will be holding their annual peanutdrive next week The camp Borden blitz is slated or Monday evening and then starting on Tuesday night around six oclockteams oi Kiwnnlnns will try to cpil at every home and apartment to sell peanuts und peanut butter Net proceeds go to the clubiicrippled children iund to pny or the new cottage at Blue Mountain Cemp erected inst year to uccommodute 14 Kiddies und two nurses Groups children have three weeks each at the cump which opens this week and runs no school opening time Kiwanis Peaiiiii it snows AT cun ChalrmInWaller suck Ivy Assistant Chairmanrnny Dn caries Advertising and TreasurerBill Lani Camp Borden Arrangement ionn Ough will lie held in nrw Lowru Commynlfyv linii MONDAY For the purposeoficonsldciing the ndvisahillly of making grant to the ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL Bunlei Timer make every rum to attend this ldrpnrtnnt meeting ABNEE nAwN IlcjeveSurmld le Twp Team Captain Represcnlalivc Frcd remain rcarn Nn iFrcd Prnrsnn capta Harry nancock Ken Walls Ross Nixon Ari McKenzie uh Blii Stewnrt gream No urine Méchod Bob Armnmng George Caldweil Allan Snolt Ray Liv lngslon Al Giles Harvey Lillie in Laking nnward Fell Tum No 3Tom Bobier cap inin Jack Wallwin Ross Sicph oqug McDowe Cecil Norris lelrn No 4George onngen Iieid capla Mike Wleder Drr Fred McDowell Neii VMachnIld Hank Page Horace gran Ray Christie Bert Robertson Team N0 5Blll Linton 15 lain Churlie Kcarsey Jack But lcl Emerson Swain Blll Cralg Charlie Beasley Fred Kelly Frank Perkins Team No snnn Stewart cap tain Gard Needham Norman nnnii Dr Edwin Wiisnn obhie Roblnsonh Fred Smllh Jack Currie Tenn Na 1Ted 5w cap lain Tony DecnrieGra an Kohl John Ough Bill Lang Cy All Les Chitiink Jack Rodgers learn No 8Charles Roger captain Al Harris Charlie Gr in Stan Bullock Maurice Mac anb nudges Ills John Ollon Ted Nelllcloil JUMPlN JEEPERS and whnl about YOUR own lively healthy klds Are they goingin bring ii lawsuit on YoliR protection is so low Bu you should consult on iNSURANCE SPECIALIST and he sure you Ire FULLY COVERE Call us today or tree survey min For insurance ALLKINDS uni many it iné sightseeing expeditions travelling through Al ihertn miss the opportunityoisee ling the gunman skylllles and weird unions that stretch for mlles in the gravcynrd ol the din nsaura situated ln thl Red Deer nuns iiii summit Avis com runner SALins nome MADE PIES PROGRAMME risn roivi PONY runes ADMISSION Adults $135Pulplie School Chlldrcnlsflc ereSchool Chlldre rm To give primacy to Ihc Human and Spiritual rather than to the gréssive servl eobla cnship provide llirough clubs practical moon an enduring friendships pa render gllruistic service and lo build Laren Clilillfl Parsons Heller motorial value of life Snimi Harold Todd In encourage ihelduily living of the Golden Rule in all human mounts 1mm 43 Eleei as emu Those interested the trim Service nts shouldlurrangetd rim nrior the Sunaar relationships To promote the adoption and the uppl align of higher sociblj businessrand professional sien dard ng develop by preceptarid ex ample more intelligent pg baiter communities Toeooperaia in cred rig and