Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1957, p. 8

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Mrs Cutter or St Thom is visiting her daughter and son lnhw Mr and Mrs Wills and tlmlly llrs Welter Dull bu re Jnmbe tin June 15 turned from Huntington West Virglnh where she attended the wedding bet nephew Chariu She also upent iew thy with her sister Mrs Ashley in Detroit Mr Willllm Sllter entemined It luncheon at her home an Tuesdny in honor Mrs Xi Hlmiltim nl Pundena Cnlil the timer Glndyi Willl who is visit ing in town it we gathering at old Xrlcnds Those Ittendlng were Bin Ken Loeul Ind Mrs Ott tromanouto llld Mrs Willim McCllnton Mrs Howard Dyment Mrs William Talbot nod Mrs sclm Ney ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mn Duncan Cameron oi Guthrie wish to announce ttlu engagement their daughter litrane gliubcih Anne to Lawr ence Burton neouay sun all hir and Mrs Bert MCQuay oi Ivy the en the shore or Nottawnsage Bay marriage to take place it Guthrie prominent nilicllls or both QOdWIt and firth Mr mm Presbyterian Church at 230 pm Penclang and Wang Beach Unlled Church services have fmilh Bunny Rabbit boys on Saturday June zillll mm 72 cooperating with st John Amp been withdrawn Sunday June 23 To nlhyllnd tauls and lance in providing demonstrators Wins In the Innlversry at Bitty Chum 00 qulylgd Fm BORN ten the instructors at the Order Chmh TM cm Mm be med Close oi activities for the sum Wtle lo Sprint lily two uutrrvltt nuytl Victoria llospltol ms sum ynu mm the trier of twu Coldwnter United turn And the Group choir 35 algalNlclsgn mclhud mm Church boys clubs Tym Ind sang threepart arrangement or Itrnnld neatly no noysl Viclnrtl Ilnsn nltn utrrl on unc2l ion to Courtole and Mn Nell Chld deck is rnrlrsldu nrlvr dnushlcr Suxlnne Ellihelm nltiillItNItt ltnynl vlclorta llorpltal nutrte on June in m7 to rte ind Mrs llyrnan so ourtnn Ave son ltmNunvAt noyul Vietnrll Hospital nilrte on lime in M7 to Mr and rail Respl Artificial respiration properly npplled could save the lives at 80 oi those who may lose their lives in Ontario tron drowning each yelr according to the studied estimates at Strlnbo Ambullnne The HelperNiean system at Irtiflclll respiration which ll now being hught by St John Ambul once will be demonstrated it nu suinnler resort centres in Oohrln by till Order it St John Itlny time this summer tblt loell mulli cipal oliclls or eothgo ownm issodntlons may request The first demonstniinns ul In llncinl respiration in the prov ince this year have been arranged by The Toronto Stir or Penetnng ior Sundry next June 23 It 1215 NIL Immediately allowing the High Mass It St Annes Church At three oclock through the cooperation of the Council at Wnsolzn Bench the demonstrations will be repeated at Wesagn Belch ciul respiration The Order oi St John hopo thta msny hundreds oi people wiu witness these first demonstrations so that the possibility at snvlng nppurcntiy drowned people this summer will he greatly increased at Other communities wishing to Mn liinei Kennedy so Wlillnm SL have these public demonstrations 5m Hm flu Burns Ted sun with desunt by tho glee Mingankgfiszlny mm my put on in their are call make Durniord Mnnsell Raymond Ken group llnl pirrtc un lunc m1 to urrnngemenls by writing direct to polklnghomc ma my R05 nite ibliarvflavhlii gnuregular St John Ambulance in Wellesley Cummlng gm St East Toronto Rev Churcher Iccomlt IVY ucflflli 5tryIWVlltlg7rln nipmull ponied the choir boys