Invite weather bdbyvshould be he laid his digestion and lessen discomfort from pelsplrntton says Dr Elizabeth chant Robertson MD in choteluine mog fm How to keep your baby coolthis mmer in hot weather especially II it is Humid most peoples digestive systerris arenzl as ciiiclent as usual This Is particularly so in babies Ethjrin cool weather baby lpscslrnm histbody mostly In urine an enormous amount of water About twclvc times as much pl pound of his weight as an adul thnhc perspires profusely In hot weather he loses even more tluid so fyou want to keep him as obmlnrtably cool as you can both to flidhis digestion and lo lessen Ills perspiration You can helpa lot by clothing him suitably says Doctor Elit abeth Chant Robertson Director of Child Health Clinic in the cur rent issue at Chatelaine magazine During the first six weeks or so of his life when he cant regliiale his body heat properlyyour baby will need shirt dispcr and nightgown wed in the summer Ear older babies sleeveless shirt and dlnper is about right for warm dn Idlsper alnne torva hot one Exposing the babys bare skin helps keep him cool by promoting the evapora tin of perspiration Diet menu Wgdneadsy it dissident ler lsel Jamlesou Howard canvboll was in chargoottbe meetan but iripwas planned July inatllute wasth labt the Slmcoe muntyt cunt Jana In Fair at Collingwood and bike Insulate members have ital choice In the community for btis sells and members were ask ed to send In their namerearly July to to Mn willlln Camp ll Lunch wlll be provided Pairgoers atrlineun ilhe next meeting will llire the form at flower ahann thu hall nightgown and diaper and no cover is usually enough but after his ten or elcvcn oclock letding it Is good plan to pull sheet up over him it usually cools oil bit during thonight ï¬nd in any case his diaper will become thoroughly soaked During the day one or two tepid sponge baths besides hlsrogulsr tubbalbwill cool him oiland make hhnleel happier Prickly best In an lndleat that your baby is dressed too rmly TIRE all some at his clothes and dab the rash with solution of anti teaspoon of baking soda In one Cup of water good plan to keep the baby In the coolest part of tho house barring the cellar if it Is damp If it Is cooler outside than In let him sleep there and theres no reason why he shouldnt go out after his six or seven am feed ing as well as later on Moving air is or more cooling than still an because it Increased evapor ation Opening windows and doors unless you are lucky enough tohnve air conditioning pulling his coirway mm the wall and leaving nothing draped over its sides will Illo help to cool him Fans are fine too but lilnt let them blow directly on You can also otler him plain boiled water up until hilt an hour betore his next feeding when he Is awake He may refuse it but you should at least give him chance to take some Most breast fed babies are not thEJEHst hit on Aug 21 All entries are to be made by Friday Aug 16 to flu Jamel ClldwelL Exhibit ï¬cwmswsslble are to be rerun the ball by l2 noon on the day ol the show TheW0mlns lmtitute holiday in announced lor the week of July mo Reservations are to be made by my The institute is sponsoring Litter Bug pastellol Ciro Fair for Grade pupils all is to he hlnd drawn and 14 3le in size it was decided to hold Septem ber October and November meet Ings In the evenings at eight oclock instead of in the afternoon Mrs Enion was In charge at the citizenship program She spoke on Hungarian Refugees telling at her experiences as ll lrllned nurse The hostesses served lunch tier of course Recent scl entlflc research has proved that knowledge of the nurturan of éhlldsx emotions must become equally accepted cuddling as much as they need food Ind Vlblmhlsi Lack of it causes nemotlonal malnutrition which Produces the same haggard withered Ellect ax physicil mal nutrition and can result In death The baby who does not get enough maternal love is more susceptible to infection and worse still suf tera severei emotional crippling which damages his ability to love others in later years Doctor Allstlir Macheod Cane adian psychiatrist writing oon tha sublectaf maternal deprivation