Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1957, p. 1

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term government will rnaaownolf annals AND courtsroa smcos select V93rd Yedr No 68 MRS SMITH BESTOWS congratulatory smack on winners check as Progressive Con scrvbtivc candidateddjsimcoe North receiv es word that election had been conceded so infiltrationr Nslvsfrarn ovum acumen yumtht byLiberai opponent Williarn Campbell Mrs Smith worked very hard throughout calm paigmand ha smallmmdmdthsuce Prime Miniliter St Laurent has called meeting at his cabinet to tomorrow and the ultimate solution to the present govern ment crisis cannot be expected belore then Constitutional authorities say there are several courses open to the Prime Minister as result oi the federalvote no can tender the Liberal Governments resignation to GovernorGeneral Massey and advise that the Pros gressivc Conservative leader John Dieienbaker ho asked 11 could ros main in oiiice callParliament and seek vote or continence in the hopcs that he call secure the support of CCF or Social Credit Pa te BDCI Band will Play for Trustees At Bigwannn The Bnnllr oi Barlle Distl Collegiate lnslltuio wlil Itc plu ing for delegates at lhd Ontario Urban and Rural School Trustccs ntion annllaleonventiun at Bigwin inn on Sunday evening The concert will iolluwv vcsper service Charles rlltln utlile eullt late hoard Will introduce the mu board and now grove lcians and their conductor fisher lo the provincial Enthe ng Among those altcndln conVL tlon sessions which open Sunday and continue until Wednes June Ill will he RnlphT Sll chairmnngol lhe aurrlc lleSchoal Board lgrova Trustees Jumble Mrl Bessie Ciemmenoignd 11 Mac arcn1vanl Ciemmcns and Mrs MacLaren rgev Longatnlle secretary trensurer at be public sehool cit icel Ird will oflicilli eluted in Parliament the Prime Minister could tender the resignation or the government and advise that Mr Dietenbnker should be asked to tarm govern ment He could ask tor dissolu tion at parliament but legal ex perts question this on const itutional grounds since it might be considered that Dictenbakar should be allorded an opportun ity to form government Before Governorfleneral Massey asked Dieienballer to term gov ernment he would askhim who ther hefelt he could muster suf ficientsllpport it the Progressive Conservatives termed govern merit and were then defeated the GovernorGeneral would then grant dissolution to Dielenbuker Record Vole Latest figures Show that Can adians turned out to vote across the country in record numbers on Monday Morethan 8188077 11 pop cent or thoellgibic voters turned out compared with 871 in 1953 andi7547o in 1945 The Progressive Conservative party polled 30 or the popular vote and the Lihérals 42 in 19531he Conservatives polled slund the Liberals 49 tieli Ba Polluted for Swlmnilng cast ballots compared with file previous record or smears lnr into it is estimated thatlo mind who asked who Lose Deposits Possibly 334 01 the B5B cand idates who stood for election will lose the $200 deposit each was required to post when nominated Another fivewho withdrew alter entering the race also their deposits Pfllpare For Election Chiel Electoral Olllce Nelson Custonguay yesterday ordered 500 tons of election supplies to be ready at any time tor another 191W erul election it is suggested ill some quarters that it will be September before the machinch could be ready or another elm tian PuBhEifinnE On ru dayA urning the am wheiming ellcct oi the over night reversal at tuneshad womb and it WI possible to make some essment or the publlcyreaetlon Ill Barrie In the main theteellng was that shakeup is good thing at any limo There was the enquiring ould be the nextstuplwlt neither party having clear majority French Crnndian Just out or the Iorceafand with strong Liberal lounings up hntilnow admitted tht hallyoled Conservative he bit that it would be ng tor the Conservatives or seats in Parliament nt know everybody going to 110 the same person describedt he the Canadian public had been standing in the wanE ol the political stage Ihd had now pushed the Conservativuy to ha rt act they could MW Barrie Adlrilu Beaten Kiwanis Slan running wants Club will undertake its an tirely to the clubs ONTAR lo Nixon non EARL llch nullerinSlmroe SIMCOE Campbell Liberal also Colllngwood 1137 F105 Twp BM Nottawdsaga Twp 034 unnldnle Twp espru Twp Total Votes independent 221 Midland Penetnng Orillin Twp Orilllo Ora Twp snucoiz visits1 Parkcr Winchester Robinson 14 WEDNESDAY JUNE l2 l957 bu Itocum Iv gurusu Ina dflmctull MottDAY wsoNrsoAv cinl rnAoAv 5cringlb copy 22 PagesThree Sodium ngressiveConscrvatlvc Party retained their dents in two the marltin wu much the nine in or the three home ridings and gained seat tram the Liber the Townshlpol lnnlifll Kala in the third In Simone North Heber Smith QC Frogres