gave the club oi that city great we at PDCTOR lyibriun JURY Crun chairman or the Ontario Archaeologic nl land Historic Sites Board and Hon Bryan cathcart Ontnrlo Minister 01 Travel and Public wreucl the bits Nine Milo Portage shown on the plaque unveiled by the Minister on Jun 12m Barrie barrio Flyerr pllyk boats té Mciv more tomorrow night in lb Simone baseball ï¬xture It rlcuilure Park Tonight though they play poilponed guns at New Lowell The high yng Flyerl hlve yet to drop decision in ball dilun starts and dont expect in live In inch in New unwell ilr Creemore On ie other land the opposition could build thorns selvrs up right proudly by knock ing oil the locals It ihe Flycrs conllnuc lhcir rr gular pitching raullunr ielihand cr Johnny Moore will be on the bill or them ionlghi Over the games he has pitched Moore hu pilcd up goodly number at strikeouu andhas the ability tn make several New uweii baiicrr hilc the dust Johnny sowmaa will more than likely pitch Tut days game in game played last weekend at Thornton the hosts there mil scored Bcciun +1 Keogh wont tab dlxiance on this hill or Boc ton and was charged with the lam Don Johnston was the auccusslui Thornton hurlcr Thc hardworking Johnston throw third strikes past nine hnlA ters while giving up sevcn hits includ ng homer in oppcsinu huricr Keogh In the lhlrd Keogh hld thrcc at his iubs hits ravcro brlcr history or the lam Wednesdo International Director Olliceri of Baltic il0llS 19511581 Regular meeting at Barrie Lions Club on June ii was ot uri usual intcrcst Harold Fnrsier give resume of Ihc ycars act iiviiies and highlights He spoke oi the work on Lions Plrir lhe lornicr curling rink site which is now completed and in use wilh tennis COIHlS He nienlinncd the convention in Fetcrbnruugh with 1654 dclc gains Sunday paradcwith over 40 bands including one club irom thctAmcricnn side with 73 mem bers and everyone there He cindlt inr efï¬ciency in handling banquet when 1433 sat down together and were each and all served with hot dinner in nine minutes hell did terrlilc iob all around said the retiring president at the Barrie club otticers as cinctcd at the prev that its be heard inr blocks around coioperation mambers especially tor the actual labbrinlaying and on the park and other heavy ions meeting ior 195758 are pgasldcnt llaruld Darch vicea president Art Webster secre tary Len Crawford trcasurcr arry Nesbiil new directors ruce French and Edwin Mycrs tall lwislcr Joe Lonin lion rI Dr Gerry Woodg Unique Advantage gnarrie Lions have unique vantage in that local member arrio citizen and business ma aiso an international dira unor won by shecr am installing oiiiccr William Garner made the ceremony one to bc remembered by thorough knowlcdge oi Lionism and record or each niiiccr installed He made ratcrence to the outstanding work at charter member Art Pugh ior the sighticss work day aitcrday with no remuneration and entail miles oi maturing lie also mentioned the lavorabic com ments hawhad heard in the USA regarding this work in Wash ington last ycarvthe gilt had bcen 0000 pairs at glasses Officers Gct Roar continuing the ceremony he had witty comment has each ind yet with message accord in to thercquircmcnts or that at icc VFollDwing roar given at the new oitlcers which could he declnred them duly installed and Itsured the members that they need have no fear in handing over the reins at office to such capable group Attendance Awlrds Liaa lim Morley then gave out lb loo pcr cent attendance wards which included unit for himselt and tor Noel Stephenson Osmond nowe Charles ncad Jéscph Palmer Edwin Myers William Merrick Joseph Longtln Bruce French William Garner mmldv Forster Len Crawiord Bnice Brown and Harry Bailey Tilc retiring president hsd nos thlnghut praise for the supporh received during the pasttcnn ï¬lm with never thing but yea to Iny pro ositinn Ho enumerated the highlights of iiccessful year because uttth and thanked the physical labor olved to President dctii Harold Darch deemed rlvilcge io follow behind ililtobn bailed tonethc gather and play claimed wc bc alithcn more capable oi serving io gethcr He thankcd the club qrs cha capabievcxecutivc with whi to serve At the close or the regular agénda Harold Forstershowed nurnbar or unusual an slides which are taken with double the days or the stcrcoscopc but is in natural color