Rev ii ll thelock gBy IlEV PARSON District Secrcllry Upper Canada Bible Society The increrls churches was stressed at the 153ml annual mcctlng at lheBrlt ish and Foreignllilble Society in London at Mt this country was represented by thc general secretary or Canada Rev Kell nclh McMillan and the dis secretary tor New aruns wk and Prince Edward island th society has now issued lhe Scriptures in 844 of the ll09 languages in which at least one book oi the Bible has been pub lished It was reported that eight translations had been adds ed In 195d while the complete Bible was printed for the first timoin live tongues and whole New Testament appeared in an additional live languages The purpose oi the British and Foreign Bible Society was stated by Rev Dr Cockburn gen oral secretary in these words It is the ialth oi the Bible Se ciety lhtlt by its no illwide dis tribution of the Scriptures plac cil judiciously strategically and imaginatively in all places his all men that is doing supremely important work whereby under the Spirit of God menol all na tions can begin to be new mcn oi Gull Suggested week Sunilaylsaiah 251l2 Monday aiah 25 21 TuesdayRuth 1122 WednesdayRuth 2123 ThursdayRuth llfl FridayRuth 4122 readings for lhe JOAN MULCHINOCK Sandra Burdette and Margaret Doills lelt to right are Vic torian drawing room bellcs in themath Lullaby production at the Festival Con cert presented last week by the scalp pub THE BIBLE TODAY coopclation be lwccn lhl nihlrLSocictyndxhoa the Saturday1 Cor 2l Orilliav Man lload nunnoemrtvw Ii SBRINGMEETINGLCOLDWATER Orrilia on June was elected chairman or the Great Chapter at the Rural iicdvcrs stuhicy Deanery oEEast Simcoe at the spring meeting at St Matthias Church Goldwater Storton president oi the diocesan laymenaassociation and the Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen wasapéaker and was accompanied by Huruld Chambers and Weatherston of Toronto There were about too clerical ind lay delegates at the meeting 0mm Elected other officers clhctcd to the cxecutive committee an were tary Percy Brimlgeiclerleal re presentatlves Rev Btlghtlin Penetang and Rev Gighurch er Coldwater Lay represent tivea whiten Newell Tipping El aw bearing with léit and sandra west is Czardos dancers Both are EASISIMCOE wood conducted the lnstfallatiouoi oilicers to the committee who will work with him or the coming year He announced that all churches in the area had met with church extension allotments The church must be put ï¬rst in your life Mr Storton de clued Purposcaand Standards The purposes and standards ol the Brotherhood 0L Anglican Churchmen was setiortil by Stur tonand his associates wbualso answered questions nndJsllowed the practical application ol the broth hoodm 2nleilt gt7 Layman Ailgllcan comv muniou are accepting thechil lenge digbeingv truly Christin and to Christ atated lie school pupils oiBarrle The opening group or numbers leatured classics by the Three Great 35 01 music Beethoven Brahma and Bach 51 loovoice choriis or Grade and lhrough the churc he added ronto awlaus bylthe meeting és students tookdpdrtin thejï¬ncertyfidlong with the new ailmember public school orchestra and ailpiece recorder ensemble were Slavic in Grade and we should see how much we can do for him by working SupperVMcnting The supper meeting in the par ish house followed the service evensong conducted by Rev Chumhcr rector of St Matt ias Church assisted by large choir Rev dfa Stanley oi SL Marks Midland told the meeting oi row aspect at meeting in To The meeting requested that message ct congratulations be for warded to Rev John ï¬lddoll oi Craighllrst on hiarecent gradua lion and ordination Meeting chairman Georgo crown Orlllla and Wilson secretary Mldllndï¬hoth of whom retired alter inlay yenrsofofllce lnthudenacry were given wand the 7annouueemanl rbyu Rev second part or the program lie llill Falls Foul Appeals Al Court ofRévi Médbnie loWnship cowwaran Four appeals wareheard ithe court lit revis ion held by Medonte Township council at Moonstone line re garding improvementsI planned or Drain No as recommended by municipal engineer Mc Georgevol Chathaln Appell Andrew Dunlop re sulted in assessment being sus tained at $70 lor valué of benefit to take up new duties in Toronto parish Dclesntes attended the meeting lrom Oriliia Goldwater Matche dasbp Waubnuahcne Midland Elmvale Waverleyp Wyebrldge Pc etang MadonteLEalr Valley Pr Camera Craighu at Crown Shanty Bay not Ora Hawkcatone Washago and Cooper vitgtioll ctrirvu moualyfagrecd to hold iaiid Brightllng retaining thainev on Stanluyoi Mnrlta Mid leaping the early nu tin in that purist1 FRloAvJONE i4 1957 SHARON antenna 14 uirlrlce Spanish girl in theCar1ncnclta number irom Scene in Folk music and opera from Europe inspired the ted to songs and folk or Wales student was F0 Wales school is ii charming the program highlights and 353 have ity In the John Shields appeal value or benefit was lowered 1er slzs to$lfli3 Outlet valu alinn was sustained at $15 reduction was madegin he William pheasantrappeal Value oi benefit was reduced from $35 to $15 and outletllablllty was lowered iram 54A to $40 Cecil Robinaona assessment was sustained at $66 for value at ballet and $12 or outlet liabil thy Tile revisions which Appeal on property not piévrouily asl scssed on the drain west hall at lot 22 concession 11owned by Leighton lerinel value urbane flt was lowered trom$20to $10 and outlet liability was reduced rum $50 to $40 