The 5ch Conservative was elected in Simeoe East Dr Ryu nldl Progressive Conservative gained the seat from the sit ting Liberal candidate Robinson in the Dnitcrlnslm cue riding Progressiveponservntlve candidate Hon Earlnowe was returned with anlncreased majority The magnitude ol the victory maturity lor Hon Ear1 howeiwar In 1930 when Thompson ol thcrmgresslvc Conservative Progressive Party candidates In home riding was perhap mosii Istonlshlng Io Slmcoe North in 1953 the Con servauves came home with 520 5mm cast Noltrli Smith PC 4123 2105 1055 GM i362 11302 Ine nynnrd PC 1903 532 1552 12 935 714 654 CCF 223 127 Liberal 1300 1328 238 583 421 11124 10 463 92 460 on B01 72 393 are are in Slmeoe East riding the turn conclusive candldntew Robinson secured ills victory by 155 votes Al this election Dr lng dates CCF and Social Credit this elec tion they represented our and datc was again just about lo independent ln Sunnldulc lownship the dillleandldatc ilchcr Smith had won in comparing the figures thatlcrcnce was lust over loo volesandllhe Simcoe North riding available or these other tonVespra Township gave the con candidates in this ridingthere servatives Icail at 221 vote is worlh noting that lhe ccr canA vacmam the three themselves In this time Progressive com The Vale Turning The Table of the table was even more in 1953 the Liberal This was with an inl In 1953 they represented still two polls outstandingit VColdwater Port MeNlcoll ourmtlth 271 510 188 G7 181 Alliston Amarnnt Brddtord Cdmp Borden 530 Garairaxa 94 East Luthe ill Bash 4100 Grand Valley 18 nnlstll 1140 327 225 192 523 187 276 248 101 Orangeville shelbome churnseth Np Tossorontiu Twp Tottenham West Owlllimbury Twp Total incomplete 191 limo Burns Writes Liberal lll 121 243 17 255 149 23 207 153 20s 23 the lei 1355 SIMCDE 7701 12267 Ellrl ltowe PC 285 733 483 260 315 315 305 287 1043 313 1536 573 655 535 1225 462 1120 3011 Ill see 11332 lii Bill1 Pelnulspcanuls wtloll buy peanuts ln help crippled child its pcan ttime again lnCamp Borden an oarrlo Next Mon day night the Barrie Kiwanians will blitz eamp Borden with their peanut party packs and pea nut butter Starling Tuesday evening and until Friday the Ki Péan nual house to house canvass lo sell peanuts tor the lounh year As hetero net pmccedsgo en underprivil egcd childrrns lunll and in this case its for crippled children year ago Barrie Kiwanis Club completed construeilon of big cottage at the Blue Mountain Camp for Crippled Children and this is gradually being paid all with thcfacqulsition or funds rum virloua club projects The objective this yelr is to sail $5000 urth of peanuts and pe nut butter and it that isaeeo plished It lllgo were called on to arm the gov ernment they would find it hard hv qu minute or crippled wards completing payment tor the cottage Nut only tholhowevsr the Barrie Kiwanis Club commit ted to holding clinic tor the children or meoe County in Barrie during next ed just about the same votes as around 1300 votes £0 votes 1111th tcr than the Social Credit rcpres entative in 1953 Missing Gun Highly Dangerous Baysct gumused to tire bolts into the constructions of the new Barrie tbcwccuoud ls highly dan gerous particularly in the hands of children long and has pistol grip At the end at the barrel Is square ol metal pressed agalnst the concrete when operated playing with so swcrlng this description or having any knowledge as to thc whereabouts or the guais allied to eommunteate with the Barrie police ly Parkway sssas CCF candidate in 1953 Furthermore independent candidate Chars Enrkce only tile bet lnercase Majority rhe riding or Dulterinsimcouinphins hasbecn represented by Hon Earl Rowe since 1925 and in 1053 bu was reelected with margin at 2165 votes ported total of votes cast show one On Monday lhe re didate Barrie polite warn that as concrete taken trom collegiate over The gun lsahoutlwo leet which ls children the article an Anyone seeing den edlate grcssive Conservative datl at 5282 Sluice North in more detailed breakdown ol iigures available it is possible lo see where the malcir Klinli cmmm mm Smuhiwere made by the successiul can was elected member or thereon ctltuency with resounding mas iorlty at 160 Votes cast in IBMwere 18112 on Mon yghlltmaoltznl votoscsst amountl ldidatcs in Slmcoe North the lawn or in Optimism Rises gressive Conservative party and trend was lairly well rcllcct td throughout the riding story at Collinlzwood was much thn same240svotos lor Smith and 11137 or Campbell In the Township ul rlos tinl Liberal candidate had an edge ol iust over 200 votcs but this was lo be expected in view cl the loci llynard rompedlhat his home town at Elmvalc is home with maturity at aroundlin this 5000 votes crcuscd poll ol d3in 1953 that poll was 72and at this elec lion it was estimated at 753 As before in Simone East rid lhcre were two other cam