strnetlon ka until MI damnInd AddlI ï¬nally and Jllu$hlriey Pmllp whm lnu tinn iron the orixilnl speciï¬er one brother John predeaued 1in to Gordon Leinan will take tom repelreeled her some nun piice on Saturdly June 22 at St it smalls muorlty ol the RslItiveI Ind friend run Johns Anglican Churvh coon ml Iecuun voted or on dinnnce Ittendlnx were from jlo town Iehoolaluuï¬dm mistate 2m $319114 mmndms AIimllltd so trlrinds enjoyed ellten Lilla to or at sou our Du Ill the evening truly moment rulori time ulddkm Wm In it McFadden rud In Id lg up midi II ella Jo any N110 II In up dress and Mrs Cause Mn 51 tered counter chin cei he anocedure or new hr down 5m Rwsgm gnu Webb Mrs Emliey and Mrs hue trlhsitn establish Cut In Ichpol Although this proved un 620m Purim Mn Ind ME Evin pruented Shirley with two HoodMlss Mriiootheand m1 their semlmnnthly work meeting moses will mrr nozmmnlllmii New um on weanedv lil°lil gt mm mm dew may no John French Mr Ind Mn ld Mrs Nixon look tho ch11 by ldrs CopelInd in slnv gunman mud hmmr we mm mm Human ma you IL ï¬nd to bed tor two years the ihthe absence at the president um um Cm Mrs EVJM Mn gt bro nudl hid dvlied thrt ouncesdd ng much otth bunny Ind Inna unit Kidd Im Illa Louise Hm Mn Fildey Ind modumd tho wm Mm Emmy gm ï¬n Islam com mu mum lltondsd the delighttul plcule it lme WW ovenlnl Ind hullnul periods The delicious lunch el oud unlu tluy hero paid turned in nulmlnlu ruuunt lMJovelyseiuto ol witson lilo Wluwn irlndr Inn lleullp roll all wu answered by mem ire lvvonld in nhllud la mm In mfmhen to carry on school bond Luv Sesrtamugh on VSaIurdny ffgdfllwv Tatum hma lam and one guest An lnvluliun ppolnunenr wilhl Judge rtgnrd business le Bikini contrain wt for Victoria ml on r3 SEEanï¬ï¬ï¬‚fl manna ecu ndnob£°hucdd may JR rel ml She Il born In Cookstown the plrents lo momplny lha ehll flrhgglpellsnll gel an mum comm VImrlnz 25mg ï¬ergxllnm It doughlrr ot ltr nd Mn Thom drrn on bus trip to Nina llmllp who wrs one or the urly Fells on Thursthy June 27 l°nh 52 ï¬ifylloolri€r3°lrrni in on or no $25 iriumensuwfnanml an mmmw mm on In up too Shu we successful vuhllc was completed during the Itter school leather lining taught at noon grHg Jig lion School MIllslield Ponli The nexlrneeling will be held dim In mum mm am pool ClIrelnonI Burrla and Stsy at the homers Mrs ll Baden Iinnst It The bonding company retused to Inn to release of cheque to nor on Wednesday June In the holder 01 llens unless the hum Sh 1h was member of St Johns Reireshrnents were served by Eigyugligfll him will It lb Anglicm Church and nlwayr con the hostess rssistnd by Mrs Fred ml hem Tuck FM ICoronto mottled lenï¬lrmlrsiy tlo Ill neélv Wheeler and her committee 1N its ann wen r= es un lm true or Llltl iiiown Don6nlhnlh and its mi weekend In Toronto visiting death in polltlcs she was °° T° nnlt2 gleaming and rnIndRusseil hmusrduplglezfr Mm Cmmnm llrs ll Miller was hostess 31 mmt menurgih mm 33 33 31 efvllswrnd the Mm mm hm we In Endlord lfgï¬ Md Zï¬oningflilhi tinny3534111 Ionail We 11ml reunion vlll bl hold June 22 II All Dmnm Vi reh Friday June and WIS conducted mum Puk 3er 530 mm llur with Mrs Dick anner in by me new Mr Adams The reminded chair landlord inter norlihll°lii 