Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1957, p. 17

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Wednesdaynitern nnd donghterlnln Weulngyonfilreel West on the ding anniversary ate The initiation Barrie rcn ldenta who havoplnade their home at 63 Sophia Street East Jincc returning rpm Western Canada in 350 also received congratulations Ivy mall and tele gram the latter including wires lrom bolll Mr St Laurent and Mr Dielenblker aiterbiontiays cicctloh upset with them on the occasion were LeaderswrWire nltlirIisi qr Thoma MCKéMle iii £21 AUDIVelSary Al Armoury Mr endure momi nextaert recalledmuny guests on Mun film reside In Winfiloce ntc olitcm or lieadquarterr nnd evening at the home oi cannon and two listm Mm ch GII saiéadron Grey and Storm ion Mr and Mrs Kenneth MeKenaie2i more Van Nuys Caliinrnla and occasion or their golden wed PMHL lor the iesllve lornlal alfalr nlvetnry her siitcr Mrs XL town Born and raised here she Ashley who received with Mr in the Intmu Ada lllywardl She and Mrs ucKenlie slsterln metand toarrledjrhomaa MeKcn dim Waltcr Dull olnarrlc who Is Wadi mm my my in Vlmlnlh out to nearby Arden where he Cameron ox 5mm was armed unlll rclurnlrigto Oberon den will play for dancing rs are reviving thelranninl Mn Georgo Hughes Edmonton iunc ball this year Ind tonight none of whom were able to the Armoury will be the setting as one at her guest onher In Birlle ll Mrs McKonxics home dmn Wm In II In oclock belore the dance in the law Mr Arthur Hayward at zlc while both wcrc vlslltng rcla mum Wm Norut Bay war also prcscnt tlves in Victoria British Culdm Shim mm my hush Not able to hc then tor the day in 05 George Murray wellknown were her other two sisters Mrs miim Imi nliiWiM evlslon stun and the Candle MR All MRSr THOMAS MCKENZIE on Tuesday evening young people from llnrrie SoEtl Club travelled south to visit llle ex pansive lord lilnlnr Plant at Oak Barrie Man Oldest Al Clan Reunion lahc lel annual rcunion ct lilo Archibald clan was held at Bond ilcatl Community Park last Sat urday Sunny skies brought out large crowd oirclatlycs EThe altornoon sped hy quickly With ballgamc and sports for inc younger crowd while the older pcopic rcncwcd acquaintance As the supper hour grew near thLI clan gathered inthc hall to he ledln singsang by William and Helen Hollingshead of Schnm berg Alter the delicious meal the idem Auhrey London of Bol called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone TWO minutes or silence wrrc ohscrvcd or lhree members who had pass ed away during the year All unions were reelecled Robert Cameron Enrrie had the honor oiheing tho oldest per snn RESBBL The youngest was Anita tiny daughter at Lloyd Archibald Kleinburg The pet son coming the longest distance was Mr Cousins of Novar Andrew Archibald Tottenham look homethe prize for having largest lamlly present Two lucky gate prizes wcrc won by George Abernethy Tots tenham and Henry Duncan To ronio The 1958 reunion will he held otBond Head on tho second Sat urday in June SoEcl Summer Opens iih Ford Plani Tour ville Twentysix members from ma district my the Members of the party travel lh lwn mm at the plant ling lo Oakvllln were Mr and Bradford lllCl at nine oclock The young pcoplc wcrc pleased to and they did not have to walk Simmg 93 through the llllgcnlncloliiy could ride in smi tro ey ears drawn by Ford 3cm Graham Thomas lnkley Jack trolley car was cquippcd with loud spcakcr through which the Admm Lam 99 welliniormod hut Each scribed John Lepsoe Kay Carpenter the operations or the various as Damon mmkay 5mm Brown sembly lilies The group was shown every in the assembling Ford car Although mass produc tion might