xiimnli Many bed tenaincd at ardiuuerfpa ton dance at theh Country Club ln Barrie rupper at shower was held in Miss Wiigara honor by incof her hridal It tenddnls Miss Jodi Smith Ind Mrs John Boys and Dr and Mrs an Turnhull entertained at dinner Mr auan Woods are entertaining at dinner or the wedding re this evening hearsal hlr and Mrs Chilttek and Rosser oi Shanty nayhave entertained at uitcruoun parties In her honor and Dr and Mrs Little Mr and Mrs BEBE Gilli MES GIRDLE will ltoep yoiiIeool rxtt cool cool sticky weather on display in our Carrot Department er gods mar ii is ntertammentsr ANEnAIiRrNdrON Womens Editor populnr young June brideelect Mun Patricio Wilbur has been entertained by many friends before her wedding tomorrow afternoon in Collier Street United church to John Egertonjaniel of Toronto Mr and Mrs Minions oi Mrs Charles Egerton Daniel at Oalrvilie held dinner party In Toronto mother at her dance her honor and Mr and Mrs and Mrs Charles Crease cut Bradshaw Mrhutd Mrs tolued at Kerr and Mrs Dorothy Toronto aunt and under tho leis and showers by Mrs bridelobe entertainedthe brldal Nettleton and Mn KWI party at dinner Tovell at and Miss Sue Walls and Mrs Toronto uncle oh the brideeu Harold Alcorn Dr and Mrs Nell Laurie and Mrs William and Thampsonentertalned at lunch The brideclect was honored at and Girls at the advertising depart ment at SimpsonScars Limited in Toronto with which also hid been associated held shower in other bridal showers were given by Miss Jacqueline Rose at Toronto honor Mrs rty and her honor her mold or Gallagber and Grotto In Toronto Mrs Cameron Mrs Stew rsJ Palmsterns and keys of pink and white gladioll unap drszons and spimea decorated Churchill united Churchdor dismalrinse of Miss Myrtle Elizabeth path Proaerdaugh terot Mr and Mrs Eric Joel Presser oi berroy to Gordon sliév line sinners officiated the douhleyring ceremony and ng rnuaic wu played by ra Robert Sinclair oi Churchill otalro accompanied the loin fat Mrs MeLarnon or in the as of The Lords Prayer betore tho cert niony and Perfect have during ho signing of the register lven In marriage by her tether the bride was wearins Iowa white nylon clltfton over net and tailela made with short sleeve rud houllrntsrlri She wore elbowlength gloves and her walslvlenglh veil trimmed with seoutus tell in two tiers tier towers were orchid mums steph anotls and lvy ller attendants were Miss Hel en Kell of Chorehill maid ot art and Mrs Weatherell at this Granite Club in Tomato and Mrs Danny MacDonald The oflice statt at Stmpson Scars made presentation to the bridetolie Mr and Mrs Howard are entertainingal the Armoury alter the wedding on Saturday Ladies June Dance The second big social event at the season at the Country Club Is only week awaytho rmdual June dance on Saturday evenmg dune twentysecond To assist with catering arrange ments members are requested to make reservations by this week end it possible Smith coï¬nnveuer to eonlact There will he dancing tram ten oclock until midnight when sup Per will be served Auspices Kiwanis Auxiliary OA geogcléitde Setting joi Ea The home at Mrs tremendous tlnanclal lttrs Harold is the person Entertain on Anniversaries Mr and Mrs Robertson recently entertained at dlnner two couplos who are celebrating their golden wedding this month Their guests were Mr and Mrs Matthew rRoberLson of ii Poyntz Street who were titty years married on Graydon atepastpresldent Mrs Charles Kohl on Shinty Bay Road made NEWIORIIU honorary president charming setting hr the June Mrs Georgo Caldwell and Mrs tea of the Womens Auxiliary to Rodgers Mrs Fred McDow the Kiwanis Club on Wednesday