and giving ii realistic View as taknniv HARNESS EXPERT CLOSESUP SHOP HUMBOLDT Sash Um1t was in 1905 the year that Sask atchewan and Alberta blcamc provinces that George Stokes dc cidcdrto go into the harness busi ness 1hcrc He had arrived irom England three years earlier aitcr anapprcnticcship in making bita hriciills reins and other trappings of the hnrse and buggy era Atter arrival in Canada Genrgév worked at his trade in Winnipeg and Virden Mangï¬betore reach ing thiaacastcrn Saskatchewan community The railway wss bringing settlers train the cast and business was good Genrge worked hard making harness for it was decided to scnd cheque the bauar committee stressed the B1tirs Adams Group Mrs RanJohn Kehoo Formerlyv Midland Stricken in Toronto Rev John Francis Kchoe Collier Street WA Members Enioy Pot Luck Evenr Thc rcgular mceling oi the Womans Assoclulinn oi Collier Sircct United Church was held in the lorm oi pot luck supper in the Fellowship Hall on ch ncsdny June 12It 930 pm Alter delectable vnricty at dishea had becn sampled the meeting was brought to order with the president Mrs Bruce Bdcy in the chair Mrs Victor Knox conducted In inspiring worship service the theme of which was lntcgrity Mrs Chlshnim accompanied the singing of two hymns Minutca oi the last meeting were read by Mrs Smith Fin ancial rupnrls wcrc given by Mrs Haslett and Mrs Rnwc Reports were given by Mrs riooh corresponding secretary and Mrs Urry ior strangers Mrs Smilh read the pantry report which suggested the buying or large scrving bowls ior sewing vegetables and gravy so individulls Could serve hemseivcs at banquets Pastor at St Claras aniin Cu ihoilc Church SI Clair Avenue Toronio dicd Friday Junc it 1957 uiicr collapsing In ihc church saerlaty Barn in Bolton Father Kchoe was the gun ui pioneer iarincr He was ordained at st Augus lines seminary and taught at Michaels Colicgc high school He then served in several Prcw vineiai parishes During the depression he was Wcii known for charitable works in the Midland arcs tic became parish priest at St Clarcs In 1937 He is survived by hrnlhcr Charles at Bnltnnnnd sister Slstcr Si Cyril at St Josephs Convcnt rWellcslcy Street HOLIDAY NEAR HOME Unless one has yen for hours and days oi travelling lor his hul lday period he can do no better than tn spend his holidays where hundreds at thousands at persnns irom all over North America do right here in Alberta Riinbey Alls Record for 510 to the Womens Missiun ary Societytn assist with shipping charges tor the halo they sent to Overseas Relief lliis Kcarscy reporting ior necd ior having articles ready tor the fall bantar Reports from group meetings were made by MrlE McKnight Group Mrs Wilson Group Kearsey Group anti Mrs Juitodgers lr Group The meeting closed with til hlizpah benediction prairie into eyestretching vistas of golden grain In one ycar 1907 he sold 117 axcnilar sets in the Humboldt dis trict Biit astnc years went an the rumblings Di the new era could be heard Trucks tractors and cbmbincs gained favor on the George Dont you think is csrrying our wedding rev suited In Silculn moving into third Brocy was lb only lncinbcrmi the rhoriilon clubtto connect nieiy twice In all the winners collected eight hits thm oi thcm in the fourth innit alien they scared trio tallies Standing at alauac 13 oury Friday evening was an en Joynbie Ind successful event One hundred and 25 coupics Ila tended in tarmal attire 223 Canadian General ciecirlc sar memm rlc works Manager John Mllcht 51mm Alison supplied the added punch 51g whenhe introduced his surprise Aug gursis Mr and Mrs George Murray Shirlcy llarmer and George Ivy Murray delighted ihc audience New Lowell who their solo numbers and ducts during the evening Imam paaled by their pianist imm ass This was ï¬rst venture since Drewar days it was organized on short venture by the hnusc committee Ol licadnuariers Squadron Grey and Simcoc Far eslers Olilccrs Must The main floor oi the drill hlilr recently finished in shining whiic concrete had ovcrhcad decora linng in red whiic and blue simmers regimental colors This Wis the work iii committee headed by llarris Slccle iicad table was along the west side and the orchestra nt thc Canadian Guards lland irom Camp Burden was on the cast Guests were rcccivcd by the uiilccr commanding Capt Howard and Mrs Howard and LI and Mn Waller Smith