cutoutum nn weirthor rhe year book to he pulle hy the students oi Benito Ilen orial mlhISclool ï¬llWI ia jurtntllhelnmlnee press and will he available this week The publication ll exert last eliort oLthelpIrtot the student editors contents lieu 1y Vmes oi temflu readiutweuwriue reports or behold activities photos graph or events and visions academic elm and groups and original on work at the Itndentl The book should be avail able Pattons Drug Store in Alliton tomorrow alternoon ihe loanlenientju hlndly cooperated hy accepting supply of the Ir book so that students can htain cop ies during the summer vacc tlon period oy nos whit had becnp expected to Ive been the annual Kiwanis ers night when each them her at the club is the host or guest depending on the turn II fit came around turned out to he Just another club meeting viilh only couple at larmers out is Iuesu 3it was said although not ol iicinlly that when the inalth hsd hecn menlloncd to tho Ves pr reeve Roy Hlekliug he had tell it was not good time to expect turnout at lumen ill dividual club members when ask ed It they could have hld tamer EUESl were quite sure they could have had one or more Howcver the cvcnlnl was one lo he enjoyed The usual good cold meat supper topped oil with strawberry short cake was enloy in 192i Slmcor County was div ldcd into North and South and new oliico was opened at Alliston Teach Agriculture Course According to all records it was the original iuicnllou that this district representatives should spend hall their time tenchinga twoyear course In agricullure lo collegiate students and the re mainder of their time on agricul special program at the annual conierence oi the Ex tension Brunch at the Ontario Department Agriculture lit OAC Guelph tomorrow will mark the 50th anniversary or the service The program will ieature an nddresshy Dr Tag gartpa turmer agricultural representative in Frontenac Coun ty Extension personnel willbc guests 01 the Ontario Depart ment or Agriculture at banquet in the evening and there will he special historical display depicting agricultural ex tension through the post 50 years Stewart Page agricultural representative for North Simeon By sTavc JON cu fWIter Saicly Week tell this ands without single mishap But it was not learned until this week that an uetol heroism by iaycaruiil Barrie younlzatcr hclp ed keep the slate clean The near fatality and act ol heroism took place June 17 at vacrnment Dock slim liogardis of 33 Grenville Street told The Barrie Examiner tth story lcnlion until heard splash sat up and watched the water waiting or the body that caused the splash lo surie Within icw seconds saw body ri to the surlace and start splashing iranticaliy Auto matically guess made for the Water and went out alter the spl shing body it was not until reached it did know it was girls grab iicd her around the waist and Im3 lwas peying no special at as lightlyai the modest young Bogardis she insisted that saving her iiie ltlch Reward tilulpoid wrist watch at theincldcnt was pllyi line into the water cant younghoro accept reward tor daughter Darlings So on the allowing Montiy iim was presented with been The near victim or the event said she couldnt remember much on the dock and someonepushed led by all Therc were low em pty places but those who were present listened eitentively to the speaker oi the evening lohn nil pcnny superintendent oI the Mldhurst provin park where the dinner was held Smith who said that althuulh the former superintendent had endeared himscil to ihe people or Barrie and district he felt sure that when they had an opportun ity to get to know his successorl they would iind he was just as capable and popular Mr Halpenny saldzl will not talk tonight on the wurit around the parkorhn iorrstry in the district Icelssure that your lormcr superintendent badwoli covered that subject in the years he waslhere preler to lcll you something about the worlds most versatile and valuable raw mas tc ai wood As we see large buildings ho lug erected and the uses made of steel stone and cement we may begin to think that the use of wood is declining However this is not the case and today wood he introduced by Klwunlrn Fred was ashore In the Port Severn night Gloucester miles up the Severn River and He was nlumiliar with the channels Is he had only arrived Friday night to spend the weekendworkins COLDWATEitAs the out vhoard motorboat he was using tound apparently washed it is feared John Bull 2s at Grlitml Ono early hours at Sunday morning in Severn Lake He was said to beuoinarrle and nonswimmer Cpl Blake null accompanied by Constables Donaldson and William hluhan at Victoria Bab bor OFF detachment dragging operations iernoon Butt was known alone Saturday lo Pool about snt heen seEn since drowned started liondiiy AF alter mid return to three one will both be attending the Simcoe County was our 01 the first six counties in which the agricultural representative service was organized in 1D0l The ven ture was then sponsored Jointly by the Department or Agriculture and Education During the post 30 years the service has witnessed ornié