Eddlater ot Midland who is now yore groupedlii and or the slut shout two It Woodrldgd Heuked Ibout phase we only missed on and ture bu public office It the hive been dished remedial It lhellinlfll CIEdll Union hlch member rant elitnnce with hillny is treleltemux when meetinlï¬ur he N6ylnllh5M We mredllightcd th lb 11th In the clerk Quite the Conan tunic when the cost Irviimr mm runner in which Oru Coundl ml cultlxll rename the unguars Inuiti oil surfellig is ulcuhted mgmdunmmp dun mnducted They assured the they pitta on the other side wssb there is iittledouhi that the mrmi1flemwnu maid not go into comlnilteeof spouts and mull kilcbrnetie permnnent plvlng is the most ee roman hr Poxethical ind thewhole Dr hlde in any Sklc whlnhithe euunéll also use an onumlenl it Ilsa leaves Ipilli room while we were present one meeting days Is they carry imld lblt all be used ones with the nnlth Unit helm they rumd to build it untold Steven considerbio inter lroli its oil salted nboutjtbtleyd opulenton the llib hawk where sMpPlnl ednirq lug pinned rid Ibo Mimi housing He said Ihut so hr led his new limb Ono ritbuntlelcurv should he wailvum till lielu Ugii gighgï¬lgï¬mï¬ï¬lfluflï¬l emu we fill nï¬teh wase aloft lunch box sndharc ten prepared WI as mi mm interviewswith tedersl candidates room Ii the lmli could be wller System or common sewer wesflwflm mmumnrï¬b ope non are every item n0 dlpledlothe use at fltcmd amngetneut Hevielt the en gineers hsve tolssume by test the responsibility thd lulublllty busts have 10 NORTH BAY the minutes These gave Expends cam lKIl The last at these lgt flewlflanl iullszed bise pesrpedJunr aboutn Innistu IIf limnfduï¬ 365 mantel preseni houses only the nixed ind who is tnking rplllneq hntlng system it has In aubidc hod born Idvised legally that it oi the soil tor group oilndivid and tho plrtlu to whom thsse Dolly clark be ll Elle lib laItem ll°xÂ¥5rfï¬ plylnenu were mode 1h mlll Egytï¬gcnzzge°ld he dam 1055 Wu 55 The club would be oomiinz 15 mum lites were soroncise that anyone The Numb ylou5 pm 110 pm Following the hospitalization or 1° V2 Sundry In WantWat Di Med mm MM can reading thorn years hence would pom dmnmm imam on pm 215 am cicrktreasurcr Allen grown n21 gï¬nflhflw eflmï¬wï¬g In SouthTowluhtp to their belts tumour fflmfllueéoflï¬ï¬‚ï¬h WW the Provincill Police tor patrol mm lh ssibility that ms The awliyplrom the attic tor in Egfnlfm Wu request was malllid in tag eh°v° we complimented the tounpil bï¬fn esuï¬ï¬sflw 55 connections at Gnveitbbunt dotinltotime lnnisril Council at Allow WM the lion thtet gel lobar lull in it their Wl in the vnvihs oi the eiorlrtrtasurrr is nrrlhope spmflmwum mm mm the Jllft had no norm which drains along the south aged mm gm mum lï¬drwas mi my me my anth mm am he do may dximmd be Dfmï¬l ddvolgpid llellvoliltlnlmmiztely fjnlfï¬lé iflfle flflwï¬ ï¬lling the road where they were to he to holytopylm fill in if gill my raise this ycr They slill T0 TORONTO assistunt erk III trelt IW lie all expresse mm authorized to perlorm all the WW continue tn the melt via the ml Wirmn ml In Mrlie Hildel with on opinion pmpenymg in hfzmk DGIIY 1245 pm MIL 240 mm 945 pm Daylight Time but the signs randy In instill use at laenl business mln been enhlnced in value by halt to had been charged with then the help that Is needed in the Sm be onion The minutes showed that dulies ot the otrrir including Councillor Benny nid he teit northerly direction This would signing cheques or Iuthortzed Burlon hula pmmiunn war put it through the btlhvay eul Kmm mummy m4 thy ot considerlion Councillor vert which according to the twm A°° c°4°° ï¬hgugï¬yigfï¬foxglaï¬ï¬ told at this on In mm held on Cochran sllted he tell the youthl ship engineer is new not rul ï¬r mud la no wifeEl nnflï¬wï¬fl would be better in Sunday School ticiontly llrke to tube the water Ami llull asstmarsh attend my mm moortlngpmol ILZrlllfgiIEICOTDIE mgcthcgtgtirzrmii lllllllengnlitlll rory extensive imowlcdge ot the 12 Smirk which wlli cometram the new the conventinn in Windsor wits Inf mï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬mnfkg oil would bc reconsidering their first will th exlenston or tua tinancisl ntlairs oi the munlrip lgowfgfl will WM sum to be opened under the gruivod and passed um mums arm mm decision not to partake in thr payment engterly on the county mm tlonlngsutli program This culvert was rushed any New Police Car mum mm Drums dehcmum flame me marmch wm be enumerth me Is to use at surpluses thot MrBMn wk WP dam mm ml Mm Mr ed mm the menu 31 Barrie District llospllflls The besl development on the vllulllli pro tor urvlte tm Colllngwood Sound Peneung See IIme ilblc Nil is rirhets and intornnttun Tllerï¬ï¬ pose was to pmvlde moana so that Weir bits sbnwn in his report thst tendortor the replacing ol the time gepmrgigolm mssigznhlgsl perlYl notion lies between this and mi oul those young club members would it is not suiticiently large or low the polite cur received trom ExAMHqEfl conpgspopmgm um me mm mm mg mg fly 3m Carrying Tax Bill have something to do Councillor enough to meet requirements The Frenélh Motorsh Barrie was the chum express Mr own rlmuh pass Ill air 303p Torrens SM is similar thing was highway cnghleers and Mr weir lowertund was accepted The Friday Juneid the correspond 10 we were mm Mu PA 65571 mm Pm tried in Belle Ewart and had to be are to hold consultnuon on the Imoiinédincludlrlis tmtnymmilrltiswn gang Tlhailfxnmlner will lid in mum would be nu sï¬cnfillgï¬gtgddfglï¬ mung nggnt closed down mutlcr soon reqtt nr We as manugtmcn lln or who he om mum on simm mm he dined at me targetiihzi hitting his mum GREYEmil illlllS park were turned buck whim thoy covered Public hulls Ind hlI lIIll present with delegation which nHuman News Chill Il noon followed by did not have their tax bill or be public hull when holoro they mot Council was down ENE WNW mm cm their assessment notice with them used by Private club to one to ask to have some ndlust Reading Appreciated To Om can to prove that they were rhtepnyr motion by Cnmpheil Ind merit mode and double chnrzo he Ci crs Some who had not been Cochrane lhitt blr Burton be not in levied on some ruieplyeis ï¬ng°ymemomo mean it Monday morning June we rutopoyora long enough to get granted perrnllon to uauhis hall bus transportation in the landlord til me mutiny pm mu Cgundp Tm tax bill wore among these This tor dancing on Sunday was psss Ind barrio high schlml dress The mlllc 0n mi in um we hm rosuliou lrom the decision oi ed ttr Clult president at lsig matter is to he taken to tho 15 mm common Em may Cuultcll to aooiish the use ol the Cedar Point Assoclhtlunshld they county treasurer to Idiiixi on E7 $13 eh chrï¬ lire property ownera in that windshield stickers which were kept their hall open on Sunday der the county puplls levy rd mmm $1 micme we mg said it have been misused some tor yrsrs strictly tor religious snr Eberl Sawyer claimed that lie and sell 5m and l1 ken um so am and oi them gettingillit othor than vices They did not oven ullbw plld hath the puhllr school area if mm me me ratupayers hands hosthull on the grounds on Sun andtho high athoolsroa tor trons 031ml im mm We Watid not wish to roll0 M8 Euh innit who as coonllctfohiaoEniï¬ï¬riaoor any hail ullnwed to start Sun hir Lookhart suggested that 59 mm mm cwwmw Md Wm ll is real human day dancmg Council should visil the new high In whum WE had wnrked sew whining 0mm suckers but my Mr hurtons request to have school in burnout which be is We so mm Rev Cum yam We dmve out mka the lownship road lending to his member at the building com jlzlexe ï¬agsagngwagui Jami Frye get some mum mm put inrmeriy oi lnntaiil parish stone which was tht poll we be reï¬ned me ad wny ot widening lo Illuw tor fnvivgseizsyl9lhls will be disappoint stile passing or two vehicles was will Agree Hospital gt ing to many persons who iinnuiilly Swen to the roadrmpemsnn It Others Accept ront cottages and lorrnoriy on thtr Mra Hand one ot the motion wits pusst that the rEnMANENr HOMEVFOR voult FAMILY ts guaranteed when youurréngo for life Insurance to repay the martgage full you sh ld did Alter lurthor discussion with Parks Superintendent Murtin council now have nulhnrircd the ownersidentiiicution