Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1957, p. 13

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age sure prool ol good cliizen kiflng km was allamc attendance Including ill by Mrs McFarland Roll loyalty to the total program 1h supra vIsltols cl dli BIGWIN INN CI School Elli you lost your titlzeilsiun mmnl De ines 21 Th 9mm Fem teachers who work at other jobs mwaéurmtdéu Ar Club PreSIdenl Has Ma ny Interests Menu president or the bar rle Art Club Bert Young ha been Inlemled In the local group lt omnlutlon Ho is charter member and ban consist entiyhelped with loci and coun try art exhibitions fA builder by trade bid aiautanee nu been tlcularly la demand In the this upridlrplaye modest quiet type ill person Bert does not confine hlr lntcr New FlogWI Holding Quilt Failf Picnicf The June meeting New Flo Womeua lntlltuta was held at the home or Mn larnu Kennay Sixteen members and one visitor Ittended The Mary stawnrt Collect on read by Mn Jolrph Brlmurt and minute or the last meeting were VdrléiyProgramsl Planned by WI Branches in July Some North Simtoe District Womena Institute branches In impending meellngt during the summer months and thoscithlt on holding regular monthly metlinu are Including picnlu hur trips and other tpcclal en tcrtalnintnl on their agenda Meeting sublch lo chtnge will by tile lecrehry Mn Samuel ulln art to oil painting alone tilen The menu It you cant lie hasrbeen rupervirnpnt the CoullonJuly lit limits with minimal mltsltnp at Sherwood Forest Iant work with the wreckgri Wu very well Inswereli Roll Ill Willi resolve to do to mpruve our institute Correspondence eonslaied or me thank you note lrofll Mrs Complin Haliburtén or several years working wlthrlie boys He Is In lrdoni canoclxt llnmlai waltchock in Nova Seotut Annpolls Vailcy he is Mn Shnlswcll Convener Mm Joseph Walker ngriculturt Motto tlrongci tpnkc In the wheel ol lnduxlry Mrs George Mackly have been arranged tollom and Canadian industries Agriculture is the Roll clll it Findlay mud to Barrie girl the or fimfiffims fiwgflmfimgm It was decided that all mcm mar Mclrosc Parlrldizc They Ifluon prim mm bers would try to attend the sim have five children three boys Ind centrepiece midis tram vcgt Wmdqflgfllld IN lwllieflllht be ie to In rs rcs tables Lunch committee tlrs driver alert is necessity on nnylong Journey by car we nu minung Inmwokng in will be held and tore will pose Benton Mrs Srmhun vacuum Ilnsk titled with aim II it bly he tour ol the Cuntd an Art °3 9° 39 Owen Sumd under George fiahfg Jihdhswglifil 3m mum me Clflpmcd small zesty sandwiches packed in individual servings For Thompson BERT YOUNG Community liall pm Can Children CmP Final range hb Wgherdixfiiff XML 31 if Imnfif Whig ncnts arelo be made at the July sren an as be an eel ca wm Fmandi wing Anyone maklng la and refreshing lor many hours Youll Iind ncotleostop is TlIs at TeaCheIS The gathering was lite closing wnshlp and meeting or the season and there Good manner education Mutlo pub mu doll quilts tor the lair was notonl yo pleasure it is safety motor or major importance Il Summer Jobs wherewould you So Ind why ector read It names oi the new Program wbatl your bets llreelnri cl tied it inc District Wen mm may Mhmd by hymn during summer vacation were orltV She illustrated her theme with iciud It the annual convention III poem Jesus Christ and We Aims Obiecls EbenezerJuly is Evetiing MW Whit Friend Wr Have in Convener Mm mm émuI Ad sgondcd bl film 11 The films and him hands to do His work today the plum were advised to save their ener gomery historical rcseureh and in WornM AssadHun 01 the Uni He has no feel but our tent to lira lirenn gave the scrip gics clung gnawing ycnrs tune Nomi Mmv Invm mils 33 erton ow figural ted Church were clearly tdctllwd lead men on His Way ture reading Acts llVerres 29a wmhm DIM Henry am by the president for Slmcoe Pres bytery Mrs Joiin Rosbornughyi Wnuhlushene addressing the senior association at Central Church at it June meeting They are to deepen the spir ltiial lite ot the church and to In spire the women at the church to Ill increasing knowledge and He has no tongue but bur tonguc to tell men how He died lie has no help but out help to prim them in His Side Wc are the only Bible the eurc less world will heed We are the sinners Gpsncl we are the scoliors CreEd We are the Lords best messagé given in word and deed What it the type he