siephanolls and ivy leaves wedding musichas played by the thick antWon Pink and whitesnupdragans and tail tapers decorated the main altar Trinity Anglican Church on Saturday June eighth 1957 or the marriage attbree oclock in the alter noon or Miss Patricia Ann Tomllnson daughter or Mr and Mrs Tomltnson at Barrie to Donald Harry Richardson son or Mr and Mfs Richardson or Midhurst ough Iilco oi the groom were wearing short gowns oi powder blue nylon over toilets made an princwe lines The titted bod ices had peter pan collars and short pulled sleeves trimmed with satin binding and tuii gathered skirts Their cessorlcs were white and they were carrying nnscgays ol pale pink carnatlons while Elephan otla and ivy loaves Russ Richardson was flmumxmun or his brother but the ushers were lhilitrl llltfhv ardson ui Barrie brother of the groom and linger Tumiinson ol Barrie lirulltoi ot the bride Al the reception in St Giles isll llall Mrs Tomlinson re cerLd the guests wearing French guipurc into in sandalwood sllade with pink accessories and eorsage ol Virignia plnkcarn atiuns lilrs Richardson who as sisted was in violet tallcla and was wearing pink accessories and corsage ol shell pink Carnations and bougalnvlllen There were mauvc and white lilacs on the side altars Rev Sherrlng otllclalctl at the doublerlng ceremony and wedding music was played by the church organist Mrs Itolr crts ot Orillla who also accom panied the soloist Miss Patricia anyes cl assrlc In the singing Ill The Lords praycr and The Wedding Prayer lecll In marriage by her lath er the bride was wearing gown of crystal charm tallcta In an ivory shade made on simple lines with low round neckline Inset with lace appliqued with pearls and long lorso hodlce coming to point in the trout The toll skirt swept into cathedral train ller waistlcngth vcil oi net up plluucd with salln In star pat tern was caught in triple strand pearls torming handcau heads dress with sequin lcaves training her tacc she wore necklace or seed pearls gilt ol the groom and earrletl cascade el dccp rosepink carnations and slephv Gums wm use mm Cup pcr chit chapleau Toronto hiss brute lialryard or 0rslllalpcmg sister at the groom was InalroniMarie oi honor wearing short gown or roscanapve crystolcnc slylad wedding trlp In the united Slat Wflh Vmkllm the In es the bride travelling in silk and back andshori sleeves She Qums were is matching picture hat and blue Wm blua and whim cloves and shoes In the same ma accessories llcr corsagc was or tonal and carried nosegay oi ppm pink mm yellow carnallnns with white their return Mr and Mrs Rich ardson will be making their home in aarrlc at all Pets Street The groom is member or the start at The Examiner advertis sng department The hridesmai Miss Janice Tomlinson oi aarric sister ol the bride and the flower girl ltiss Iudlih larr bl Pcterbo 34 61 mamfiaa gflwén The marrigge or Miss Florence Edna Jean Wilson duug tor or Mr and Mrs Robert Mervin Wilson oi Barrie to WI ltam John Glover son at Mr and Mrs Samuel Glover or Nprgate Manitoba took plaee on Saturday June eighth 1957 attwoathirty oclock intbe afternoon in Collierstreet Unitedrchurch gt news Ernest Lewis ollielatcd shlp hall oi the church lll at the double ing ceremony and mother oi the bride received the guestswgaring iltwopiccerbcigt dress svilh rust accessories and bronze corsagc Guests were prcscnt irom Aylc church organist Lloyd Tut iorn who also accompanied the soloist Victor Knox in the slag ing at The Lords Prayer and Be lncr Dundalk Grand Valley cause Gravcnhurst Toronto Cornwall Given in marriage by her and Drillia For travelling the bride chose twopiece princessc ensemble ol bulge crystzletté Her acccs lather the bride was wearing twopiece gown in traditional wbltol with French bodice ol Inll wen or lilidhurst nylon not and Very lull flowing skirt trimmed with Chantilly lace in pointed design The Jacket oi cillintllly lace had pclcrpan col lar and long pointed sleeves She carried bouquet