township The biggest revcrsul the PH candidatfi had in this riding was at Phch slon where Hebcr Smith collected 28 votes to Campbells in Nottuwasaga Township tho dlllerence in votes in lavor at the Progressive Conservative Conservative Slmcoe Elsi Riding in the Simeoe East riding the arstsurpnsingthingistbctotsl number or vote registered or the CCFcandldate Wlllinm Winches tar Howiverfi its has already been own gure is no increase Wde omlhar obtained by theCCF cw dictate in 1953 although there has been an increased poll only in one area in this riding did lhe Liberal candidate who has represented the riding since 1945 gain do eisivc victoryin Peneunguish Here nobinsan polled 1323 votes as opposed to 532 votes of the Progressive Conservatch can Dr Rynurd in Midland Dr itynsrd delel ed the Liberal by near 500 vol ln Orillla the Conservative gain was 2648 votes and Township Dr Rynard polled just about three times as many votes Robinson 1n Orb Township the vote in tavor of Progressive Conservatives was about to and this was roughly the ease in Tay Township in Tiny the leeral candidate took lead of 150 votes but in Medoniu and Goldwater village the ratio in favor or the Conservatives was to 1gt Dullerlnsimcoo 1n the riding of DuilerlnSimcoe Burns Wales won only one group or polls andthit was at Camp Hor Hcre the voting was Wales 530 Rowe 375 In Essa Township they Conservs atives took the pollsby margin or 400 ivotes app oxlmately and iberal candidate Candi until in Orillla Progressive Conlervotlvo candidate In this riding ade his biggest guiaover his opponent to Drpngevllle where he polled votes to and For Ille record the last time Simene East voted Conservative WIS elecled with marginal 315 voles The last time Slmcoc North voted Liberal wil In 1940 when llcCullg was elected by 1086 votes The date when DulterlnSimeoe Voted Liberal Il lost In oblivion mTo Elation iWith Victory Willl lhe earliest returns rc ccivcd within quarter or an hour at the closing at the polls show ing Conservallve lead spirits in the Progressive Conservative Com mllteo room in barrie were up limislle mm the sum 01 the re sults being received Its it be came increasingly obvious that the party had lighting chance not only In the neighborhood but across the country the optimism increased and turned to elation as soon as It was obvious that the local Progressch Conservative News at Robinson conA ceding lu Dr hynard at Drilliu was received with equal enthus iasm Finally the growing crowd that llnn Earl Rowe hid retained DutlcrlnSllncoe Campbell the Liberal Cllnr called all on Site 915 pm gralulutions Hflhcl Smith At the time Mr Smith was In Coll ingwoodbutlili Campbell spoke the room He altered his congratulations to Heuer Smith or what had been wonderilll victory For himt sell it had been wonderiul exlt perienee in which he had met many fine people and gained many lriends 11c thanked all 01 the opposition party for the courtesy they had shown him The victorious Progressive Con servathe candidate Heber Smith and his wile were mct by ca alcude of cars on the outskirts ol Barrie as they returned irom Collingwood and taken on horn blowing tduv of the town before showered with congratulations lllr and Mrs Smith made th supporters to lhe platlorm ally am at loss for words ald Heber Smithyflhe size at the victory 150Verwhelm ing oweit all to the organ iruatiunl vfleaddeditha when he was stonuws he would always be conscious of his responsibilin to the people at his rl the Smiths hoe lutcriia the evening to bite on Ituiations tall with the attendant expenses and those selected will get treat ment through the medical nod hospital facilities at the Ontario Society or Crippled Children to which Barrie Kiwanis Club co tributes Kiwa Jack Butler is director of the society and thisgenr has assumed chalrma ship at the Blue Mountain Cam As to peanuts lub members met Monday at Community House and heard the new general chat mud or the peanut sale pro outline plans tor the compute That Is Past President gwalt Stacklcy who has loryasslstun chairman Tony Deearie Former general chairman Bill Long 15 thisyear bead oi advertising on treasurer while Fred Pearso heads the team captainsoomln tee and John Ough heads the Jump Burden blltz Planters pcanutlloat will be ourric on Saturday July at Camp Burden July it recipetact swing wereJ meadtram BuyvicwPark Br licH uringlile weekend Parv superintendent Albertan hss appealed to those who mo ed the swings to irctum them wan children may coaliaucto enjoy them gt Extra aupcrvlrlon or parka by Barrie police has eénipm load during the holiday season yandalisnl Wflmah Amfikmawet In the committee room icarned dldate or Slmcoe North riding briclly loathe crowd assembled in ending up the committee room way through lhe grown at loyal More than moccplc ouuadst

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