changes ailcetlng agriculture than has cvcr been known betore The horse and single plowi the hired help has given pluc to in age oi medhuijlircd arm or pushbutton labor and sprawling community Thcrdoilur him he come the major controlling actor in agricultural progress but eun trol is all too oilen Vested else where Such are the comments at Mr Page in history he has compiled otwthe growth of theextenslon service in this county Calliode Oliire In 1912 the Department 01 Agri culture assumed tull responiihility tor the extension Service and each to have lelt more social material and econI and Keith MeRuer agricultural representative for Southam ceremony iers in lhe early stages tile Sim cue ottlce was located in Culling wuod and served also part oi Grey County The oltlce moved to hurrie in 1920 awn years previously the original title District ilcpres cntative waschingcd lo Agricu lural Representative Clearing And Then Showers The week started warm and humid on Sunday but slncc then has heenvariahle with nln Monday and Tune day at times Today indi cates clearing this morning but back to clouds and shown era in the altemoon Temperature were High Low June Jorge 24 June 25 turai activities Transport was male prublem with the early representatives To covcr the territory they used train horse and rig and bicycles Present Acllvlllcs From smull beginning the ex tension hos grown in activities Today it covers range of hurl cultural and country community activities lrom experimental plots in school talrs The service has been instrumen la in ihesctllng up at producer organiuations and such commun ily service as cuunly recreation library health unit in Simcuc County specialpm gramrhavc been carried out in soil and land use surveyrsoil and crop projectsand potato improve ment in the junior held iheexiension service is responsible or 4H clubs lunior Farmers Clubs Jun ior Fairs in 50 years the Agricultural Ex iension seryiccbas grown to play an important part in the lite ot Simcoe county and the province county had an olflce as headquar Julie 26 early improvements to coilaze wood hyc Wallace Toronlo estatetbrnkerr Anotherworknian at the cot tage on the Pool Decline Ilnrm ed when Butt failed to return from Port Severn land search was clrried out Sunday Among those scouring the Severn River between the Pool and Port Severn wcrc Mr Wal lace who returned lroui Toronto LuwrenoeDevliie new of Cold wlter Reg Bush and Constable ll Donaldson About 530 in Sunday the outboard gtb0ut owned byMr Wallace was ioundjnosed into guided her to shore At share it seemed that she had swallowed lewrmohthiuls oi Valet but wasnisuliering any other ser ious aliens Mrs Harkcr 79 Burton Avcnue didnt take the incident Playing on Dork llled Jim had just 66in outjot the waterat the dock and own to take in as much sun as possible was lacing the dolor and could act hunchot Jews and girls playing there eds 100 mph While Disifllhéd member anything else she snld bglrilalllanw itcrfutheelicit5mcnt lpd mgahnddtquuythtog itsls illelm nbltit valmk Iluivcrsai and living material pcatedl braised ynuns Hazard In the lcai of the treéond snytn Hos worth million the roots as process goes on that Wiles also credit In the com produces the slarchesand sugars inï¬nity which are pumped into the grow ing paris oi thetree just below thebark in large tree the leaf area would be about 33000 squraire feet thetree weight up we to 33 tons and the root With nothing re in at ï¬gural mug 35 or bum same qmwng that there should hi it town guar area would cover over 30000 altspie was lined 32s and her meeting on Monday night was license smellled 101 six months one of the shortest on record lbls rudiord llnalxlrates Cnuil year There was an occasionrtnr antee oi 42 cents prr mile that square feet and run ior miles the comprny should be allowed such tree will pump about my ior speeding atioo mph Alderman Williams to rise ng Highway 400 and request that the time be ex to earn up to is rentS per mile 250 gallons at water daily up its tram the fares received and any Entire length The tree breathes 2yllrez Holvsig admitled driving tended beyond the hour oi 1030 at is apes and rciuslng to stop PM may earnings above this amount out oxygen which our bodies re the shore on Orley Bushspro lorvthe police Shc outsped one There Is mummy SAFElYwaARoS FOR BARRIE SCHQOES involved in wrong accident Co able Roy Laceyoi the Barrie Police Force displays the Elmer pennant With the shaltwe jmarit olden Cod rington School stonds good chance at winning silver so hi ROGER chairman th Ki wanis Club childrens committee presented yesterdaythe Elmer Sniety Plhque to MooLennah principal or Codrlngtonï¬ School centres or an accident free your in 1956 year in which none or the 600 pupilswere should be divided on 5050 basis quire Hall the people of the party onthe mainland short rrulrer and failed to stop alter mm lam solution um Db good new vehicle ind the res wggd awfully 9s in upright The the time in Blake Lamont till he gave no The plywoods whichiean he way in the dark hnd ell ovefl domestic troubles could not be Bum requesting the to hold in