indicate icly the SoEders were pleased to discover that lack of var naeh iinlahed vehicle was of diileient style and color Teletype lnstructions were utilized in coordinating all operations on each assembly line to produce completed vehicle ZELLEilS uiillrco soounlop St rosette every onc and onchail minutes The tour was tapaoly organiz cd by small committee chaircd by John Lamb Those intereslcd in tuiurc tlculars Mrs Ralph Green Klaas Nyhoer Shirley Handy Carole hlocDonA nitrationlzlelcruxeeskesJiarzaret Kecskcs Alma Corby Glenna Gray Boy Scalcs Klaas Karts Brown Ray Crane Pat Merrick Bill Anderson and Florence hic WNS Auxiliary six at their seven children Kcn neth Adllll ntWcslnn and his twin brother Arthur oi Barrie Catherine at Toronto Byron Ottawa and Nancy who lives at hotnc with her parents anc son Nell who resltles in Brandon Mnnlloba was not able to be prcceht of their nine grandchildren our were in attendanceJulie Jeanne and lanel daughters at Mr and Mrs Kenneth McKenzie and Alison daughter of illr and Mrs Arthur McKenzie They assisted in receiving the guests and serving lca along wllll the couples daughtcmlnslaw lilrs Kcnnclh McKenzie Mrs Adaln McKcnsle Mrs Arthur McKenzie and iii Byron McKenzie The hrid BI 50 years had Enioys June =Picnic Supper Twenty members at the Unity Auxiliary oi Cullicr Si United Church hold their June meeting in the form ol picnic suppcr The group had acccptcd the in vitutlon eiMrs charlcs Parsons hostess for the meeting and sup pcr was enjoyed In the beautiful grounds surrounding her home on Shanty Bay Road The commiiicc ln charge oiihc evening was made up of Mrs Jack Forester hirsgAlan Hood CBW Mrs hoss Stephcns and lllrs Gran Gordon Toronto was part0 the devotional Elie ington Mr McKcnxle has hrolhcg Far Eastern Look in MakeUp This Summer Two Far Eastern hunks inspircd hy the women not lhc Orient have been introduced by lamous cos mcticlan Designed cspccially tor thc summer scasou these two new makeups suggest lite myth icry ol the Far East with in quulsitc blend amt contrast at eulurit to complement the currcnt fashions She recently rclur cd irom thc Orient whcrc shc pcrs hliy studied the sophisticated art and rnado their home here unlil tool when thcy wcnt haclr wort lo Oberon lhey armed there until seven years Isa when lllr McKenzie rcllred and they relurn ed to town to make their home here They are aetth members at Collier Street United Church llrhnre he is rt member oi the Sosa atoll Both wrrc in very gtlutl health or their golden wedding lay and congratulations trum inrcc num hcr ol friends Mrs Hayward Miss Jean Mar shnll Mrs Fred Ottnn Mrs lianl Silltcr Miss Frances llrllacril still lllls Hurry Twiss Mrs in 191 they carne in Barrie cnloycd mcctlnp anti rocciving Presiding at the ten ahlc during the atlcrnoon and evening wcrc Tim 0th oanmcn scuoou Mrs floss Rodgers Mrs Jack litch The president Mrs Don rup ling conducted business meetlt ing Reports wcrc heard on the Baby Blind tea and the meeting at the WMS Dominion Board Jn cartr undrworn longn Thufeature The reading oi ihczard Psalm Several games were played at the close of the enjoyable cven dddcd tor hrllllance The lips are Mrs Forester expressed the Thelr hronzctl skins and scarlet at skinco and makeup as prac ilrcd by womcn oi Japan and at slam Among the ten nssislants were Japan she describes as can hirs llohert Powell and Mrs Ross try it underslatcmcnt where lhe Whims theatrical and the stylized arc mm mumps MIKE Visitors Ilke in lake in the in this land olexirctnca calls or Scenic beauty 01 Takakkaw Falls citing lunches face in Yohn National Park in British neck arms and hands even the Columbia which makes