of American bEauly roses The maid honor tiles Elaine Joan Lavender oi Barrie was wearing ballerinastyle gown at apple blossom pink made with brocadcd nylon not bodice and tull swirling skirt ller ilowcrs were yellow roses and blue corn flowers The bridesmaids liliss Rose Esther Glover and Mix Dor ecn Glover at Norgalc sisters of the groom were wearing waltz lcngtll gowns of nylon jersey in ilamlngo and lemon yellow They carried bouquets of yellow and bronze niums and bronze and ycl low mums The Misses Linda and Catherine Wilson of Barrie nieces ol the bride were tlewcs girls Larry Woods oi Barrie was groomsman and the ushers wore rErle Wilson of Barrie brother oi the bride and liolsert Nesbitt oi Cornwal Robert Wilson of Barric bearers Late Spring NuplialsHeld jManSe Selling Miss Mary Elizabeth Blssdbury and gtMrsr James Bradbury of Truro Nnva bcotia was married to William tsort at Mr and daughter 01 Mr ille aulmer or holly button Avenue United Church Mitnse at ancvcnlngservicc luv Trlmblc otflclale otï¬tlse ceremony meï¬ride was wearing llgiit ltd whllé ult ivithtnlvy accessa es and hophow oi the bride and Thomas Cathcnrt or Orillin were ring the reception in the follow sorjes were pink and she was wearing cnrsage oi pink roses Mr anti ltlrs Glover will be mak ing their home in Earrlc over the weakens were Dr Ann llarslman and her son bill or London Miss Hoathcr Currie and Miss ratricia boycs lelt yesterday tor Holiday Inn Haliburton where they will heon use siatt tor the summer flew to Wentwortbbythesua In Lite Assurance Company blrand Mrs 11 McLare have returned to Barrie an on Shanty Bay Road Mrsch rett Nanalmo ac tormer barrio res act to return tor another shor Mayor Dudley who is manager Guests at is Christie home Mr and Mrs Warren Wilgar New England last week tor the annual convention oi the Canada residing for some years in Toron to and have taken up residence Loren is the terms llclen Gar lilaior and Mrs ll nudlcy or idents were In town last week tor dayvislting air and Mrs Christie Mary Street and vs utter trip to Montreal Chamber olCom 00 16th is Ontario Has Grand Evangeline openeil its first store in Barrie on Friday and Saturday and was crowded witll members at tile icnllssinc population bolls Originally them mpg ilsroe inlays Locnlcd at 22 Dunlon 5L stores in Ontario Through East the very altrncltvc new the next 20 years It expanded to store is the tuth in the chain ol shops throughout Ontario that carry Iamous lines in lashiunablo ayessorics and sportswear or women Five visiting store managers and almost the entire buying dc partment lrom the Toronto head ultice were here Ior the opening as well as Dr Heywood president oi the company James lieywond advertising manager ilnd Mrsllelllrew lalnn sales manager Tiielncal sore manager is native or Barrie litiss aeatrico McQuadc iv heads stash at seven salesgirls Evangeline has added another completely modernliroot to the main site llstlartgc plate grass display slowswhich show to advantage the pretty summer cots Ions apd accessories an lingerie arc ranted by terrazzo in soltvsltllle brown shadeandblend lng lerrautt ilonrs the entrance way lnsidc the store is almost coma plctely dcpartmcntalized modern display shelves to the leit oi the entrance holding sweaters access ories and lingerie to the right and larthcr back individual lin gerie sections and racks devoted to sportswear and separates and dressier cottons The interior is decorated in shades oi solt pink and blue con trasting withldark weod panelling and the liner is grey tile indirect lighting is generously scattered and combined with the generous window space lacing the street makes the store almost entirely visible trom the sidewalk Draw winners drawn in the draw at pm Sat urday Prizes were 550 $25 and 510 gilt ceriiiicntcs and they were worn by Mrs Roy Fraser Camp Borden Mrs Million 12 Newton st and litrs Per kins 124 ClappertonSt During the iirst hour alter the 10 am opening Friday ret pair oi nylons