Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1957, p. 9

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mi alum Ml um your irtlwtt orroimlmv To SEE iT SATURDAY 230 pni YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE THIS GRAND MOTION PICTURE PLUS FOX NEWS tidalum PLUS FOX MOVIETONENEWSI would stvé dot ivpnlb iob lull luims me promiil thawed LIE nonunion Starts Wed June 27 239pm Make Date Now To See These Two Great Stars minnow4v Ilcvul VlIVAVIlnuu nonrandomMm mom laundromat110 Backed Ht In This Laugh ROXY FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE GIG YOUNG The biggest lab ever caught at the point got away Sam Wu nerrwhq ix kpovrn to be good bermn was casting all the at the pavilion on Thursday night Julie 13 when he got rtrike The pull was so great that San had to letout Ill hll line win lot at manoeuvcrlnl Hr uglier almost beached what looked like tremendous lake aturgeon hut shouts oi anionke were so loud that the fish made Iuolhcr Itrong series at flileops broke the lb test line and made for deep water Saturday night turned out to he Ihc bcst attended dlncc night It the vilion to date this year Eve one scede to enjoy the music or the Rhythmalrca with more salistactjon because at the enlarged parking facilities and the orderly parking at the pat rons Euses and thats wen lthlo to get in and out without tr Mr Mchil who was celebrating hisbirthday at the pavilion was honored by the orchestra with his lavoritc selection Peggy oNcil 1n the extreme heat at last Sun daymnny people ionnd pleasant rclict at the beach and boats at all types were crisscrosslng the bay all ntlcrnoon rr tree open air band cnnccrt is planned tor Sun day June 30 with Barrie citizens Band and additional support lrom tbc lthythmaires ot the pavilion Building Plans Huronia Fair Well Advanced COLDWATER Plans tor new building and preparallons tor the lGSIIalr were well ndvanccd at mcctlng at Huronln Agricul tural Society in Goldwater court house chaired by President George Graham of Eagy Committee appointed in plan the size and location ot the new agricultural building includes Jack Skeltnn WaitcrAOrr and Phil Rushbrook Construction will be under direction oi Carman Robs inson and but will be held to erect the building Purpose ut the new structure to be located at the rear of the skating rink is tor showing school lair livestock and poultry it will also be utiilacd tor storing tables and lumber used by the society on trip made George Graham and himscll to Toronto where they contcrrcd with Lashlcy oI the Ontario DupldmentioiAglkulturc and liicMullcn DI the Dominion Dc pnrllnent or Agriculture regard ing the possibilityiol Huranin Fair Much Routine Business Handled Al Oro Council Meeting June No Action on Open Deer Season oro Council met on June with all olthe members present itecve Gillespie presiding Communica tions were presented lrom De partment oi Highways Edgar RCAF Station Department of Planning and Development Chappell Currie Man ston vamcs olyno lim rrascr Glenni Mrs Almcda hoss Department ot Labor Dr Scott Department ot Public Wel torc Mrs Melvin Mackie Trian gle Conduit Cable 07 Fred Hunter Muskoka Hospital Lounds Lorne Pierre Elmer McMahon Mrs lit hoth Hydro Electric Power Commission Bell Telephone Co Rosco Metal and hunting Products RColcmun and Comptroller ot Revenue Received was approval at De partment at Highways at roads expenditures bylaw and also at bylaw tor the appointment or ltoss Currie as Township Road Superintendent Clerk was in structh to lorward claim of Arbour to Insurance Company Also presented final approval frnm Department of Education tor construction or two room school at Guthrie which was so ceptcd and when financial ar rangements are completed request tor final approval bi iorwardcd to the Ontario Municipal Board uepartment of Highways loo worded approval of gravel crush lng tender at Blyth Comp any Messrs CoatesandN It Stoddart oi Ora Agriculturai Society were present with regard his report as inspector or warble Fly Control and report ot Tudhtlpe These reports were accepted and foes ordered paid it Glennie sident ot Bar rillia Park Ratep crs Association complaining oi drainage mottcrs Hall Lauric Spencer was prcs ent regarding use at Memorial Park for General Electric plant picnic Various park matters were con sidcred and instructions given Clerk reported he had advertised iur tenders or summer garbage collection and presented We tert ders which were considered and tender at George Crawford was accepted tor cuilcclion Irom June 15 to Sept 16 petition was presented tram property owners 01 Concession 13 and Mr Crawiord is also to coliccl tram this area as well Ray Rutherford and Earl Rob crtson were present requesting grant to assist in erecting now Once at Rugby Cemetery and were granted Ihc sum of $25 to wards this undertaking Simpson was prcscnt with regard to financial arrangements necess dry for construction of new two room school at