Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1957, p. 9

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ratJ niuM nth MAKE DATE now said Tins om JEAN RENOIRS FOUR DAYS STARTING WEDNESDAY 2301 III SATURDAY EVENING snows Ar 640 pm ATTENDING THE EARLY snow IS BEST SEE IT Eltom THE iiEtslNNlNG 2nd ACIion II Tili alrnnrr ism Irritant the mutt ianI liinll lawman and the MM Itnrni or all flfllllbliFlhlIIml IAIN put in the that AI 545 pm CONTINUOUS SATURDAY MEL FERRER utushanEEEEn Eire ons JEAN MARAIS EVENING snows A1 650 at May2l and oi various ores IIIE PINIIRE MT HHS YOII RIG 0W of tagging Fox stws THURSDAY Hum ENTERrAlNMENr mumEn sArcourinuou Saran 23 Two FEATURES fTHE LONE RANGER WITH CLAYTON MOORE £3 JAY SILVERHEELLS ZNDHITT ROCKAROUND THE CLOCK BILL HALEY AND JOHNNY JOHNSTON null This tvlill7 willlllllilmv IIl sac Tnlssllnw ATIAGK orCRABMOHSIR Adultltiierluan out Norforruls cAnru not cinch ROXY GRANADA EAMous PLAYERS THEATRES EVENING snows AN Weeore NING 10 CANADA ter his tour oi duty has been eomplelod at the RCAFa No Fighter Wing ZwIehruclten Ger many ls Warrant alliecr First Class Allan Moody wo Moodyls nativeoi rainswicr and will trite up his new dulles at the ItCAFs TsU Weston The meeting oiMunday June was probaon one oi the best III lended meetings in some months The attendance register showed 104 present The minutes oi the last meeting Live meetings held since lhat date were rend discussed and adopted Blame Clliciago Steal lor Low Water on lake Iiy Ii One ul the matters that We ware told while at launching the recent Collingwoud was that the water in that port is dangerously low ioot might mean the closing at the shipyards there as it would be almost impossible to launch big ship it the water was any In Iact another The water is said to be down at least three act now wasatttibuted by our informant tothe water belngstolen by the Chicago drainage scheme said to be taking more than its allotted amount lately It was also stiltcd that ithe deepening ol thc entrances to Collingwood slips was almost an impossibility as the bottoms were til shale Il the lowering oi the lake continucs it may impose hardship on this busy port and shipyards large treightcr is now in dry dock there awaiting repairs causedtwhcn it was in collision down the St Lawrence River There is also another large ship under construction which is re purted to be ior the oil trade One of the slips has In be ex tended to take new ship lo he started in the berthnow vacated by the launching last week oithe projected Senator or Canada to Barrie Rotary Hear Speaker On Insurance Members or Barrie Rotary Club at the regular meeting at Coins munlty House Thursday June heard comprehensive history oi the growth of the insuranéc busi ness from Ernest Bell local ln suranee adjuster Commenting that the first in surance was devised by Chinese merchants to saieguard the tran initiatin Public Schools orchestra Ai Festival Concert Iartleulariy pleasing Festival Concert presented by aarrie public schools under the direction of Lloyd Tuiiord June evening aIBarire Arena was Ihe perlnrmancu by the Bar rie Public Schools Orchestra This ensemble was founded on months ago by Harrie Recreation strings lilr Iuflord Council provided musie loaned tympani and John Murray of Camp Bor den conducted violin classes The orchizstrii opened the pro gram with Assembly March De The irsi mber was Classics by the Three Great as al MusicBe2thoven Brahms and and part one at this was Ode to day by Beethoven choral theme Lrom the finals at th Ninth Symphony Tuiiord candueled hisown sevcmi Barrie Citizens Lamatel in which sit or their good along pirltc ridden rivers the speaker round cd off the historyof Insurance by telling how sumeuf the more From the braneh correspond ence read to the members was thank you card irDm Mrs Itolt hert Orok tor haskel oi lruit iarwarded hy this branch to her husband who is at present in the hoyal Victoria Hospital Com radc Orok though member oi ltldhurst branch is highly rE garded by Legion memhers Vol Branch 147 Hopes were express cd or his speedy recovery very heart warming letter was read irom an old veteran in the Lisle district thanking those rcsponhble tor radio recently given him by the branch TMy lonely hours are made morepleasant and already cgn in qtloteilbin iIiElctter highlight of the meeting as the initiation 14 new members eel thcvbedctit of it Is tot