Value oi Layering verseer lur the drain wna rairadirom $0510 $75 ormari Austins value of bene ll Was raised from 37010 $30 can vallle oi benetll war in lue an outlet liabilr courtl inadegja number of were1 not under RTEENYEAROLD Rosemary Wisemanoi Prince folk songs and dances lind songs or the south were among benoilt ior lloiace lop and John shields attended the crelrrd itemszh iovsao andaut MEXICAN FOLK DANCE panecas was periormed in brilliant cos tumes by groupot dancers Edward School Left to right highways by police oliicers of Canadian Spanish senorlto let liability raised from $5 to 510 ontarlo partment high ways benclit was increased irom $40 to $45 and outlet liability raised from sio to $15 Township of liledoiile benefit was raised lrom sin to silo and outlet llabilltyinlleased lroln 5s to $24 Appeals which may be made against assessments as establish ed by the court bl revision and to be heard beiorea judge must he turned in to the clerk Me dollte Township within 10 days rrom Juno 10x Court or revisioamay be paid hyhe village or Goldwatcrgand the Townshi orJ ylorilnprove nlents design ed nthelrarear otherwi nltlltlng nlunlci pality can procgcdiw pen the after shearweelrljl clapped and Couï¬Ã©ill rVictdn Titrheiil Cold water council and Andrew Dun otBhn 9whn handle court du be suspended so the bad drivers will be ruled oil the road th the direction irom King are Sharon Altohison 14 Andrea Neathway 13 and Traffic Problem Magistrate Kennclh AK Cameron Driilln MidlaildJnrl Pen unguPIBIIEp oiicred somaoug gcstionsonhow the tratiic tall problem couldbchandlcdln his address at the dinner meeting of the Kiwanis Club It Community House Junes Commenting on the basic prob lem he said it is getting much worse each year and something drlslle has to he done Last year in the United States 40000 people were killed and million and hall injured in motor car acci dents III Ontario in 1955 there were llll killed 26000 injured with property damage at as mil lion dollars five times the dam age done by ille Some Trailic Suggestions Present methods have not been getting results Here are Magis irate Camerons ideas 31 The new lraiilc tickct will require many more persons to appear in court lilost pcople have ahurrible aversion to going to court More licenses will have In Stiller driving tests should be set up tain licenses Just by answering ll my questions Constant patrolling al the CARLEY Recent Vicitorr Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong were Gar net Johnstone oi Oshawa and sons Larry and Lanny llir and Mrs Victor Johnstone and Al dine Ed Middleton Alvin Armv strong Ross andRoscmnrlu and Mrs Ball Orllllaihlr and Mrs Clarke Middleton and Lois and Larry ill Stlyner Back from Oshawa Jobnstone has returned home titer spending the past month in Oshawa with Mr and Mrs Garnet Yobnaione Miss Lindashead his accepted poridon in Orlllla Séhool Trlp Larry Booth Ronnie Douglas Paul Frechctte Billy Robertson andMias Gail Dehnrt ol Carley Ignra Fails last Friday with pupils train other and boyIIndfllss Ll weretilinol 19 week irltorll withMr undidrs 9rv drill i4 years or age the publlcschools Lloyd Tuilord Too many people on Sehool enjoyed bul ttlp toNlV rm ahd caroletg girlish The concert was under 01 the supervisor at music in Discussed By ngisirqie atKiyvqni Better duration on driv lng Traltic cllnlca will havesio sctu an tic one made untied ompulsory driver training Course set 41pm in high schools Here the proper driving attitudes can be developed and lull lraln lag glvcnaStudcnis are very anxious to get their llrst license and will work hard to lcarn the rules ol highway behavior Magistrate Cameron loll it was not problem or the courts the police or the Legislature For each ol Ill li is our lives our cars our money that pays the in surancepremiums Let each at us get behind this trailic prob lem and see if we cant do some thing about it Deacrlbes Tralllc Ticket The speaker described the new Home ticket Under the Iormer system summons was mailed to the violator but llhe didnt ap pear in court personal sum mons had to be delivered This wastcd much time of pollcc oi icers Further the wording of the summons was somewhat vague commonly stating tllatvthe charge was speeding over 50 mllcs an hour One major problt lern was locating the violator at all and great many could not bc round Investigatlon has shown ihllt many persons gave wrong addresses at the time ot obtaining license and hence could not easily he found The nchItallorm trafï¬c ticket is big improvement it gives all particulars with details of the of fence Onccopy goes to the court where the magistrate writ es the disposition qithe case on the back Another copy goes to the Department or Highways third copyis kept by tho police oliicerwllogives it to the crown attorney Theiuurtlr copy is giv en tothaéaccused at time of Air prehenaldll This ticket requires that the oitender write to the mpglstratein iind outthe amount of the line Some cases will re quirepresenceln court or repre aentatlon by solicitor another authorized person if there is an accident involved then pres ence in court is required Magirtrate Cameron pointed out thatvthero is big increase In Ihe amount or lines provided by recent legislation For minur offences the maximum iineused to bc $105but this il now raised to pound $50 The ipeahe wasaiptr by Willillm nd thankedori ashII ayfloiln ot ol Orllliu court of revision alar play to it heartot theforts rctlen lll