22 men mill hd been woolItal Pghwï¬l illr nrid nilTiliiegiiï¬vn Mid nÂ¥$o3inh°u iiEituEftl JMEDD on ppointm nt as Elineat 33 32 with 3232 liinisehtilirdc 1233 Mt lliftimtrlltlcs dm are now residing in town ll illrwnod Lemmon County Librarian onJune ii He arrived trom England on if llllllisllolln Stiltlfli 20L sllrl DRIVING DUAL CONfROLLED CARFULLY INSURED CQURTEOUS LlCENCEP INSTRUCTORS Phone Mrs2759 to the ori nIl speciï¬cations rInI sale im Nuv 13 mud 12 mm rhe lost in Cannon June 13 13 item 10 me by Slnwberry in Allmill near Thlstielwn parity and Edward Graham Flor lrlor wcommu WEIme Mr add Fallow the 17 WY gt Orange III on Wednolday July Il Illhutes were lronr relIllvcs nrinllsAssucintion Enginnd was headoi accessions book In Copeland commented that NH Hum 01 3mm ch Vmm neighbors llld irlends lcquisltlons ot Mlddieseit County Libraries inEnslnndo win we in 31¢an tor No so tram to pm ML Ind Dr 11 child Min Hensllp wrs the last sur minor in comp on to the whale was at TorontoInd Mlss Leila Stew Vivi mambér um um During the war he served with the RAF and was stationed ammu Eve body say we got or Hot sprlngs Arkangas mm No um Mrs Muncton DnvidI was born in London England the rugqesllun that such entrr Ymflll Peoples Admission EM IIlerisapI Mr Medd willhe succeeding Miss Erln Flintzite who tor Wm bmycm mmp 72 form years ntMonctonNew Brunswick on the Eraund shill szllooo to as more in value DInco ht Bond Head Commun were Sundxy guests 01 Mr and Mind mm Ilrnl In Stevenson Memorial Hosp the time being is remnlnlng ns nsslstnnt county ilhrnrllm His Mchlllld Mr Dillls is Ienchor Flower henrerll were Fred Air wlveswlth them and their daughter Eileen 14 Well born Trustee Tucker counteredwiih inns Orchestra Ausplces Anill WM At that time service personnel were nilowed mlhrlng tholr tiler the school costr ity Hall Slturdny June pox Mrs ill McFadden second matlon moved by WM WWW cm A5° Are you died at nightly pin wire nndtIniily who lire at presentwith trientls at anonee Trunks anmm tended strawbe Festival and salad rum conï¬nement The ups Lelus ilit your spirits will bejoinlng him in Barrie as soon Its he can find uccum by mm gm ma plntcWe Bid1y June 26 Supper grime Hummer wore gungl lat Will 00 WIVe slyllnx liaod prm Variety program lInt or Ihampoo rind Ital tn modntiuni tmnui th the hoard Is In sum on Friday gt vfhm Lynwa Adults swig children due 6912 guns andspint ldirllghtthl 3°33 °dm ficierlcies comnred with the spee ny ter rel liter nu the gt itlcations Ifld mar checking iteerflllrï¬ midi morning the guests were conducl irmf JOAN ellole Iiid work orders submit yum NR REEA ed timith the printing oiilcE GARMOKEUROOL Home Agnin clnim tor credits dues Muir lnchrrzu lulsled hy hail unwed by We Ch NM James Duncan who underwent misledruched it this spetlul Mrr Sunders rnd Rev Mr Wnn mm mm CM 95 PA 391 surgery at Willowdale at the he mm mun brought mm less loan moelina and another can 3mm 99 10 end one at is most conuntinus again comm intuito at twoyear controversy his or en oe ovor con Mr and hits Newlorl BE and aructlun oi the PllIEW liveroom SAVE COOK TIME Mn Ind Mrs Wllllm $100000 school Another bee will he necesst Simudenloved Sam trusted opposed III ton to complute the work