Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1957, p. 5

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TNa was mmllv ef MRSAN MRS Alhelr golden wedding cake yesterday with their brldnl nt tendnnts 50 years ago standing alollgslde them Toni Ehelswell pt Hawkcsmne left brother at the groin land Doubly Related Two Attendants At Beryl oi lenticlun tvhu was 11 residents or ll resume were among the relatives who gather ed at the home at their brother and sister in Orn Slaliun yester day alternoon to utter congratui Intinns tn the couple on the oc casiop ol their golden wedding anniversary frhey were among several inoiugt hers ol tlle tnmilr who atlendcdl the at hum eelebriltiun in the ore Township village lew miles east oi Barrie Twn other hroi there or Mr stielsvrell Roy andl Albert also ot ilawkcsloue wetc present along with his lwu sislt tors lllrs Marley Lillicrzlp 0t Drillia and Mrs Laura Rite nl Hawkeslonb and Mrs Shelswulls threesisters were there Mrs exception or two yuals train 1W YPmS should Lagrange untilInvented iglelgilhat lo mm when my lived in contain dlaromc lndmo clover pEnMAEDGE Saskatcllewanlur the event Mrs Ems CUWltiBS Okamuan flan mm 9° mug Tum Shelswc and Mm Hughiwllcy out west Mr Shclswell T°Y MS Manny or hum lworked at carpentry his trade El 5mm Ws inaughlcr mm ILC TWO Visitors hiltl Lumc lruln even larthcr west Mr and lilrs Shelswclls only daughter Mrsl Win Packard Margaret and her husband lmm Pcntlcton British Columbia Their son Corporal Frank Packard nl Aylnlcr was also present with his lhme chil dr0n MiElKILl Vickie and Debbie Mr and Mrs Sllclswcll have an other grantlc the ruckards daughter Mrs Roy Furstcr able to attend llcrthree cliil dren bring their totul nuinhcr ul greatgrandchildren to slxz Welchnnwn Family rheShelswell name is linu ilinr one throughqu OrbTHWH sllipr Frank Shelslvells lather came to Canada lrnln England dLl non lllt lenEIi olithc lllun trcalsntturh of Chamny htls been elected president or ithe ca adiathmatculH Hocke annual nteetlng tn HE Ilucceeds Jimmy lll the Golden Anniversary When Frank Sllelswell of Hawkswne um Lllllile Hunter at Coulson were married DH June 11 1907 their nttendnllLs were his brother Tom and her sister Hester The two families apparently had naturnl liking tor each other because three years later the groumsmall and bridesmaid were married air and Mrs Toni Shclswclland settled in the township 100 years ago last summer in 1851 native or am Township the groum nt 50 years ago was htlrn lle muved take up the late George Sllclswnll wllu died and raised at Edgar lu tlawkestune in lllOS arming witllhls bi recently at no station Mrs Shcls oil was burn were married home by the Brown Lleptist Orillia hers oi the Shelswell family at late minister ller parent cd it Or Statilln sincel he retired from farming lle vfirks mainly with hrDiherinvlaw In 0rilia Mr and Mrs Sllclswell attend Dru the Presbyterian Church Staliun Her main interest close to home In her garlic She is an ardent tlower gardener WRONG ADDRESS tirelncn here hand caught in tricycle rescued stenugrapller machine nut thcy tailed to out the in nearby Surrey ilddre GOOD NEIGHBURS til plowed 120 acres Ilarrnwetl in llitllhcdash Township ilnd came lu Coulsun with her lamily They Rev James lrunl who married live nlnnl frhe couple rariucd at llawke stone iiutil ln27 when they mov where they have resided ever since with the lilarlcy Lillicrap mind the two are kept husy doing jnhs along the shore in On and vegetable and SOUTH WESTMINSTER VCP lrecd childs and whose hand was caught in duplicating cause the caller gave till wrong CLIVE Alla ClUla vBur rows war in hospital at seeding ll but he will have crop this Nelehhors with 17 tractors and other an ipinenl in oneday gt seeded lae dished so acres twice and rte cepl Sunday No leave Tumult 550 pm Sunday Na 53 the Cnntlnenlll leave Toronto ll plm Arrive Alhndlle 1213 IJn Leave Barrie L00 or In Al his wife who is sister at the bride 01 1007 married three yeras tuber they were groomsman and bridesmaid for Ills brother mid her sister whitem THE BAIllllE EXAMINER WEDN DAY JUNE 12 I951 usclul on pasture land which cannot be broken The use at 24D Ilr ntlltr hcrh OxEye Daisy most people recognize and its llnwerwhitc pctal with yield low centreis seen in meadows perinuncnt pastures and along ruadsidcs where it can make an attractive showing But as the weeds Tllercluru it is usually advisable to lntrntllltc snmc new seed of adaptable species and lerlt liiim in help tslnhlish the limit grass Alter trratlnu woods in the spring and lall all appli lield craps branch of lhe 0n cation at grass seed and lcrtilizcr tarin department or agriculture should thicken up the stand and points out thuugh it may br improve the next seasons eroz pretty it is still weed and ing persistent one too CORRECTION in an obituary