was given to each customer making purchase at dollar or more There were also opening specials in several lines 01 lingerie sweaters dresses lingerie inu dation garments hosicry gloves handbags ing national brands reins which was organized in Toronl nlcrce be atton tile Hamilto hext weelt sHls corsaxe pink onalconvcntlon ot the body in Since lilo elt president or Evangeline Shops Ltd and Mrs Meidrew Paton right sales manager were among the head olticc personnel in Barrie tor Evangeline Shop lllrs Lucy chlcrman iramhlyns Drugs and Livingstons such customer making purl chase on the two opening days was eligible to have her name Evongelines merchandise con sists mainly at blouscs skirts bathing suits and jewelry including many outstand ne Fashions at Moder ate Prices is motto of the ï¬rm MzMuElts BARRIE DISTRICT am in 1923 by the late Hay wood president and owner of the businessmnlil his death in 1956 mo Evangeline has Miss Beatrice tilt Opening been carried on by the tamily Dr Ill Iieywood and James at lieywood are sons oi the rounder Chain 01 15 Slurcs located itl such thriving ontario communi ties as Ottawa Brockville Lon don Hamiilon Guelph SL Calh arines Pelerborougli and King ston Thcre are seven stores in Toronto Locus start Members oi the local store stall are ltlrs Joan Mayor Mrs Maxim Allen lrs quuihy Aycliite Mrs Marjorie Loughced Mrs Roberts Hunter Miss Marion Harrison and The manager Miss SlcQuade was formerly associated with both lDrugs in banks where she gained hcr retail experience raised In Barrie she togTaiviirfaiui ms Quade at Burton Ave Site at tended King Edward School and Barrie Collegiate institute Active in club and sports activ lilcs she is presidcnboftlic Zl Alpha iota chapter oi lleta sigma and pa president ot the Hive ng Auxi ary at Burton Ave nue United Church Fund of golï¬ng she is melth her at the Barrie Country club in the winter she enioys skating and skiing and is hockey ian She also belongs to Barrie Gnrri son Badminton Club ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs lluroltl Webb uig Bay Point announce the engage mcnt oi their daughter Mary Ilene to Mr John Vinny sun of Mr and Mrs Fred Viney Five1p stnn the marriage to take place at St Pauls Anglican Church lnnisill at 12 oclock noun on June 22 1357 HKUIEKII IUK ALI SLE09R la cutbsttn sri Minus ruoNt FA asm CALL us ABOUT Summor cottage try IFnrnu and acre1s IBulldJnl lets Arman nouns cans rercy FordPA avsai Dun connell dim Jerry QuinnPA ataal Ft SLESSOR REALTOR MEMBER litltlm REAL ESIATB bonito FN opening or the new Evangeline store here over the weekend The local manager is The First Column thrd in most recent edition says Born and gt 67 Iicome producing bntnu duplexe oider homes In both town and court NHA homes with in down payment George Wrightrib adaoa day June brought outthe largest representation of retired veterans of the Canadian National Railway everto gather here for their annual dinner meeting and gettogether veterans and thelrtwivcs with guests at the Asswtution nninbered ï¬ll in all and tor the lirst time it was possible or all to sit down togeth Ellis rcllred Cicrk cilalrmare on this occasion Ind Mchlade centre Continued lruln pagcone Must oi the mistakes in govern ment oi the iastgcncration thnsa monumental mistakes which are undermining democracy have been committed by men who have been to college perhaps new political party Irlsc be lore the next general clecllonr This party will have as its princ Ipal and possibly its only plan Down with Prolcssorsr New or course that is bil lurtetched The only rrason it is brought Into iurthcr light is that the womens editor at this Journal received an anonymous letter the other day signed Well Wisher which as we discovered wishud nothing well to any person it was however particularly aimed at the publisher sincel the writer enquired Did he get his BA by lottery lit new store was opened in para rie last Friday it is related by byslandcr on Dunlap Street that two