started at mm on left Zlno 33m Wow Mm Molhodlst Camels on Kw our cattle mg the summer at Mrs Moyseys 11 on ny gnéllagnnr are Vgig3igfm Sm cottage at dig Bay Point evening June at ssh home soleotlon or our sneelaltlos and dellï¬tt the us em Wi Ftitkvggltmy mm lounllul it rtlry SIne wmemmny we mum much mums ElJON it MEREII Mills wslslisshl usiv on 08 saw runwic natural it just twlce 90 mflgï¬ 315 Efï¬ggf gunm FBIï¬le Tog ï¬ne mm mm Fundyls tilom yam cheeses eicto which we are stlve you will tint delicious mom cc nrvmwm who at the annuitiled day held in grate ue Ind tuworlng sandstone gt MLRWTBHk5rQvguPmmenlOThlslerlinnguï¬lsCol oration COWFLY row Guelph smrdny June 11 mm on which have hm cm nnounrrs tho appointmem ol Elton Meredith no mo in DER better 83 Mrs Wllllaerulker oi Govnn ed outot the sandstone cults DIM Nel mam gammy um cnrpmmm vthu any my Mrs Mancini hm so sued he mm mm Mr Meredith is nrndunto ol The University oi Toronto In vs vs AS 99 Pmag WM Commerce and Finance and member at the Ontario Bur He hns morelest work Mr Mchalg will he binled will ertt the us the ogruphed of this provmces lintn ussocinted wlth he Curpproiion Iorsotne thlrly years latterly mm Lorrmygzigohlftltg mmnhlp week nnlunl wonders us Secretory and oolcor in chnrge or cdtnws ndminlstrntio llr Petersen hlu been with the Cor orntlon vinro was ucinlizin iii ggï¬farï¬ï¬fggï¬ ï¬xerMigufï¬hï¬xsgi inrenllesttnï¬e appraisalproblemsnlndpingiezitnlï¬nLlhflelï¬lï¬lreutoro morn er com niesltmem are is out overnols oi tlny mm ML and Mrs mmfk if the loronrolrltl7 nnd Treasurer ol the Centrlll Brunch at George Pearson nndlnmily went thntorgnnimt For Fly Free to Detroit instwnekend to stten the golden wedding at Mr In Barn use Illrs Neil MacLond Mrsilla¢lgod and Mrs Mun vl doch are sisters illr nnd Mrs llncLeod werelortunate in having gt gt their lllrge tarnin at to children all present or the anniversory with their respective wives or Ms hands and children Flies cant JDWIID From Denver Mrs George Gettins oi Denvlr flionmnï¬ Colorado and son George at West $355413 Branch Michlzln have been Em flnd mg newing acquaintance here lulu llllt ii over mm km welcome to Cnmmnnlty me of Welcome to Mr and Mrs Lawr ence Fraser Helen DI and mhyllis who have moved to eir new home in our commtins 5A lty rain Clowes llllllwnsco oilriflrfhï¬if°n°i3lli BmsoOo 3391 nt Gravenhurst inst ï¬ll glidern2 willtterprn noblat Milli ILLUSTRATED liEtl $15995 viith nsw huiltlin lint tiller The same pump that empties the washer tuh also circulates the wash water along the drain hose constantly Summer It Coulis forcing it through ï¬lter located in the tub cover Wash water is filtered continuously while You OLD WASIER Is WORTH s20 the washer is in operation freeing clothes tram all lint See the full line at RCA WHIRLPOOL washers today If awn Convertible Chomilloidr tehturin eomblnltlunxllhil Ind ll run coverings ideIl tor the Ev with shun chfldzon WIIh stile hunts Illaw the chlidro iroednmwlthoutworrilinlymo thfl over toodvspilsla When Wntr arrive Ilmnlv urn thc stallions ave Il laveiy shrill unveil Fun with WIRING WASHER WRINGER WASIIIII MODEL Rzon MODEL Rttlo 1351 install REG 142150 on on 813990 12450 WASHER 52000 gt witsuiiit omen Awdddtsg