in Chatelaine magazinepsays that the spin between six and fifteen months ls must generally tllecrit lcal onei During thisperlod the baby ready to begin ownership Interested in water but theytog gunmen Withufehel or should beoiteredrrlt in not wu ther Babies who wont to die Knowledge OL Illa nutritional needs is childs growing body are now so widespread that or ange juice and green vegetables are included in familys dietas tut 01 out ulsl villlurns ANVQUIHBUSEIIIIO everpresenirWaflhly lth man hellearns to receive affec tion and to give it He learns to trust tnculty that will stave off loneliness all his lilo He has assurance In his own validity steadily he feels rare Researwh inihe etfects on hu man personalities of early matern al deprivation is of vast signif lennce in Canada right now whErE an increasing number oi young mothers are going to work leav ing their babies in the care of cas us help or nurseries However working mother can do great deal for herbaby to overcome the obstacle of her ab sence It she concentrates on the have together Fifteen or 20 minutes at undivided attention every day can be deeply nourish In to child Nothlng should lntgrvallnstelad the mother must keep her own inclinations neutral in order to discover what the child wants Sometimes he may only want her presencewhile he plays by himselisonletimes he may want her to cuddle himnr to sing The child will let her the home alftbe points oIintemt In the db to meet at the hall male need mother love antl became someone euros for him beiorced on the child during this know which of his needs she can nor nor new approach to chic the rubric tern is pleasure unnilboxs quenisi FOrachllnqge gtFree press Heraldl Midland Parks Commission in quaiiiy or Illa brie time they tends to takesevere action on ir responsible youths who have been causing damageto park equip ment Murray sai yesterday that youths of high school age have been playing on childrens pi gmundequipment Ind damaging it Severaliswings have been brok en and boards on teetertotters wiltul damage Chlldr ns slideswere so inualy damaged Inst tulithnt they PrintedPattern 4562 comes in Misses Sizes 1214 10 x8 and 20 Size 16 ieouires only yards 35ingh fabric Order this patternitodny and use it to make several pretty sun dresses for yoursummer wardrobe any have been smashed through He indds up dash in our Anne Adams Printed Pattern 4582 Dots are keynote in this seasons tashion message from Paris signnlling American women to Polka dots dd flair and distinction to our easytosew suridressi planned as gonnywhere design for the woman whose summer netivlties are mnnyland varied Thisuomart sleeveless linen dress tea rlng black dots on white ground is trimmed with ball fringe to reiterate the cinnamon of illicit shoulder straps fastenin front with Prtmsenver yourown buckles sheathed in sooty velvetto heighten the contrast betwgen sunbright white and midnight block narrow belt closed with the some type trim ooveryourown Prlms buckle delineates the waist with dramatic eitect Directions for cutting sewing and fitting this simple yet sophisticated dress are printed right on the patternlnstruo clans amslmplernnd enoytotollpw Sewingwith this pnt usi send moms in coins tor Printed Pntterh 4562 Send to Anne Adapts The Barrie Examiner 60 Front St West Toronto Ont We till every pattern order promptly Ihe mailman delivers each and every pattern right to your have not been able to be erected for use this spring Park Superintendent MeAllen saldpnrents of one youth he had seen In thegang causing the damage reinsed tobelleve it when they wereiniormed ol the incident some parents today dont seem to earéwhere or what theirchildv ren are doing at night said Chair man MurraylIe indiestedï¬hat Commission Chairinan Wlulam arents oi youthscaught pausing damage In future willhuve to foot the hill for the damage Quebec has called the Fortifiedtity its site high on the great promontory ollCape Diamond and the old walls make it veritable Gib raltar with Western Hemisphere sturdy ega Vindvchngswglpaddedr cnair The BARRlls EXAllllillERw able Choice all styles Harold rightfully been urnedd wen the ton tents remainder