gentlemen were discussing issues at the day and no doubt politics was the ccntnl them when one ol them came out with this pnntiilcation Say thats cp place down more at lhl vangcists pound is ftsadir halldfwurlding onth but it can happen any month And as melt ol act was just trying to count back over the past dozen months and lqtnLthc number at weddings WE have attended or received invita tions Deï¬nitely in the twenties all the way tram Tlmllllns Timbuoloo correction Montreal And those stag parties mceilcnt weather sunny and er in Collier street United Church Some came by motor but most on tnln No 41 Tomato to Barrie tlo president Grant of To arriving at law pm on They Mme irom many divisional points such as Bellevllle Ottawa Tot mnto Strlttnrd London Llndsay Parry Sound Bay and Dlsirict Hamilton Gravenburst and North Much credit is in Matte rmer Cblci at Alllndale who was with thorough grasp oi detail hall Ibo situation well in hand Those from Toronto anti disc lrlri returned from Barrio on train 44 at 520 pm DST Those irons Hamilton and Stratlord had motored that morning toGehrgc towu anll Irom lhcre by train Sol to Itilandaic arriving at 1280 noon DST and returned on train 662 at 530 pm Vnst Arc Covered An Idea oi the area covered by the CNK Veterans Assocllllun of District No is shown by it list at the head table personnel who were as belted President Rad way of London Division prep ldenl 11 Clarke ol Strattord Divi slon vicepresident Elliott at Toronto Association retired dcspltchcr Goodall Barrie who has passed his Qist birthday mixed up in the annual mixcd twosblllloursome at you know where Especially since It had been rumored that lccd lcmollw ode would be scrved on tho bridge crossing Kids Krcek lead ing to the filth hole So wound up the alternoon by taking oll all the storm windows and installing the screens This wus the ï¬rst day buchwls possible on account of the vagaries at the weather So now they can go ahcad and charge me along with CBC CKEY and the three Toron to newspapers And if convlcted that will be proot that it lsoctter to play golt than lake nit storm windows on Sunday afternoon This ought to bring in more well lsiling washy letters Oh you dextinuingothbquntinngcmns to 1957 is commenced last week we have immediately below Printers Devil San Jose tornla seated upon some pnntlhg machinery Col sp eh wat mnto Fell the editor and publisher or the RIilWIy Times with lilrs Fall lurmcr general superintend ent Central Division Hot runs with Mn Hotrum cnl superintendent at North Bay CNR was the special speaker or the day Bcsldc him was Barrles Mayor Willrd Kinsle who gave hearty greeting and welcome train the town Next was vice president at the Association Lea 11c Ellis who was also Lh busy chairman for the event and iCelebraling eh moderately wasm on lua the new Fellowship Hailot nil yvn given special introduc Veterans Association Demeoe who is now gen is lormer chlel clerk at AILin dllc CNll ulllccs Edward Carey grant prcslliénll oi ht Easlmn Provinces ASIDEl lauon was next and is located in Quebec then came the armor executive vicepresident at lilont real ll Johnson now retired and the pensioners legislative representative Sward anl assistant superintendent CNR Gleason Allandale Former general manager Central Vcr mont Roger now retired and living in Barrie was next to tormcr general superintendent oi the Central heglon Stokes also retired than lurmer super 50ih Wedding Anniversary golden wedding anniversary near Crossland on June 12 1907 years ago were born near Elm vale Bessie Mly Struth They have one daughter Vera stall at Hillcrest School Heart western hospitality an unbroken tradition gary Slampede Mr aitd Mrs Albert Lyons will he at home to their friends at 94 Mary Strcnt on Saturday allernoon and evening June 15 between the hours or three and live oelork and seven and nine oclock on the occasion ot lhfllr Married at the brides home both the bride and groom at so Mrs Lyons lhe farmer who is member