Ar noun SUCCESSFUL CANol Hillcrest School Barrie who took the re cent slmcoe County Centenary Scholarship DATES irorn examination terson Four nulls Ali iollr students irom niiicrest School aarrie who entered the Simeoe County Centenary Schole airship examination won awards arian Cook won tor the school the icllerys Memorial Tro phy having obtained the highest overall marks in the papers lor the ielteryn awards run in conjunction with the schoiar ship examination lo the Scholarship Annc Pill erson wns placed third and ro coived 525 line Lcnlsius and Pat ricio Ann Scott were placed nlth Ind sixth respectively and each lcceived $10 awards aoth Brian Cook and Anne Patterson were pupils in Mrs Muriel Lambs class Ross Cald chI was ulle Lentsius teacher and Miss Nora nellnrt taught rat ricia Scott All the successful cnndidates received their awards iroin War den Fisher Ganlon and Ralph Sneigrove at session ol County Council last week This year record number at children lrom Grade sat tor the examination as 45 pupils enrolled and 40 wrote simcoe County Council give seven awards in each or two divi sions covering the rural schools Swmmng Classes Local committees have been meeting in all parts at Slmeoe County during the past two months to plan swimming classes and day camps The committees arrange tor iaeiiitiesand trans portation while the county recrea lion service supplies leadership lnr anolninal ice and assists in organization and supervision classes and camps Swimming classes are being arranng for children in over 40 communities Dayacamps will be held in Glencairn Painswick and New Lowella gt At least six groups irom the southern part of the county will bcusing the Alliston Rotary Pool Falls to Hear Passenger Train Workman Killed Joseph Ewanskt ployee oi Angus Robertson Con struction Comhny was drilled by train he could not hear because oi the noise at two pneumatic nicks besidc himw flhc enume tion crew were repairing thc oemqht abutments or CM tress tle dyei the Coxrnill Rood three miles snuthol BarriI The man who has no relatives in Canadawas struck by Torah tohnund passenger train when he crossed thetracks intent on get ting tool he had left on tllc Linda Ruwn Waa mlttcd to Murlncand Gen ernl ospittll Colliogwuod yester after bet shot accidentally Mr Christopher children were alonuiuthe house at tbdurna and hereon must have dio bagged 22 isle and the urban sthoulsmysihc Jellorys Awards olle lor each group is sponsored by Ralph Snelgrovc and the group winner with the highest overall marks in the particular papers is given the Jellerys Mcmorlhl Trophy to be held by his school or one year Successlul candidates were Group One Mary Turner No F105 $50 Dale Atkinson No 11 F105 $35 Valerie Weslman No la lnnislil 525 Craig Hunter No lnnisill 515 Douglas Spccrs No Essa $10 Bert Dobson No 14 Medonlc $10 Ludo Allc No 16 West Gwillimhuryr $10 Group Two Eileen Studd Dr tona Road School Camp Borden s50 Nancy Germaine Senior Poo lic School Collingwood $35 Anni Paterson Hillcrcst Barrie $25 Patricia Meson Senior ublic Schho coilingwnud $15 tllle Lents niiicrest Patricia Ann Scott Hillcrest Bar rie $10 Pauline Nioholls Scnlor Public School Collingwund $10 Yeilcrys Awards Group One Mary Tulner No Plus Group Brian Cook Hillcrest School Barrie who also took the beach Jellcrys Memorial Trophy moved and seconded the motlon at the Special meeting for the thiSsummcr This outdoor pool planned and constructed by the Rotary Club of Alliston was op ened last year Water from the Buyne River is reroutcd and pumped in and out or the pool making natural instruction and pleasure swimming area Several groups in the south found this facility very satisfactory for classt last year and now it has become the centre to which near ly every committee in that area will be taking its childrenAlli ton aceton and Tecumselh Town ship hosemont and district BurnsBaxter and Elmgrovc Ev erelt and Highway 27 which in cludes the commun es oi Baud Head Newton Robtnson Cooks town and Thornton radlord and Gilford and dis trict children will go to Bayview Beach on Lake Slmcne and young sterslrom Stroud Aleona Beach and Nantyr to Innisï¬l Park Groups lrom stayner Nottaw sagaand Sunnidale townships swim at Wasaga Beach again with advanced classes on the Notta wlsaga River while children from Mcdontc and Flos will