the fluman the Sypodicai held al the Saul Quint with whom he celebrated their Golden Wedding in Dcccm her last 1958 lie is survived by her and by their two sons Lloyd 0t ericsirlg and Donald in Holly also two dauizhtcni Mrs Charles Luna Lu eila ai Scarborough and Barbara at home There are also eleven grandchildren Two other children hay and girl died in intuney Tile iuncrai on Thursday June was mm the Jennett Funeral omc Barrie with service there conducted by Rev liohert Trimhle oi tinny United Church also Bur sack eldest dau tutor at the lute tnrrAvcniIe United in Allandalc who was assisted by Rev Gordon King of St Peters Church inMine sing interment followed in St Pauls Cemetery lrtnistll Tawn silip The pallbearers were four grandsons Clarencc Harold and Sflllillul Sriglcyvni Minesiitg Perry Luno or Scarborough and two ne phcws Frederick Srigley from Dunbarlon and Bert Huhhert of Willow Cove Ontario Honorary hearers were Arthur Littler Ciitford Lockhart loitn Cochrann Arthur Dyer Morley Dyer and Robert Redlem life long triends or Mr Srigley Many beaulllul floral tokens ex pressed the remembrance and syne pathy oi relatives friends neigh horsnud organizations Th so at tending this funeral camé rain wide area lnciudingDunhsrton Scarborough Hamilton Willow Cove St Marys Walkertou Tor onto Letroy Bond Hear Thorn tcnded school at Tyrone on the ill and at the fluvcsldc in the sixth in line and wastite oldestot 12 Llne Cemetery children six sons and six daught crs nld Cuntral Fresh tcrlan Church three close Irierlds of the deceased and ot the choir ocated on Con William ingrnm cession six at lititisiil township crs as First Class Engineer in Fepruzry of lots ne took for path to those bereaved his bride tho lormer Miss Edit my until the time of his death marine engineering he course in plumbing and built up from Kitehencr most successfulhusiness in the dll Cmmm ceprcol Toronto at The pallbearerswere three of hisiellaw elders Harry Stewart served th Initial Mr itcld was member at the Hugh Donncily ayron arose and turn Thgty James Oxtorti and Norman Gilmore Flower hear whlle in his early manhood he en we nephews The chum well Ealllng Grem Lkfl altar and space surrounding the treiiJlicr and than earned his inp casket were hanlgod with iiuwcrs their fragrance bearing silent sym They inclutllledtoztlfnsslrcllg this Maso Br rcn as no William and Sop is Jack at NIIF um owlchin mewAlhn st tyr and became resident of Lo groups mm gum plum hers Association and from Torlt MIME 0m Him and ontoland Leiroy trientlr Some oi took those attending the tuneral were Hamilton SL horn on the oldrnomestead on at May 29 Rev Waniess con Ste Mine durins tho Enta hob Concession live ot lnnlslil had at ducted the services in the church lriay Mlss its Sloan introduced the new study East lmrn Burma At the close daintyth was Hemlock Sprch Ind Pine rough or dressed FOB Mill nr delivereditrucklaad iota Attractivu prices Iodorlnl Lhmher Company lelMtl Golden Valley ontsrlo 1h liston Gonnley and Botr Upon coming to reside ill Lc troy he became member oi the old Presbyterian Church and went with the congregation into union with the former Methodist congreg atlnn and later became member at the Session oi Elder and Chair mun oi the ehunhmstees lie was also member of the chair The late William ï¬eld was Conservative in political Views and also member of Minerva Masonic Lodge at Stroud At ditterent per lnds in his life he had served on all the local hoards ol church school and community affairs Through his kindness and consid erationlhe Became most popular mail in his public dealings ten ivy Phelpstnit Minesing and Barrie Whether your mily kian may depend Eperieneedastctaottieeraiilreélroao at Stalin on how wail your shot can helpyouplan your Bahia so that ultimately thew um in ntuaion Besides his widow he leaves in mourn his passing nneson Doug insult lives on tenderloin or be EWWTTW 717 lfhone tirrtls chiefs dongesicaping front tribal enemies asked help of the animals nearhyvfleld mouseclltnbed the We mm lira Jamarflaoilanoa was in Mr and Mrs Charles Bryan an icw dayswith her friend Miss die oresldeatt Sci test Buys POLO SHIRTS in cool moshr knit cotton rayon tricnt Style shown with llnctl collar item med hotiom to wear in or out choice at white navy and pop uiar light sliildts 03 26 SPURT SLACKS cool cnmlo able So good looking or warm weather wear in your choice til gahardlnu fibrcno Ul worsted finish Well made with Dltaleil oper closing Chulce or brown navy charcoal black grey in sizes 28tu 42 Value cottage to slip over bath lng suitsl Popular fMamiarin style with fiarcdbaek 3way beltr Colritiriul cy prints on rnsc aqua blue grounds Sizcs 1220 Exceptional Value 7298 Baby Doll PYJAMAS Cool Styled 01 cotton GIntU Crepe with nylon sheer trim Choose pretty iioral prints on white grounds Wonderful Val utl Sizes SflilrL 238 DAINTY MlDRIEE ySlZESJi T0 Elasticized incckiine to wear oil shoulder for suntan Sanforized cotton white red aqua vribbean blue maize with white eyelet trill Only FEAREFOOT SANDALS C00 COMFORTABLE Uli lined ieather Sandais wlth nreezeeatching cutouts and per torotlons Moulded Pitnco lnles and heelsJWhite Sizer5 to 10ny 1140 Value FDR CHILDREth BOYS Stu dy leather Oxrards with moc casinuwamp ior Summertime Wear Muitiwearruhber Di in Brown BOYS hie mesh in Ian blue 18 SPECIAL BUY Popular in Outer style with Convertlhlo collar shown at right Well made at good quality Sanforlled cotton in lltg ltind at near geometric prints men like Choice of blue grey tan yellow grounds silks Zellel Special gt Sallslartltln Guaranteed Sftttnmer Long row snims Great variety Terryclntii peb ennibcd collon Choice of willie pastel shade colenrtul stripe ipntterns sa hoat designs in the assortment Imlltlt lit EASY CARE urii tynlte nylon horsehair skirt with on not an acetate top at ieit Nylon net nylon trleot top atyright in white prolelan Grand Value Auiunl Glazed cotton noiines witnnylon movanle olispslnle nnop White Favourites ed Only 69a to 119 DUNGAREES popular styles lll durable Army Twill coarse Jeans Sunrnrized also in tho arsortment Zippcr closing rivw etted so bartncked sizes to weave as shown Sites la Set Only ors SUN sutrs SHORT sass Choice nl coluur tnl cotton prints orpialit shodu es in eomtnrtaole styles for girls and buys Well madel styl ed for actionl sizes to inciud GIRLS PEDAL PUSIlER Boys 5pc 5mm SET grand combination pl guy cotton print rdurable iwill Handy pockets pants with elastic athuck waist Choice et red turquoise navy to add sweep to graceful lashionsl underskirt Tril th sninnothtitiing aors SRO 3511131 in at Outer style nv tibie ebllar Sanfo Broadcloth in attractive in patterns Seasonahl Sizes to to Money Savers only Grand eholce In drillfldentm twilli Rainbows styling with belt and huckie at front clldtl at back Faded Zhltte tan navy orown clue included Sizes to 14 too silos