or st Mut erg 53 mo gangf TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD lliiis Church Coldwntel on 5° dnulhler PHONE PA astlt picnic to Mrs Woodworths M° can on Tuesday iiiry and Jimmie spent the Guthrie Community tilled to overflowing tor the Hill Innual concert presented by Orv Arch schools on Tuesday inning It umpire choir oi Itudenu at all miles to the township were the patio Artists of the Festival Concert ibue were Ilse revint young soloists whose talented perrormzlleu de lighted their parents Ind lrlends The entire prognln on under the direction or the muslcduperl visor in the township schools Vll Guthrieftiupils Perform For Overflow Cancerl Audience Dempsey ot Orillln Sigma was marked on luoe 11 by an outing at the Presbytery Camp lILII boys and their swim and supper at the comp The lnllowing night meeting of the Laymcns Council we held Attending irarn Cnldwlter and district were Midland About duds eninyed the some ump Church Services June 23 Kill comprised ly gt soloists were Morley Cl phcll ol Guthrie whose sei ecilon entitled Good Ad viceJeln Anderson at Rugby with Popping Col Larry Bur CKVRTV CHANNEL VIIDAVt JUNE 2i us rm Chvlllnhln to to Win ell 13 am trio wnninT End 11 pm Rev Gprdon no DlKevrln Wanless oi strand spec mm vnuu filer 730 pm hey Cecil 19 pints OConnor oustl cnunln limo nnlclt lilhb MIA Jlm column now no urllllnnv JUNE 1100 cm mm ss r4 1m sg MONDAY runs wus us tlnl sum illere no no too op us um um Country clnndnr In In liar lollr lm Mnlllny hunch no tullui urica CKBB PROGRZAllIS FRIDAY no link tum 33 l2 so Bulletin nord nst wrchanrigbulgfimm 11 Elm lurm lg lllieldlunr no New llsiulinc 522 up germ mu ions tor Worker no 2finflm 130 nullnu Elliln mos Mllmlflttn in tthln 10° IJH Tennellle Srnil Vim up soud Room silo liti son too New Hum to on Renuut $53311 egg lrii li it up two is an nton cl til it one min In sport up up im rims out Ainnl Wu mm no rovn Ind cnuutrv 790 church at and New madllnci 8J5 rm shins st Rule lino llcv nod snort Mn linkl tmi Meilth ism Nell Ind Epnrtl Ram in 3mm poo um lens strn nit nos Hit Plrlde 333 gggyggm loco up New rtudllnu sn rioncm mm mm 00 NeIlv sport Wutnn up Illuch clock error not numlvhtr In tit1H mm no um Western trim loti Plrnl until no arturdtv mudlaud 525 Hun 7115 sitar or sport Bearer coo urnP guni ens tilt rid rec Leo sports Round no limit Nun In 5mm no Neva lpnrt acnru in us nines Party 630 lulu Elm alia 133 at um Rout H33fiel triad athugtc Hg film Alllrlrn an in us in or in mos turn on no run it permit55 lnm 4mm Nun inns Entree rim and hurt pound on tons Rod roley anon Wu mu llcs snort scorer fipoiggggylu earnr us Music mm 53 gangum Rm iios Just in Youll rm Mw vaa Tnlnl nsu nun is 1333 515 lion v3n stuni°rlr cm us cones Tlmo Pom vsrtttv mm lam Buliilnu its prime Bervlu mm cum qunav nt toll Ill Iloodl in lturla PM use an no meat nevit snuttvv um wntbnro united church oltawa tlnlted ChurchRev Ross Cum ming minister urenn spcclsl minister Presbykflon Church itev Charles Carter minister GoldwaterSt Andrews Church pm Sunday School pm church service too Corner pupil singing the Swing Low Sweet Chnrlot Ruth Lu ke oi Guthrie who sang the love jEuly0ne Morning 1nd tynda Murphy pt shanty pry soloist in the glee groups three part Arrangement or Moms In Do Cold Cold Ground piano role was pllyed hy Carol Reid Mitchell Squire The promm also lectured two numbers by rhythm bond Mountin March and Mqurtn Minuet The program opened with the choir singing the Scottish