published on June to ol the late Miss Isabelle Rodgers the slatcment shout he She was the eldest daughter of the late Robert Rodgers instead at William as give OxEyc Daisy Chrysanthemum Leueanlhemum was introduced to this continent long ago train Europe and slnce then has be cometirmly cstahlished crowd ing out hay and pasture plants and giving an utttlavor la milk when eaten by cattle As it can not stand cultivation and solu tion is luv break and crop the land er few years bclnre re sccding short term pasture one or two years at must then broke on and cropped will prevent the weed becomlflg well cstabllshcd Long term scedincs it ll Fine sclcclions uf totem polcsl which ltave been placed in Thun derhird Park at Victoria and in Stanley Park at Vancouver are viewed by thousands at visitors to Brltlsll Columbia each year intended NOW IN STOCK and old timothy field are where OxEye Daisy causes the mast trouble Its seed cannot hc sen aretcd lroru timothy with scracnsi but requires the use or eclall machinc OxEye Daisy is classed as primary xiotlli weed and theretoie uene bouldi be present in any No grade seed is stops grass Irom spreading VUsclul in your lawn or areuml trecs and shrubs GOOD summit on PLANTSlN STUCK rlltilvlz PA 35000 BROWNifi lit LIMITED Dunlap St In the early stages of growth 0xEyc Daisy can be controlled with 241 at 16 ounces acid per acre This requires spring apd plir ion well in advance othlos sonung and second application early In Septemb 241 is most min ti EVllllS wlshcs to announce rill orantni or Ills DENTllloltice Ill Elllilillill Sl ilAItlnE PA 5244 PRICE FROM no on those who supported Iunede may say1liank You Tand all tli so who wtirked co lllelette campaign ex uie at the pulls011 Monday hard on my behalrduring straw in all extel lion or styles and colors All Iuhles huth centrequl and end extension styles have ar Iluritc lapel Chili have well padded seats padded cou tiiurccl buck resin and cov ed in special material that will nut tear ALL SUITES ARE VERY ill No it leave Tqmnla no In Arrive Allandle 1120 led Jlrrle rat am daily No sdl leave Hamilton 730 lln Arrive Allaadala tits Leave Allandale lord daily exccpt Sunday No ll lrnm Nurth nay Leave 500 Lin Arrive Turunlu 050 aunt daily No 42 Leave Allandale 707 Arrive To rontn 855 daily except Sunday and Monday No 14 1mm North Bay Leavei Iturrie 420 pm Leave Allani dale nth Arrive Daily except Sunday Sunday 708 pm Arrive Toronto 845 pm llan 755 pm daily except Sun day CANADIAN PAClllC nAlLWAII runto 1030 pm arrive illidhursl 1230 mm dilly Stop for passengers and beyond liam local connectians northi are icides loricladicating weeds in fidflunifcfigffcsxiiiionto lg OXIOUS pastures canttilt impruvc lhe prm 1335595 Midhurst at grazing llntll new grass or clever Wm daily xHye llaisy ls nnc weed that ill in the spaces lclt hare hy the smnmmd culiver Arrive Mldhlrst 414 In rive alidhnrst 527 ant uursl 345 p1n daily rnnto 530 run Columbia House is preserved the original iii in MARITIMES lirnil with Impaver permitted JUNE VIII 10 SEPIEM Illeyrc Smart TheyreEconomical Slice CHROME CANADIAN NATIONAL Northbound Bar 18 or Nnrlh Bay Ily EX vc Allandalc 801 lclvc Barrie lur Orill daily excepl Vancouver daily leave Turunlo 130 pm Allxndnle 110 IIn flee or Cochnne 1145 tor Mew Southbound lo 445 am Leave Alllndale leave Barrie 7100 mm Tamnlo lilt ND 148 lcnvc Barrie 7100 pm only Leave Alliudal N01 6624 mm Mcalnr Leave landnle 435 pm Arrlve Hmn Nurthlwund Nil the Domlnlon leave To Inr Vancuuvcr lu Sudllflly Nu l5 rem Turtlnlu Arrlv idhnrstl01 am 10 lnrl Wil Traln Nn It thuCanadian Nut the Dominion rum Van No horn Flirt William Ar daily ocal connections south min No12 the Canadtau ancnuvcr tn Tllrnnlu passes Mid Arrive To lllutor ls can vividly recall the ol cartygald rush days lhcydrivc nver lhn Carlbao ighwuy lllrough Lrntral British lor al the 100 Mile age coach that ran the Caribuu nad nearly century agar 254bAY SPECIAL tow ROUNDTRIP RAIL Ygulps Eastern II vanadiumeave um Enioy reinhill lulltitled vaulien Down But th ynr lnupnulve holiday lam lve you 25de ashznd sETTSf rungrunny srvlilitt JUST YOUR OLD ICEBOX UP to 150 iruzcmlc REFRIGERATOR tumult lllilil DELIVERY ltv°ti$flzj7t$5 llflPllYlilEllTS TILL AUGUST oo mun L95 Thentts low Its 10 month om BRAND NEW ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS YEAR GUARANTEE As Low As Here Is Real Special That Cant Be Boat Anywhcrcl surname CASTING REG $19995 SPECIAL Special Only stimulus OUTFIT REGULAR 2i SPECIAL 1895 ONLY SEE OUR COMPLETE DISPLAY OF MTS AND TACKLES FOR DAD FREE ISTltlilillTltINLYlIS filllSlllillTEliY Ulliivlunutll lluwh stow MlllllfllY rllvnlinrs sis2° isuAltAers no VAcuuM iCLEANER AT ANY Pincus ESTKQNGER 0R BETTER THAN EUREKA Eureka Willem one 99 Storage Chest use 24 Eureka Brush Polisher 49

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