crooked What it the Print he blurrch What ii our hands are busy with i2 allowed by prayer and The Lords Prayer sold in unison lira Jory the secretary read the minutes oi the pruviousmcct Init and the leaders of the sun rise and Sunsctgrnupt Mrs Allen and Mrs Lloyd Lillie gave encouraging reports Mrs Maw and Mrs JrEmmS repurted on cards sent nut and Mrs Knupp gave the llnwer report mm work than is Two hcantllnl duels Remem What it our lest be walking Cavalry Hm when Sins nuummom is Thou Art were sungby Mrs WM our MERLM km Hulcllinsoli and Mrs lnncs nc wards His me wnuldpswmg enmpanlcd hy Mrs Adams at your time instead or spcndinp lt ltoll call current event Program convenera choice Lunch committee Mrs Brown Mrs Drinkill Mrs Fagin Grenard4uly lll Hostess Mrs Philip Rushhrook Motto When looking for inultl use mirror not telescope Roll call law we should all ob scrve Program resolutions convcncr Mrs liloun lllllsdalcA social program is being pumped HobartCarloyA basket lunch plenle for mcmhcrs and their Iamllies also past members will Ontario Public School Men Taich erg Federation recommended tra vel and summer courses as suit able pastime for teachers during July and August HI snld teacher Drglnlutluns must Improve tIlB professional outlook of their members by on couraging them to use the sum mer months or something other than earning money Delegates criticized Ontarios emergency teaeher training pro gram NILDavies said the menq Iedcrution was not sailrlied with the quality oi emergency teachers Kendall superintendent lihltal convention In Ottawa Mrs Stove Rnwn road an ac count of the distrittllnnual and give humorous reading Laugh it Of eA bake sale will he held In Elmvnlc on Friday June 28 All baking is to be at the home of any ol the allowing by 12 oclock Mrs Smith Mrs Smith Mrs Bert Kenny Mrsl hutch Mrs Cameron paper on the topic Mrscline ilawn allowed by rousing version at Billy Boy Mn Busch hold contest on old proverbs won by lllrr Rawn and Mrs King Mrs King gave reading entitled Voters Work is Never Done inkocp ltesolw was read by in Mid pm We pm Ing with the latest events How can piano or seenndary education tor the Janaucrpighmnduly lllrslerlncy held drawwnn and ham mfg Mrs Vaughan closed with province my white um um MODEL main pm Hostess lirs Cup by MPS mama araynr mcnt oi education Is not entirely social hour iullowcd Tom was served by the social commit toe Current events were reviewed The July meeting is in he held at Mrs Steve Rawns home The speaker was introduced by Mrs Jory and thanked for her Inspiring message by Mrs satisfied with the program the emergency courses have lliled need pill Mutln Beauty has NOT ILLUSTRATED past It Isralwnys Wlih us in the present Roll call iluwer which blooms birthday monlil Progra ministration onpui committee Mrs linss Campbell Mrs Dugan Mrs Rankin MeldulA picnic or sightsee lng trip will be held VaseyJuly pm Hostess Mrs William Taylor Convene Mrs KEnncih Robinson citize ship und cduealion Motto Loy ally like alicctinn is thing at TOP FRONT TUIHNG OPTIC Fle GLASSr DELUXE 3m CHASSIS AHEACTIVE CABINET the heart it not oi the mouth or the pocket Roll call 0ne step can make toward world peace Progrem paper cnnven erlchoice Report of district MRS NORMA PRATT was luv annual WarmlnslerJuly l1 pm Hostess Mrs Ed Sallnws Motto Buried seeds grow but buried talents never cxplnlnedby Mrs Charles Teskc Roll call All vantagesoi country life Prir by tho Soroptimlslal Officers gram Mrs Gordon Fox on agri were lnslalied In an impressive culture candlelightan ceremony stalled as new president at the Barrie Venture Club at the an nurl installatinn dinner last week She succeeds Miss Amy Lea as prcsident at the Junior service eluh whleh Ir sponsored INCLUDES SERVICE RABBIT BARS fidlllliilv¥ needamuritv only PFAFE has he AUTOMATIC TWINS Othersimay match Pfafl price but none can matchPInIf qualityl Its the world firsttill aulariiafic sewng machine the most advancedwith thousands of bu our fingertips Nodisksj or extra attachme calf saveup lo saoowhen you chain Pioflyou buyltbe bear nil you can straight stir hiu guarantee mooring Its hlglr time screen doors and windows lvere up or the aununer Werenn give prompt delivery and will gladly aenda competent salesman to give you an estimate with no obligation wl alvongeh loouilfully designed cabinets 2496 iifnfil all MINER

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