pl the meeting was npeutin annual report read by the trauma en nd the Gulder Ali reporlcd of the annual dinner meeting stain Collimhfl once ï¬rs to baltartcr led in slnglngGraee and Introduced ihggllpsts at the with not ed cnlldran byhbu divulan commisloner Thll mnne was derived from the vol Eins taken it the Badmoowell Cenlennlnl Service on June Mr Sheard was must Vappreclativa and tuid dam ationa were very necessary to keep the ope Itinl 1Tb are commissioner Mrs Elliott at Collingwood was intro du rd by the divlilon commission Shespoke briefly6 beblt oiltelnpeniclt Division Mr lev riet hooks presented Mrs Elliot with flowers as small token oi appreciation Ilnnlsfll nhqucl Commissioner Miss Nancy Smith lntraduacdthe speaker Miss Dora Farthing who his occupied the positions of com missioner Vtor trainingand Is rangerlieutenant Miss Farthing does great deal of work on committee lforv the world cl and or International Calling and visited Nuw Zenland tor thrce months In heréapllcit sinner folJralnlng New zealtnd Guiding wllb color slides Eastsimcoe District Cnnnnlu ed MrsFarthing tor herinter estingreport on Guiding In hat country in her report Mrs Carter stat ed thatit was at year ago that the division hid been formed The successful year was due to the work ofthu district commission er and the Guide This year special thanks is being shown by honoring Lord BadenPowell in various way Service parade was llghtnt theyear Ach had been organlledand lined under District Commis sioner hits Ma Martin and is doingwell in July Camp will be had near Stroud lorvIO days with stat of eight Quiders Tbe division showed it appre ciation by presmtingeaehï¬uld witbsanulibgopla Mrs Eileen Corkan local association report Bi ont 1y meetings have had average attendnnhe at so Duringthe year the local nssoclulonlheld airtim mage sale andbake sale and lugs Merlan Selwood She illustrated her lalk about sinnerMrs Marie Mariln thank The en dwellsCunlehnlal honoursl yur withnumemul badges and service at awardrd ï¬ll outstandlogresilire thn ot the his in in Allandale Cara papy he lint AllRoundfcord ln the Division 91 presented in nty Bay Company allowing is Alllst olvthe lilopick and Guido camp anes of ends distrch with the der in charge lnnlanl District DIttritt commissioner Min Niney Smith der Pliylllsllunter Evelyn Bell Lorna Parr ls June Sheard Brownie Park In barriu 2nd Barrie lst Alhndalc lthrnlrrie StPiluli lst Mineslng Guide Comnw lst Barrie lira Margaret mmbley lstAl Iamlala ilh barn Si Pluls Mrs Rulh Adams lst Minesng nan sinm District District Commilsloner Mrs MorleMartln Hrs Pat Magulre Guider Mrs Jessie Stark rdlnl or Gold Cords to three mu Dorthy Putnam 5th Bards Miulidainrelflccann rt nan1e MrsWlnnitredGrIy IIMC urn Rohbcll Oates blbnmia Mrs Hiril Martin llt Shanty Bay Gulde Company Mm Pearl Putnam Mrs iron Currigall Babs Parry Mrs Marie Martin lrha division commissioner clLsing menuaned one iteln co sldend andmullid over dur ing the summer the possibuiry oléhuying our own camp sue Ella Barrie used loi camp this your The Joel would ruquhe great dent oliwurk on thopan of all Eon Bclbd with Guiding Ind In tho lnlhe division interested in help lng the movement lathe all there will be thin in conierenecs to be attended by as rnnny as possible August 17 is Visitors Day at DoeLake Sprucedale where the world camp is being held The division commissioner ex tnndnd thanks to Brown Owl Mrs Plsyllisfluntcr or her work in aranlxlng the parade for the drumhead service and hirs litr rllstt Rdoke or it help with lbs banquet Thc maellng closed with lhu lculdu Prayer and Tops Guider brownie rank 120 ZSZDunlopfSr SAVING ON tili our present stock or wallpaper must be cleared In order tomuke room or new stoekjcomlng in Come and slave at this great wall piper sale Many designsand culmiqu choose from for every room gouge early for peak selecti ns 32 harm sunrises PICTURES Minnons Rhone PA 8sz1o spring tell With the money 1931 sarllni nag Frlea pun nefagws Ra Prleu ssh3 E60 osch53¢ na Pale seeSAVE so no dooznmï¬59t 2un noenvs co 1501 tina 5th Barrie SA ZniiBhrrle lstSbantyau mvrc particularly life one being raising ol money or such pro