ny newt 35mm Exitinlnrr New Editor The unusual tlcrea wedding Elke slructule oi Shlron Templels not the only thing to attract the atlcntlon of visitor As one en ters the door there is the most unusual sililrwdy and to the lrlt on organ dating bruit to he lleved to be the ï¬rst pipe organ in Upper canddi stlii uprl oi playing 20 til In the centre of the room is the ark described as pliant quisile hit in ndl or by the any st Edith lipidwiu rig and there is working llitlltl loom hewn from an oak tree with thread nxe Close by is an old buggy with wooden springs iqh once belonged to Ebenezer Doanes the master builder oi the ltemple who tame irom Pennsylvania In mother corner at thebuild ing are two meiodeons both in working order One is unique in that it is at the portlhlc type and is believed to be the ï¬rst mu to be used in the first An glican Church at Holland Land ing lt is fitting that Sbnron lemA pie should today house the musi ciii and pioneer tréisuresot early liic in this part oi Canada for the temple was originally built for the children or Redcap who were indus mus lovers pi music organs for the sect Childi njtii re Eltabl David Willson was 34 when he dissenlcd from the Quaker doc trine ofvhis fellow pioneers in the Upper Cunndn wlldernessnt Shlmn Disowned by the So clety of Friends he established the Children at Palace small 5213 which become known for its temple and mod or its musi cal accomplishme The sect wits established around late and since unlike the Qua wliisoa plteea greet mphnsiï¬in music and ceremony it is not rprisjng that inï¬rm Richard Collies hull lor them twobarrel organwith pipes the one inthe temple now capableoi playing 20 times The instrument is played by cranking handle similar to street hotel organ Litter Cortes built two leigei one pipe organ withvkeybohrd Symbolic Structure lnl825 the Children at Peace began the erection oi the Temple with David Willsun as the arehi tact and Ebenezer noon the mas The building is symt on each corn er oi the building at the three levels represent the 12 apostles the three storeys the Trinity ucture is growned gilded copper ball mi The door in centre to each oi the sides is to it thepeople so oi the gospel heequelly the some on oil the peopleliereln iissembl Twelve Fillers or the lg apo tin supporttlie peg storm and wilhlnthip colitinaac stnlnds th orh iiopitid hyJuur more columns inscribed with the Euve Ind loun on on which the temple washutlt High steps to Music The Jacohaudder hirhrls es almost atrolghtup the second floor ledto the blnd room The young ladle oi the hand used regularly negotiate these stairsrarrying their iristh ment someth which would be looked on as an accomplish mcnt even todii It tookseven years to build the temple Fa ers and crattse men all Children igtree contributed in his own spec ai way soon Donn spent 365 dlys fashioning by hand the beautiful ark Another gave two years to hewing lumber lruirithe bush others hauled stone or built parts of the temple it home These labors ul love weroper formed mninly in lhe winter months when farming nude lenst demnnds on time Oithe $1500 hilntrihuted townrds its construc ion only $590 was actually excellence of the work manship can be gauged by the hiactihat the building today is in good condition and to date it has not needed any innjor upheep Feasts and Music in their time the Children Felice became renowned for their eastsLharvest home dinners ide oi every door is to let the 24ieetto Do oper lycoololiid hotdoy work wmle GetiWllsmri watts ï¬r Liber myth or Sharon wliieh aitr ctcd many more than the 40 liesct thecongrega Ainosl drnmlitic slght in the backwoods oi Shhronlnust hnve hern the illumination when candles wereJighled lie llind each at the 12 lanlerns In the 2952windew pane But posterity may giter re memhe ll reo oi Fence line musiciii age mp ment Around iizo they organr ized their brass llarld and the pioneer merhantlsmen bought thei own instruments lt isrecurded that in 1th they bought in New Yulitd eto VErhorns for $1500 in 1316 known as the Sharon snvgr Band they reached the height of nine at thE PhllndelpihgCenten nlhlz by winning the first prize or the best hnnd ln North America Best Teacher They lilso took to singing and thehest music teathers were eiy geged to train the voices Under the epitome at David wnison Sharon became one or the coun trys earliest music centres The founder oi the sect died In 1863 and the strength at the groupdi inished rapidly The last meeting held by the Children he temple wiis ill Eion reghin Added The presenl museum in spoil spréd oy the YorkPinneer and thelwdte wh Lynda Kennedyp 18 or Sharondties tbe witres pron