Group Captain ii Wcst CD Commanding Oiiiccr RCAF Sia ilnn and Mrs Wesl and Major and Mrs Laird McDonald Royal Canadian Armoured Cnrps School were the oiilclai representatives lrom Cnmp Bordon other ranka ing ofï¬cers prcscnl were Major BARRIEL ADS soccER LOOP BY POINTS The Harrlc Succcr Club by vir tut at in lie game Saturday mulls cli into twdpolnt kid in the Barrie and nistrict Soccer League slandings in six starts the local lures lion has won ch times and lied on one occasion lor it points Owen Sound is in second place with our wins onc draw and nne loss good or nlnc points Slturduy Barrie Soccer Club was held to stalemate by Col llngwmd Kaulniana in Colilnc Wood in another Saturday evening game Siicoic Club dumped Blr lic Hollandia 54 This contest re accomplished place in the standing and Hollan dia into liith Owen Sound delcaied New to well 241 Saturday Pu and Mrs Gcrpw and Major Barrie SC ii and Mrs Smith 0wcn Sound At the dinner toast in her slicoic A7 Majesty the Queen was proposed Collinswnud ii by Lt Thomas Simpson The Miami Canadian Guards provided music many during the dinner and also or Cl Borden the dancing which inliowcd Among the autoitown guests were Mr and Mrs brownc Coillngwooil Capt and Mrs Graves Drillin Mn and Mrs chitiick Alliston and Dr Mrs George FU Picnic Guests Tour Cochrcine Farm The spacious grounds of the Cnchrnnc and Suns farm in nisiii was picturesque setting or lhe Farmers Union picnic on June Nearly 100 sat down loan appetlzing lunch It two oclock contest of guessing the weight of one call and two dil lcrcnt sizc pigs provoked cansld embie thought and inlerest The winners 0f the cnniest were Neil Nelilerni Fred Pealson Muir Bill Thornton Harvey Knupp Harry Adams and Mullen The and McPherson looking into wss enjoyed by Ill children were while games in the orchard An ankle Judging contest pru Vidcd lot oi incrrlmcnt with Helen McGirr the winner All in all pleasant and haplt py timewas had by everyone Are you tired or nightly pin ups Let us lllt your spi with told wave styling tlnt or shampoo and set in our modern surroundings Call us now THB Joan Gannicil SCHOOL wen st in radar hams TOOfarT prize donated by Cochranc it was bag or Slivertop liog Gmw or the Whole may er tour oi the larm buildings the entertained with QNTARIO TRAVEL ï¬ns FIrtInmnnt aidgo Tarant litcniuu to acrlcultural scene and motor cars were seen in increasing numbers More and more tradesmen cater ing to mount oi the buggy whip th cinsed up shnp but Georgestokes continued to ply his trade Those who still kept bombs including riding or show hnrscs continued 40 call on him for harness repairs and custnm work Now alter 52 years George has switched oft thallights in his shop tor the last time ln retirement he peaks at the old daysmd says eanyed my the oxen and horses thii dragged the equipment 0tllln the grassy on HDEISE did not llliiiieliiitiinéeil oivarcpayinant plan so month to repay noodipgcounsaiandpromptraiooa union visit llFG body Bum with coatidsnca tram Canada tand most commanded iltev in Humboldt In one day mayborrao up to statistics in one day no cbaort your 7777i115ltw Commercialprinting is our specialtyi We havathe latest in modern equipihénti wide choice nrvqual ity stock and years oiexpericnce Let ourpxperts dball your businessprintingi QUICKSEBViCE rxriirfwsmi Monthsrs cbsr roomma Maria tontit utYruvnl Pub usvtwnyariLcaman MHu Sas CP Phelo crinn JET FIGHTER disintegrates in midair aver crowd watching the nan air show at London Ont The tips have broken on the wings and the tall assembly hits iaiien away The debris can be seen below the crippled plane in this photo taken by Sgt Fred Bruce or the London pniice lorce1he two airmen in the plane were killed None in the crowd was hurt by thernlling debris protection can be carried through retirement Because it means Sl1 much In your peace ohmimi Blue CIDSS accompanies you EVER into lelllemcnlV0l minke il with youanother lealuicwliirh has made Blue cross the choice oi Onlaiians everywhere as their answer to ihe cost oi unexpecléd hospital expenss ourlliuo Hostint Associlirlou ranouro ONYARIO After the preseniai Everyone iialeffect WOuldIlhe to ion of vailable infiarmd VOh by various lspeth Quesiion aridAnswer Periodrwill be conducie nviiedde aliendjthis imporlnnt rneeiing theflltule of Bar comeprepared wltliiony hpvévunswcred