converge on Rumbles Millpond at HillsL dale where community enthusiasm has kept the pond equipped with iacilitles or swimming or the past eight years gt Children irom Vespra Township will be trying out new locality this summer The pools It Wil low Creek which thcy have an joyednsing tor several years through the courtesy oi the Var coesxhavc become too shallow Therelore Coles swimming pool on Highway 90 will be their new site Classcs tor Shanty Bay alid dis trict Ire held at tho Rectory thch rind government dock in that currununity whila Walrbau shone promotes classes on its own Nottawa searching iultv ablaJlle forrohildmnj in that dis trict nd Leonards Heidi irummercolonywill hold chilies on balls Sim Patricia Scott one mntslus and Anne rat ravero Len to right Brian Cook Last Service In Old Church The cungrcutlon at Cell irIl United Church Illl at term thell ladl service in the present churrh on Dun lop Street Blrrlc thl Sun day morning Commencing on SundIy June summer union services will be held ll Colllcr Slrrct United church Thl part at the church nowuscd tor Sllndly School was built in ms and the church auditorium in IBM The congregation hope that they will he llblr to occupy their new church at ltosr and Toronto streets early in lhl all COLDWATER Acting on the advieg of their legal adviser Paul Copeland QC ol Orillia malorily of Goldwater Public School Board vn at n3pDClll meetingjnnrla handing company responsible or completlng construction oi the new public school Trustees Don Gllhraith Car man nusseilyrrad Brown and Frank Durniord voted for the mo tio Trustee Archie Tucker ab Stained At the regular Baird meeting June 11 Trustee Don Galbraith prepared motion to pay of the bonding company but could not get it seconded Trustees Galbraith and Brown payment to be made Result the motion islhat not only will the outstanding FY ment to the bonding company be made but cheque for $1028250 to Dudley QC otMidland will be lorwnrdcd to pay olf liens against the new school Payment to liens holders was approved by motion at the boards regular meeting but the cheque was held lip Chairman Charles Danby at the outset said the extraordinary session was called to deal with two lettershe had rcccivcd from Mr Copeland arising from the Boards failure at the regular meeting to pay the bonding coins panys uccount The legal representatives the bondin company wrote that they would cal fairly with any legit imate claims connectedwith the school which the Board might put torward but insisted on payment of the balance owing them or legal action to colleetJvould be instituted in weeks time Mr Copeland explained the in advisability of lacing action in the courts The bonding company were ill strong position he statedes thcy were nwedthc riunds held up and had undertaken to deal with anyclaims submitted In the eventrthay won court action the School Board might have to pay heavy cosLs Mr Copcland explained um cnuntersuit could be entered by the School Board on the grounds of alleged deficiencies in the schools construction but he won at the opinion them was mnro rebates if theaé were sought after the bonding company iwax pIid on which hadto he done in any case He also po ted out tint whiie there had ago guent din cuaslon on alleged discrepancies been dbtalled and Members or mammal agreed that tbelnanner lo which this bonding company had handled completion yo the school contrth had can commendable 0ltlee tlons lnthe minfhad originated ColdillitlelBodld pay1he hat anee at $854490 owing lnthc likelihood ot the board obtaining Nth sectionslséropcs ooan Imam it rumourWeani ï¬rst pastor lt wIs oiiicially announced this week by James Cardinal necuigan Roman CIlholic Arch hirhop at Toronto noscttis hIs been appointed ith llrst pastor oi the newly estbl llshcd parish which AllIndIlc and Belle Ewart Falhe er Rosctlls who hIs becn curate at Fort Erie is expeclcd to Ir rive to hurt next week The announcement Ilso cluded the appointment nt Rev OBrien who has been our ate at St Marys rlnee last It as assistant at Corpus Chrlsiie parish In Toronto new ll Knl chik will be the new assistant at SI Marys Fire Destroys stciga olel The Georgian Manor Hotel at Wasugn beach was destroycd by lire early yesterday morning Scheduled to open next week the 60roam hotcl was booked for the tiullllhcrr Damage is estimat