Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1957, p. 1

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Judy Smith winner at the public speak ingeontest tor Burrieinst year islteiped by Ralph Sngigrovfiohalrman at the Ille Public School Board to place posi The laying or the or the new Johnson Slrcct school by Barrie Public School nosrd chairman naiph TSnoi grove marked the sixth school construction project toarried out by the board in Ille asl four years To witnoss the cremony rat the site Were parenisfoad drum and students The pub lic school orchestra and section pf their chorus aniy supplied the musical items or thushort pro gram Thoprinclpai address was give on by Scott inspector ol public schools in which he trac ed the growth ottho sehools in Barrie May talte you back over the Years to similar occasion when Dr Egerlon Rycrsnn clllei super intendent of uducation tor 0n tarlo iourneyed to Barrie on May ion to lavthe corner stone or fine new school at the corner of Collier ind Owen slreets This was Victoria School and at that time was one of the host and most commodious school houses in the province same we iment Dock niiung lrom tion the box ornry articles the oiticini act orinying the enrnerston port at the Civil Defcnemtlom tee Io SimcoeCouniy council the nhainnan Councillor John cbonald Orillla on Wednesday timed out to be just matter at rm he report recommended that he county lppolnt civil do gt once coordinator at sainty ot containing vnrlousigh Mr Bneigrove performed 1um lt is expseted toho coin other communities all norosschnndnx or eun he ascertained school held in Barrie was It minadesorted gratiooshsn latcorutr Mui hasler iild union airectitf The ilrsl School WIlerectedin SS Vespra In lead and continued to supply aceommiidation until Bar rio separated Iron the township in 1554 At that time there were problt ahly two or three public school teachers yin than there were 41 Todaythere Ill 81 Today IE are 47 classrooms one homo coon omlca room oneindustriai arts and crltt room and twoaudi elasérooms including kinder garten and piaymotneauditor ours were Vigtoiia Hos pioieo and ready or occupation this in Since We always seem to ho at beginning inmallorsol ac eommodation we arctnday lay ing still another cornerstone for school which will only meet the needs at lhe immediate future As an indication oi what that iuturc holds it may to ointcd out Ihat in September 1956thcrd were131 morcpuplls enrolled In grade iiit Barrie nubile selloolr than Weftchmiiod Id grade the 2343 pupils enrolled last year 70 per cent or themlweremeing taught in new classrooms The ratio at new to old classrooms is also in the same proportion oohgratulste oarrie it now my happy privilege in congratulate the people of Earth on their choice of school trustees concluded Mam Sentt Under the energetic leadership lithe chairman Ralph Snelgrove the hoard litgiving every atten tion to providing facilities whleh we hope wiil enable everynchlld Thetwnnten we at thegtime or trside tight an Wehh triedtnatpnmien was until 11 mural on behalf orths con lVCnldweil who will he the iiist Mr Seutl pointed out that oilmncinal Di the school when Ii 600 per ycarag rum June at Ls year it also asked tho mun ty to hudzet 510000 tor the re lnder oi the year to cover cost dont think we shall to adopt this report because will have to he revised said councillor licDonlld The spent at committee proposes to bring in lurllicr report later in this session and it is expected the county will agree to organize feivll dcionuc on counly basin lil 1855 Counclllor Hurray Mills l3er pointed out that um icdcrai overnment would pay do per ni provincial government 25 cent and the county would ve to meet 25 per tent at the cost of any civlldetcnce orgnnl noon on county basis Councillor lay out the matter oi civil dereoce was national rcsponsiolltiy and the 50 per cent grant received trom the lcdcral government was not enough Thepast we warm Ind Will Kill nln ay and rrlrlayearty Todaylndltates cloudy and warm with showers in the area Growth is heavy Temperature were High Lowgt 70 It SI 51 55 41 Hfififim June June 10 June i1 Julie 12 tornerstpne by the chairman oi the school hoard Judy sv winner of the public akin contest tor Barrie last yen piaelt ed in metal hoxjvarious typical of the present ious torrent noins including silver dollar copy pt The ric Examiner datedvlune 10 nounelng the ceremony copyvof The Globe Ind Mail in the election results it complete list oi school personnel Jackson on hehait oi the anhitecisiprescnted the citltom airy trowel to Mr Snelgmve tractors presented flag to It opens in lite all Thé master ceremonies for the occasion was MncLuun lIis Worship Mayor Willard Kinzie spoke tewwords oi con gratuiationson bolus oi the town council CUTS AND BRUISES John Nolan ol Barrie was taken to Royal Vlotorin Hospital horrid early this morning suiteringdrntn tactl injuries andbruises when his ear ran all eoncessionroati ln0ro Township Thecar turned outing to work at Delaney go accident The truck was struckio the rushad on the over in the ditch sf Li the Hielrllng said many oi the rural municipalities this things 1th Aparty ohnt out men will one Barrie todey on opention XpioringKnmaiile in more dmlmt tcrnu memos the newiylormtd Ys Mcn Clubland heading lor lions lake with the hope ot in suitable site on whlch to bull summer camp tor Irlddiu The party is expected to lc town by Im via trucker it Hi Eddy Hydro pilot ill will like in the outer in and paddindown the Mushoh gr to the lake The dtcnhopc lhlt