Guthrie which were accepted and clerk instruct ed to oifcr debentures to in vestmcnt houses Currie was present regarding ditch at his property and other matters Bartholoch presented was also presented hpetition was received irom and Raymond Thompson was pre well and water supply at Town sent in support of same This mat or being in connectionwith an Award Ditch clerk was instruct ed to write TRt Crawiord to have same cleaned out Alex Graham Building Inspcc tor reported on building being erected without permit and clerk or was instructed to write the own Road Supt Ross Currie pre scntcd his report on work done during May pay sheets etc and Voucher to cover some which was accepted and passed or payment Various road matters were con sidered and Road Supt ed also question til garbage be ing dumped on road allowances to be taken up with Simcoc Coun insiruc ty Health Unit Presented from Stuart sions of Cons an mcncement at work on same plan ot subdivision part Lut Con Raikes property open deer season in this area Commission and Bell Telephone Co tor bur ied wire The various accounts belure council were passed for payment andrthcy adjourned to meet again on July The rush of rugged waters is ringing sound at Knkabalrn Falls where nearby one of the Ontario Government Iish httchcries may Keyos topics or plans at extenr cc bridges on Line and of bridge on Town Line Orb and hiedolltc Colt 14 which had been approved by the Department also letter from Davey with regard to com Re port of Simcoc County Health Unit ior month DI April was presented also list of Lreasurcrs receipts Clerk was instructed to write Peacock regarding garbage collection at Mill Point subdivi sions on same terms as last year Rcccivcd lrom Department at Planning and Development con ditions or approval tor propost No action was taken on request Irom Township of Orillia for an number of hydro contracts were presented and accepted also request ot ilydro Electric Power tor line extension pcarcd beyond the ability at the Society to mect There would have to be $2000 additionalpriac mnncy tor recognized agricultural exhibits mostly livestock The meeting decided this was too big step just now but telt the entry to higher standing should he kept in mind Mr Lashley was oi the opinion this area was logical one tor class Fair and encouraged the Huronia otticials working towards the superior rating it was decided to enter class tor interclub competition between Hurnnia and iiasoy Call Clubs and to ask the two leaders hoy Edwards ot Vascy ind Garnet Ball at Eady to propose condo lions and prize money Thu track committee reported partly done such as ditching shape man at the Machinery Cummitlcc The Inrmer chairman remains on the committee horses sheep before July The Andrew Dunlop gave report by President advancing mm status to The lllincslng United Church Faircniegory cholr assisted by soloist Mr Mummy at pm app Wicks provided the musicat the Waiter Orr was appointed cha Directors tnrheavy and light cattle and swim were present and altered sugges tions for changes in the prize list FRIDAY JUNE I957 Form New bacco Glfpwers Group SéekV Protection new gnssroota tobacco or ganiuunn has bcen turnled The organiutimt The Tobatro Growch Protective Committee is opposed to Ihe experiment at auo lion warehouses asspousorcd by the group who won the vote on May 21 Gordon Kcnt Delhi secretary at the now organization dialed We realize that those persons who desire auction wurehoulcs should have the right to have them and we do not propose to tight them on this issue We feel however that our group which will soon represent It least 50 at the planted dcreage oi tobacco in Ontario should not have luct lion warehouses forced down our throats when we believe that this method at soiling tobacco is cast iy dangerous unnobcmry and probably unworkable Furthcr more we are seriously concerned over the probable loss export markets We know the exporter art lirmly opposed to buying one tlcd tobacco in bales especially when they have had no opportun lly to examine this tobacco in larmcrs barns It buying con ditions are not satisfactory to ex port buyers they can quite easily shift their allocation Canadian dollars to thc purchase of United States tobacco The new committee proposes to ask exemption or their group un der the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act and the right to net up plan of their own either undcr the same act or independ ent oi it which will embody co operation with the buyers and realistic and no cost method at sales between grower and buyer mittt Anniversary Service Very well attended anniversary services were held in the United Church on Sundayr The newly decorated church and basket apringtiowtrs added to the act ccs Rev Trlmblc Burton Ave Barrie was the spcaker ill the morning He based his sermon on the words otan inscription All that please is but for can ment all that troubles is but moment that only is important that