ed ut $25000 Firemen battled or over an hour to prevent flame spreading to nearby lrame store and coir lugcs The owner at the hotcl nunsmurc evacuated house near the unoccupied hotel and the house was saved from the ire truck driver gun the alarm shortly alter arm STOLEN BOAT RECOVERED Jack Westman ol Tollclldal reports that the boat which was aiolcn from its moorings on Sun day was recovered later on Mon day alternoon in the vicinity ol the sewage disposal plant It Allandale Sumepcrsnns on Sunday took rowboat lrom Barrie rowed across the bay exchanged it or includes lnr BARRIE ONTARIO FRIDAYVJUNEZI l957 Nowntbertarost Of New Parish lint Reva when MAJOR ROBERTWEITE lo and family of the Saletion Army are being transferred to Leth brldgc Alberta this month They plan to leave by carlor their new destination on Tuesday June 25 and expect to arrch at Leth hridge on or about July They will bc succeeded hcrc by Major and Mrs George Crcwe lrom Toronto where they havo been doing ï¬eld work Major and Mrs Crcwe have still in the Royal Canadian Navy and daughter 13 who will accompany them Motor and llrs while lilrs While also holds the rank 01 Ma jor in the Army were appointed I0 Barrie year ago Ironl Mon treal but did not take up their appointment unlil August beenuse they were on holiday in the Bri tish isles This present muve has come with unexpected sudden ncss and they leave here not only with personal rcgrcLs but with the regrcts oi the community CLUB 60 ANNIVERSARY Club Barrics club or the blind will hold its linal meet ing ol the season on Monday lune 24 at pm when it is hoped that all ncmbcrs will attend lei car top type and Inter ex changed that or hekiWCstmI boat the clcctiun olticcrs This is also the ï¬rst anniversary mecting ol the club Eight playgrounds will be in operation in name this summer lt has been announced by the local recreation committee They will open MondIy July and will be carried on dailyMonday through Frida for six weeks until Aug lo The playgrounds will operate from am to 430 pm Registrltlon will take place at each park from run until noon on wcdncsday Thursday and Friday July and Five of the playgrounds are designated as senior Thc Shear parks The other three designated junior grounds ï¬ll bc loCated at Nel soni Square Lions and Brock parks Thc ju or playgrounds will cater particularly to children he tween the ngs at ï¬ve and Ill years while the senior play grounds will take from live to 14 years inclusive swimming program win again be ca ed out at Ora Beach in conjunction with the play ground proglanir It will be under the direction ol qualiï¬ed awi ming and water satiety instructor The children will be required to pay 10 cents pcrtrip andthe deï¬cit in providing their trans portation will be borne by recreation committee one huslood or children will spend dayln the country under supc ision enjoying program at Woodcraft campcralt games Breaksvéur Steve oi rnno or Toronto one of tho first inmatesohm new jail at Wasaga Beach broke untgtlor brief spell athlghtr fbyrprylugv loose it 1M He broke up his bed twoswcckold pollen building nd pried open the cell polle olficar helrd him back dooral he fled to tugltye 9er elng Danoer was in chmget Turn to page two telnet while tbaJrlglnIl contractor dhns ricotta18 wiu be ocated atSt Vincent Codriogon0akley Queens and Play and swimming They will take their lunch with them They will pay the nominal 10 cent tare per trip and it is hoped thlt each child who wishes to do will be provided with the upper tunity once week There will be supervisor at each park on each registration day to register the children The committee also plans to operate its day camp program again at Orn Bench Each day Tnls cnn jvnle Ho detains an see 1957 perty whlch is not theirs Weather Ioclay According to the hrrborcom mittee anrrie Sea Cadets have been nttcmpting to build on pro lollowlng permission givcn by lawn to ntil or them to put bolt be on lot all the bay end or lidpic Avenue Burrle Sca Cadets last week set about laying the loundations ol the hoathouse lastminute application or license to build was rcluscd by the town planning board on the grounds that there were technical dlillculties At the time three lncts were known That the Sen Cadets had lease on the Wilkinson water lot that some town council had agreed in principal