ballad Flow Gently Sweet Alton Illd southern melody lily Own True Frlen The entire en iemhln was Ilsa heard in The Hardy Norseman and the two 1111 Mountain Cottage weglln tunes the popular Whet ever Will Be Riddle sung in three parts and the popullr iunc ChMCI Selection by the Junior choir Gently Evening Bendeth other numbers on the program so were Stephen Fosters Old Dog Tny sung by boys choir Merry Robin sung by girls choir The Soldier Game in two parts lrltl The Hike by the intermediate choir and Awake My Soul sung in uni wcekenil with Mr ilnd Mrs Bert Edward at their summer home at Hastlflfl Mr and Mrs Mayor oi Tortmtu spent the weekend wiith Mr Mayors mother at her home To Montreal Mr ind Mrs Jennett tell on motor trip to Montreal on Monday where they will visit witih their dsnghtcr Mrs New Nnr 350Voice Choir lt fififfifliffir mm Golden Wedding Guestl nr and tire Lee Banting were cunts at the olden wed ding oi ur sud Mrs Albert Lyons in Barrie on June is at ery Street Scholnnhlp Winner Conxntulstions are being ex tended to Dnuglns Spears GI ivy public school In ttlc Simcoe County centenlry schollnhip ex lmlnations which contestants wrote on Mly at the court house Hlflle Dcuclts placed lb and Wu lwnrded prize EATON ow persons protected by lull rests nlso iloorhonrds 14 hindei Eaton Cash Price Each oi $10 On June 13 the winners her mother Mrs Bled Dlle Note the ientures Lenth 14 with 50 beam net weight 180 lbs Capacity or live boards 15 hp motor can be titled onlt keel with unturul eedor deck it long und iinlshed vnrnish outside and inside Spe ctnl bow pinto and two removable bhek choice were entzrtntned by the nrdeit Ind member at county council It dinner It lloblndale inn Mr Ind him Cheplirl at err Sound spent the weekend with their daughter Mn Earl Reid Hr Ind Mrs Held oi To ronto spent the weekend with ur and Mm John llouarlh Mn John Dcvny Dllne Ind Elsie And Min Kay Beurer oi Hamilton spent the weekend with air andliis Ellis liliss itiry navirul Toronto spent the weekend It home with length splash lulu witth com or thclri 1in my man miner 115151 DRUG sr tss anyllcld Next to ninthn rtilthmomunl éllizl Wedneldoy lHthE PA 85983 EATONS Budget Plnn Terms 3250 DOWN 24 Monthly Payments at 1425 utbbard Motors Honouring ly 9oocm 5530 pm 00 dim 1200 noon protected prop cruise tank blzr or vibration insulation EATON Price with cruise tank elch win Cruise tank as illustrated position cosrsnilt gives wide speed range hour to it mph on average hulls sneer pin and skee cller sciilun iuel eight about 75 lbs Mounted in rub All sur thntn nu snottint TheIn ewmmim 35 LAI vvittcvn tum runnnv JUN as 34 envltltnm liiis ridy in Iron 20 Communltv Mm DIAL 1230 SOON AS POSSIBLEX of yours bigger and stronger sure EARLY LAY BIG PAY Jrhits thevSHURvGAlN wot lets talk over Just how good bust on budget egootl By the time youve brought your 195 thick to the laying stage you will have invested considerable time plnnnlng rind money and you want the best possible return or your eiiurt and expens You want your Investment yielding an RETURNStoo just AS no LAY N0 PAY but there is WAY to grow those pullets Siinnitth 20 surnncnowmt MASH will grow big rug zed pulleta that Eo into production two weeks earlier and on 12 lo 15 less teed Come on into the mill first chancevhnd sitilus HUN79 11de tindan and luster this year to en SHURGAIN SUPER GROWING Angllcln ChurchRev Donald Churcher rector WaubnushcnoChrist Church 11 mm morning prayer MntelledashSt Johns