Thcso were Corkan lilo Queen Air ViceMarshal Cutie Dr Fred McDowell lileEvoy lllcCirr Barrett Wood Barber Michie Davis McKay Murray and Osirnm AVM CUFFE They were Installed by Fast Prmidcnts Joe Jewell Nurb lilor an Ccc Mchlulkill Al Giles and Ken Ramsay and welcomed to the branch by President Doug MI olbbun strong and urgent appeal tor arrangement for chorus and the orchestra The orchestra also played on the Walt Ballet later in the pro gramwith lttr Itiurray handling the baton Orchestra members are Viulln Brenneman Brady Bur dette it Cook Denny Fcr ris Hodgsun Martin Mulhnlland Pickering Priest Spearln Stewart it Stewart Willer Cello Cotten Buss violin orrieke Pelletler alone Gable Hamilton Flute Lee WRIv die Westman CiarinethR Brenueman MacDonald Trebble Saxophone Clem mens Brass Bogardia Coulann Dyok Finley Marshall Noakes Reamer common forms at prescntday ln rurance operate isllsiuitiiltcili oundth eioelri lthelt BernieT able StrikesLIs he lefliuhi Tympani Exell WEDNESDAY JUNE 12 I957 une 2316521 President George Caldwell amIMrr Caldwell VicePresident ll leris Ind Mrs Hartli and Mrs Ros Stephens oi Burl wllIailend the and an usl convention at Kiwanis InA tcmltiohalln Atlantic City June ZiZl They will loin 15000 other Kiwsnlani and their wives It what pramlscsto be one or the lamest conventions In lhc organ luiions history The convention will be held In Atlantic Citys Cont venllon Hall Among the speakers It the five day meeting in Iddltioh lo Kiwa nis International President Reed Culp will he Hon Richard III Nixon Vlcelresldcni oi the Uni Ietl tea Ilon Curios anv IIoPhillpplne Amhasudor James Duncan past pruidcnt oi the Canadian Chamber at Commerce and Dr Edward KElson Pas lor oi the National rresbylerlan Church Washinglon Illr Culp will deliver Ihe convention key nntc address Integrity Leader ship Service on Monday even ing The program will get under way Sunday evening June 23 with religious muslcule highlighted by thetradhlonal In Memorlnm tribute to Kiwanians oi the past Dr Elson President Eisenhowers personal minister will deliver the principal Sunday evening ad dress Wednesday morulng June 26 will see the high point oi the convention proceedings when the delegates elect Ihelr oilicers tor Ih coming year The new presi dent of Kiwanis Inlernatloml will assume his duties on Aug The two new vioepresldents the treasurer and six new Interna tonal trustees will also be chosen at the Wednesday election Mr Nixon will speak Thursday morning June 27 Immediately preceding the VicePresidents ap pearance concert will be given by the US Navys Balnbridgc Naval Training Centre Chair The all Igglgrgup numbers do Convention sessions will begin Monday morning June 24 with Pageant of Welcome featuring lilissltiarian McKnight Iillss Am erica 1958 and members at her court Also on ihe Monday morning program will be wclv Come by Joseph Altman Mayor Atlantic City and William Ely Governor oi the New Jer sey nistriet otiltlwanis Interna tlonal and an address by Hon Carlos Romulo Monday even ing will see the principal address oi International President Reed CHIP dramatic change In colors ceremony hetwecnthe old Fort Henry Ontario Guard and United States Marine Drill Team and 45aminute concert by coaches to help out in Legion Minor Ball was made by Fin Meoibbon surely thls worth while project will not suiier for the lack nl helpers Just give hard working Fin phone call in this regard and case same ol his worries There is nothing iiner in llIc than help ihg out young healthy Canadians to be sports minded The drnw tor the heautilul handbag so kindly donated and made by Mrs Ted Hardcore was won by Stewart The prtr kind appreciation goes to Mrs Hardacrc AirgtViceMarshal Cutie was in trodnced by AI GlieS Following the close oi the meeting very the address on Civil Deicnce was given by this gentleman followed by films to supplement his ad dress Both were well received by the members In the pleasant surroundings at the new lounge The attendance award was drawn by Air ViceMarshal Cutie Pat llleLarntm whose name was called was not present asirequir ed and lost $55 by not being there The next meeting June 17 has $80 awaiting tor somebody to take It hy just being present should cnsure big attendance Soldiers Chorul mcsday morning will be de voted to convention worlr and an address by limos Duncan im mediate past presldent oi the Can ladian Chamber at Commerce