lrl County Golf Local Ladies Cut Jusr Nonsgw were one at the may tportamlbei who dldn take too kindly to the Tomato Maple Lents baseball benching of Loren Babe utility lnflelder monlh ago At the time Babe was walloping the pill around the 340 mark So witu happens Babe starts playing regular last week due to an Inkle Injury to shortstop Hector Rodlguez and his avenge tails all close to 80 points Still on the subjectvof theLeata Rocky Nelson the major league bust is coming Into his own and wrecking International League fences with reckless abandon Bobby win hometown boy who gets his schooling across the to help with the federal election Ioriner captain and defence star oi the St Michaels Majors of the OHA lunlor Aloop Bobby gave up achanee to work out withthe Montreal Canadlena of the NHL to continlte his studies Tuesday he left for Timmina where he spends the summerworking and pitching ilsthlll in the lastcw seasons the lefthander has worked himself to top at the heap At least one local nun was member at the near Station Moun taiuvlew that Is planning reunion in nelleviile this summer lie is llsrry Partridge better known lllnk the iormcr trainer til the Barrie Flyers The Queens Plate rtln oil It the New Woodbine inToronta Silo urday may have set all kinds oi records but obviously wasnt as exciting as many previous plate races Saturday the favorites won and too easily to suit most folks There wasnt Sign til dark horse and stretch drives except that at the winner Lylord Cay were nonexistent In recent Mall llmelln North Bay two former Barrie Flyers now with the Boston Bruins oi the NHL won their first pitching assignments Leo Lablne Is hurling successfully tor team right in the city Doll Ilelsel Mnhric is fling with his hometown Caprcol team hall dozen locals attended the International Soccer Match In Toronto Saturday Through the courtesy of Alex Parr we too had the opportunity to see the tilt but had to iarcgo the chance due to earlier commitments Jack Westmln popular guide and sportsman in this district pulled six lake trout weighing total of lid pounds out at the bay last week Not bad prize tor few hours sailing Kid llvlllllv the Cuban Hawk relegated to aclnb flghters role alter losing his welterweight boxing crown couple at years ago Is hack in the thick at the light picture again With Just one winI the bolopunchlng cutey could earn himselt crack at either the welter or middleweight crown it is said that Carmen Basilio and Sugar Ray Robinson champions oi the above mentioned weight divisions would light the winner at the GatlllamVlnce Martinez scrap Neither lighter Is rated highly at the present but both are capable at tackling and beating the best Woliidcr what the taller meaat by the prize for the most honest dulfers Could it be that the prizewinners scores werent quite as enviable as the rest or the ï¬eld Maybe so and maybe not Just goes to show that some persons cant even lose when they boob lnterastionnl league batsmen dont have any respect at alifor pitchers whether they be alsorans or allstars Last summer Lynn Lovenguth ol the Tomato Maple Louis was chosentbedeagues Most Valuable Pitcher on the strength of his 24 Victories The loops out standing leity was tired Kipp ii ailgame winner with the Montreal Royals This spring both chuckerswcrc givcn chances at grabbing ll spot in the majors hath tailed Back in the AAA circuit the wheels are tindng its redlcltcr day when they can claim View tory Lovengulh lost Ave in row heiori winning one Kipp went ovcniarthcr than that in the hole The voting in the federal riding is completed hut spurts tans will he asked to start voting on anolhcrsuhlect very soon Within few days ballots will he passed out to soithall ions with hopes hat suitable Barrie and District Senior Suithail League Alister team will be picked This dream squad will play an outsitleJcam in tit and Distrlct League alter the that week Ind hairs play of day At Queens got onehit pitching in thumping Bradford 941 Minestngrthe hosts bit into the bush twiceto outseoru Barrie The league leaders have two wins and loss apiece border was In town over the weekend and long enough this weekend tlonwas are thyhosts goin8tn scare Even with the aid oftour Legion errors tour tree passes the visitor rant Pat Polands mar the scoreboard Senior Ihetwu clubs grabbed share the top rung on the ladder ilh bomeiownwictariea Wednes Park region DeVilhiss 120 Local Game Locally Wednesday the qtlea Iust how many runs three hit batsmen and district couldnlt It was line evening tor young lloreaod llm Watton had two hit each or DeVllhlss kglon to play It Bradford Brelhct Cl honey lb 1h Wendell Do the route fan the winner and Jana ln trouble linth xth lednlnth inmes when Devilhlujcored five and threeiuni respectively lle lip ll hits lll told Blll Adams and Winston Downv ey who had intothebush homers had lwohltsnplece for the win here 8m Pope Ted Rudncre Jack ohagood many occasions the final result isevcn worse Two weekaago It the Barrie Arena the preliminary to the main event of tag team wrestl ing tournament was decided on nor less