is eternal morning service The service in the evening was conducted by REV Brcnn Ctlltral Church Barrie Ht based and the Church Today Barrie provided the music Birth ot Son Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Hospital Barrie Uxhrldge Funeral his sermon rm The Early Church The local choir assisted by ilrs titty Bishop and Mrs Alvin hoblo son asrrle who sang two duels accompanied by Bert Churchill Douglas Giftcn on the birth of sun on June 18 in Mail Victoria Mr and Mrs Dougald lilcNahb SEXV woims can prove they hnd From iett note the smiles at June 16 lo 22 This is National Water Satcty chk It is in period planned by the Canadian itcd Cross Soci ely to bring to our attention not only the delights of the summers swimming and boating but word of warning about the dangers that lurk in near or on the water in Ontario alone last year 413 people lost their lives needlessly through drowning accidents More than hall oi thosc druwnings oc curred during June July and August Water Satety Week is devoted to In ideal and ahope that sound advice and guidance will control and curtail this dreadful toll During our summer months this newspaper and those through out Canada will carry headlines about the loss at lite by drown ing Therecord is always sbra rowtul one The headlines repre sent ucedlcss loss ol lite They are headlines which we dislike Mondayva Sunday Guests Sunday Anniversary visitors holed were Mrs Newmanfiilten Stayner Mr and lllrs Dunn Barrie llli halpb Centre Vospra Mrs Culhum Barrie attended the Iuncral at her uncle Nabb during weekend in the Colinndcr iiicu Dr Bailcy at Uxbridge last Mr and Mrs Robert Richard sun Barrioand Mr and Mrs Cliii Graham Orangeville visited with Mr and Mrs Degcer on Among the anniversary Visitors Mr and Mrs Bert Beilinger Collingwood Mr and and hits Elwood Glftcn and Mr and hire Everett Loughced and Ken Sunnidale Corners Mr and Mrs Herbert Young Barrie Mr and Mrs Herbert Elliott and fam ily Milton Mr and Mrs Kcll and Miss Kcll Churchill Mrs Rupert Miss Noreen Robinson and lllurrlty Rupert aurrie Mr and Mrs Donald Glitch Gary and visiting her daughter Mrs Mt nrgdao good tlshlng huck Jermcy and 12 pike Notional Water Safety Wéek printing because they new background or obituaries uI ricnds neighbors and their toms lies The tragedy ntthcsc accidents is never forgotten easily Surn mcr months are munth or pica surc and drowning casts shadow which lingers ior years In most ciscs drownings are not mere accidents They are the result at Venturcsume escapades coupled with an ignorance of Wu ter Safety Ontario is blosscil wllh thousands of lakes rivers and streams They are Setting of nature or the enjoyment by Canadians hi all ages mccca or pleasure during delightful sear son To enhance these pleasures and to cnsurc sale holiday we must be concerned with the rules at Water Safety they are simple OP punditliar AUTO FIRE LIABILITY ACCIDENT srCKNF£8 See Mn Austin Ransom 43 steel ah Barri Telephone PArkwoy 84000 ndon FrankTerslgnl and Grant Hnnlsonvas they display their combined catch 28 picirerei and practical Kennedy knowledge at thcse mics and an understanding of their application will mean happier and healthier summer for you and your family The outdoors is yours lor these pleasures Enjoy living swtu SAFELY Central Ontario pirnvides morti Ilne sand beaches pcr square milo thin anywhere in the world Val FllttY COHEN THIS BATIIJNG BEAUTY lost his shirt lost his home his car and everything because he lost lawsuit and didnt have the RIGHT insurance to protect him Dont let this happen to YOUl To be Sun that YOU are FULLY C0 VERED you should let anINSUR ANCE SgcoihuST study your1n surnnce progrlirnr Call us today nonunion ilSlllfiNEE sooca misc For Insurance ALL KINDS 95 Dunlap St 201 that work as planned had been tiling filling low spots and cut ting brush Road equipment will bl engaged to put the track in Sotthall Finals Numerous Events commending at non BRING LUNCH STAY ALL DAY wcdncsday June26 Soules who has been in ill health Township Schools Everyone Welcome 8PM ST VINCENT PARK The tollowlng bandConcert will be played at Minors rolnt Sunday June so atzao pm lollowing committee on advertising and special priws starts work this we George Graham Etley Lovcriltg Andrew Dunlap Mei Kent Walter Orr Jock Shelton and Harry Cowan special drive by all directors is being made to have their work completed so the list can bc print cd early In Jul Any season is vacationtime in WATERSAEHY Superftzisidnz be seen Canadas variety vacationlaod ment illllltlts lilllZEliS or or your excellent Support during our recentproom Snic isorry if you were missed out sale enceeded our pilot Mimic Saves iiilouiletlge Ill MOST prior men are the result tit venturtiame escapadeslcoupled with on ignorance oi water suicty LEARN the water sate Suvesg littlest CASES incursions Acwéioeurs IIISIIID Colour OLE GRAY OHNPARNEn consort

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