Tuesday evening will be rucrved miniature convention banquelin itself Then Ire 30 Kiwanis dis Irictd and they will holdtheir In dlvtdunl dinners throughout Iht Atlantic City area Wednesday evening will see the Presidents iteceptlon Ind hull with entertainment and dancing The convention wills conclude Thursday noon June 27 Case Deplores Lack of Prayers at County Council sesslon at County Council on Tuesday Councillor oarileld Case deputy reeve oi Coiling wood deplored the taet that dca Kitd out at the opening of each days session at council Hc pointed out that this war the custom In the House cl Com Ior district dinners each At the opening at the summer votional exercise were not corn coeds go to minor hockey very mons at Ottawa cises except when the new coun ell canvcnes at the beginning at the year said Councillor Casc It is the custom to carry out devotional exercises when the Heads Ys Men new council convenes tor the tlrst lime each year Nu prayers are said atvsubsequcnt meetings ol council ataway 1537 LEGounce NEW STEWARDS The members Bruhch present at the meeting oi tone were given the opportunity of meeting their new stewards and of knowing something oi their background The introductions were ably handled by AI Illllllcan Tho iirr tn lieintroduced was the new ehlet steward Doug Silver thorns Doug who professes to be 31 and single lormerly be longed to Stayner Branch gt His service record lnciudesacg GORDON EIIEk has licen lion In Gennany and Holland elected president oi the recently Belore enlistment he worked for armed Ys Mens Club its Barrie tlme as marine enginst on This club at young men works in the Great Lakes He has had bar support oi the Barrie vetYWCA experience before coming to the and holds regular weekly meet club Ing at the local headquarters on The second new steward is awen Street Frakrik Humphgicah Quite loo ng manor is age was not divulged V0 He joined the service in 1940 OAK RIDGES CWTho Oak and served throughout the war Ridges board cl trade decided to years and also saw service in the ask the Ontario highways deparb Korean War ment to make up its mind about Do retirement from the Army the spelling of this towns name he had attained the rank oi Still one hlghway sign at the north Sergeant He is married with two endol town says Oak Ridges children The other at the south says The resignation ot lormer chic Dakridges steward Bob Blake wasrccelved BARRIE YinYWCA now has new reirlgerntor tor Its kit As newcomer to this cuun chen it decided asset for the members and stall in their pro cxl was surprised Iolind that grams when the time comes for something to eat The retrlg W0 devotional erator Is an RCA Whirlpool model and was donated to the YMYWCA by Slmcoe District Coaoperative Servlees in co operation with their supplier the RCA company In picture at Ian is Emerson Swain general manager Coop making Iricucliriizamtii ciintyhaimiijvfii presentation or reirlgerator to Jack Gable chairman oi the should seek divine uncut board or directors oithe YMYWCA conoNATmN Alla 9P Thc lemalc help took to stools and table when weasel iound its way into the hospital kitchen here The animal unintentional ly committed suicide by Jumping into the electric dryer ARE Yflil FIIUY OVERID JUIIIPIN JEEPERS and what about YOUR own lively healthy klds Are they going to bring lawsuit down on Youn head Why worry about lawsuils when theicost or INSURANCE protection is so law But you should consult an INSURANCE SPECIALIST and be sure youare FULLY COVERED Call us today lorn tree survey osmium INSIIIIIIIICIZ Sci osrmsr rat Iusurance oi ALL KINDS 95 Dunlop Stoll PA 85201 with regret He served the club well and iailhiully ior eight years He has not severed his connection with the club At present he is working In new position and will continue to live in town The host friends 01 Bob Kelly who resigned his stewards position due to ill health will wel come his return to health Bob who worked for the club these past three Years lett good re cord liehlnd tin and was ever popular with the members FINE CATCH BEIDGETOWN NS CPA aidpound striped bass caught in the Annapolis River put Roy Mailman oi the weekly Bridge town Monitor In the newsu The llsh meisuring feet is he Iievcd recordvior thcaren Who Tnuns nAttEr digestion illuminant Pill or tCoItilii AVA cAuolelt neurones BOGART CAltroort fcourcstsnv JUNE

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