heron Tonight the ubudule calls Vlor won the loss To review Larry Kssaboski Ind Dave Simms good guys battled to wminutc draw Mullis the really be rocking In the second and only other hout on the card Tony Merelil Junior makes on beltit at hlmielt and his part 80000 for 60 minutes or joint should fan the North American may if Heavyweight Champion Dow 2h Last Toss his 195 debut at the Barrie tilgs The results were to everyone Arena ï¬nsmng present horrible The wrong side no will be opposed ova no minutes or thebest thutoir ihree tllls by Bill Fletcher the most popular matman to wrestle Lawrie Barron the teenage hurl er who startedvonlthe rubber tor Legion pitched he gave up Bradfords only hit were in great form slicker Ron Stewart blasted the otterings strong for throo safeties provided more nineinning were the two Minesing hits into the bush in left iicld that were good tor six runs In the seven innings be Richardson the two frames he Both Legion hurlers had terri no support train their matcsde spite the errors Wannamaker made nice save at Icltfieldcr Pat liner and the infield came up wtlh pair at timely double ltlll inc The hitters or the local side too Flist oi Mullis llld Arms Wannamaker Thurlow and Frank Rawn werergaod or pair of hits apiece one hit fourhagger Inthn see and stanza Schall had Bradfords only Eddie Laws hid it Several Eatnli The contest out at Mlneslng than the usual thrills Outstanding in the very ilrst frame catch Win Downey oi the hosts drill ed high fly into lelt field Burt Popp of DeViIbiss moVEd back to catchkit but alter certpin nc thaws by wall trees Tliehalliell Into samu Inra grand slammcr Then with one on in the sixth Bill Adams of the hosts hit it hall to the same spot with the same result wore the Holders had no chance at all to make play on thchlt With conditions as they in and Out gt Another unusual bit occurred took over In the eighth andblanked the Vis itors over worked in the sixth frame when base um pire Earl Marshall removed Jack Hare oi DcVilhlsg mm the game middle of July An Aleo Orillias Lead Eds note This Is the third In series of articles designed to aid soccer fans This ser ies wlsstarted due to the recent surge at interest in the game Law ZThc Ball team from the Barrie Country Club chopped tour strokes rent the llstroke lead held by Drillin Conchichings squad at Qrillil yes terday in the third round at the Simcoe County ladies cluh goll championships Ihc tourround tournament will conclude June 20 in Midland Pre viousl tee shots had been at Bar rie tin Collingwood Mrs Tibble Brooks of the host club took low grossrhonors with an as Betty Robinson oi Coiling wood and Mrs Corby of harm each fired oojs Lownet went to Mary Ann Smith oi town who carded 09 withllle aid oI her handicap Four tyelght golfers took part in the days event ingshali be at leather and no material shall be used in its con struclion which might prove dun gerpus to the players The cir cumlerence oi the hall shall not he more than 28 inches nor less than 27 inches The weight at the ball at the start at the game shall not he more than 18 ounces nor less than 14 ounces and it shall not be changed during the game unless authorized hythe referee Ii Monday Law SNumher of Players Soccer Fans Til24 ball shall be spherical the outer cas theiralter briet conilah with plate umpireI Bud Knapp allowed Hort backlnto the contest lore apparently Foucstioned the base umpires ability to see did not lead all second base un til this incident umpire Marshall had his back to second base whenever runner was on the sack and had no means of fell ing what the runner was doing That wasntall oi the break that went againstthe visitors In his first time at bat pitcher Jack whether or not playernicl or Pollis 3b 5Mumuugtuï¬u Wahnlmaker II MacDonald ss Thurlow ab Stewart lh Rawn rt cumurumautna Totals to 4o Legion pell Winning pitcher Barron Ing pitcher llnllls Simone bases Hardacra 2h Anhlllmrbidtbtbul Totals Mineslng Clelin of 2b Adams ssn WenvDowncyrp Adams II Falkner it Athlms lb Win Downiiy Durnlord rt Martin rt Grant 2h Luck cl McCartney so locusamnusnn Totals in be Mineslng Treadwell Raycrafl ey and Win Downey Losing pitcher Treadwcll Ump res leoe=un1 acaeaoaeaon Bradford 000 0000000 no il2 coxa is Cunclles Mullis Brothel to and Varge Barron Richardson andChIpA Umpires Turnhnll piatc HtceeNNNINQH re cconsuaNMq George Grant Ii the houthad aiming been scored on blow by blow basis it good guys would have won wit case Tm llut such was not the case In Lulu grappling there is no paintsys lcm its either pin or be pinned Enhlppcl cr ending Last week Kasaboski Sr on behalf of himself and his part Ezmgsoi ner challenged Sikl andVGcorgc Richardson glaï¬lercmatch with the trophy at los DeVIIblss neaguu tilt at Candies Park Campeau as The contest went seven line no it nings with the victors scoring in Brill 55 each except the last Their lilie Treadwcu score read tour in the Iirst live watinn in the secondg then two twn nayrratt this three two and torn DeVilbiss moms trio ll 510 not lax12 and Brill Campeau Wen Down eoNuuro =oaococooa