Church pmucvening prayer ColdwnterlIst lllzltthlas Church Bunting and Mrs Banting al pm evening prayer Christian FellowshipRev lollrl EDD PIS or Hampsh rcCltureh services 11 mm and 730 pm Free installation chit lilllllo TELESONIC nAliltiEs Lil cdlt RADIO DltlyEIN smwtcu 36 lime man Mrs netl Mrs ANn WITH ERY honour Itr tl MA 31 Features eecp Service Delivery ltezulsr icrmr ntvldonds Yes and we zullrantee it Are there lower priced twinest There is arvdriety in prices between mnkern and deolersbe clusc uniform price settingis not lcgull but thero nre also some lower priced and lower quality twinen uttered menuM lectured fromMexlcnn or illorter fibres Esther Downer PESTElllNG FLIES right now up lpry your hllrri At Dennery Meeting Rev Munks Hillenneltr Mrs Mrs Mo Thomas Lee Mrs COSTLY ls sale econnmlcnl it convenient touse yet it truly kills flies like maglcfl llilrliéltirlll Sunni Mulenster St PA 32532 QUALIiYi Guaranteed based on years or Corhel twine use PRICE Consistent FIIr Cash Prices Ample Supplies iihe humor is the sale tiller oi Binder and inter twine nnd ever the years has saved money buylogit cooperatively in huge vyl QUESTIONS Ind ANSWERS is Coop Carlie quality its good as best domestic twine there advantages to custom bllcrn ln Citop Cnrhel twinelll Yes let or explain them to you Miss Claude by letting nks lcll Rotary ouch thruugltutlt the housing Its Above Less Recoil Starter euoh trace IlP ROTARY MOWER lEuturing nsllenaiiy known Johnson iron nurse cablewheels gives the operdtoru ehuice oi tour culling heights Trims with in ui walls or other obstacles heavy duty 2h oneipiece blade is spe cluily shaped to speed discharge at grass Also eliminating clogging ot crass EAION price with recoil starter eucli Au nhove lessreoull sturter eucit to 12 EATON PricelelelrA EATON prlee etch ILLUSTRATED EATON Price with Automntle Recoil Starte H2 eyele ILP Model Weight about 52 lbs ind develops speeds trein 1V on average tau IlP nodal Weight shuiriao lbs and develops speeds irum ii toil mph on average costs 15500 cycle engine Ad st capacity with Sm 37900 Each 21995 lilout TECO ttcllcle Lawnj Mawér Featuring sturdy llglllweighl cast aluminum hauslngwith new front dis charge design Sturdy cycle Briggs and Strnttnn Engine Reversible two piece hhndle Steel wheels with oilless bearings 7195 1595 76 7395 MODEL AGl Call all Golters Valuepacked ilrpn Each lunch Idaire Refrigerators snows weekind sp Approximntely cum yeiirwnrrtlnly oil sealed unit 35 hp Model Maximum speed at 30 mph loop Down 24 Monthly Paymentsol 852 SpllcE saving money saving model Lustrous white enamel in ish with harmonious colour interior ll ef Golf Evinrudo Outboard Motors 75 Ileetwln Model At 40th rpm develops 75 miles per hour with speeds up in 17 mph ongtnvernge crait Neutral Reverse ilnd Forward gear igll and low speed carburetor jets automatic type lllel strainer and choke 31 flitl CriilscraJJldy iultl Inltk Weight about 299 18 llp Model weight about fill 17 pectis up in 45500 56500 distr ct Cop Corhel Twine is also available ntCDnp dealers in the Enrons iinlshed piiét tinngebnc Woods hove bends iinlslle own Specifications guirnntee Quit kcti heads mild steel face with straightline foes scorln with bright limit on boo nndd gcfll5ltlll leather grip The The BARRIE XAMQINEI in dark cherry with oval neck itltdtlireepledve White and Black Lineomntic ihre lace insert with trnlg marking Percussionweighedior distance

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