ell Mrs Leighton Clarke and afternoon Warm sunshine brought out Tea hostesses were Mrs Roy large crowd and the aliair was Christie Mrs Frank Per suceess kins Mrs Robertson Mrs with proceeds mm the tea and Charles Rogers and Mrs Char bake sale the highest in the hlst ies tealsay ory oi the annual event Mrs Fred Otton had arranged Howard Felt Mrs Phillips the dining room towers and the Mrs William Maleomson Mrs colorful centrepiece of VIris and Allison Mn Salter and other early summer lowers in big silver bowl that Centred the Mrs Bruce Wilson Mrs lace cloth on the main tea table Linton Mrs JackButler Mrs The blooms had been kindly sup AI Hancock Mrs Fred Smith plied by Mrs Earl Cox who was Mrs Milae Mrs Ronald Mrs Thomson hay were assisted by Mrs Charles Parsons Mrs Edwin Wilson responsible tor the planter or Slewart rs Gordon Needham rangements Mrs Kohl and Mrs Harvey Little and Mrs hair the auxiliary ert White were servers president Mrs Ross Stephens re The kitchen Convener Mrs Roy coived the guests Pouring lea were thedmmediMrs Alex Harvey Mrs Robert Kightley had as her assistants dune hithultd Mr and Mrs AI ert Lyons oiM Mary Street who will he at home to thcir friends tomorrow from oclock Dalston institute Donates Rifles For Oro Fair Dalston Womens Institute met jam lama Handy mm at the home of Mrs notion Han mm mm Roll call was an The best part of the program fways to be lined was an interesting talk on the inntarts Wife Pnurteen mem girls course The display at bars and one visitor answered It was decided to send S2 to els in Your Attic was given by help my expenses tor delegate Mrs Thomas Coward to go overseas Mrs Stanley Watson and Mrs on June 20 at pm Bert Massey were appointed to sew cloth Joel being held in thefull The tree chest in Dalston on Sept 27 members are being asked to give theirusual assistancel linstltulo is threeprizes for basket of mix ed flowers at the school fair in to live the afternoon and tram seven to nine oclock inthe evening anhFENED ill you hear sounds clearly It you hear people talking out hive dtlticully nurturing the words van limo nerve dealnrn dy this month swercd by es For delightful summer comfort wear Nemos popular new cmssedmayeofeoolabsorb Cnt inc 0le Mesh cloth com bined with breathing porous Leno elastic side panels wraparound girdle with full opening zipper and lightly honed stride front makes it easy to put on com tenable to wear Light weight cool the ideal girdle or hot hearing lorrl for you and countlesssnthers THE NEW COMPLETE lllt necelver Tuclts behind the ear with colorless sound tube to the is allyou wear It deties etectionl Flltsf PUBLIC snowmo in wins LOCALITY WELLINGTON HOTEL nanm our Monday June 17 1957 llours 19 pan Acoustical Co at Toronto 67 Richmond St attend the Xray will be institute iDalst are ratering tor Dalston The ladies wedding Church in July Salado were discussed Appointed hrancb were Mrs Lorne Handy Sr Mrs Wallace Slade and Mrs Clarence Brown committee United contest exhibits directors canvass in the Red Shield cam paign The lucky draw was woli by Victoria Crescent branch mem bers 0rilliaare to be guests the next meeting each girls work Clothes Clos Thc next meeting will he held ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Janies Harrison announce the engagement of their MmGer dau literD Lima yr do ruinï¬at ad na ng to to placeo Pauls AnglicanIChurc lnnislll 69 Mr and Mrs Edward Leslie Harris ofMount Forest announcc the engagement at their daugh ltea Lesley Evelyn to Bruce Yeo mans son of Mr and Mrs Charles Xeomans ot Owen Sound the mar nage to take place on Saturday July 6th tï¬ï¬l at threat