oooeennougcr ouNNNOQNa with Reggie Siki and Gorgeous ll alter certain time limit there has been no pin or submission the bout is ruled draw So thats the sad story But fortunately it may have bright The ostentatious accepted PUCl87 In Industrial Ball Cuntllosdeteated Public Util lties Commission law last night in in Barrie and District Snltbnll Gary Judd was the winning pitcherand lim Armstrong the loser vltuss fKjrangor had lw home runs for the winners Ii Christie had one Armstrong and Bcilhy had roiiniltrippers lur lholosers here this season Gorgeaus Sierra tan finish with matching red and beige genuine leather interior and black top power windows cents and top automatic transmission loot controlled radio hrtod new set of whitewall tires Original cost over sumo I956 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN Showroom chony hlack Iinlsh withDover white top matching gt two tone Interior automatic transmission custom ra dilloltlllfl direction lights Positively in now our condition through out vevaopulnr model Only l956 PONTIAC DELUXE small SEDAN Gorgeous two tone séamirt green and black with watching two lights low mileage car like new Terrillc value only s2150 I955 BUICKCENTURY 4DOOR HARDTOP Flawless original twotonc green Iinish Willi matching custom Interlolli Ensltï¬lllrndltk air conditioning direction lights brand new to wa res urry or this one Only s2395 WEEKLY SPECIAL 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN DELUXE Gorgeous new Catalina grey iinish very clean Interior custom radio air conditioning direction lights seat covers chrome wheel discs This car is in outstanding condition throughout Truly beautiful autnmohlle Only s750 llElillLlill $499 All IIIET LASI PRESTO THE MIRACLE colour oord uted to harmonize with car interiors Flno quality heavy duty rubber ral long wear Designed for all late motch cars Treadwell injured his had to he pulled inning ber Treadwell was charged with live runs all just one hit craft finished up and allowed only six hits with the loss hip and in the second As result Bill Raycraft took over the pitching duties and the DcVilhiss ï¬elding positions were rerouted with manager Jim Wat ton tinally getting into the game in right field In one timing on the rub Ray lltld Knapp plate Earl Marshall bases Tor Automotive Torgis Automotive soltbailers whipped Canadian General Electric 134 last ï¬lltlll Barrie irldus llllll Softball League game The outcome was never in doubt altervTorgis sealed eight times in the second inning on seven hits carsrand boats BRAND NEW REPLACEMENT FOR ONLY Treadweil was charged Robert McDowell wonthe game on therubber for Torgls All cattle producers are urged on the proposed plan to attendhnd express their views AFTER EMPTYING ORIGINAL Exuiiuilisiian bracket llllllls Elllll silence iii 9134 l955 EORD COACH Flawless metsliio blue finish with spotless interior air condition ing lowmlleage deep tread tires buautltul ttle automobile in new car condition throughout only $1 I954 CHEVROLET COACH Spotlch original black finish wlthvery clean interior air can ditixiilng tidireelioralllghts ncwtircs spotless little automobile Ill con ition l95l C13ng C62 EDAN Unhlelnls tr In bl naturist finish Dry clean interior aus torn radio conditioning automatic trausmissiun direction llgllltls gleiasngngpitlcssdmromi 1st car completely renovated an in on ng can on mug out On vr Y1495 1953 HUDSON WASP Passenger Coupe Deluxe Bcauliiul original two tone groan finish custom radio lllr conditioning tli ctiun lights new motor This one is beauty s995 1952 PONTIAC Small SEDAN ecautiiul new ebony black ï¬nish deep tread tircs cusloin radio outstanding condition throughout clean sound reliable auto mobile qniv $695 l95l STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN New maroon Iinish custom radio Elli conditioning overdrive sun visor This one is itt dandy on 5550 I953 CONSUL SEDAN Beautilul powder blue finish very clean interior air conditioning top condition throughout The ideal second car for the family only ENGLISH CARS 1953 vnuxrihu ssnnn Spotless original grey linish air conditioning direction iightsAlovelyJittle ecunom alautomobilc th ideal sec and car built and backed by General Motors Hurry or this one only ranï¬ï¬i¢lou We entire all tax an police We guarantee ourclrs in accordance with General Mot ors Goodwill Gumntee Wyemake available the name and address at the we vlous owner Our service department Is one of the best In the district and we service everything we sell We In onlflwllalkmio mash Lovel blue linlsh heater rid defroster direction lights econ omiea cylinder motor four brand new oversize tires lovely little economical automuhl Hurry iarthls one Only SPECIAL iota CHEVROL PANEL 14 TON Nice blue iinish heater anu defroster good res good mechanical condition throughout liurry for this one Only 5195 FOR YOUVCANT BEAT HALWIG DEAL MANY MANY MOEEJoCll 53 FROM ginalwlgsï¬ dwlll Used or CAN BErFleA CED 0NLOVWRATES WITH PAYMENTS T01 SUIT YOUR BUDGET TRADE TEIIMS OPEN EVENihgxtéSTlLL 10 1000 lone green interior custom radio air conditioning direction