of the teaching is in the home oi the worlds biggest an nual competitive frontierdays cel ebratlnn the worldfamous Cll ulondcni at transportation at North Bay Murray Mills all Mrs Mills Ho isnow ct barrio andJctlve in municipal hire Pro lit at the Hamilton Veter InsAsioclnion JSmiiï¬ys Mind was until the secretarytreasurer oi the Imlllloll Wilkinson and tire Wilkinson They were accompln by Mrs Albert Ndlt dell all at Toronto and President Augusturnl LlndslyaDlvlllon llnzsong led by Brother Swalrldfle ol Suauord with Mm 5mm Barrlaat the tollowed dlnncr Then with table all cleared Mayor Klnxle extended dinner and hearty greetings on bchlll ol the citizens oi Barrie to the visitors illopening the program Compares Past Ind Present Accordion solos were very pleasing as given by Gary Cul vcrson grandson oi retired ens gincer Culvermn The tpcclll speaker general superintendent Dcmcoc at North Bay was introduced by Barriba Murray Mills and spoke upun current railway operations madn more interesting by comparison with methods or tarmer years Following the general super tendenls address greetings were extended most heartily by gillsb to uni superintendent Gleason also by it Johnson onlth execu live vlccprcsldent at Montreal and also by termsr superintenda out 01 motive power Carey Eastern Frovlnccs by president Grant of Division No Tm ronlo president ll Clarke ol Strallord Division president fllslc way at London Division vica president Gorrls ol Hamli ion and secretarytreasurer Wil kinson cl Division No Nory Interesting entertainment made pleaslng close to the days program as presented by the Blacks Harold and Pauline with modern magic vantriloquisrn and novelties Tile national anthem marked the cioseol most In terestlng day Ior all concerned Superveteran Archie Goodall remalnedlo lite end at the pro gram when he was congratulated by many at his iriends who hoped they would have the pleasure 01 meeting and greeting him next year Transportation lrom there lo the depot was made available by local motorists and members for illust returning there on the homeward run at our stall to make the plunge couple or days back marriage is an institution marriage is great institution marriage in tact Is the greatest institution and dont let anyone tcllynu its highly overrated Anyhow it tinclns to me thl every Saturday alternobn to months past and in inct there another on deck baseball term this week and more alter Lha iuusly lettered with my gall or something about weddings he brides gown was trimmc out with th Auxiliary will be hell Thursday lakes but us lt doing whichincludml going lo MA ESTATE bonito out did have in mind gottln But as told lheJalcst member we have been at wedding this sitem was discovered by trade magazine recently Twice bridegroom and llnnlly bride at least or last nightwas Miss However thats liullls had as this one runs the Ogden Utah hingtoll Terrace News Louisiana Daily Town Talk cilmL one The ladies so you th nobody makes mis Yesterday was an extraordinar ily tine day Unquestionably the iinest oi the year to date Sev eral things had not thought of column you Maple Ave PA slabs The inst ution has in tact serd Looking over the West Chester Pennsylvania Daily Local News motor ride on one of our high ways paddling canoe reading wedding wrltcups in llie Sunday Stayner Sun or studying ioran 13 with confidence Whether the nnbwor to your money problems is cash loan or exporteouneei you may rely on rare Canadas most recom mended unaumer ï¬nance coma puny Youll like HlCa prompt friendly attention and complain nervloo backed by 73 years or porienco So at you used up in 51000 ll one dayyou my bor row with conï¬dence fromHFO will now allow us to have every room in your home more sonodslusss Athenas silo whilenan PERMANENT WAVING ZELLERS LIMITED Guaranteed to it Permanent all nunlop St 32539 itolluvatlonollirrys lotiner store and connection with our Storeson both sides much betterdlsplay or our pection large stock at iurnituretor