clock In the afternoon in SI uls Angli was chosen to an ChurchMou Mr Thomas Coward Armstrong Mrs Thomas Bnhlcr Mrs Robert Hodges and Mrs Frank Eoyes Mrs William Lang was in charge ot the bake table located in the garage at the Kohl resid ence Members oi her commit tee were Mrs Charles Beasley Mrs Ted Nettleton and Mrs Harris Mrs Allen the treasurer took tickela at the door EmmanuelWMS Makes Supplies Emmanuel Baptist Wills held it June meeting at the home ot Mrs Kinziu with 41 ladies iii attendance Mrs John Smith led the devotional with strip turd reading and Mrs Brandon and Mrs Hannah altered prayers The ladies then sewed and on at the new church which bpened on Wednesday Mrs Greig showed some beau Willi kodachrom pictu of the Clitling6l Mi lina rsJaiitz wn Are you tired of nightly pinlt ups Let uslilt your spirits with cold wave styling tint or shampoo and set in our modern surroundings Call us now run JOAN Sinclair MacDonald Scotch Settlement Bmdtord onSut urdliyulune eighth 1951 at winthirty oclock in the utter rioon honor Min Churchill sister at the brlde Indy Miss Aun Constable at New market bridesmaids and Mid Quilted tor the nursery and kitch Mac Pros at Errices itindle ol Cookatown cousin oh the bride lunior brid Their gowns oi orshid om over tatiela were made with shb sleeve and they were normal hats of organza wilh oifsthefleq petal brim and elbowlength gloves in tha same material Their flowers were pale green mum and ivy Slewan Donnelly ot llelroy brotherlniaw ot the groom was groomsm and the ushers were Donald Boyntonot Sudbury bro Iheninlaw of the bride and Ross Elliott of hradto At the reception in Churchill Communllylllll the mother at the bride received the guests wearinguayy with pale yellow accessories Ind Corsage oi TIIIS man roses The grooms mother who assisled was in turquoise and black and was wehring white accessories and cnrsage of pale pink roses Leaving on wedding trip to points so th the bride was wear ing uoiac dress and pitch nylon duster cnsembiewith whltu accessories and corsage oi turquoisetinted roses On their retilrll Mr and Mrs MacDonald wlilibe making their home at Scotch settlement are missionaries in the Belgian Congo Refreshments wartI servedby Mrs Kiuzie Mrs Ward Mrs Sommers Mrs Summers and Mrs nowrrd Brandon The next meeting will he held oanuly in the Fellowship tail of the new church on St Vincent Street CHANG 0er HOI FLUSIIES Why nor fro horfluaheguer voila tension nimliliity weak Vocal loos appetite achel and pain in onmir during change of use Rememhg in Clinical Tau the majority or wmenenjoyedateiklagrellefwllh NéwLFotmul PilkhlIrleb or Compound Mm likelyyan will be helped in So we or 30 DAV IIRII IIIMMINI you not IIIIMr rorgsrridrhrmlmmyoorom Store Take loraodryr direc to millennium your ondonorupaienoe inking no the empty canon for drean refund oiynur rrronsy We bve thouunda olleamno lala on lilo from utteradore 19in Iberia no Try our no no ink plus Get our en mu New Formula dla inkham CompoundwithViumln a1 It uocoaouilo clerkno LLli LIC Allan LY leuREo 95s One out pa 1a II three Plan The homolllustnted Is theN la feature ot dismallg and Construction is guaranteed to grout savings totoosa buildinit monthly payment plan on lrno ayrnen lox oplcrum wrndow Full basemant All lumber built and otters orby low wrowr The room Area is an gra house is EII own homes undo High Park Baptist Toronto May weihdhknll off soon to our Open The BARRIE EXAMINER FELLOWSHIP or EVANGELICAI BAPTISTB gt REV ErinEsra enst ER BA Mgrli tiss ads oltCan Sixth Year Abdul sitterdeath Holtre union iii Spdngwater Park at Mld hunt int weekend 1m enjoyed tha outdoorevening