iom Vancouver on Friday whcrc atorday narria Armoury main iioar was iand the balance otthe main hall tuiclully dccnrutcd lor the an Lvliis made up oltlnbits Ind choirs nuni Social and Athletic Cluh lnlllvoui in cabaret style all the preparations for this bill took some three wecks Two hundred Barrie Works 01 careful planning and har flllplns were on hand in dance to work and join in the evening festivities mgr Zilliliniiextmdliiniilï¬llnipilli Bill Fillsiinons nil Mary Armoury in order lor the Air Cadet inspection June As iï¬idel Funeral Roskom and Shirley Tolten iir Mar nd EEXE attended the tunerai of their un Laurlc Spcnoer club president clc Ben OBrienat King lust capabiy acted as master oi cer week Ball ream otilcers hlincslnp ball ieamheld their ruin Prvsons Grill cainrcd to annual meeting in the school Following oiilcers elected Man Behind the scenes of this lull ngcr George Miles coach Ell scale ball was much hard work Crawioui by very active Social Club com Wendell Downey oiiiciai scorer Bill Lord grounds keeper Bill publicity agent ionnai spring dance on Friday ilay 31 music oi Bub Hunters Bani Brett were the lucky door izes which were cigar ette tab lighter and coral neck lace iind earrings Jspot dances were won by andTihs Elmer hiinnikin John and Mrs lloruld Noland emonies Bob and Jim Angela and stir sumptuous buffet style lunch mittgc Yardwide banners of alternate and gold cloth were made lntoa laise ceiling over the whole is 300 square yards The dance floor was closed ott with coioriui ropes and pillars EDENVALEV Dont forget anniversary ser viccs on Sunday June 16 Book from Vancouver Mrs Ernest Honkin returned is attended home and school convention Gillan Reunion The Giiten loniilies here at tended the Gillcn reunion at Mitihurst onSaturday It Sympathy or Community Sympathy of this community is extended to the Slack tarnily in the sudden death or their eld est son Beverley on Saturday WA Coicr Eleven members oi the WA ca grcl to the Gillcn reunion on WA Meeting The Womans Association met It the home of Mrs Ernest Dicks inson last Wednesday alternnnn with anattendance of 11 mem ls Roll call was answered th the name of missionary Plans were made to cater to the on reunion on July and to clean the church on Wednes day June 12 Mrs Russcll Sage had charge th missionary program Five pers were read including titcoming our by liarsx Dickinson groin Yugosl via and Our Sister of the Norlhfi by Mrs Snge Enami Missionary Appli not by Mrs McNohh and jet Missionaries Unbalanced or titcrentg by Mr Thc meeting hymn anti benediction Lunch wnstsenvecl by Mrs Dickinson Mrs McNaiib tat photograph pear in nit aewapapor logic11w Adams Adams Catman Downey agreed to give dancing area or approximately trophy tor the highest baiting average CANADIAN GENERAL ELECT BARBIE WORKS Social and ETE tit Club spring Formal at Barrie Armoury Marilyn Law Eileen Metcnue 9View of doncefloor lDCoterers put up tasty snack stoptoe and Pat Powell ti Mar McCuolg Jim Lung Betty Elliott and Hugh Riddeli Gail Kennedy June and Ted Chapman LoisRich ordsonvseems glad to have Jocirhome for few days Jock should be finished United states trip and home to stay by the end of this month secretaryatieasiirer iniormation team and games contact Tom Mc Kee Brothers Meet John Sinclair had the pleasure oi visit irom his brother troni Manitoba whom he had not seen for over 40 years just prior to his sailing tor Canada lrnm Scotland no and his wife and iamily had spent over week with iiir Sin Pita vmciob anti co We Slash wguy dun tinetlve cross rail one it post concerning We con pic out Ed Milierylvioiiy Farrell Grill Osborne and SAC President murie Spencer starts the lunch lineup llAnnther view of lineup which incidentally was very smoothlyhondied by issu ing two different color tickets WAVV THE Bonnie examine Mrs John illiiler attended the lumenled Mrs Elba Brownand luneral of cousin Joeieonctt Mrs Lloyd Armslmns to Hunt in barrle viiia to visit Mr and Mn Morris Mrs Bencocit Mrs notice of 5mm Covon Percy Lamb oi Milton Visi Mr and Mrsonrren French ted with relatives and also ob Guelph visited with their Fnl SHOULD 33 To cnls over the weekend elalr and with his niece Mrs in Hospital FOR SUMMER DRWNG Fraiflt Slack oi Greml iirs Bcrt French is patient an thin return trip home in Peneiong General Hospital 55 mg dmh air and Mrs Howard Cowle SW 5° 39 and son or Brantiord spent the icy who was killed Saturday even in man man Pwith slipped on its jack pinning Hm