MR AND ms JOHN Warm lz were marrled in the Christian Reiormed church The irrlde is the iormer June Duiker daughter or Mr and Mrs Oscar Duiker ot Barrie and the groom is the son or Mr and Mrs Jim Kloos termnn or Thornton They will be making their home in Halil is cowprr Studio MOUNI ST LOUIS wi Visitor Mrs gtililiiri Miller attended the nltone Wdlnens institute on Wednesday evening Viatnigiisoliool The Grade siudenls irom the school spent Tuesday at Midland rut coArs In uh Mint in unimu unsungnun ll Miihurli Son vouii tow Iuliniln in humor snw inc lrngll norm no you IIil riy leimver innom bill nd reduce high monthly menu with prompt Iun here like to fly Yell when you hone ior you lfllll in on or corn in Ill IS III OIllIIA 32 mmmmnqfl Floor new annual morii Hallu 60 ll MU ull IENIIICIAI HANG C0 only num Iiiu bllnzglunpdl ENEHGiAi Fill anai ANGucAN Wu the setting or the mnrrlnge of Miss Lorraine Burbam Campbell daughter GRENFEI WA Meeting Grenicl WA met at Mrs Van Dorans on Wednesday oven ing June Mrs Everard llnr ris opened the meeling wilh the theme song and prayer Devollon ill was taken by liirs Tyson Smith the topic being Fntherhood Pcnetnng District High School Dale Miller OAC Guelph was home ior the weekend Election WI The Grade nnd8 students and their teacher Mrs Miller visited the polling booth in the hullon Mondnyn Maurice Fitzger ald the deputy returning otiicer explained what an election was for who took part in it Inil lite diilerent details in regardstto voting Larry Anderson thanked the workers or all the informa tion they had received 13 or Mr and Study book was taken by Mrs ii Dybson Mrs Parr gave an interest meeting at Guthrie lt mode clded Io give $10 to the slmcoe Presbytery Camp at Midland The WA and Sunday school Mllburn oi Barrie in report of Iv WA FWSWW son who won second prim in the eiindniés us cowprr Studio NEW rios Congratulations to Dale Atkin Simcoe County competition or Grade Vlll students Gndultinn supper lili nnd Mrs ClnrenceAtkin in thelrhnme in Barrie Clldwell oi Guthrie Mrs Samuel Glover or Norgnte Mimitoha Th berg andlilr and Mrs Wnlker decided to hold their annual pie Elaine nuunded the sup hit at the Community Cellirc per held Thursday évcnhg or Leturs oi thanks for HOWE this years graduates oi Elmvale Ind rult were read and report Disiriét High School given The WA were invited to meet 19 Sieve Raw 3119M couple days in Collinzwaod with her dn Filthy Doreen Smith Rose Annivomry Services Chufchesj Midhiirsl Station at Ind Mrs llllpenny spent in raronlo and Mn midway To are Sundry wiih Mr and decry Weekend Guest llld Mn Robert Munroe lnlemlylpylfl the weekend iieid Mrs Robson ind Beih hive returned to Toronto liter upend lnlui amnesia it Mr and Mn Peacockl in TBiarrie Town LLOYD PLUMBER ue zcnwptr noon number from here attended the Inniversary services lit Knox Church Crossllnd Congratulations to Misses San and Linda and Mr and Mrs Keith It the home oi Mrs Nelson Manier SL Barrie tor the September meeting There will be no meeting in July or August Meeilng closed with the henedle lion and lunch was served by the hostess Recent Visitor Mr and Mrs Cliiinrd Ford and tamin visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Aiken and inmily Allliton Mr and Mrs Normnn McGlir McGirr Dille and Dean spent the weekend at Sundrldge Mr and Mrs lies Miller Sund ridEE were Sunday visitors at Ciiiinrd Harriss Maurice Crump reiurnedlome lrom Sunnylironk Hospital Tor onto last week Sympathy oi Community The community was saddened ï¬prnco Ind ring number noun or Brand Dalth In in lob by truck Wrii or prion gt lineman lilMBEli 10 rori Lorin ontorio miniii mm QUALITY ONLY No Seconds Tile Insiollurion can he arranged UNOLEUM mums AVAinAnu on new RENTAL BASIS hy the death of Beverley Slack who passed away on Saturday Evening as the result of an clan out at his home when ear which he was Working under fell on him Deepest sympathy goes out to the parents sister brothers and relatives 5° COOL EQUL EEOC 957w in ENTl 1359 BE Bil MESH sins ride summer foundationa side hooked girdle roeasyiu put on specially designed for no weather comfort cool wearing ventilated girdlaoiloeCube Mesh cloth Tcomhhied with breathing por ouS boo eluticylide panels Keep your ï¬gure pool and riylhhiy ooiirolied Chisel Pentiumnit sun3534 suom $495 AVERAGE $595 is tin displayin our King ind Harold Atkinson Grlde stud ants who were out ni school on rpmd ï¬g Thï¬nï¬fmk and Monday with no ilnals to write Dagld oi Toronto visited on sn mm British Columbia the famous Wan less In 11 Tyee Salmon or Cohoc is his or Mr and Mrs Frank Davenport the taking ironnd Nannimo wo of Tory Hill were Sunday visitors oi Mr and Mrs Nelson Starling and boys Mr and Mrs Fred Carpenter and Linda oi Wyevlle were Sun day guests at Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and iamily Sunday visitors with Mr and Miss Ram and Mr and Miss Cline Rawn and lamiiy included Mr and Mrs Geddess ol Aurallif Mr and Mrs John Wilson Sehomg daughter Mrsaailen Sinclair and mary and Katherine inmily For the tubing enihuslist ln Wm Farrier who min Ind gt To Cutlass pimps cliltiiilloli gt mums ms name ronouro Donor or naplmgumodemu Cali Bierla cleaning nurseries silo MEDNABLE Palm whiienwlit PERMANENT WAVING burialAction Gulrflntud to Stu regiment RE LLY Roi UP77 seetional CHICIK Ill 5E PEAURES Enables youto purkyour eir ght up toduor no waste space to allow for door swing Sectional 24 gauge iteelltolUp Door it the price oi on old inshionedcumbersome one piece door great strength and rigidity trouble tree operation installation 16 Ball hearing rollers for liietime fingertip operation Galvanealed paint looked steel and rust proof Track of heavy gauge steeL nhoveyawny Iron childish lingers Each Reilly RolrUpDoor individually numbered and registered for litetime servicerat action Exclusive interlocking hingESrlllll width of sectionsensurcs Completely weathersealed to assure draiHree nintight Islmple euym Twin overhead spring of ï¬nely tempered steel Placed up over million owners have nitasled the nunlity or older 81 Dealers popular priced Ii drill Saveshouis on nu merous maintenance and re pair Jobs and with Black Becker it accessories it also saws drives screws sands polishes grinds mixes paint and removes paint so Boyfield sr oorrie PhonePA 82496 NEXT To LOBLAWS GROCETERIA 54 PACKAGED Your Reuly ï¬cflflppoor comes complete in éorton with ow instructions for installation The average handyrnonunn install the Roitip and have it working smoothly withinso minutes COMESle VALLsliEs ALsoAVAlLA inoOw LIGIP Ts AT SLIGHT EXTRACOST