inert served inlovely weather lhs iilver=eup was awarded to Mrs Minnie Donn the oldest melnber present irom lnhnllolts family tree Other prizes went to Bingo names Gall McCuteheo guess Inlutontcstmld52 and Mrlt Cllvss Wn sins coup an at can Hint nearestbirth REV Mum 31L onoansr MR lRANK DUTCHER SUNDAY JUNE Id 1057 945 rncuU11Clr SCHOOL Ageso and an EmaNunerydr Kindergarten ll amMORNING woasulr Everyone Welcomé F=rrv come s1 uNlrro in no Lloyd lord Orgdist and Chairmaator SUNDAY JUNE 18 1957 ll amMORNING SERVICE Communion TIIE cuuacuscuooa 9J5 mmFJuulnr Intermedth and Senior Departments 945 amBlble Study Group or Adult ll EmsPrenuuery baby alt ling Nursery Kindergarten and Irlmlry Reportrents =o FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clapperton St at Warrior REV LUC tunnel IIISS CLOUGRLEY Organist Ind Choir Leader SUNDAY JUNE 18 1957 950 mm SUNDAY SCHOOL classes or alllsel I1 HumMORNING WORSHIP umEVENING wonsulr EVERYONE WELCOME Convention at onqrro Quebec TRINITY CHURQIF Angum 24 Colner st 11ther SUNDAY June to TIIE PATRONAL FESTIVAL 800 armMoi Communion 930 lamMorning Prayer Sermon The Rev Canon Guy Marshall AKC 1100 am Communion sermon The Rev canon Guy 0BE AKC Broadcast Chrirch Nursery 70a pmEvensoug Sermon THE Rev dnlencierthight EIIIIISIIIIII SCIENCE Servicerdr sundry aehool SUNDAr JUNE 1633357 11 am God theJreaerver at Man The looa TEMPLE Collier5t sonic nu ARE WELCOME ST GILES MIS ON EtAngIlcan aseoolrscl THE REV JOHN BIDDEL sorrow AV UNITED cllultcli Minister TRIMBLE BA El OtEFiit 9a owlirony UnitedChurch sundry School liningMorning Prayer Sermon mumsJunior SundaySciuol as nrn5enlor Sunday hoot mm neontestl ud gamesm directfll very ably MDorothy and Ken Glenn and Rvelyue Ia Will Ems nen all joined tonne singing at ltuld hug Syue Threxutttivg for IBM sandals of JohlJ Halt Stayner Idcnt leth year and Mn Alvin Smith Bnidlord secretarysm urern The reunion will be held next year on the second Saturday in Juneat Milhurst Snowy mountain nngu rug ged eoqu inlets and quiet roun tryeldeihappily combine In Brit IahC umhlar nEv CECIL anENN BA am CHURCHILL Orgum PENTECOST SUNDAY SUNDAY JUNE in 1957 11 Im AN ALL wEArHER FRIEND Guest Soloist WALLY KENNEDY Junior Congregation audNnmiy The Rebeccan and OddteilollIs Lodges will parade to service CIIURCII SCHOOL 945 luluJunior lntennedlatel it uh osrlsnimr Primary en Departmeut Last service in the Old Church June 28 Reception oi newmembers and Holy Communion COME AND WORSIIIP THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL 60 collier Street Mllor and Mrs Robert White SUNDAY JUNE 16 1957 MSOPEN All II mm IIOLINESS MEETING H0 pmOOMPANY MEETING BJHPEN AIR pomSalvation Meeting Bright Happy Singing Good Gospel Messages 830 uniYOUTH GROUP All are welcome to mate the Armytheir church home Mm MUN ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen and Worsley Sta REV JAMES FERGUSON Minister CLARKE Mus Organist and Choir SUNDAY JUNE It 1957 II MmeMORNING WORSHIP The Minister will preach N0 EVENING salmon The Church School to EmuJunior Senior Classes 11 umBeginuers Klndérurteu and Primary Classes COME TO cnuacn ra Free Methodist Church 200 Baytield Street Rev It Goheen Minister SUNDAY JUNE to 1957 1000 lm1he Family Bible School moo LamMorning Worship 750 lumpEvening Worship WImgtWelmmo Awaits Your lNr Grosses Am udconreh Rector Rev NewtonSmlth IA Organist MRS SHAWATCM CboirleaderMrali Smatlaurat InnsHOLY COMMUNION 11 run Morning Prayer Sunday School pullSCOUTS OWN songirouvcolunumoN EVERYONE WELCQME arromro euuaeu thNlNG woasulr REV VEAHLS Bible study group rneeti at Mill on Monday evenings ALL ARE WEICOME YT cm iii mi