to tho ercc tion at the boalhouse ot this point that the newly appointed hurho committee had plans tor improvlng this particulnr water iront which would be blocked it the bolthouse were allowed to be built Encounglng Use Rowe solicitor or the town one oi the original mem bers of the Navy Leaguedn Bar ric who helped obtain the lease to the waterlot or the cadets and avncmbcr at the harbor committee said The harbor committee is not trying to stop the lull use of the watbrirnnt but rather to encourage it Apart from any legal aspects the crco tion 01 the boathuusc at this point would cumplctely invalidate Sunny Warmer Rain Later The past week was varied mostly erni summery but with two wind luld rain Itorms June 18 It WIS ml er since but today promises runny Ind warmer with the dilute of shower later Temperatures were High Low June 33 June June Jung June our plans lor the ilnpmtItment ol the front in thlI arch Mr Ruwn then went on to cx plIin the suggestion the commit lce hld made to Li Veltch Cadets which hId recmcd to meet with degree of approval lrom him below Shore Line The Sen Cnchs had lease ot the wiikinson water lot which according to the most uccurate surveys avaiinhie starts approxi mately do leet lrom the shore llnn The prescnt ioundotions have been lnid on land which according to Alderman Vern Hambly member of the harbor committee would not have been there had not ill been put in by the harbor committee This committee plans to extend the present culvert out another 40 feet and this work only awaits the delivery of the extra largo size culvert They then propose to lili in lurlhzr 80 feet out and across in straight line to Sarjeants property Committees oricr Thi horbor committee are ol icring soxao It lot on this till edin land bounded on two sldes by water and 10foot rightob way which oppcared to be what the Barrie Sen Cudcts would like To lullill their program tor this part of the bay till commits tee is in ncgotialion with the CNN to purchase all shoreline railway property except or 33 leet rpm the centre of the tuck rs ln Retrospect Some time back when Barrie Sea Cndetsopplied to council loi permission to erect locations on the waterfront the idea hld met with the approval at council without much argument At the time no alderman asked on what land the house was golllg to be constructed it is possible that all lmaginedit would be built in the water Later this year when the hair borcummiltee approached coun cll or approval oi their scheme In lili in this area therEby lorlll ing boutmonrings nnd car park ing facilities In alderman asked how this would affect the Sea driven bybonald Drysdale hit thmshouldcr and rolled overcwhenmnobhermar hit Jr in the rear onEighway27 nonrï¬lrnvalo on Wednesday evening Mr Drysdalo suffered only Th driver orvtiieraecond oneth sinnerthe highway was heroicseditors some had hints Commanding Ofliccr of the Sea Cndetsschcmc for boalhousc it de The reply nt the time Iugguted that it would mlkc little or no difference This morning the commit tee of 1th BIrrlc Sea Baden Illnoooced that they bad and to the plan taunted by tho llIrbor Committee Ind bad Ilked that committee to Expedite the work 01 lb lugin so that the boathouse could be erected this season Coldwatei Pupils Penmanship Wins Honorable Mention Deanne Culhbcrlson pupil at Goldwater Public School barre celvcd honorable mention in tho pnnlnlnshlp competition sponsor ed by the womens division of tho Canadlln NItional Exhibition Along with other Ontario chil drcn receiving slmlllr standing she will receive giltoi pen All prizewinning entries will be on display during the exhibi ion In the new Queen Elizabeth Building which will house wo mens activities All increasé ot onethird ovcr last years entries indicated that the line art at pcnmanship holds increasing lntcrest or Canadian children Slips Oil Keck Youthquwns Beverley Ealkwlll 17 of Fox mead near Orlllin was drowned ncIr his home last night He went swimming in the North River with his brother Donald 14 and slipped oil rock into deep water The boy could not swim rolice recovered the body irom the river two hours later The ProvinciIl Building in Charlottetown which houses bis toricj Contederatlon CbImbcr where the Canadian nation was planncd is one place ovary visi tor makes sure to ace wbllc tollo lng Prince Edward lsllnd