sill6 nape or in my are powder laeular leap ot nearly 1300 icct pale even and white Llps arc inlo Ic Yoho River ldly bright and carclully drawn small how The eyes are lntensiiicd by an auto blending of eye shadow then sweeping upward line on the upper lidand the final touch oi mascara to add to the mystery In Bankok Slam she noted that Thai lldles ns lheSlamese are cancd sel on their lashing eyes and dark hair with masses oi bright golden jewellery Their silken robes otten in unusual lar lan designs are worn casually raped over the sho idcr Make up is almost relgious art dramlltle and definite The hair is drawn lightly hack mm the cheeses ete too which are accentuated with rouge lhcn powder is lightly unltorrnly ap plied Eyes areroultded with pale eye shadow willl mascara lull and at brilliant hue for you to liv Arthur groups appreciation to Mrs Par lips suggest the pcrieet Slimmer sons for her hospitality took lor Canadian women Taking time but at thof Elniertt having Ikdelicilllll nccl chow Mold gatonw $135 Why nottryonc at our ll Chlneliefilshea rile Siz theyve casyin kccp nir Séven lovely Colo tobrle combined with the making pm this hot wcolhrr nlouseso more crooning lock Youll wont to liva in him 12 toji8 in on fresh iooklnasummar solo or sand l3lnkApdcot thne Fooroek Navy Red or whit to no lth mosl onythiho in your wardrobe Juit tinc ct aevlinl latched or you to hm buy uvoml to lost erule prices 71m Medan lééde mated BEACH PEBBLER $795 34 sleeve jacket in sailcloth trimmed with matching twotone knit ootiott Skipper nityy deckth Chamois Sizes lZI6 DOCK WAtLOBER $298 Tshirt striped bonlneck classic Fine combed cotton in huoy red skipper navy lathorn bluc dcckhuud Chamois Sizes SsML cllii SHORT Ing twotone knit coiion on cum Coloured in buoy red skipper navy fathom blue deckhnnd Chamois Sizes 1216 CLIPPER SHIRT Fine knit oomocd cotton psiurt with conlrast siccvc and nccidiuc in buoy redwhile skipper navywhile rmhoni bluewhilejetty blaekwhlle siccs SrML SPANKER JAMAICA SHORT $495 lnsailclol pemdlolamnicaleng Dcmilcdwuh samc rrcru lacings cs Spankcr rants Coloured in buoy rcd skipper navy fathom htuorjetty black siccslzls gt SPANKER PANT $695 Flattering ankles rmmcr lenglhi nitConduit ed sailcloth Coloured in buoy red navy fathom blue BEGIN YOUR SUMMER OFIVFllN ON MATCHlN OUR NEW Yesl Mlx them or match them Youll have more fun than pienicwhen you see Evangellnes exciting new collection or sportswear inst meant any sunny day lsliirts short shorts and Bernmdqshbnlhing suits slacks sun topswlly their guy fresh details their sunslruek colours their different new styling are but few obvious reasons that teens to motherslccn enioy having fun in our suitsols all summer long Collected tor your comfort and nose of care in the original airconditioned soileloth thats wdven to breathe sonfotiied and cluurfnsi Do sea thamsotinyw can easily mnlio whole sunsplashed collection or Evongellries most mod sass Short short in sa lolh with match Till ntlotmi militate rum aims 1t titsi Guards Orchestra rum Camp Bob Honored guests of the evening will be Group Captain Peter weal 0C RCAF Camp Bord and In West and LleutemntColonel Wt Pull CD of Owen Sound colonel the regiment and tin Prut who will be in therecelv illl line within comlnandinz DI iicerCapuin Howard and hits llnwlrd The unrivalled scenic splendor oi the Rocky Mountains in Al berta it perpetual magnet or artists and dollar camera enthust rut regularly was to samu uow on rate your chol Ink home selection at our specialties nndncllght the whole inmllyWove line selection or Dutch Candles we are sure you will Iiml delicious

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