M6 Mme ugh Turn pagethree please cast to the 01d renetang lioad 1cm min forth Citizens Band were was Mung minim Wm an Excavmon county lore caretakers attended The iiis annual meeting of Barrie Cltizéns Band was held one scum In applying fur cums Worship or Kim remarked apartment of Agrlcultlller Dlvl ilerStreet Barrie with William was wcilworthy ot acroden hc bylaw lor storm sewers Ems rm flaming an tioo there was IlBifle cake wit ther earlier in the utternoon and ed he would like to see the Job man at the anion committee dmm mm dung °f denmm Mk mm mm who had plannedlona larger at and procedure in making insect move Th ll we in soo Aderman Hat want lrsta nualelection was held of the most pleasing numhers proper Identiï¬cationbut also iii sion would no enact the PM alike ohnson so school 59M5A°5M°mBm nd Georges Cairils mm The ï¬xing tannedthat the ublicachool he had in minds Alderman Man member 55 1957 The installation or incl the curbs and gutters willybe paid damn Pm our mann1 be use deunman nf mnunpgqal headquarters in competition with the Clowns in area at march at every eschool cross 10 pm dent Mrs bEEWWIIIlDWH and lmlililllly 0n world use wood to cook their distance from Port Severn this basis the company was orc foods and warm their homes Weeds were ound around the pared to provide at least one Some of the common usestor propeller butthc boltwaa still soeond cruiser humped her mainder oi the buses to be good oililhc road She claimaï¬shc £33311 Sigangnï¬fztf°flgï¬ uselibuscs grow my 137 her we mfï¬fgyfflflï¬gmge Ex was emotionally distuth at conditions mm as mm The second to der was lroni thousandsfloi purpuses come confused trying torlind his Magistrate Ralph Waite impos by particulars but was prepared to ulade wulerpraor and also board liig the line sympaihlzed with mtgmggdgg place betoralhc committee his proofrtiave developcdmany me ehrclral the mans home in lira Halwlg but wanied her that lamp SE ma Mumcm schedule otoperation uses or wood Masonite which Grat brought no results taken on the ghway we yance the towns application on for installation at storm sewers temmmen on traiiic committee town council DISCUSS FOR Monday Concert on shammyfluadtrom Jnlnson has approvad the acceptance of iNsEcT PROBEMS rendllns 1th study of the installutlomot traffic lights It June24 probcm Eccles and Duulopslreets CGE Zonetoresters foreman and gt Aflendance Low Alderman Pratt and equipment wlil he used and the ameeiin at Angus Head uarters Throw tanned 129 tion moirigmlhetreslidelgs gluon work will be cafliednut by the onJune 14 Forest Biology Ran £316 ofmï¬hygnhéï¬s regu or series is summer yt 58 22 In built 01 works er ph wing to he deny an the pm of Apropos Ms ForkH ee of the Federal 2a In thc0dd£cilowsrTemoie Col incentiark onMondly sion of Enimiiolo cred Soc aiightb tPoï¬lunnel numbered only and gutters lzieb wondereld his lshnt when he was recently hi mm the ï¬erelltmwmm 35rd3lthnxnngl ounty rs programpresented more won no mom udhury had noted that that by passing motionrescinding tnchhad an aured period on mm new WWW Being first birthday celebra sea mere sprinkling at at Identiï¬cation tile habits and com musdc lgvers fiZiiiswas no doubt Sir scrtiï¬nAiot the Local lxn crossin every fruition The trol measures describedand maifï¬sgosglpï¬clamspoil mm oveme gt mayor was sotislr that this inlcsntion eond oils whi Alderman Coughlm sm war very we but the chm KY Breton Nova Scotla sanga iium caching very iiinte or log year were outlined oi guchevems in mayan done on the gueneraiyrate assoon Alderman Paddison was Mr McPhee also discussed tho Elhgiï¬azlblllnï¬zsglag now loan Musical mm Mcneimc as Poflblï¬ in the whole town not so easily convinced participation otdepartment stair alBB re straid to make an Wt Emmi Irishman Sendaith oi dplayera was nothing move we balm collllleclions It is tell thatlhis aune an arravged js pro ontriouto not only in am 195758 and resulted as sum as suitvmc mums One IMIWFletlardXinzie pointed 353 bl 3236 511°me ilianzing those concerned with follow presidenbiMrs Eieanor ouLthat the matter under discus 13mm or 4mm 35$ Howard of Duntroo vice pre Streams aarows lybAdornéilon Fromm ma med to supplementingthe investigations as on so paï¬s ese gt carried out by Biology Ranger reco ng secretary oscp iveleweil taken by Harry Living but 001 and PWVm ï¬gï¬ï¬e my Wm 3° lne Greenpaiso Barrler The next This was me my we at cw in which ce shell fl to know how extensive bylaw gun mum innwed ruce Greyalid oavelioey Art Mel euphon sell wand red 11 1wmd in eimeinhuhl an iudul in Gilbert Wiley bass and r13glghgoï¬oeggr um immig mgi ï¬nean pileybovvlinz with records made thyme an restu attnig pointy Coughiin wondered hat would of insiscores andrlnrwardcd to D3 myth ta naliendinent passed re TheJBand Wnsvil grinding ylaw ior storm know that lights are necea oise the We Th9i°v 15 avoritenumher in ma 1mm umpire Alderman Paddisoii ekplained ed at the which haveuprovenpnpulsr shall alliighti the sleep o£i3arri citizens 15 kg llylppauwerepout the townlpprovod Ithlth it included go would only necessaryito use it two unmade four players