$135 or earrings alone mndc ceramic pieces were $225 agoon THELARGEST CLASS toria Hospital School of Nursing received their diplomas at last weeks graduation exercises Nineteen nurses in all graduated from the training school this year Mam hers or the Class or 757 are Back row left to right Audrey iMedqgltcftoiinciI lo SATURDAY JUNE Both produce and prices were enticing at ship Saturday mornings rerm market but customers rc mained scarce There was little demand even tor cogs which re mained at the some low prices 45 or extra large 42 lor largei as and 40 or med lots and 25 or Garden Produce Fresh from the vendors gar dens were rhubarb which varied in price ram 10 cents bunch and three hunches or 25 cents to 15 Cents hunch Green unions were available at hotll iive and 10 cents bunch and there were even early radishes at 10 cents hunch For planting there were cah hage plants selling at 25 iortls cents and pencil pod beans at 25 cents pultntl uric cake were were Ne ning ableI Ceramic Wares Attractive items in the handi craii line were copper enamelled brooches and earrings selling at 5295 and $175 set or $125 and Hand bars Bu and Bo spira sies pair or $195 each aralded rugs were 53 Home Baking The bake counters were loaded with such good items as Lrhubarb blueberry Elderberry butter scotch peach apple dale and raisin pies all selling at cents Tea biscuits were eight ior 24 cents and 25 cents dozen and raisin squares and butter tarts were 50 cents dozen Johnny ills EIBX Historic MDDNSTONEMedonte Townr lug approved authorities meadow King Edward 30 cents square and jelly rolls he even more variety in this de partment with the Indies oi Ivy Presbyterian Church WMS plan Preserves Chekeeherry and jelly cherry lam pruneplum iomand pickled among miscellaneousitcms avail syrup in small homemade candy aeillng iowi was 35 cents and chickens brought 45 cents plants were 50 cents aouquets oi wild hawthome were only 10 cents Elizabeth Mapes Barrie lilstory ol this now Vic orlIIl It Fairvalley memberr attended at Moonstone Expert to Amist est R811 in ltiedonie at the Junc meetv asking provincial to establish his mitrker at the Steele mem council My 21 50 can torestation property 11M hmed ioreman was authorized to spice cake was sold out materials do cents each Bran muttins 40 cents dozen xt week there promised to Commissinn of Medonte special hake sale ment Property Purchased red curmnt About half acre beets were township shed where ere was will be located The highways still some maple quantities and marshmallow It 10 cents apiece itermilk was 15 cents quart butter was 58 cents pound miles at the lit Couison The road asked to inspect development uquets 01 mixed iris and on were 50 cents while pan quested grnvell sold alpzs cents Cactus new bridge the OraMedonte towniine present took of walipnpe mtisibe clear oamcolne riy or pen neeve Fisher Ganten and all the meeting The department oi retort In stilutions advised that an expert in conservation would assist In directing projects carriedreut by inmates who nrc again cncamped Their ï¬rst job has beenin Midland waterworks area The men at the camp willy used to clear the road allowance tor sreetiotrot new ience at the entrance to the Mednnte re The road chase wire anew gate and other The reform workers Approval tor suhsidy purposes rollds expenditures totalling 537000 in 1957 was re ceived trom the highways depart oi properly was purchased trom Lloyd Dun lop at Moonstone adjoining the culverts snow iences etc and sand pile department ad vised that $4550 was being prolt vided or crushed gravel on two superintendent was Warminsler street where Joseph ltix had re Council learned that owing to being erected mile west at Prices Corners on SAVINGS on an ink alien orderta make la loi new stock coming iquonteiandï¬Ile atthia greatwnili papernale Many exiglu and colours to choose from or every or wn Colleen Poorlela Robertson BarbamEllmbeth Lethbridge Wououushene Mary Elizabeth White Coilingwood Rhona Merle Riley Midland LolsButn Kitchener Anna Marie McBride Barrie Annabelle Elizabeth Wuples Elmvale Cather liIl Collegiate scifool bus oper ated by Valley Line Orill had to make an eightmile detour at 5240 cxlra per dnyu request tor Investigation of drainage problem at lot 17 concession Orillia Township on the towniine will be attended to by the road supervisor Asked to llury Dump All Stan James is building on his property on the lath conces sion near Highway 12 he asked council to bury gsrhage dumped at the location rhomad super intendent was instructed to in vestigate the best method oi deal illg with the situations It council should have to use truck in move ill removed from ditch dug at Cecil Orions Coldwatcr Cemetery Board has put grant of Stan was made to usde rm ihg till the Georgian Bay Development Foul hospital cases were re viewed end one was accepted cheque for $26740 was re ceived from the department or wellnre its provincial subsidy for the County Home tor the Aged We bounty was paid to Cecil Hackelt and Earl Peacock ot Stnynor nigh Figure Cost of reimbursement to farm ers or sheep killed or insured by dogs amounted to saso an un usually high ligurc or so early in the season according to clerk Howard Robinson Payroll passed were Township 3272119 roads rondSv ine Anne McMaIt Jacqueline Alice Hansror Chesseli colllngwood Fr Anne Swolle Taronto Kent Dunlap ed Boyd Miller Cecil Ball killed roe killed Robert Moon killed lerey Nixon inlured $394803 development 5270 telephone $85181 July to at pm Distribution Of Cotiringtun hatchery commence and subsequent release the torrent season Reports so tar this sprin her of pheasants survived Those who suffered loss were might he expected this fall g3 Sound Alice Joan Busehien Barrie Helen Marguerite lambs killed Bruce Brown killed inlur lied How ard Dunlap killed Claude Dun lop killed Jock Barr killed Jack Luln or payment Council adjourned to meet on Pheasants Marie Distribution oi some 7000 day old pheasants obtained from the on May 29and will continue dur ing June The tiny birds are being turned over to townshipsin the regulated area and coopcrating spormnens groups tor raising During July the Department ot Lands and Forests will be releasing 8000 pheasant poultsin the regulated townships making total or ap proximately 15000 birds during would indicate that good num the winter months and it this Is cor rect hptter than average sheet ryny Midland Ellen Winnlrredt wood Blanch Margaret Rowe Newton Robinson ant row ten to right Shirley Shirley Anne Caesar Owen PET RAGCQQN TAKES HOLIDAY ear alto this spring res ident oi willowdnle was granted 11 permit to keep raccoon at his home as pet According to Senior Conservation Oiiieer St Ellis the pen doorwaa eeeident ally lelt open last fall and the men decided to so on atour oi exploration It rolled to return However much to thesurprise at everyone on June this year he Same coon returned and was iound patiently waiting in the pen or handout Not only had the animal returhedbutithad with it family of iour young coons yourovm style live 20 TliB BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDA sheetI Including culling shampoo and setting Choose Fivem Joni 12 1951 El road Oril cone nooucr nanny gliiA ED genes CHERRY and the permit Iur 1957 now read ll ellulyrv it on We CALL ma EXAMINER 103 124 Dunner 51 EAST room rats4423 PRINTING PHONE PA 82414 Ft sick Price lacaAvsIu