en it comes lsheautltul till the tiupvfopislmmy which the North York WI hlve so geheruuslydoniitcd will con tnin typical pioneer furnishings now to he found in the temple Plaaa tor the future include erectionintho grounds at oneer iriime house and an open to ing to house the buggy titer pioneer vehicles ltvls als oped tuinsrease the col lection oinlidllith century musl cz inslriirnenls ill thetcmple Only Ireccntlywa llute has been which is believed to have 5n the Sharon Band To spcak oi Sharon Temple as museum gives false impres tin The word llfly the leeling ol dull and must it conjures up picture or dried antiquity Thereisanothtng dryand dusty bout Sharon Temple gtTo enter the door is to enter on on adven turoitito the pioneer days or Ontario The Community Club met on Tues evening last week st Mrs lrma Webbs with it very good attendance Mrs Leila wehh the newpresldent wasin the che There was little business on hand butthe ladies who hnd gone on thehus trlprto reterhon augh rreportedm very enioyhhle day thank you note was read Mrs McCorriston and Mrs Rig hywere in chargeiti the grammnd Mrs McCorristbn told of her outing with the start and of his wife Mr the intention ck el mdwhdttia3ktoiioout home iron Iiiilpltnl Dr Bob Orolttis home tram hospital ourlph Field Day Miss Luis Coutts and er field dry it Guelph on Satur day Sympathy oi CFnrnuntty Sympathy at th aeoï¬imunlty is extended to or Wallacepoutts at Detroit in the sudden parsing The Saints temillcs attended funeral laatneeh Explorers Group The Explorer Group accoin wolnlcd by their lcld iew parents attended the Ex plorer rally iitthe Slmcoe Pres ylery Camp iiiit Saturday Last Friday ya But Ittcnded the outing proyided by The Barrle Exnmlner The tour oi The Examiner Ind Mons iield Rubber plant was very educational wh one does not thy golt aw interesting to visit the Couni Club antlsee the beautiful inedern lounge hearty thanks to Mr walls and his suit in hospital Mrs George smith la patient in Royal Vlctorlnv iiospltol wn Catering illitlhurst WA are catering the Klwahinnsi and their Wives on Monday evening in Spring waler Park To Cater ior Reunion The 0511 and Explorergirls and their mothers are looking iorward to catering to the Coutts reunion iniuly Good iria Show The iris show in the retorestry had made it good showing de spite the lato date Miss liar garet Goodtellnw oi ndonvale was herd with 23 points with 17 points iris was jud correspondents at The Barrie ix miner atthe conlerenpeon the previous Friday contest was won until and the usual social time followed Mrs Popes Be sure to keep July 11 open or the community picnic at inniallIParllt on Holiday airs BPope isenjoylng holldsy with her son daughter inlnw andVgrandchildren in Vic toriooc lionid Coutts attended the Junior Furni llirs Marie Frankcnm second with by idra The August meeting win héiit Hunting Fishing Ettoruht conservation ultieen In the Lake Sinful dislrieL in successfully checking intractloiis inthe Gilme lind Fisheries Act and Special Fisheries Regulitionx have resulted in ii numher otcon vicllons lbelng registered Senior Olticer Sandy Ellis ruins it up its tollows During the period April to ed the best spike in the show Congratulations to will prize winners There were entries nnd it we well worth nnyones eitort to see these beautiful irls Mr Whitby and Lorry were the judges Church Service On June 30 Mr Veils will de liver his farewell sermon heiure moving to his liege elimsz lit Hnlhhshire Mills During the month or iii uldr services in one oi the churches on the charge On the ï¬rst Sunday in August riev Lu cicn Binet is taking over the hitnesingeharge H1951 seizure iiiid com viction reports show that 85 court uses weretucccsstully completed mnrked decrease in convic lions denling with the posseulon oitspenrs during lhelish spawning run lndicete that the regulation which nbollslied the possession anduse olspenrs lnthis district has brought results Consistent patrol hnd checking by gonaerviitinn oiiieers her also reduced Sundayhuntin and more people seem to reoiiz that it is much wiser to purchnscvli hunting license before going into the woods However the urge tohke is as soon us the lakes and strum Ire tree at ice appenrsirresistihie to many individuals Belting the gun by taking fish hetore open season conllnues to be too great temptation to those leek ing conservation consciences and sporting principles Through strict enforcement practices by Depart merit of Lands Ind Forests stall and tha iinoexainpie sethythe vast majority or sportsman we hope that ii ehiingt may heevld cnccd in tuture conviction ports CALL The it ran EXAMINE PRINTING PHONE PA p241