Mm im to the ground Mm oliver Grigg had the mis The police got in touch with fortune to lose the and iii one ol the Sinclairs before they crossed her ï¬ngers the border Saturday night about to delimit andthey returned to Minesing immediately Sympathy at our community goes out to the mourning family of Beverley whose bright young llle was so brieily ended li woll Bit woll Career As Chiropractor There is worldwide demand today for more chiro practors Chiropractic is the second largest and fastest growing of the healing professionst Thewciibaionced 4year course of study lending to graduation as Doctor of Chiropractic includes many subjects among which are anatomy Physiology xroy dletetics pathology diagnosis and chiropractic tech nique TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER i951 Calendar and other information on application to etc LADDERS STEP LADDER 495 PT EXTEN LADDER 395 Sturdlly constructed light weight for around the home handy man loos THEioAititiE Vi EMPLOYEES LOCA UNION ivo4is The members or the above Union express their deepest sympathy an the death of thaj nonunion hour tictons it rm is 252 clear Street West Totonto Ontario gt corrosion resistant rinish SAVE TIME ANDVMONEY WITH THIS ONEASIOI SERVICE BAYER Iinva in Spacious 14 20 it Garage wllh mirndod Sound construction 599° overhead doorl lier bmd We Wm without srcriiicing quality material and sound bu ing practices Me or um Ming Pm And Beaver replanacd complete bill oi mat Beover and easily and addpcrmaacntval he to your home rather at the Honorary sac Resistmr Correct sagging floors retory Bump wuson place weak supwm E8 inexpanilve attractive and any to build the Coma Mam and one itlliiiiciiiaï¬8i3tlt2fé2i3fi 96 it with turn har oii steel rrora mill oo it or each in section HOMEIMrithméNf other Our Home Service nations will give you suggestions and planning help and provide ircc estimates Well Ihow you samples iii the newest land best in huilding miliilllls and demonstrate construction meihods ll you wish well pill you in touch tillih dcpendohlo con tractor Ilius assuring you til tnpnuoiity mclliods Well explain how you can pay as you enjoy and well inch arrangements for complete and cosy ï¬nancing with it lioavcr Budget Plan Low AS $900 Month with raii no not For Patio Shade MONTH The spacious Trendwood Willi pailport has 14 20 lloor area which gives you ample space and ireedom of movement with any car and 50 sq ll til nccdcd storage or work space along one side The irendwood with pullp011 features large 20 Extended roul over hang which gives you so sq it of shaded patio protection or outdoor relKilian enlertoinlng leisure and storage summer patio andpgarage at one building Only $42900 easy to build complete with steel good looking garage that is budget priced saves you orgy time labour wonderful value You pan build the EEO myGarhgeï¬uTékl SECTION rubnrhan charm can he added anyh with this coanomicni and die inexpensiVei take any stain or area mu ra to length and mus ntions GEDAR CLOSET LINiNG Aromatiw math deterrent cut from the rich heart wood oi DflliillllllliJ Cedar Comes in handy sire cartons ready to apply CAilflON won Ka counties ocean starter wiggling Arliunuitlecuiting Heights No Mus Mixing at Gas and oil Cute wltoiiits itvauap and Shrulil Steel Hunting For and 0N 10 scan Protection on scrotal midyear abiding eioariiine at 73 rerippahio tnctivo appearance with map in Inger gt reuse and speedof instyoil iinish to match present decor or unit section Tenuessee Aromatic Red Protective charming and hating tha Gothic rloitet tense Illa everything you need tor inneinzlolivo privacy and beauty and extra protection myrtlebuild complet Siinply hieasure Your Lot For Fencing Phone Beaver Anti vaar Fencing Wiu nc DeliveredulreCut heady fro oulld To SEUIIUN Eulli takenii wn ilotitqrago when key hardwood peg in removed suit or morecoinioriuhiy ror outdoor incit Ind enicrtalnin constructed or inch nnooth uhcd pi 1h iieaver rieiue walla ith Iollid alridwreii deriï¬gg was attire at being will itnoelred down and stored on VainoAnd Liveabiiity location and hudlell To Glut on Denver homes In en inly ru to the younl couple iunt itlilin out to thegratrner imnllflnl coilch with ye to economy harne soul oelnented anywha rive pinpa on rotn bedroomsona lhrdmaniahoinn over pllnninl Ind oremiiy tailored doll prevent coniy error waste mun woolen Wmiflltlldnl Eniélvntutlliullunof rpm loundeo ructioa and true huii economy item rent this reiui pilnninl