were llllnwr stroud correspondents tor Tbe ed irct use or the park Bonito Examinï¬r Indshpresident if Jï¬wnyfldiqï¬ or the 0mm paka at Stroud ower ow come 132an charging gun to ltsk donations trom members Slim he Island to Provide the your or admisslnn is dune by or councu she collected one townshlpil share of the capital use or windshield slicker doiior tront each member intirid 008 to Expand Barrie District We ohtainod one at Buss Lake ind MrCiuiiantl wciochhnrt Hospital Proyldlns all the munir Park at which until last spring Wh was in present When We lmes mmmm we were Snapshot were suggested to her tor the patientdoys share ML Marlin sum um no but handout Mrs Hnnd advised that The motion to ask that this be plum Archie Madam as park we bud contributed sprite tor it levy on residences only wns also cmmahle night He Was years agreed hut litter some thought our employee and was entitled Cluii had change at pllri and the enquiry it that wouldnot to tithe unemployment insurance 1° mm 61 Me Mr elimiriatedilsiinuner cottage cuvcragc which is ml paid Allan hittl suggested to rtearrange the suggestion was ill be hit or gnome dawnmm members the lots the opposite way so us further information to iron on diiierent street Gordon M1150 secretary of the Club Refused Permission ValetI pllnli hiltidbeen submil tcownshliplnianrï¬ng hoord ddvlsed cpunning upartment in nunci that proposal to tho 51YD9 Tarunlo it was turned down This iriendly exproprintion ot lands Georgehurton owner oi llol liter $125 Expenditure by Mr across the McLean property be my Mm came game com clutl Council agreed that the twoontho 7th and bill lines had with request to be allowed to l1 bill be chatzed to fallen ihruughr Mend we moor his ha in the lots as they had been on the Ranuid McLean who sdmln toenrgu oluh to use it tor dano ill lglmllli will méan W5 had mg and cmemmmom an sungy moving some at the ioundlttions wns deilnitely nut in accord with slternoon Mr Doubt at the County Health in vrnrnsal H5 showL it writ He ieitthnt the club oneroting Unit was present to ask dssur Ismail ml llsoi explOPllHW its own dance would not he violat once that no permits be granted mending might have to be Mr ing any pzrt ot the provincial or to build until the sanitation ml me the the mm ictlcrtll acts as there would not he arrangements had been npproved WW k9 by WM 90 gt an admission chnrge He also He said thitt it had been ound Ml he used as an outlet by the stated that this would he very that buildings too large to permit WWW the lanaiBdtswhl much better than torolng those the installation ot water septic lhethwuah roads young people to wunder around tanks had been erected and later whiter Lea wrote about all day Sundly looking tor some lound to be troublesome other earlier at the and ol stderoad thing to do they would organize times the land is too low to near the lake and asked that some lind handle their own programs allow the use at septic tanks with construction heddneflu make it and all those attending would be out considerable tin no felt that far pdid members lie suit that he it the owners hnd to get clear instructions were given to build QUALITV KING Betoré youre gone your ï¬rstmile youll kilo EE FAMOUS mayhem awnrow REGULAR 5le when norm 36 runs strum Dodge isth nimblest number of themnll with the quickest scatawuy the smoothest the lowprice ï¬eld Give Torqueérlité drive TorsionrAire Ride and TotalContact bruises credit for thatl Algnulm all button driving Flightaw Ityllncl ww nmr gum until mid rush low price on rush highop ur uut undo don And nil ittaka is trial runto show you what performer Dodge real is Liouehvthts buttun damdpla the take0mm 10 at TorqueFilm drive with mo erntputhbullim Controls Tread dawn on the gun pedal get the feel at tbe most powerful standard VB gt in tbe lowpnce ï¬eldl Measure the magic cunttortot Dodge TorsionAirs Ride mooSee bowlt dutwnd out lean till curves gt stops broke nosedive evels bumps flat Watt ha happy to have yournoet this beautytn person Come in and drive anDodge todayl Vonn sipyr ml he ottbaromrd Looltgt hours on hlgluh rlve wilh p41 aJJ Thursday ER