theirtwod searchthey expect to return ca ly Sunday evening will prove cmtul The 14 who nave dulgnated they will he going arelrv Gro Tout Yates Ron iucltey my ton Bill Coles Bili McChesn ateonus WlAnfll IaI nachonut Herb Dntry lullson Johnilien arson Iti Dodds DOIWIllICE Cowln Bud Diniirnnd Bill simooe has been anpo market assessor Howlll over his new position on Honda Son oi htr lNoole Vespra thc gounty employ at he year non Bryan Cant ht Travel and Publicity Ior Province of Ontario on Wedne dry afternoon unveiled the plaque oltthe plan it Slelthinfiq client gait The Min ater éammended the diligence and perseverance of those who had redisc trend the old portagewhich ha iginsliy sn indinn traii luter provided trlnspo tior our iorelnthera at when it was needed most lie recalled how Coulis qhhlr man cl Huronia Committee nithe Batilqflhamherof merco hadJold him how when it was young lldihinintheir had taken him to the spot on the ot hwastga Riverwhere th tage hadendcd and theyh hung up pill to roar tho lamlly had mad maintaining the landins hir Catheart exp ess his grat itude in bent or the marital thenorlr they were doing todtiiotlnic they were spending to eonlc up with authentic lnlprnlntion to place on theniany plaques which would be shortly marking the numerous historical places inthc province it hope in very short time the province wli haveln thousand such plaques sit the Minister We have terr ll history lo draw on He added this plot to his adult audience Please ad pup on ennhle you to taik little mot in lligenll to your childrcn the Ontari Historic Site Boa otter Lean extremity oi the Nine itni tor treatment if The tire started is cleaner was trapped in suitcred slight singoing ot the in the kitchen at the res tauriant and quickly spread through the low part of thebuilding Eugene Lafortune and was rescued lay firemen lighting their wny through the smoke lantortune only IIARBIE FIEEMAN Goltipn spring WES icnme by males while lighting tire hlch gutted restaurant in Ailnndoie enr ly thismorning Spring was tnigen to hosp ment by the taxi opera someone cull alarm The mouse the basement eyebrows age fit in Eugéil Lntortuno otter urant was awakened by smoke and the manugeress Mary Weston who lived above was driven out of her apart smoke The mat indication ot the tire was when tor in an ottice nearhy heard out tire in the street He look edoui and saw smoke and phoned in the at the tire is unknown and no estimute has been given orthe total dam tenmonths old baby was kill ed yesterday whco the child lcll ot house near Allistnn The mother Mrs Dorothy owcn oi Loretta 23 whnhad hccnvlsitlng iriends had plaeed her other two éhiidrcn George hnd Linda in the rear oi bar and the baby Catherine lliary on the hth seat her She proceeded to bash out or the drive when the trout door titw open and the child tumbled to the ground The child was rushed to StevensonsMcmoriui Hnspital Alllston icring lraetured skull and died soon at ler admittance non nunlon Ontario Minister oreauostloo wtltun vott historical olaque com mcrnorating thL famous Shara mom Holland Landing mt its buildernavid valu son on Saturday June is Tlte programJn schedulld to stattat me with the actual unveiling oi theploqtie tlk logpiaoe at3 tins rh IInlpigihu hceo pre dent Isilnllintorleli mus eutn by the York Pioneer and Historicalfidcléty fronta ear in the private driveway next to Centet The chetrVLec Longwho slept in room Open Season District Hunters and Anglers conservation Club to persuade Simcoe Countyeouncii tn recom mend an open deerseason to all townships wiihin the county this yéar met with little success on Wednesday Following the re presentation rcuuncii agreed to take no action on the matter ceollrey olcnn addressed the council on usual or the conser vation club as submitted figures which showed there had seen nearly tourtohl inerease in the deer population simeoe Coun iy within the pastlour years number oi councillors were sceptical as to how these llgures were arrived at Some or the rural representatives claimed theyhad only seen one or two doors the most in the past 10 Years Mr Glenn expl lned that the depnrunent ol lan and torests were caretul in their systemoi making thesount and theirvlnws were substani ted lgy the that that large number oi deer die each winter hecaus insulti clent food Warden Fisher photon wonder ed how great increase in deer phononnon nits lN annual Theharrie Horticulturn Soe Flyswlll10r the lirst time in their history the holding decoration athoh Lu ilig similartony uric An attempt by the Barrie and population was possible it so many die each winter The conservation club asked thatthere should he anopen deer lseason throughout the county for six days Nov 2530 Tllese dat es had been chosen because it was ieit that must of theistotk would be off the fluids at this time the department Would have inure game wardens available or sttnervisiori and more experienct ed hunterp would be back train the north Councillor Dalton lcrmey tie Duly reéve of Madame asked ii the conservntiun cluh thought it air to approach council on this matter of an open season when so much damage was done to rural property nnd stock by hun tors Mr Glenn protested it was not illl to blame everyone for the ignttrantepi law in esti mated damage by legal hunter dont1think runs Ion high it is by poachers To min club Specifically recommended lhlltfiltptgflflg only vb tired he departmsn Th deputyroeve oivespra iaidzt eotttend th re is no excess amount in rural ttni

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